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Kenaikan Harga Elpiji, Bukti Perlakuan Sepihak Pelaku Usaha

Kenaikan Harga Elpiji, Bukti Perlakuan Sepihak Pelaku Usaha

Konsultasi Hukum Perlindunga Konsumen
Pengasuh, Zaim Saidi Yth Redaksi, Beberapa edisi lalu pengasuh rubrik konsultasi hukum perlindungan konsumen ini membahas masalah harga/tarif. Kesan yang saya tangkap, Undang-undang Perlindungan Konsumen (UUPK) sama sekali tak melindungi konsumen dari penetapan ''penyesuaian'' harga/tarif -- untuk memperhalus kata ''kenaikan'' -- yang dilakukan sepihak oleh pelaku usaha terhadap para konsumennya. Belum tuntas rasa penasaran saya, Pertamina baru-baru ini menaikkan harga/tarif elpiji. Saya sempat mengikuti penjelasan seorang ahli yang menegaskan bahwa kenaikan tersebut pada hakekatnya merupakan salah satu konsekuensi logis yang harus dipikul masyarakat dengan berlakunya Undang-undang No 22 tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas (disingkat UU Migas). Dalam ulasan kenaikan harga/tarif elpiji terdahulu di televisi, saya juga sempat mengikuti komentar seorang pemirsa lewat telepon yang mengatakan bahwa kenaikan harga/tarif itu tak jadi masalah baginya, karena sebenarnya yang meramaikan soal kenaikan harga/tarif itu cuma LSM. Lalu dimana letak perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen? Saya juga tak mengerti logika konsumen tersebut. Hingga kini saya belum melihat UUPK dihormati pelaku usaha secara tulus. Mohon penjelasan. Terima kasih. Wafi Hatchi - Jakarta Timur


Saudara Wafi yang baik,
Ada dua hal yang akan saya sampaikan. Pertama, saya melihat dalam penetapan harga/tarif secara sepihak, pelaku usaha belum menghormati hak konsumen atas informasi yang benar, jelas, dan jujur (Lihat pasal 4 butir c Undang-Undang No 8 tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen; selanjutnya disingkat UUPK).

UUPK sendiri memang tak memuat perumusan norma tentang harga/tarif barang atau jasa, baik yang bersifat publik (public utilitiesi), seperti angkutan umum, listrik, air minum, gas/elpiji (liquified petrolium gas), bahan bakar minyak (BBM), dll, maupun yang bersifat nonpublic (private utilities), seperti barang elektronik, kendaraan pribadi, jasa perjalanan wisata, dll. Keterbatasan UU bukannya tak dapat diatasi.

Untuk mengatasi keterbatasan UUPK, melalui kasus-kasus yang diadili, pengadilan/hakim mempunyai tugas untuk melakukan ''penemuan hukum.'' Dalam kasus gugatan class action (pasal 46 ayat (1) butir b UUPK: gugatan sekelompok konsumen yang mempunyai kepentingan yang sama) antara sembilan penggugat yang bertindak sebagai class representatives melawan Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Pertamina) dan Dewan Komisaris Pemerintah untuk Pertamina, Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat melalui putusannya tanggal 9 Oktober 2001 Nomor: 550/Pdt.G/2000/PN.Jkt.Pst, menyatakan bahwa kenaikan harga elpiji sebesar 40 persen, yaitu dari semula Rp 1.500/kg menjadi Rp 2.100/kg berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Dirut Pertamina No. Kpts-097/C0000/2000-S3 tanggal 2 Nopember 2000 dengan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris Pemerintah untuk Pertamina merupakan perbuatan melawan hukum, karena tak disosialisasikan terlebih dahulu kepada masyarakat konsumen atau tanpa mendengar terlebih dahulu wakil-wakil rakyat di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR)i.

Apalagi berdasarkan konsideran huruf b), pasal 3 dan Penjelasan Umum angka 3 Undang-undang No.44 Prp.(Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-undang (Perpu)) tahun 1960 tentang Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi, gas elpiji sebagai salah satu produk minyak dan gas bumi merupakan galian strategis yang menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak (Putusan, hal.42-44).

Saya sendiri hingga kini belum membaca dasar-dasar pertimbangan (konsiderans) kenaikan harga elpiji yang mulai diberlakukan Pertamina pada 6 Juli 2002. Sepengetahuan saya pasal 46 ayat (3) UU Migas 2001 menentukan salah satu tugas Badan Pengaturan, yakni melaksanakan pengaturan dan penetapan harga gas bumi untuk rumah tangga (setiap konsumen yang memanfaatkan gas bumi untuk keperluan rumah tangga; Penjelasan pasal 46 ayat (3) UU Migas 2001)) dan pelanggan kecil.

Kedua, bila benar terjadi yang Anda sebutkan tentang sikap konsumen itu, saya prihatin betapa rendahnya kesadaran sebagian konsumen di Indonesia, meskipun tak semuanya begitu. Itulah sebabnya, menurut konsiderans butir c UUPK, untuk meningkatkan harkat dan martabat konsumen, perlu peningkatan kesadaran, pengetahuan, kepedulian, kemampuan, dan kemandirian konsumen untuk melindungi dirinya.

Sikap konsumen itu menunjukkan inkonsistensi. Ia sendiri akan senang dengan harga diskon barang dan/atau jasa. Ironisnya, ia sendiri tak peduli dengan kenaikan elpiji. Ini menjadi tugas kita bersama. Jadi, perlindungan konsumen memerlukan pembinaan sikap. ***

source: artikel Republika
Yusuf Shofie, SH.MH, dosen, praktisi hukum, dan pemerhati hukum perlindungan konsumen


Check out the numerous jobs from home and start earning today

tay in the comfort of your very own home and still earn loads of money. It's now possible with the loads of jobs from home to choose from! Decide your own work timings and make your options more flexible.

If you are a stay at home mom or a person wanting to start a home based business, then there are plenty of jobs from home you can choose from. What's more, you can spend the same amount of quality time with family and have the riches flowing in!

Writing If you have always dreamt of being a novelist or a writer, then this can become one of the best jobs from home you can find. All you need is a couple of freelance writing sites where you can obtain many projects from clients all over the world. Simply bid on the projects and start writing! The reason why this is one of the best jobs from home is simply because of the flexibility it offers. You can be sitting in the comfort of your own home and decide on your own work timings. Besides you can also choose on the pace of your work as well as the amount of work you wish to take on.

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Craft based businesses If you have had a secret hobby and always wanted to turn it into a full-fledged business, then you can do so now. By setting up your online store and selling the products you make, you can start on one of the best jobs from home. You could upload pictures of the products, along with brief descriptions of each.

EBay like stores If you don't have existing products to sell - don't worry. You can host a website which contains other seller's products. It's almost like an eBay site. In this way, you are tapping into a relatively new segment as far as jobs from home are concerned. You are making money off other people's sales - which can mean exponential money growth for you! You not only charge all sellers a fixed monthly fee, but also get a commission off every sale. This is one of the most lucrative jobs from home around today! ***

by Alan Lim
Learn about the many opportunities available for you to start earning from home. Click here at Jobs from Home to know the inside scoop.


Turn your online business into a cash machine!

You can start your own online business in very simple ways. With the rise in the Internet there are plenty of opportunities for you to transform your online business into a revenue earning asset. If you already have an existing website then this is for you. Your online business may be doing fairly well but if you want to give it an extra edge and jumpstart its money making potential, then you need to follow certain precautions.

Search engine optimization Search engine optimization or SEO represents one of the best ways to divert traffic to your site. The way it works is that you utilize specific keywords on your web content as well as promotional sales copy - to attract more visitors into your site. By using strategic keywords you can turn your online business into a traffic attracting magnet! What's more, if your website has more exact matches (keywords which exactly match user searches), your site stands much better chances at being listed among the top ten search engine results! Through this your online business can achieve much better page rankings and traffic volumes.

The importance of links It has been proven that search engines will typically index those sites which have the most number of one-way links. Thus, the more the link density on your website, the more chances of your online business being listed on search engines. In fact, more preference is given to one-way links as opposed to reciprocal or two-way links. You can greatly improve the presence of your online business by requesting for links from associated or relevant sites. By doing so, you can attract more targeted traffic that is already interested in your products. This enables you to convert traffic into sales more easily as now you don't have to try too hard to convince customers.

Establishing your authority If you want your online business to be known as an authority on the subject matter, you need to publish more articles about the domain. By repeatedly posting articles on blogging platforms and online forums, you greatly improve your credibility and reputation online. What's more, people will start perceiving your online business as a one stop solution for all topics related to the domain.

Turning the visitor into a customer Once you have established traffic attracting methods for your online business you need to convert these into sales. At the end of the day the success of your business depends purely on sales volumes. There are some tried and tested ways to improve sales conversion ratios. You need to have specific calls to action on your website. Things like 'add to shopping cart' or 'buy' can coax your visitor to purchase something on the site. This will also lead to improved sales conversions for your online business. What's more, by using persuasive tactics and other sales gimmicks you can dramatically improve sales figures. ***

by Alan Lim
If you have always wanted to know the secrets to earning more online, here is your one stop solution. Click here at Online Business to know more details.

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