Pengaruh Harga Pada Pengelolaan Perdagangan Buah
Pengasuh kolom yth, Saya sedang mengembangkan usaha perdagangan buah kira-kira apa yang perlu saya siapkan agar usaha ini dapat eksis dan menguntungkan. Apalagi buah adalah bahan yang cepat busuk. Perlu diketahui, saya belum punya jaringan. Saya berharap usaha ini akan berkembang menjadi distributor buah. Saya sendiri masih buta dalam usaha ini. Bagaimana manajemennya ? Terimakasih sebelumnya. Heru Akhmadi Jl Depatin Barin No 71 Pangkal Pinang
Pak Akhmadi yth,
Bisnis perdagangan buah merupakan salah satu mata rantai dari apa yang kita sebut sebagai agroindustri. Memang bisnis ini juga penuh dengan risiko, misalnya buah yang Anda jual memiliki kemungkinan cepat busuk. Tetapi, apa sih bisnis yang tidak berisiko? Semuanya mengandung risiko. Hanya saja, kesuksesan bisnis juga dipengaruhi oleh kepandaian kita mengelola risiko tersebut.
Anda sendiri sebetulnya sudah tahu risiko yang akan dihadapi terhadap bisnis yang akan Anda terjuni. Anda juga tahu salah satu kunci keberhasilan menjalankan bisnis ini adalah memiliki jaringan. Jaringan apa? Tentu saja jaringan ke belakang, kepada para pemasok buah yang Anda jual dan jaringan ke depan, yaitu kepada para pembeli Anda. Ada kendala waktu yang harus Anda kelola, terutama pada kecepatan pembusukan buah. Sebetulnya ini juga tergantung dari jenis buah yang akan Anda jual. Di sini juga letak kuncinya. Buah yang cepat membusuk dapat kita kategorikan sebagai fast moving, artinya Anda harus mampu menjual secepatnya.
Memang kadang-kadang Anda pun mempunyai risiko merugi karena harga jualnya bisa lebih rendah dibanding harga belinya. Daripada Anda merugi lebih banyak lagi karena tidak terjual dan membusuk, ya, kan? Anda bisa mengambil keuntungan dari buah yang lebih lama membusuk. Beli dengan harga yang murah karena kondisinya belum matang, dan Anda jual dengan harga lebih tinggi karena sudah matang setelah diperam.
Anda harus menjaga hubungan dengan pemasok buah. Kelancaran mengirim buah harus Anda perhatikan. Bukan tidak mungkin pemasok buah berasal dari luar kota kan? Pertimbangkan juga faktor kerusakan akibat pengangkutan sehingga Anda mendapatkan harga beli yang tepat.
Hal yang tak kalah penting adalah pembeli Anda. Karena cita-cita Anda lewat bisnis ini menjadikan Anda seorang distributor, maka mulai sekarang carilah siapa yang akan menjadi pembeli Anda, dari pembeli biasa (eceran), pembeli dalam jumlah besar (sesama distributor), hingga pembeli pabrikan (pabrik pengolah buah). Sebagai distributor tentu Anda juga harus membuka kesempatan pada perdagangan antardaerah atau antarpulau.
Yang perlu menjadi catatan, umumnya transaksi komoditas buah ini (terutama pada pemasok) selalu dalam kondisi cash basis, artinya Anda juga dituntut untuk memiliki modal kas yang cukup kuat. Sedangkan para pembeli pabrikan atau sesama distributor bisa membayar belakangan. Terbayang kan bagaimana perputaran uang (cash flow) yang akan Anda hadapi?
Kemampuan Anda mengelola cash flow ini juga menentukan masa depan bisnis buah Anda. Bila sudah berjalan, sebagai masukan buat Anda, coba pertimbangkan untuk tidak hanya menjadi seorang distributor buah. Bisakah Anda memanfaatkan buah-buah tersebut menjadi industri olahan? Memang tergantung buah yang bisa diolah. Misalnya, membuat keripik nangka, atau manisan mangga, atau lainnya. Mengapa?
Buah yang telah diolah akan memberikan nilai tambah bagi produk yang Anda jual. Nilai tambah terhadap produk juga berarti nilai tambah bagi harga dan keuntungan Anda. Selain Anda memiliki jalan ke luar untuk menghindari kebusukan buah-buah yang Anda jual, Anda pun memperoleh keuntungan yang tidak sedikit dari hasil mengolah buah ini. Pak Akhmadi, semoga jawaban ini memberikan jawaban terhadap pertanyaan Anda. Kunjungi website untuk mendapatkan informasi lain mengenai kewirausahaan. Kepada para pembaca yang surat atau e-mail-nya belum terjawab, saya mohon untuk bersabar karena banyaknya surat dan e-mail yang masuk. ***
source: artikel Republika
* Setiap pertanyaan atau surat harus disertai dengan alamat (e-mail) lengkap. Terima kasih. (Redaksi).
Diasuh oleh Ir Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro, MM
Konsultan dan penulis buku Road to be Own Boss dan 25 Langkah Menjalankan Bisnis
faksimile: 021-7983623
alamat surat:Ayo Berwirausaha, Suplemen Probis, HU Republika, Jl Warung Buncit Raya No 37, Jakarta 12510
First Step To Start An Internet Business
Everyday many people are joining the Internet, some with the hope to make some extra money, while others with the hope to make a living online. Most of them are facing a common problem which is that they don't know how to get started. They don't have any idea about the first step they have to take.
The first step is changing your Mindset. Many people underestimate this factor and for this simple reason they are having a hard time. It is crucial to start your business with the right mindset. You have to know that it is a business and you have to treat it as such. In order to build and develop a successful business you have to work hard and dedicate time and effort... All the things you need offline you have to incorporate online.
It is important that you understand and believe two well-settled and fundamental laws.
1. All human achievement comes about through bodily activity.
2. All bodily activity is caused, controlled and directed by the mind.
Like all human affairs, success is partly a matter of predestination and partly of free will. You cannot make the genius, but you can improve or destroy it, and most people possess the assets which can be turned into success.
You have to develop the power to assimilate knowledge and to use it.
There are no magic formulas, there are lots of get rich programs out there and maybe you have joined some of them, have you achieved good results? I am sure the answer is NO. Don't think that it is about having a webpage, posting a few ads and writing some articles. If you think you can make money online - money, not $3, in this way you are completely wrong. You have to improve your business everyday looking for new strategies, applying small changes and constantly testing. It means you have to work.
Money Without Work, Forget It!
Of course, there are shortcuts, if you can afford a mentor, you accelerate the process because he/she will help you to avoid a lot of mistakes, but keep in mind that your mentor is not going to do the work for you. Another important thing is that you don't have to figure out everything yourself, you have to ask help when you need it to solve the problem quicker and better.
Please, don't think that others can't do it better than you. You are not a One Man Band, there are things that you are not good at, therefore it will take you time and effort to learn to do these things. It is better if you think about how you can get those things done and not how you can do all those things...You can delegate some work.
You can delegate everything, but NEVER, I say NEVER delegate your marketing.
In the beginning you have to work hard. Working daily, everything will begin to flow easier and it will help you to automate your business and work less. Understand that you'll have to spend some money - registering a domain name, having a webhosting account, having an autoresponder account, etc. Don't think about using free services for these things, because you have to look professional, if you look like an amateur nobody will pay attention to you.
Before you even think about making money, think about how you can help people. Help everybody you can asking nothing in return. Don't be afraid to give away your most valuable strategies and techniques. Give away everything you can with the objective of helping others, it will build your reputation and credibility. Your value will be acknowledged and your market will realize that "You Are The Man." If you are not making any money it is because you are not helping enough people. People buy from those that they trust and believe in.
First, you have to give and then you reap the rewards. There is no doubt.
Never under value your self-worth. We are born "free and equal", yet we are not all born equally rich. But you can be rich by the use of your faculties; by the union of thought with nature. If you really want to be successful, you have to set your mind upon it, and adopt the proper means.
Your success depends on a plus condition of mind and body, on power of work and on courage.
Repeat: I Can I Will, I Can I Will, I Can I Will.
If you come online with the wrong perspective and attitude, you'll have a very hard time. You need the right approach to really make money online. You are not going to make 1 million dollars when you first get started - nobody has made it, it is a progressive process... Go ahead with baby steps with the goal to make that million in the near future.
Your success is a direct result of what you do. It's not about luck, if you are not getting results, don't think that luck has been against you. It is natural when you are getting started to hope, but if hope turns to a belief in luck, it becomes a poison to the mind.
You can create your own destiny if you want. You need passion, education, knowledge, patience and persistence. Act as if you cannot fail. Belief is crucial! I mean, if you believe you can succeed. Your Mindset is the mechanism that allows you to take full control of your life and business. ***
by PV Reymond
PV Reymond is a skilled Internet Marketing author and publisher. He has gone deep into the Internet Marketing Business and now is helping people to build and develop online businesses. His Internet Marketing Education is a good place for people who want to start an online business. He is giving tips and advice...To know how to start your online business visit:
Internet Marketing Can Provide An Easy Work From Home Business Opportunity
Since use of the Internet exploded in the 1990s, Internet marketing has expanded to include all types of businesses as well as locations. It enables a local company to market their products and services to a national and international customer base at an exceptionally low cost. Replacing a sales force to contact customers, Internet marketing is used by virtually every company that conducts business online and can offer an easy work from home business opportunity.
There are different aspects of Internet marketing that a company can explore to find the right avenue for their product or service. In order to be successful working in internet marketing, a person has to understand each of these aspects and determine which one can be done successfully at home. To begin with, an Internet sales business has to have a website that is easy for their customers to use while remembering that not everyone they are trying to reach has a broadband connection.
Internet marketing begins with the customer being able to access the website and having an elaborate design that takes several minutes to load into a user's computer through dial-up service may not hold their interest long enough to get the message. Similar to offline marketing, keeping it simple is the key to reach a wider audience.
Once the website has been properly developed, Internet marketing as a home based business can provide the business owner as well as the website owner some unique challenges. For many it is a decision of whether to market to search engines or to the potential customers. Marketing to search engines may help users find the website if they search for specific terms and marketing to the users will narrow down the number of people searching for a specific product or service.
Some believe a smaller, more focused audience is better for business than a casting a wide net and hoping the customers are snagged. Another of the key aspects of Internet marketing often overlooked by website owners is market research. Determining which search terms are used most often as they relate to the products or services being marketed can help them achieve better results regardless of the type of marketing being conducted. Building a home-based business conducting research for companies can be a lucrative, niche market in the Internet marketing business. And can be a great online business ideal.
Online companies are also looking for ways to increase their name awareness and pay people who can track down web log sites and offer information about their business. While many of these blog's have certain restrictions about what can be posted on their sites, wanting information more than unpaid advertising, a person who can respond to information on the blog in an intelligent manner and only use the website address in their signature, can pay huge dividends for internet marketing professionals.
Looking for companies in need of internet marketing can prove a daunting task but trolling through blog's and article directories can often turn up the names of companies that are in constant need of these services and willing to pay for them. ***
by Earl Williams
Earl Williams is a real entrepreneur who makes it easy for you to build your home-based business and earn a substantial income from home, learn how by Visiting:
Pak Akhmadi yth,
Bisnis perdagangan buah merupakan salah satu mata rantai dari apa yang kita sebut sebagai agroindustri. Memang bisnis ini juga penuh dengan risiko, misalnya buah yang Anda jual memiliki kemungkinan cepat busuk. Tetapi, apa sih bisnis yang tidak berisiko? Semuanya mengandung risiko. Hanya saja, kesuksesan bisnis juga dipengaruhi oleh kepandaian kita mengelola risiko tersebut.
Anda sendiri sebetulnya sudah tahu risiko yang akan dihadapi terhadap bisnis yang akan Anda terjuni. Anda juga tahu salah satu kunci keberhasilan menjalankan bisnis ini adalah memiliki jaringan. Jaringan apa? Tentu saja jaringan ke belakang, kepada para pemasok buah yang Anda jual dan jaringan ke depan, yaitu kepada para pembeli Anda. Ada kendala waktu yang harus Anda kelola, terutama pada kecepatan pembusukan buah. Sebetulnya ini juga tergantung dari jenis buah yang akan Anda jual. Di sini juga letak kuncinya. Buah yang cepat membusuk dapat kita kategorikan sebagai fast moving, artinya Anda harus mampu menjual secepatnya.
Memang kadang-kadang Anda pun mempunyai risiko merugi karena harga jualnya bisa lebih rendah dibanding harga belinya. Daripada Anda merugi lebih banyak lagi karena tidak terjual dan membusuk, ya, kan? Anda bisa mengambil keuntungan dari buah yang lebih lama membusuk. Beli dengan harga yang murah karena kondisinya belum matang, dan Anda jual dengan harga lebih tinggi karena sudah matang setelah diperam.
Anda harus menjaga hubungan dengan pemasok buah. Kelancaran mengirim buah harus Anda perhatikan. Bukan tidak mungkin pemasok buah berasal dari luar kota kan? Pertimbangkan juga faktor kerusakan akibat pengangkutan sehingga Anda mendapatkan harga beli yang tepat.
Hal yang tak kalah penting adalah pembeli Anda. Karena cita-cita Anda lewat bisnis ini menjadikan Anda seorang distributor, maka mulai sekarang carilah siapa yang akan menjadi pembeli Anda, dari pembeli biasa (eceran), pembeli dalam jumlah besar (sesama distributor), hingga pembeli pabrikan (pabrik pengolah buah). Sebagai distributor tentu Anda juga harus membuka kesempatan pada perdagangan antardaerah atau antarpulau.
Yang perlu menjadi catatan, umumnya transaksi komoditas buah ini (terutama pada pemasok) selalu dalam kondisi cash basis, artinya Anda juga dituntut untuk memiliki modal kas yang cukup kuat. Sedangkan para pembeli pabrikan atau sesama distributor bisa membayar belakangan. Terbayang kan bagaimana perputaran uang (cash flow) yang akan Anda hadapi?
Kemampuan Anda mengelola cash flow ini juga menentukan masa depan bisnis buah Anda. Bila sudah berjalan, sebagai masukan buat Anda, coba pertimbangkan untuk tidak hanya menjadi seorang distributor buah. Bisakah Anda memanfaatkan buah-buah tersebut menjadi industri olahan? Memang tergantung buah yang bisa diolah. Misalnya, membuat keripik nangka, atau manisan mangga, atau lainnya. Mengapa?
Buah yang telah diolah akan memberikan nilai tambah bagi produk yang Anda jual. Nilai tambah terhadap produk juga berarti nilai tambah bagi harga dan keuntungan Anda. Selain Anda memiliki jalan ke luar untuk menghindari kebusukan buah-buah yang Anda jual, Anda pun memperoleh keuntungan yang tidak sedikit dari hasil mengolah buah ini. Pak Akhmadi, semoga jawaban ini memberikan jawaban terhadap pertanyaan Anda. Kunjungi website untuk mendapatkan informasi lain mengenai kewirausahaan. Kepada para pembaca yang surat atau e-mail-nya belum terjawab, saya mohon untuk bersabar karena banyaknya surat dan e-mail yang masuk. ***
source: artikel Republika
* Setiap pertanyaan atau surat harus disertai dengan alamat (e-mail) lengkap. Terima kasih. (Redaksi).
Diasuh oleh Ir Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro, MM
Konsultan dan penulis buku Road to be Own Boss dan 25 Langkah Menjalankan Bisnis
faksimile: 021-7983623
alamat surat:Ayo Berwirausaha, Suplemen Probis, HU Republika, Jl Warung Buncit Raya No 37, Jakarta 12510
First Step To Start An Internet Business
Everyday many people are joining the Internet, some with the hope to make some extra money, while others with the hope to make a living online. Most of them are facing a common problem which is that they don't know how to get started. They don't have any idea about the first step they have to take.
The first step is changing your Mindset. Many people underestimate this factor and for this simple reason they are having a hard time. It is crucial to start your business with the right mindset. You have to know that it is a business and you have to treat it as such. In order to build and develop a successful business you have to work hard and dedicate time and effort... All the things you need offline you have to incorporate online.
It is important that you understand and believe two well-settled and fundamental laws.
1. All human achievement comes about through bodily activity.
2. All bodily activity is caused, controlled and directed by the mind.
Like all human affairs, success is partly a matter of predestination and partly of free will. You cannot make the genius, but you can improve or destroy it, and most people possess the assets which can be turned into success.
You have to develop the power to assimilate knowledge and to use it.
There are no magic formulas, there are lots of get rich programs out there and maybe you have joined some of them, have you achieved good results? I am sure the answer is NO. Don't think that it is about having a webpage, posting a few ads and writing some articles. If you think you can make money online - money, not $3, in this way you are completely wrong. You have to improve your business everyday looking for new strategies, applying small changes and constantly testing. It means you have to work.
Money Without Work, Forget It!
Of course, there are shortcuts, if you can afford a mentor, you accelerate the process because he/she will help you to avoid a lot of mistakes, but keep in mind that your mentor is not going to do the work for you. Another important thing is that you don't have to figure out everything yourself, you have to ask help when you need it to solve the problem quicker and better.
Please, don't think that others can't do it better than you. You are not a One Man Band, there are things that you are not good at, therefore it will take you time and effort to learn to do these things. It is better if you think about how you can get those things done and not how you can do all those things...You can delegate some work.
You can delegate everything, but NEVER, I say NEVER delegate your marketing.
In the beginning you have to work hard. Working daily, everything will begin to flow easier and it will help you to automate your business and work less. Understand that you'll have to spend some money - registering a domain name, having a webhosting account, having an autoresponder account, etc. Don't think about using free services for these things, because you have to look professional, if you look like an amateur nobody will pay attention to you.
Before you even think about making money, think about how you can help people. Help everybody you can asking nothing in return. Don't be afraid to give away your most valuable strategies and techniques. Give away everything you can with the objective of helping others, it will build your reputation and credibility. Your value will be acknowledged and your market will realize that "You Are The Man." If you are not making any money it is because you are not helping enough people. People buy from those that they trust and believe in.
First, you have to give and then you reap the rewards. There is no doubt.
Never under value your self-worth. We are born "free and equal", yet we are not all born equally rich. But you can be rich by the use of your faculties; by the union of thought with nature. If you really want to be successful, you have to set your mind upon it, and adopt the proper means.
Your success depends on a plus condition of mind and body, on power of work and on courage.
Repeat: I Can I Will, I Can I Will, I Can I Will.
If you come online with the wrong perspective and attitude, you'll have a very hard time. You need the right approach to really make money online. You are not going to make 1 million dollars when you first get started - nobody has made it, it is a progressive process... Go ahead with baby steps with the goal to make that million in the near future.
Your success is a direct result of what you do. It's not about luck, if you are not getting results, don't think that luck has been against you. It is natural when you are getting started to hope, but if hope turns to a belief in luck, it becomes a poison to the mind.
You can create your own destiny if you want. You need passion, education, knowledge, patience and persistence. Act as if you cannot fail. Belief is crucial! I mean, if you believe you can succeed. Your Mindset is the mechanism that allows you to take full control of your life and business. ***
by PV Reymond
PV Reymond is a skilled Internet Marketing author and publisher. He has gone deep into the Internet Marketing Business and now is helping people to build and develop online businesses. His Internet Marketing Education is a good place for people who want to start an online business. He is giving tips and advice...To know how to start your online business visit:
Internet Marketing Can Provide An Easy Work From Home Business Opportunity
Since use of the Internet exploded in the 1990s, Internet marketing has expanded to include all types of businesses as well as locations. It enables a local company to market their products and services to a national and international customer base at an exceptionally low cost. Replacing a sales force to contact customers, Internet marketing is used by virtually every company that conducts business online and can offer an easy work from home business opportunity.
There are different aspects of Internet marketing that a company can explore to find the right avenue for their product or service. In order to be successful working in internet marketing, a person has to understand each of these aspects and determine which one can be done successfully at home. To begin with, an Internet sales business has to have a website that is easy for their customers to use while remembering that not everyone they are trying to reach has a broadband connection.
Internet marketing begins with the customer being able to access the website and having an elaborate design that takes several minutes to load into a user's computer through dial-up service may not hold their interest long enough to get the message. Similar to offline marketing, keeping it simple is the key to reach a wider audience.
Once the website has been properly developed, Internet marketing as a home based business can provide the business owner as well as the website owner some unique challenges. For many it is a decision of whether to market to search engines or to the potential customers. Marketing to search engines may help users find the website if they search for specific terms and marketing to the users will narrow down the number of people searching for a specific product or service.
Some believe a smaller, more focused audience is better for business than a casting a wide net and hoping the customers are snagged. Another of the key aspects of Internet marketing often overlooked by website owners is market research. Determining which search terms are used most often as they relate to the products or services being marketed can help them achieve better results regardless of the type of marketing being conducted. Building a home-based business conducting research for companies can be a lucrative, niche market in the Internet marketing business. And can be a great online business ideal.
Online companies are also looking for ways to increase their name awareness and pay people who can track down web log sites and offer information about their business. While many of these blog's have certain restrictions about what can be posted on their sites, wanting information more than unpaid advertising, a person who can respond to information on the blog in an intelligent manner and only use the website address in their signature, can pay huge dividends for internet marketing professionals.
Looking for companies in need of internet marketing can prove a daunting task but trolling through blog's and article directories can often turn up the names of companies that are in constant need of these services and willing to pay for them. ***
by Earl Williams
Earl Williams is a real entrepreneur who makes it easy for you to build your home-based business and earn a substantial income from home, learn how by Visiting: