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Bisnis Kecantikan dan Kesehatan, Perpaduan Herbal Treatment & Teknologi

Esther House of Beauty

Esther House of Beauty berdiri sejak tanggal 26 juli 1994 dengan nama Esther Beauty Clinique and Slimming Center, kemudian berubah menjadi ESTHER HOUSE OF BEAUTY, yaitu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang kecantikan dan kesehatan kulit yang menawarkan konsep perawatan dengan memadukan bahan baku alami (herbal treatment) dan teknologi modern (oleh Esther House of Beauty dikenal dengan sebutan advanced aesthetic therapy) dan telah memiliki cabang di 14 kota besar di seluruh Indonesia.

Sejak tahun 2000 kami memberanikan diri untuk memperluas bisnis ini dengan system kerjasama waralaba (franchise). Konsep kemitraan kami adalah kerjasama selama 5 tahun, dengan investasi awal Rp 400 juta yang sudah termasuk di dalamnya berupa peralatan-peralatan operasional dan non operasional, treatment equipment, serta biaya harga training dan sebagainya (tidak termasuk gedung/renovasi se-harga -/+Rp 200juta).

Alasan kami mengembangkan usaha ini karena peluang dan potensi yang ada dalam bisnis kecantikan ini sangat terbuka luas. Masyarakat mulai memandang kecantikan tidak terbatas hanya sebagai kebutuhan sekunder atau bahkan tersier, dan hanya terbatas pada kaum hawa saja. Kini masyarakat makin melihat kecantikan sebagai gaya hidup dan kebutuhan primer.

Dari segi potensi bisnisnya, terlihat dari makin maraknya salon-salon dan klinik-klinik kecantikan yang makin menjamur tidak perduli seberapapun competitor yang ada. Serta makin maraknya pameran-pameran kecantikan yang cukup besar yang membawa bendera internasional dengan berani menginvestasikan event tersebut di Indonesia. Oleh sebab itu, kami merasa sangatlah tepat jika kami mengembangkan bisnis kecantikan ini sebagai pembawa jawaban dan solusi akan setiap permasalahan akan kecantikan dan kesehatan kulit. Dukungan berupa pendampingan dan pendidikan dan latihan yang berkesinambungan bagi SDM (min.1 tahun sekali), jaminan pengadaan dan distribusi bahan baku khusus yang berkesinambungan dan selalu menjaga kualitas, system penetapan harga dan pemasaran yang terpadu, standarisasi tampilan bangunan dan penataan interior/eksterior tempat usaha.

Persyaratan menjadi franchisee juga cukup mudah, yaitu hanya mengajukan permohonan secara tertulis, dan bersedia untuk diwawancarai, mempunyai tempat/lokasi usaha sesuai dengan criteria yang telah ditetapkan, yaitu minimal luas tempat usaha 200 m2 (dilengkapi dengan IMB, listrik minimal 1.300 watt, instalasi air panas dan dingin dengan tenaga listrik, PABX telephone system, generator, tempat parkir memadai.) Persyaratan lainnya adalah, bersedia menjadi franchisee aktif, serta melaksanakan system operasi klinik sesuai “standard operational procedure” Esther House Of beauty. ***

source: Majalah Franchise


Online Survey for Money

So many people are looking to start a home business. An online survey for money business has become quite popular be cause it is so easy to get into and inexpensive to start.
With the demand from market research companies to produce products quicker, their need to find people to give opinions on there research projects has grown exponentially. With the ever increasing need, means that the online survey takers are getting paid better. This is good news for those that take this serious as a business.

When there is not enough serious survey takers, the research companies can not get their products and services to the public. This can cripple a research company. That is why the demand for people is so great. When the demand is higher than the people to work, it always means higher wages. Many people that are taken online surveys for money are making really good money right now. According to Google online surveys have been on the rise and are still climbing. Every where you look there are ads for online surveys. These research companies are desperate for serious people to fill their surveys with honest opinions.

Online survey taking has become a full time business for many people. With the money that is being made for an opinion, it is no wonder people are taking it up. Plus the only cost to having this business is a computer and the monthly internet connection bill. If you join a paid survey program, than you have a one time fee to gain access to a huge database of legitimate survey companies.

Working at home taking surveys means you work when you want and how much you want. The more paid online surveys you take, the more money you will make. The longer you take surveys, the higher the survey companies offers are. You have to build your credibility with these survey companies. Once they know you are serious about your business than a lucrative relationship forms.

Maybe you have been looking for an online business. You may want to start considering an online survey for money business. This is the right time to get into this type of business before the market starts to get saturated with online survey takers. You will never make more money than you can right now. Making a full time business out of taking online surveys may be the right business for you. ***

by Denise Nuttall
Denise Nuttall owns Paid Online Survey Reviews to find credible paid survey programs. Find how you can get started with a work fom home business here: Paid Surveys


One of the Secret for Your Internet Home Business

An Internet home business opportunity is a great way to earn extra money, or start a full-time business if you wish and it is where you can find financial freedom. The best Internet home business opportunity is no longer a single opportunity but for many online entrepreneurs it now means the best combination of several leading online opportunities all running at the same time. However, if one is under the impression that an internet home business opportunity is free money, and there is no need to work, you are seriously mistaken.

Price and value are not equivalent; if entrepreneurs pay what the Internet home business opportunity is worth, they have not appropriated any value for themselves. And the best way to make money with an Internet home business opportunity is by becoming an affiliate marketer.

The easiest and the fastest way to start home based internet business is to write a blog. Blogs are frequently updated web pages on which authors post articles about news items, interesting websites, and their thoughts and just about anything that interests the author. A blog is a low cost tool that permits you to add, remove, and update online content without knowing anything about web programming.

The basic idea is to write posts about certain topic that will attract visitors, keep their attention and motivate them to click at the targeted ads. These are typing jobs that are posted on the internet. And the easy of home based business is one that pays you with residual income when you are not even working. Nothing will happen unless you start out with the right attitude, approach and understanding that the internet is not a source of instant easy money nor is it a place that you can generate internet income without having to do any work. Home business is not easy without the proper tools, resources and understanding its concepts.

The latest home business idea is to find a product or service and sell it on the Internet to the millions of people who will ultimately is in your market. There are thousands of extra online income ideas. The best Internet business Ideas are innovative, creative, and unique. However, if you don't know where to start there are a lot of internet resources that can help you generate ideas or test the ones you have. Remember that the easiest way to learn is to see what successful people did, but do not copy paste someone else's ideas, at least make some changes.

For more information about Home Business, make sure you follow the link in the recourse box below now. ***

by Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki
Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. Learn How To Build Up 1,000+ Downline. Generate Your Own MLM Mailing List for FREE! Never Buy MLM Lead!! Discover The Dirty Truth about MLM Marketing that You Don't Know. Get FREE Report Now! Go to ==> http://www.HappyMLM.com

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