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Manisnya Bisnis Kecantikan Kesehatan, Mau Coba?

Bisnis Dinamis Yang Selalu Manis
Globalisasi ekonomi akibat perkembangan zaman membuka peluang bisnis di berbagai bidang. Bisnis yang sangat berkembang baik sekarang maupun dulu adalah bisnis kecantikan kesehatan khusus wanita. Pemain di bisnis ini sangatlah banyak sehingga harga persaingannya sangat ketat. Lihat saja, banyak produk-produk kecantikan kesehatan berlomba-lomba menawarkan harga produknya melalui berbagai media. Tentu saja, klaim mereka adalah sebagai produk nomor satu dengan harga termurah.

Kenapa bisnis kecantikan dan kesehatan terus berkembang? Jawabnya karena kecantikan dan kesehatan sudah menjadi kebutuhan wanita. Pada umumnya wanita itu suka dandan karena ingin tampil cantik dan sehat. Meskipun definisi cantik dan sehat itu dinamis, tidak sama setiap masanya. Misalnya saja, dulu wanita yang cantik adalah wanita yang digambarkan dengan tubuh montok. Kemudian menjadi yang langsing, dan seterusnya.

Banyaknya produk yang berdatangan dengan harga bersaing mengindikasikan potensi bisnis ini sangat besar. Tetapi menekuni bisnis kecantikan dan kesehatan sejatinya tidak mudah. Perlu strategi khusus untuk bisa bertahan di bisnis ini. Ditambah lagi bisnis kecantikan dan kesehatan selalu mengikuti kecendrungan atau alur tren masyarakat. Ketika masyarakat sedang demen-demen-nya misalnya pergi ke spa, maka banyak bisnis kecantikan menawarkan program spa. Begitu pula ketika ada tren rambut baru, maka otomatis salon-salon akan mengikuti tren tersebut. Dan harga biasanya mengikuti tren tersebut.

Perlu kita ketahui, konsumen di bisnis ini terutama wanita, pada umumnya royal belanja produk kecantikan dan kesehatan untuk tubuhnya. Meski demikian mereka sangat kritis, termasuk masalah harga . Ketika produk kecantikan dan kesehatan dirasa tidak bisa membuat mereka cantik, jangan harap mereka akan kembali. Sebaliknya, jika produk tersebut “manjur”, secara otomatis mereka akan menjadi pelanggan loyal. Karenanya, masing-masing pebisnis kecantikan dan kesehatan harus berusaha menerapkan kiat-kiat khusus menjaring pelanggan.

Kalau diamati, bisnis kecantikan dan kesehatan di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun terus berkembang seiring meningkatnya perekonomian Indonesia. Kalau dulu untuk mempercantik diri identik dengan salon untuk cuci blow, potong rambut, make-up, hair set, atau hair coloring, hair tonic, dan sebagainya, tetapi pada awal 1990-an muncul spa dan masih terbatas di hotel-hotel berbintang.namun mulai 2006. Setelah ekonomi makin baik spa makin marak dan dikenal di Indonesia. Menurut data, pemain spa di Indonesia pada 2006 sudah mencapai 1300 buah. namun angka itu sejatinya belum sebanding dengan populasi penduduk Indonesia yang 230 juta, sehingga dipastikan potensi market spa di Indonesia masih sangat besar.
Sama halnya dengan Spa adalah bisnis manicure dan pedicure atau perawatan kuku. Awalnya adalah sesuatu yang mewah. Namun semenjak 2000-an Perawatan kuku semakin mewabah tetapi marketnya masih sangat kecil, hanya 10%. Kalah jauh dengan di korea, Malaysia ataupun singapura.

Bisnis kecantikan dan kesehatan sekarang menjadi kebutuhan yang tidak bisa ditinggalkan oleh wanita. Semakin tinggi tingkat ekonomi dan kesibukan mereka, semakin membutuhkan orang lain untuk merawat diri mereka. Fenomena ini menunjukkan peluang bisnis ini sangat menjanjikan. Namun demikian, pemain di bisnis kecantikan dan kesehatan bila tidak memiliki produk unggulan, dapat dipastikan akan kalah bersaing dengan yang lain.

Yang pasti, ketatnya persaingan di bisnis kecantikan dan kesehatan tak perlu jadi ganjalan untuk masuk di bisnis ini. Pasalnya, bisnis ini tidak akan mati dan sudah banyak orang merasakan manisnya. Sekarang tinggal bagaimana bisa memacu kreatifitas dan inovasi untuk meningkatkan mutu dan pelayanan sehingga bisa memberikan harga added value bagi pelanggan.

Suatu bisnis yang memiliki harga added value berarti dia memiliki keunggulan. Dan keunggulan tersebut adalah daya saing yang paling ampuh di tengah meningkatnya persaingan serta ekspetasi pelanggan. Pemberian harga added value bisa dilakukan berbagai cara. Misalnya saja, melalui relationship marketing seperti member card, diskon harga, merchandise, point reward dan promosi harga lainnya. Anda siap terjun di bisnis ini? ***

source: Majalah Franchise


Get Paid For Taking Survey
How many times do you take surveys for free? Why not get paid for taking surveys? There is not an easier or more fun way to make money online than taking a paid survey.
I started my paid surveys around two years ago and still am doing them to this day. I no longer do this full time for I have evolved my business into other areas as well. However, taking surveys only part time now still pays very well and is too fun to quit.

When I first started to get paid for taking surveys, the pay was not all that great. But I was determined to make this work for a full time business for me. I took every survey that was sent my way and kept building with more survey companies. Eventually, these survey companies started seeing me as a creditable survey taker and started sending me the higher paid surveys. This is when the money really started to roll in.

I had to be patient and consistent in taking these surveys. I could not do some surveys one day and then do none for a week. I was being sent surveys every day, so I took surveys every day. Not all surveys were for a cash payout, but I took them anyway. I was building credibility at this point and learning exactly what these survey companies were looking for.
After a couple of months, I noticed that more and more surveys were coming in for pay. Most of the surveys were for only five to ten dollars a survey. But, when you figure you can easily take three paid surveys in an hour that added up to 15 to 30 dollars an hour. Not bad pay for just giving my opinion.

What was happening was that these companies that were sending me the surveys that did not pay in cash realized that I was serious about taking surveys as a business and started sending the paid surveys. I was glad I spent the time taking the surveys that put me in a monthly drawing or gave me points for each survey. So many points would have a payout.
Eventually I was earning as much as some people made at a full time job. I did surveys full time for over a year before I decided I would get into some other internet businesses.

Taking paid surveys was my start to making money online and today I am financially free. I just grin when I hear people say taking online paid surveys is a scam. Maybe they just did not want the dream bad enough. It all starts when you get paid for taking survey questionnaires. ***

by Denise Nuttall
Denise Nuttall owns Paid Online Survey Reviews to find credible paid survey programs. Find how you can get started with a work fom home business here: Paid Surveys


How Can I Work From Home with Data Entry?

With the outsourcing on the rise, companies are discovering that it is cheaper for them to pay someone to work from home than at an office. Through the use of outsourcing companies have found ways to trade overhead costs for employing those who work from home. Thus creating more opportunities and for the work from home data entry operators. One seeking work from home data entry opportunities can find a variety of available positions on the internet. This option is a great opportunity for stay-at-home moms and dads with little ones to watch out for. It is great for college students, retirees, and practically anyone who desires to work from home.

Although untraditional, a typical data entry job is becoming your own boss and entering data into the computer in the form of an online advertisement. These advertisements are usually pay-per-click ads which run on Google and other similar search engines which show pay-per-click ads, such as Yahoo!, and MSN. As your experience grows so will the income you receive for your work. Although the compensation for your work varies, your efforts will earn you from a couple hundred a day to several thousand a month and it isn't a one time payment, one ad could possibly make you thousands a month for several months.

If you would like to have an extra income, than this would be perfect for you. No experience is necessary. To ensure you are completing the tasks to the fullest potential work from home data entry companies proved step by step training tutorials, some even include online video training. Work Full Time or Part Time. The only time clock you will have to answer to is the one you set yourself. If you desire a certain income then you must decide how much work you need to do to attain that goal. In most cases you only need to work a couple hours a day.

Having a computer with internet access is a requirement since you will be filling out simple data entry forms online. A valid email account, basic typing skills, basic computer skills, and the ability to follow directions or troubleshoot problems are also a must. This is a great opportunity to earn an extra income. Once you settle in and develope a great work system you will be able to increase your results and create a full time income.

Data entry jobs are not your standard full-time job, you are in charge of how long or how little you work. Work from home data entry jobs have no set hours, no customer service, no products, or the worry of a websites performance. By being a work at home data entry operator, you can set your own timetable and you are you're own boss which allows you to control your own destiny. Take time off to spend with your family when you want too. Decide your own deadlines, set your own goals, and finish when you want to finish. No more missing your Childs school function, or sports activity. Commuting will be a thing of the past, gas prices won't make you fringe, and what was that thing that used to wake you up in the morning.

Depending on how much work you complete, and the variety of work available will determine the amount of money you can make doing online data entry jobs, an average work from home data entry operator earns $60,000 a year. As stated before, this figure can vary based on a number of variables, but with proper accounting you will have full visibility over these variables and can even influence the outcome. Most importantly you eliminate the middle man and get paid for the work you do.

Work from home data entry will always be a huge opportunity. As long as outsourcing is routine for companies the need for the work from home data entry operator will continue to escalate opening up even more opportunities for those who can take advantage of the market. ***

by Michael Conant
For more information on this amazing opportunity go to:Work From Home Data Entry

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