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Sepuluh Perusahaan Pembelanja Iklan Terbesar 2008

Sepuluh Perusahaan Pembelanja Iklan Terbesar 2008

Anggaran perusahaan untuk belanja iklan di berbagai media tampaknya masih tinggi dan tidak terpengaruh oleh kenaikan harga yang diakibatkan gonjang-ganjing harga minyak. Iklan di berbagai media masih dianggap sebagai alat promosi yang paling ampuh untuk mendongkrak penjualan dan image perusahaan.

Berdasarkan hasil riset terbaru Nielsen Media Research (NMRI) , belanja iklan sepanjang semester I 2008 naik sebesar Rp 19,563 miliar atau 24% dibanding semester yang sama 2007 Rp15,822 miliar. Kenaikan harga pembelanjaan pada semester I 2008 ini menurut Maika Randini, senior manager business development Nielsen Media Research (NMRI) merupakan kenaikan terbesar kedua sepanjang 5 tahun belakangan, yang disebabkan oleh makin bertambahnya jumlah peminat iklan. ”Kenaikan ini bukan dilihat dari kenaikan harga iklan tetapi memang jumlah peminat iklan bertambah”, ujar Meika. Dari total belanja iklan semester I 2008 itu, iklan TV adalah tetap yang paling dominan se-harga Rp 12 triliun (62%) meskipun secara umum dominasinya terus menurun dibanding semester yang sama tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Urutan kedua kontribusi terbesar adalah Koran (34%) dan majalah & tabloid (4%).

NMRI juga memaparkan, dilihat dari kategori usaha pada semester I 2008 dibanding semester I 2007 rata-rata belanja iklannya naik namun terjadi penurunan pada kategori rokok dan perawatan rambut. Iklan rokok di seluruh media dari semester I tahun sebelumnya yang mencapai harga Rp 748 miliar menjadi hanya Rp 699 miliar pada semester I tahun 2008 (-7%). Sedangkan perawatan rambut dari nilai harga Rp 678 miliar menjadi Rp 635 milyar di semester I 2008(-6%).
Penurunan di rokok bisa dibilang paling tragis karena baru terjadi pada tahun 2008 ini. Belanja iklan rokok pada tahun sebelumnya selalu meningkat menurut Meika. Penurunan di rokok se-harga 7% disebabkan oleh adanya pembatasan terhadap iklan rokok. ”Sekarang produk rokok larinya ke sponsorship karena iklan di media dibatasi geraknya,” katanya.

Sebaliknya di kategori usaha, Telekomunikasi sepanjang semester I 2008 ini belanja iklannya paling merajai. Di paruh pertama 2008 ini telekomunikasi membelanjakan se-harga sekitar Rp. 1,957 miliar atau meningkat 57% dibanding semester I 2007 yang hanya membelanjakan Rp 1,243 miliar.

Dari kategori produk, NMRI menobatkan produk dari kartu GSM XL adalah yang paling top belanja iklannya (all media) di semester I 2008. XL pada semester I 2008 ini berbelanja se-harga Rp 139 miliar atau meningkat 219% dibanding semester yang sama tahun sebelumnya, se-harga Rp 44 miliar. Peringkat kedua diraih esia yang berbelanja iklan se-harga Rp 131 miliar atau naik 57%. Ketiga adalah iklan pilkada yang membelanjakan iklan se-harga Rp 125 miliar atau naik 572% dibanding semester I 2007 yang hanya se-harga Rp 19 miliar. Posisi kesepuluh pembelanja iklan terbesar diraih Yamaha yang membelanjakan iklan se-harga Rp 104 miliar.

Menariknya, dari data 10 pembelanja iklan terbesar (all media) sepanjang jan-juni 2008 itu nama produk Telkomsel (all sim card) dan Simpati sudah tidak ada lagi. Padahal Telkomsel adalah langganan top pembelanja iklan terbesar dalam beberapa tahun. ”Terlemparnya” Telkomsel dari top 10 belanja iklan disebabkan oleh penurunan belanja iklannya pada semester I tahun ini yang besarnya mencapai 21% dari harga Rp 108 miliar pada semester I 2007 menjadi hanya Rp 85 miliar.***

source: Majalah Franchise


Draw Traffic To The Internet Home Business Opportunity From The Forums

The home business forum is a trend medium and an extremely interactive medium, where you can take contact with the highly targeted target group: other internet marketers, who are interested about your topic just at this very moment. Think about that!

1. All Members Are Looking For Something New! We can say, that all internet home business opportunity forum members have already their own businesses, they are internet marketers, but this mostly mean the core businesses. They are still looking for something new and you can give them hints in your sigfile section. This requires that you have got their trust.

2. Use The Sigfile Link Ads For The Complementary Products. The forum members come from all levels of the internet home business opportunity, from total newbies up to the great gurus, top professionals. It is funny to see, that the good hints and tips can come as well from a newbie and the pro.

3. When You Give Useful Advices, It Will Build Base For Your New Service Businesses. All internet home business opportunity owners have not time to do the HTML or to download the complicated programs into their servers. If you have this skill, you can actively offer this service on the marketing forum and charge maybe $ 30 per each service. It is a nice income, great service and a marvellous brand building.

And this form of the business you can support by helping other members for free, when they seek the solutions for their challencies! If you have a good pen, you can write internet home business articles for other people, which is quite a nice way to make an extra income. Because the products and for instance home business programs become more and more alike, the personal services are the way to become unique, no one can copy your style! People are ready to pay for them, not so much per one service but it is an important, regular cashflow.

4.You Can Launch A New Page Or Article On The Home Business Forum. The forum is a top effective place to launch new products or services, because the target group is so eager to adopt everything new. You can write an article about your novelty, which is optimized for search engines and has a couple of hyperlinks to the salespage. The article will get a nice amount of readers, plus somebody will always need a new article and wants to copy the it into his own site.

5. Suggest Joint Ventures To The Other Members. Because the people at the internet home business opportunity forum are all looking benefits to their internet home businesses, the market is a good place to form joint ventures.

The link exchange is one way, joining each others downline is another one. Maybe one of the most effective one is to build up groups for joint purchases of the advertising space for a certain program or to use the optin email addresses to for mutual advertising. The internet home business opportunity forum is the Home Business Mecca. You can market there effectively, when your name has become an authority, a brand and other marketers will trust you. ***

by Juhani Tontti
Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. See The Forum Potential! Please Visit My Home Page And Find More Forum Information For Your Own Internet Home Business Opportunity!.


Increase The Internet Home Business Opportunity Sites Conversion Rate

A high quality video on the home page of your internet home business opportunity can really grow the conversion rate to a higher level. This happens, when a video works as a main element to make a site different and unique and if the video presentation demonstrates the key promise in a highly emotional way. The video marketing can be more powerful than anything else as to the effect and persuasion power.

1. The Video Can Save The Impact Of The First Impression. Many of the internet home business opportunity site visitors are surfers, who are looking something interesting. This means that after a visitor has landed your site, the site has a couple of seconds to make a strong impact.

The basic nature of the video is, that one picture speaks more than thousands of words. Because the surfers are in a very busy state of the mind, the good video, if it is rolling when he lands, can grab the attention and change the state of the mind of the visitor in seconds and make him to continue to the site. He simply wants more!

2. The Video Is Very Emotional. TV has always been the most effective advertising medium because of the huge emotional impact, it can create. The video uses exactly the same methods. When a visitor has just landed the page, a good first impression is important.

The video can be a strong, emotional first handshake and the impact can make the visitor to continue on the site.The video must be on a visible place on the home page and the recommended length is about 2 minutes.

3.The Video Is A Brand Builder. Using the video on your home business page is a good idea, when the quality is high. People are used to TV, movies good TV ads etc, and they wil wait for the same quality from your home business video.

The image, which the video will build, must be thoroughly consistent down to the smallest detail. Otherwise the video communicates about an amateurish and unreliable antibrand. It is recommended to use professionally made video and not to do it by yourself.

4. The Video Must Tell Only One Benefit. The video has to communicate clearly the unique benefit, which a visitor gets.The ideal mix of the content is the right balance of convincing and emotional content.The graphics is a good way to demonstrate the key points. But still there can be only one key, different promise to the visitor.

5. The Video Needs A Proper Plan. It is useful to make some basic questions, when you plan the internet home business opportunity video or before you select some ready made one. What is the idea of using the video, what is the target, what is the target group, what is the key promise, what is the style and tone of voice of the video, how to convince the target group, what is the length and the budget?

As the social sites have showed, the video is the hottest hot topic and can be splendedly used in the internet home business opportunity marketing too. It is a great tool to increase the effectiveness of the marketing, the conversion rate and to make the visitor relationship more emotional. That makes good for home business! ***

by Juhani Tontti
Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. Got Interested! I Invite You To Visit My Home Page And To Get All The Information Of The Better Conversion Rate, Which You Can Use For Your Own Internet Home Business Opportunity Site.

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