Bagaimana Artis Bisa Sukses Dengan Bisnisnya?
Kuncinya adalah time manajemen, artis harus mengatur waktunya yang ber-harga secara ketat, alokasi waktu untuk pekerjaan keselebritiannya dan alokasi waktu untuk bisnis franchisenya. Bayangkan, artis yang punya kesibukan luar biasa, tetapi tetap memiliki bisnis franchise. Mungkin anda membayangkan sulit bagi artis yang punya kesibukan bisa memiliki waktu untuk bisnisnya.
Bisakah berhasil? Menurut Yuswo, artis yang memiliki bisnis mau tidak mau harus menempatkan usaha franchisenya ini bukan melulu sebagai usaha sampingan yang begitu saja gampang diserahkan kepada orang lain. Ketika si selebriti sibuk, maka kuncinya adalah time manajemen. ”Ia harus secara ketat mengatur waktunya yang ber-harga untuk pekerjaan keselebritiannya dan alokasi waktu untuk bisnis franchisenya,”katanya.
Setidaknya, dengan langkah seperti itu, artis masih tetap bisa memiliki bisnis yang memberikan harga income selain pekerjaan keartisannya. ”Seperti usaha umumnya, si selebriti juga bisa membentuk tim pengelola yang solid. Tim itu tidak perlu besar tapi harus mengetahui detail-detail bisnis franchise yang dijalani dan tim tersebut juga harus bisa dipercaya,”katanya. Jadi, lanjut Yuswo, dua komponen yang harus dimiliki oleh tim yang ditunjuk sang artis yaitu, kompetensi dan attitude dari orang-orang yang masuk di dalam tim pengelola tersebut. ”Kalau hal terakhir ini yang terjadi, maka peran kunci yang harus dimainkan oleh si selebriti adalah fungsi controlling terhadap kinerja tim tersebut secara ketat dan periodik,” katanya lagi.
Dengan penjelasan tersebut, Yuswo ingin mengatakan bahwa artis, dengan kesibukannya yang segudang bisa tetap sukses menanamkan investasinya di bisnis franchise. Sekali lagi, Yuswo menandaskan, hal itu tergantung dari seberapa banyak si selebriti berkonsentrasi kepada usaha franchise yang dijalaninya.” Saya berpendapat bahwa jika seseorang, selebriti maupun bukan, merintis sebuah usaha maka ia harus total, harus eat, sleep, dan dream dengan bisnis yang dirintis, tak peduli apakah bentuknya franchise atau usaha biasa. Karena itu konsentrasi si selebriti terhadap usahanya akan sangat menentukan apakah usaha tersebut bisa jalan,” katanya.
Di sini, system control menjadi sangat ber-harga dan penting bagi si artis. Yuswo memberikan panduan agar artis bisa tetap update dengan bisnisnya:
Pertama si selebriti harus menetapkan ukuran kinerja (performance measures) operasi maupun financial harga dari usaha franchisenya.
Berdasarkan ukuran kinerja tersebut, kata Yuswo, si artis kemudian menetapkan target-target tahunan, tiga bulanan, bulanan, bahkan kalau perlu mingguan. Target yang umumnya sudah ditetapkan di awal tahun tersebut kemudian dicek secara mingguan, bulanan, tiga bulanan, dan tahunan.” Dari pengalaman saya, proses pengontrolan secara periodic ini sulit dijalankan secara mulus kalau si selebriti tidak tahu persis karakteristik operasi usahanya. Controlling biasanya membutuhkan attention to detail yang baik, dan untuk bisa detail, ia harus tahu betul seluk-beluk usahanya ,”katanya.
Dijelaskan, secara umum, semua aspek aktivitas usahanya (keuangan, operasi, marketing, harga dan sebagainya) sesungguhnya harus diketahui oleh si selebriti, dimana aspek-aspek aktivitas tersebut diturunkan dalam bentuk ukuran-ukuran kinerja di atas.
Itu semua harus ada, tandas Yuswo, di dalam laporan bisnis yang di cek secara ketat dan periodik. Apabila si selebriti menguasai detail usahanya, insyaAllah pasti dia tahu cara mengontrol usahanya secara sistematis di mulai dengan mengecek kinerja keuangan seperti penjualan, account receivable, inventori, harga penjualan dan sebagainya. Dan dari ukuran kinerja keuangan tersebut biasanya akan bisa ditelusuri sumber-sumber ketidakberesan usahanya di tingkat operasi dan marketing.
Jika saran itu dijalankan, menurut Yuswo, artis bisa meraih dua kesuksesan sekaligus, yaitu di dunia entertainment dan juga di dunia bisnis.***
source: Majalah Franchise
Three Principles To Help You Find Your Niche Market
So what is a niche market? A "niche market" is a specific solution that fulfills a particular problem whether in product or service for a fee and the solution is called a niche market.
Statistics show that people who start a home business doing what they love or have a passion for, are known to stick with their home business over a long period of time and become successful doing it. With that said, in helping you find the niche that's right for you we're going to first focus in on three important niche market principles that will help you define your search.
It must be:
1. Personal: It is something you are familiar with, something you love to do, enjoy or have an attachment for. One that best suits you personality and fits your lifestyle.
2. Practical: It is something you have the ability, experience and/or talent to do and one you can see yourself doing realistically over a long period of time.
3. Marketable. It is a service or product that people would be willing to pay money to have and profitable for you to promote on a daily basis.
From these three principles you can begin to make your list from hobbies, past times and passions to skills, experience and talents. There are also other important factors that play into finding the right niche market and that is evaluating how much time, money and energy will you be able to work this particular niche business and at the same time be realistic with your self, looking at what kind of work you want to do and are capable of doing. For example; if you are allergic to animals you most likely would not want to start a dog walking business or pet hotel. (Just off the top of my head)
Take everything into consideration, take some time and think things through and keep in mind the three niche marketing principles to help you narrow your search until you find one or more ideas that are perfect for you. Once you have narrowed your search the next step is to study up as much as possible on your particular niche in free forums, article websites and blogs.
Once you find your "Work at Home Niche Market" you will have purpose and be more focused and motivated in making your home business a success. You can find out more home business information from my website. Happy Hunting! Best Wishes, ***
by Filoiann M. Wiedenhoff
Filoiann M. Wiedenhoff is a pastor's wife, full-time mother, full-time in ministry and work at home entrepreneur. She loves to write devotionals, articles, trainging and teaching handbooks and manuals. She is currently working on a lay counseling handbook due to publish the end of next year. You visit her website and sign up for her monthly newsletter on or
How to Make Easy Money Online through Advertising Programs?
Making money online isn't too much difficult, but many people who are new to making money online put their efforts in the wrong direction initially, end up failing, and then eventually quit. In this article, I'm going to discuss some easy ways to make money on the Internet. There are some really easy ways to make money online, but there are also a lot of scams.
One of the easiest ways to make money online is to create a blog. A blog is easy to set up and you don't require any technical skills. There are many online tutorials on how to start a blog. The best blogging platform right now is wordpress. Once you begin publishing content to your blog, you can monetize it through lots of advertising services. I have listed out some of the best advertising programs that will help you to make money online.
Firstly I would like to discuss about Google AdSense in brief. It is a contextual advertising program for which publishers simply have to add a piece of code to their websites that helps Google analyze what your page is about so they can serve Ads on that topic. You can also earn money by using Google Search on your site that will display relevant Ads when visitors search on your site. It also has a referral program that allows you to earn by recommending various products like Firefox toolbar, AdSense, Adwords, etc.
Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) also displays ads that are relevant to the content of your site. They are also CPC similar to AdSense.
Text Link Ads are also useful in making money online. By this you can sell simple text links on your site easily. The monthly link price will depend on factors like your Google Pagerank and Alexa rank.
Chitika eMiniMalls is a cost per click advertising program that is more suitable for product related sites.
BlogAds is also an easy money making program for blog sites. It lets you set the price and helps you find advertisers for your blog easily. For better performance with BlogAds, place it at a more prominent position on your blog. Another popular program that offers you to money online is ReviewMe. It pays you to review products and services on your site. Here you control what you review.
In Pay Per Post program you have to write about web sites, products, services, and companies and earn cash for providing your opinion and valuable feedback to advertisers.
There are so many ways to earn money on the Internet that it is very difficult to list all of them. So if you are looking for the ways to make money online, then you need to do some searching. Hopefully this article has provided you with some easy ways to make money with a business on the Internet. ***
by Pradeep Chauhan
To keep yourself in touch with latest India IT and Internet news, visit - One of the popular and newly growing site on latest news and views on online companies, new ventures, and technologies. Also checkout the Latest Sports News
Kuncinya adalah time manajemen, artis harus mengatur waktunya yang ber-harga secara ketat, alokasi waktu untuk pekerjaan keselebritiannya dan alokasi waktu untuk bisnis franchisenya. Bayangkan, artis yang punya kesibukan luar biasa, tetapi tetap memiliki bisnis franchise. Mungkin anda membayangkan sulit bagi artis yang punya kesibukan bisa memiliki waktu untuk bisnisnya.
Bisakah berhasil? Menurut Yuswo, artis yang memiliki bisnis mau tidak mau harus menempatkan usaha franchisenya ini bukan melulu sebagai usaha sampingan yang begitu saja gampang diserahkan kepada orang lain. Ketika si selebriti sibuk, maka kuncinya adalah time manajemen. ”Ia harus secara ketat mengatur waktunya yang ber-harga untuk pekerjaan keselebritiannya dan alokasi waktu untuk bisnis franchisenya,”katanya.
Setidaknya, dengan langkah seperti itu, artis masih tetap bisa memiliki bisnis yang memberikan harga income selain pekerjaan keartisannya. ”Seperti usaha umumnya, si selebriti juga bisa membentuk tim pengelola yang solid. Tim itu tidak perlu besar tapi harus mengetahui detail-detail bisnis franchise yang dijalani dan tim tersebut juga harus bisa dipercaya,”katanya. Jadi, lanjut Yuswo, dua komponen yang harus dimiliki oleh tim yang ditunjuk sang artis yaitu, kompetensi dan attitude dari orang-orang yang masuk di dalam tim pengelola tersebut. ”Kalau hal terakhir ini yang terjadi, maka peran kunci yang harus dimainkan oleh si selebriti adalah fungsi controlling terhadap kinerja tim tersebut secara ketat dan periodik,” katanya lagi.
Dengan penjelasan tersebut, Yuswo ingin mengatakan bahwa artis, dengan kesibukannya yang segudang bisa tetap sukses menanamkan investasinya di bisnis franchise. Sekali lagi, Yuswo menandaskan, hal itu tergantung dari seberapa banyak si selebriti berkonsentrasi kepada usaha franchise yang dijalaninya.” Saya berpendapat bahwa jika seseorang, selebriti maupun bukan, merintis sebuah usaha maka ia harus total, harus eat, sleep, dan dream dengan bisnis yang dirintis, tak peduli apakah bentuknya franchise atau usaha biasa. Karena itu konsentrasi si selebriti terhadap usahanya akan sangat menentukan apakah usaha tersebut bisa jalan,” katanya.
Di sini, system control menjadi sangat ber-harga dan penting bagi si artis. Yuswo memberikan panduan agar artis bisa tetap update dengan bisnisnya:
Pertama si selebriti harus menetapkan ukuran kinerja (performance measures) operasi maupun financial harga dari usaha franchisenya.
Berdasarkan ukuran kinerja tersebut, kata Yuswo, si artis kemudian menetapkan target-target tahunan, tiga bulanan, bulanan, bahkan kalau perlu mingguan. Target yang umumnya sudah ditetapkan di awal tahun tersebut kemudian dicek secara mingguan, bulanan, tiga bulanan, dan tahunan.” Dari pengalaman saya, proses pengontrolan secara periodic ini sulit dijalankan secara mulus kalau si selebriti tidak tahu persis karakteristik operasi usahanya. Controlling biasanya membutuhkan attention to detail yang baik, dan untuk bisa detail, ia harus tahu betul seluk-beluk usahanya ,”katanya.
Dijelaskan, secara umum, semua aspek aktivitas usahanya (keuangan, operasi, marketing, harga dan sebagainya) sesungguhnya harus diketahui oleh si selebriti, dimana aspek-aspek aktivitas tersebut diturunkan dalam bentuk ukuran-ukuran kinerja di atas.
Itu semua harus ada, tandas Yuswo, di dalam laporan bisnis yang di cek secara ketat dan periodik. Apabila si selebriti menguasai detail usahanya, insyaAllah pasti dia tahu cara mengontrol usahanya secara sistematis di mulai dengan mengecek kinerja keuangan seperti penjualan, account receivable, inventori, harga penjualan dan sebagainya. Dan dari ukuran kinerja keuangan tersebut biasanya akan bisa ditelusuri sumber-sumber ketidakberesan usahanya di tingkat operasi dan marketing.
Jika saran itu dijalankan, menurut Yuswo, artis bisa meraih dua kesuksesan sekaligus, yaitu di dunia entertainment dan juga di dunia bisnis.***
source: Majalah Franchise
Three Principles To Help You Find Your Niche Market
So what is a niche market? A "niche market" is a specific solution that fulfills a particular problem whether in product or service for a fee and the solution is called a niche market.
Statistics show that people who start a home business doing what they love or have a passion for, are known to stick with their home business over a long period of time and become successful doing it. With that said, in helping you find the niche that's right for you we're going to first focus in on three important niche market principles that will help you define your search.
It must be:
1. Personal: It is something you are familiar with, something you love to do, enjoy or have an attachment for. One that best suits you personality and fits your lifestyle.
2. Practical: It is something you have the ability, experience and/or talent to do and one you can see yourself doing realistically over a long period of time.
3. Marketable. It is a service or product that people would be willing to pay money to have and profitable for you to promote on a daily basis.
From these three principles you can begin to make your list from hobbies, past times and passions to skills, experience and talents. There are also other important factors that play into finding the right niche market and that is evaluating how much time, money and energy will you be able to work this particular niche business and at the same time be realistic with your self, looking at what kind of work you want to do and are capable of doing. For example; if you are allergic to animals you most likely would not want to start a dog walking business or pet hotel. (Just off the top of my head)
Take everything into consideration, take some time and think things through and keep in mind the three niche marketing principles to help you narrow your search until you find one or more ideas that are perfect for you. Once you have narrowed your search the next step is to study up as much as possible on your particular niche in free forums, article websites and blogs.
Once you find your "Work at Home Niche Market" you will have purpose and be more focused and motivated in making your home business a success. You can find out more home business information from my website. Happy Hunting! Best Wishes, ***
by Filoiann M. Wiedenhoff
Filoiann M. Wiedenhoff is a pastor's wife, full-time mother, full-time in ministry and work at home entrepreneur. She loves to write devotionals, articles, trainging and teaching handbooks and manuals. She is currently working on a lay counseling handbook due to publish the end of next year. You visit her website and sign up for her monthly newsletter on or
How to Make Easy Money Online through Advertising Programs?
Making money online isn't too much difficult, but many people who are new to making money online put their efforts in the wrong direction initially, end up failing, and then eventually quit. In this article, I'm going to discuss some easy ways to make money on the Internet. There are some really easy ways to make money online, but there are also a lot of scams.
One of the easiest ways to make money online is to create a blog. A blog is easy to set up and you don't require any technical skills. There are many online tutorials on how to start a blog. The best blogging platform right now is wordpress. Once you begin publishing content to your blog, you can monetize it through lots of advertising services. I have listed out some of the best advertising programs that will help you to make money online.
Firstly I would like to discuss about Google AdSense in brief. It is a contextual advertising program for which publishers simply have to add a piece of code to their websites that helps Google analyze what your page is about so they can serve Ads on that topic. You can also earn money by using Google Search on your site that will display relevant Ads when visitors search on your site. It also has a referral program that allows you to earn by recommending various products like Firefox toolbar, AdSense, Adwords, etc.
Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) also displays ads that are relevant to the content of your site. They are also CPC similar to AdSense.
Text Link Ads are also useful in making money online. By this you can sell simple text links on your site easily. The monthly link price will depend on factors like your Google Pagerank and Alexa rank.
Chitika eMiniMalls is a cost per click advertising program that is more suitable for product related sites.
BlogAds is also an easy money making program for blog sites. It lets you set the price and helps you find advertisers for your blog easily. For better performance with BlogAds, place it at a more prominent position on your blog. Another popular program that offers you to money online is ReviewMe. It pays you to review products and services on your site. Here you control what you review.
In Pay Per Post program you have to write about web sites, products, services, and companies and earn cash for providing your opinion and valuable feedback to advertisers.
There are so many ways to earn money on the Internet that it is very difficult to list all of them. So if you are looking for the ways to make money online, then you need to do some searching. Hopefully this article has provided you with some easy ways to make money with a business on the Internet. ***
by Pradeep Chauhan
To keep yourself in touch with latest India IT and Internet news, visit - One of the popular and newly growing site on latest news and views on online companies, new ventures, and technologies. Also checkout the Latest Sports News