SBY Dituding Gagal Kendalikan Harga Sembako
Harga di Daerah Tak Terkendali
Laporan JPNN, Jakarta
Pemerintahan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dinilai banyak kalangan, seperti parlemen, pengusaha dan mengamat ekonomi tidak mampu mengendalikan harga sembilan bahan pokok (sembako). Anggota Komisi VI DPR Zulkieflimansyah meminta pemerintah memanggil langsung pengusaha bahan pokok, sebab krisis pangan yang terjadi saat ini jarang terjadi di saat Orba hingga pemerintahan Gus Dur. “Sejak zaman Soeharto hingga SBY, bisnis bahan pokok masih didominasi pemain-pemain lama. Jadi, pemerintah jangan segan memanggil mereka dan minta mereka menstabilkan harga,” kata politikus dari PKS itu, Ahad (2/9).
Dia menambahkan, SBY tidak perlu mengeluarkan program terlalu rumit. “Begitu terjadi gejolak, pemain-pemain tersebut dipanggil. Jadi, sebenarnya ini tidak perlu dengan kebijakan yang terlampau rumit,” ujarnya. Meski demikian, permintaan komitmen kepada pengusaha, kata dia, harus dibarengi insentif yang jelas. “Jangan pakai gaya preman. Langsung minta ini itu,” pesannya.
Meskipun Direktur Perum Bulog Mustafa Abu Bakar berkeras bahwa pemerintah tengah menjalankan program stabilisasi harga, terutama untuk stok beras, namun kenyataannya harga di daerah-daerah hampir di seluruh Indonesia terus merangkak naik. ‘’Cadangan pangan kita (Bulog, red) aman, khususnya untuk menghadapi Ramadan dan persiapan Hari Raya Idul Fitri 2007,” kata Mustafa di Padang, Sabtu malam (1/9). “Sekarang ini kita (Bulog, red) punya stok beras yang kuat,” tambahnya.
Selain beras, pemerintah juga sudah melakukan kebijakan untuk stabilitas harga minyak goreng. Seperti diberitakan, untuk menurunkan harga minyak goreng, pemerintah telah menaikkan pungutan ekspor (PE) dua kali dalam waktu kurang dari tiga bulan. Juni lalu PE CPO dinaikkan dari 1,5 persen menjadi 6,5 persen. Akhir pekan lalu, PE CPO dinaikkan lagi menjadi 7,5 persen pada harga Rotterdam 750-849 dolar AS per ton, dan 10 persen pada harga Rotterdam di atas 850 dolar AS per ton.
Dalam APBN Perubahan 2007, pemerintah dan DPR juga menyepakati alokasi subsidi minyak goreng Rp325 miliar untuk masyarakat miskin. Untuk beras, pemerintah menaikkan bea masuk impor dari semula Rp450 menjadi Rp550 per kilogram. Kenaikan bea masuk dilakukan untuk melindungi harga di tingkat petani. Pada saat yang bersamaan, pemerintah siap melakukan operasi pasar beras untuk mempertahankan harga beras pada posisi saat ini. Ketua Harian Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (Gapki) Derom Bangun mengatakan, dengan kenaikan PE CPO, tanggung jawab stabilitas harga sudah ada di tangan pemerintah. “Pengusaha kan sudah dibebani kenaikan tarif,” kata Derom kemarin.
Dia menambahkan, komitmen pengusaha yang bisa dilakukan melalui kebijakan DMO (kewajiban pasokan pasar dalam negeri/domestic market obligation) maupun PSH (program stabilisasi harga/operasi sukarela pengusaha minyak goreng, red), sudah tidak diperlukan lagi.
Menurut Derom, kebijakan stabilisasi harga dari pemerintah saat ini sudah cukup baik. Komitmen pemerintah memberikan subsidi dan operasi pasar, kata dia, sudah menjadi sinyal positif kepada pelaku usaha. Untuk harga minyak goreng, dia memastikan memang tidak akan terjadi penurunan tajam dengan kebijakan terbaru tersebut. Namun, yang terpenting, harga yang sekarang mencapai rata-rata Rp9.000 per kilogram tidak naik kembali.
PE CPO, menurut Derom, hanya efektif pada tarif 7,5 persen. Sebab, dia memperkirakan, CPO harga Rotterdam tidak akan menembus 850 dolar AS per ton. “Jadi, kenaikan PE CPO hanya efektif 1 persen. Sehingga, penurunan harga minyak goreng paling-paling hanya 1 persen dari harga pasar sekarang,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Direktur Pelaksana Econit Advisory Group Hendri Saparini menyayangkan ketidakmampuan pemerintah menjaga stabilitas harga kebutuhan pokok selama ini. “Tidak ada komentar yang pantas atas cara pengelolaan kebutuhan pokok rakyat selain luar biasa tega,” kata Hendri. Bagi dia, sangat tidak layak saat dua pekan menjelang Ramadan, bahan kebutuhan pokok terus mengalami kelangkaan dan kenaikan harga yang menggila. Menurut Hendri, kebijakan saat ini menunjukkan pemerintah terlalu memercayakan harga pada mekanisme pasar.
“Pemerintah tetap pede (percaya diri) membiarkan rakyat dan pasar menyelesaikan sendiri masalahnya. Padahal, kelangkaan dan kenaikan harga bahan pokok bukan sekadar masalah teknis ekonomi, pada supply dan demand. Tetapi, ini terjadi karena banyaknya sumbatan di pasar barang dan jasa,” katanya.
Hendri menyebut masalah distribusi, struktur pasar yang oligopoli, dan sejumlah distorsi lain. “Semuanya jelas tidak akan diselesaikan hanya dengan mekanisme pasar. Dengan memilih tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk mengatasi masalah ini, berarti pemerintah membiarkan proses penghisapan rakyat oleh si pemilik modal, dan membiarkan kesenjangan semakin lebar,” jelasnya.
Menanggapi program stabilisasi harga pemerintah, Direktur Perum Bulog Mustafa Abu Bakar menyatakan, stok beras nasional aman. Mustafa berharap para ibu rumah tangga tidak khawatir. “Tidak usah memborong beras memasuki puasa dan Hari Raya Idul Fitri karena stok cukup,” tambahnya. Bahkan, stok tersebut bisa juga untuk Natal dan Tahun Baru 2008. Seberapa jauh kebijakan stabilisasi harga bahan pokok direspons pelaku pasar? Sampai kemarin harga bahan kebutuhan pokok di berbagai daerah terus merangkak naik. Dua pekan menjelang puasa ini, kenaikan harga justru terjadi pada hampir semua komoditas. Misalnya, sayur-mayur, daging, telur, dan tepung terigu. Bahkan, harga buah-buahan ikut naik.
Berdasarkan pantauan di beberapa pasar utama di Jabotabek, seperti Pasar Ciledug dan Pasar Kreo, Kota Tangerang, kenaikan tertinggi terjadi pada cabai rawit. Dari Rp10.000 per kg, kini harga cabai rawit menjadi Rp13.000-Rp14.000 atau naik 40 persen. Harga cabai merah juga naik 20 persen, dari Rp15.000 per kg menjadi Rp18.000 per kg. Sementara itu, harga bawang merah naik dari Rp6.000 per kg menjadi Rp8.000 per kg. Kenaikan harga juga terjadi pada daging sapi, yaitu dari Rp48.000 per kg menjadi Rp50.000 per kg. Daging ayam naik dari Rp18.000 per kg menjadi Rp19.000 per kg. Harga telur ayam ikut meningkat dari Rp10.000 per kg menjadi Rp11.000 per kg. Sementara itu, tepung terigu naik dari Rp4.500 per kg menjadi Rp5.000 per kg. Minyak goreng curah naik dari Rp10.000 per kg menjadi Rp10.500 per kg selama satu pekan terakhir.
Kenaikan harga sejumlah bahan makanan juga terjadi di pasar-pasar di luar Jawa. Di Pasar Angso Duo, Kota Jambi, harga ayam potong naik Rp2.000-3.000 per kilogram, yaitu dari Rp18.000 menjadi Rp20.000-Rp 21.000. Harga kacang tanah naik dari Rp11.500 menjadi Rp12.000 per kg. Tepung terigu mulai naik harganya, dari Rp4.500 menjadi Rp5.000. Demikian pula gula pasir naik dari Rp6.000 menjadi Rp6.500 per kg.
Di Pasar Bawah, Kota Bukittinggi, Sumatera Barat (Sumbar), harga juga terus naik signifikan. Daging sapi dijual pedagang antara Rp52.000 hingga Rp54.000 per kg. Harga itu naik Rp2.000 sampai Rp4.000 dari harga sebelumnya. Harga bahan pokok juga melambung di Pasar 26 Ilir, Palembang. Kenaikan harga terjadi pada komoditas beras, tepung terigu, telur ayam, susu, dan minyak goreng. Menurut Sri, seorang pedagang di Pasar 26 Ilir, kenaikan harga komoditas disebabkan stok di tingkat agen menipis. Harga beras kualitas sedang naik dari Rp93.000 menjadi Rp98.000 per 20 kilogram. Adapun harga beras kualitas rendah naik sedikit dari Rp4.400 menjadi Rp4.500 per kilogram. ***
source: Republika (sof/uli)
Tips to Become Successful with a Home Based Business
It seems that everyone wants to have a home based business. Here, you make your own hours and your hard work will determine your income. Read on to find out more about how you can become a successful home business owner.
I Want to Get Rich
Who hasn't said those very words or though the very same thing? Everyone wants to be comfortable if not rich. We all want to take vacations, drive nice cars and live in beautiful homes. Some people just seem to have the knack for making money. Many of those people are successful because they took the plunge and invested in a home based business.
Some people are not in it to become wealthy, some people see that having a home based business allows them to become more involved in the life of their family and friends. Think of all the hours you spend commuting to and from your job everyday. Not only is it rough on your pocketbook for the commute itself, whether you take public transportation or you drive each day, it takes a huge chunk out of your time that could be spent in happier pursuits. This is just one of the advantages to having a home based business.
Where to Look for a Home Based Business
There are countless opportunities for you to have a home based business. You can find as much information as you can handle right on the web. The internet can provide you with all the tools you need to start your own home based business and ensure that you are a success. Much of the information you will find is offered to you free of charge, and there are also programs that you will have to invest a small amount of money in order to get you started.
How to Make a Success Out of a Home Based Business
The one thing that all successful business people have in common is ambition and a desire to succeed. People who become successful are not afraid to take risks and are ready to work hard to achieve the goals they have set for themselves. Having a home based business can be a challenge for those without self discipline. It is not enough to have the desire; you must also be willing to put in the hours needed to make your business flourish.
The sure fire way to succeed is to do your research and know the amount of work that will be involved in order to get your business off the ground. Many times a business you start from home can run with very little input from you once you have established yourself. Be sure you arm yourself with the knowledge to make your venture work. The amount of money you can make will only be determined by the amount of time you put into your endeavor. You will have to set hours for yourself and ensure that you keep them. Just because you don't have a boss or a supervisor breathing down your neck every day doesn't mean you can sleep late and put off tasks until another time. This will ensure that you fail no matter how fail safe the scheme you choose seems to be. Those willing to sacrifice for what they want will be the ones on the path to financial freedom. ***
by Alan Lim
If you think you have what it takes to work from home, visit us at Home Based Business. There you will find a wide variety of opportunities that can give you the all the things in life you deserve.
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by Alan Lim
Making money on the internet has never been easier. You will find so many programs and leads to make your dream of working from home a reality when you visit us at Make Money from Home.
Are You Ready to Make Money From Home?
You are probably one of the millions of people that have longed dreamed of how to make money from home. It probably has seemed like an unattainable goal in the past; but no more. You can find many ways to generate income from the comfort of your home by doing some research on the internet.
Can This Dream Become a Reality?
There are plenty of people who have become their own bosses since the advent of the information superhighway. There are so many people who saw the potential to make money from home simply by using their computer partnered with the internet. You can be one of those people who sit in a home office and make money doing something you love and taking more enjoyment out life.
The first steps in learning how to make money from home is to do your homework! There are many opportunities you may be offered, but you will need to be armed with the knowledge to weed out the con artists from the legitimate prospects. The only way you can do this is to read, read, and read some more. Visit many websites, read reviews and use your common sense. Anything that seems too good to be true is probably just that. You can save yourself a lot of time and money by researching how to make money from home extensively. This will only take your time and may save you hundreds of dollars down the road.
Where To Begin
You have decided you are going to give attempting to make money from home a try. Now you must decide where your talents and strengths lie. If you truly want to become successful and make money from home, your best bet is to use the skills and abilities you already possess. You can make money from home by writing a blog and generating revenue, you can set up an online store where you can sell specialty items or a wide range of goods. You can create a website that offers your services if you have an area of expertise; the possibilities are endless when you decide you want to try and begin a career from home.
Avoid the Pitfalls
Lots of people say they want to make money from home, but many are not willing to work for it. It is not enough to want to make money; you have to be willing to invest not only your hard earned cash, but your time as well. Those who think they can make money from home using some type of marketing scam or pyramid are in for a rude awakening. The only thing they will be making is space in their wallet where their money used to be.
Once you have settled on a plan for a home career, learn all you can and be ready to spend hours getting yourself set up and on the road to success. You can't expect to make the big bucks if you are only willing to devote a few hours a week at best. The people who are making the real money from their homes are the ones willing to work hard and learn from theirs and other's mistakes. They are not afraid to take a risk and devote their energies to a program has been proven to be a successful venture that can be run from the security of their home.***
If working from home has long been a dream you have been nurturing, now is the time to take action. Visit us at Make Money from Home where you will find a myriad of ideas and opportunities that can have you well on your way to financial success.***
by Alan Lim
If working from home has long been a dream you have been nurturing, now is the time to take action. Visit us at Make Money from Home where you will find a myriad of ideas and opportunities that can have you well on your way to financial success.
Laporan JPNN, Jakarta
Pemerintahan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dinilai banyak kalangan, seperti parlemen, pengusaha dan mengamat ekonomi tidak mampu mengendalikan harga sembilan bahan pokok (sembako). Anggota Komisi VI DPR Zulkieflimansyah meminta pemerintah memanggil langsung pengusaha bahan pokok, sebab krisis pangan yang terjadi saat ini jarang terjadi di saat Orba hingga pemerintahan Gus Dur. “Sejak zaman Soeharto hingga SBY, bisnis bahan pokok masih didominasi pemain-pemain lama. Jadi, pemerintah jangan segan memanggil mereka dan minta mereka menstabilkan harga,” kata politikus dari PKS itu, Ahad (2/9).
Dia menambahkan, SBY tidak perlu mengeluarkan program terlalu rumit. “Begitu terjadi gejolak, pemain-pemain tersebut dipanggil. Jadi, sebenarnya ini tidak perlu dengan kebijakan yang terlampau rumit,” ujarnya. Meski demikian, permintaan komitmen kepada pengusaha, kata dia, harus dibarengi insentif yang jelas. “Jangan pakai gaya preman. Langsung minta ini itu,” pesannya.
Meskipun Direktur Perum Bulog Mustafa Abu Bakar berkeras bahwa pemerintah tengah menjalankan program stabilisasi harga, terutama untuk stok beras, namun kenyataannya harga di daerah-daerah hampir di seluruh Indonesia terus merangkak naik. ‘’Cadangan pangan kita (Bulog, red) aman, khususnya untuk menghadapi Ramadan dan persiapan Hari Raya Idul Fitri 2007,” kata Mustafa di Padang, Sabtu malam (1/9). “Sekarang ini kita (Bulog, red) punya stok beras yang kuat,” tambahnya.
Selain beras, pemerintah juga sudah melakukan kebijakan untuk stabilitas harga minyak goreng. Seperti diberitakan, untuk menurunkan harga minyak goreng, pemerintah telah menaikkan pungutan ekspor (PE) dua kali dalam waktu kurang dari tiga bulan. Juni lalu PE CPO dinaikkan dari 1,5 persen menjadi 6,5 persen. Akhir pekan lalu, PE CPO dinaikkan lagi menjadi 7,5 persen pada harga Rotterdam 750-849 dolar AS per ton, dan 10 persen pada harga Rotterdam di atas 850 dolar AS per ton.
Dalam APBN Perubahan 2007, pemerintah dan DPR juga menyepakati alokasi subsidi minyak goreng Rp325 miliar untuk masyarakat miskin. Untuk beras, pemerintah menaikkan bea masuk impor dari semula Rp450 menjadi Rp550 per kilogram. Kenaikan bea masuk dilakukan untuk melindungi harga di tingkat petani. Pada saat yang bersamaan, pemerintah siap melakukan operasi pasar beras untuk mempertahankan harga beras pada posisi saat ini. Ketua Harian Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (Gapki) Derom Bangun mengatakan, dengan kenaikan PE CPO, tanggung jawab stabilitas harga sudah ada di tangan pemerintah. “Pengusaha kan sudah dibebani kenaikan tarif,” kata Derom kemarin.
Dia menambahkan, komitmen pengusaha yang bisa dilakukan melalui kebijakan DMO (kewajiban pasokan pasar dalam negeri/domestic market obligation) maupun PSH (program stabilisasi harga/operasi sukarela pengusaha minyak goreng, red), sudah tidak diperlukan lagi.
Menurut Derom, kebijakan stabilisasi harga dari pemerintah saat ini sudah cukup baik. Komitmen pemerintah memberikan subsidi dan operasi pasar, kata dia, sudah menjadi sinyal positif kepada pelaku usaha. Untuk harga minyak goreng, dia memastikan memang tidak akan terjadi penurunan tajam dengan kebijakan terbaru tersebut. Namun, yang terpenting, harga yang sekarang mencapai rata-rata Rp9.000 per kilogram tidak naik kembali.
PE CPO, menurut Derom, hanya efektif pada tarif 7,5 persen. Sebab, dia memperkirakan, CPO harga Rotterdam tidak akan menembus 850 dolar AS per ton. “Jadi, kenaikan PE CPO hanya efektif 1 persen. Sehingga, penurunan harga minyak goreng paling-paling hanya 1 persen dari harga pasar sekarang,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Direktur Pelaksana Econit Advisory Group Hendri Saparini menyayangkan ketidakmampuan pemerintah menjaga stabilitas harga kebutuhan pokok selama ini. “Tidak ada komentar yang pantas atas cara pengelolaan kebutuhan pokok rakyat selain luar biasa tega,” kata Hendri. Bagi dia, sangat tidak layak saat dua pekan menjelang Ramadan, bahan kebutuhan pokok terus mengalami kelangkaan dan kenaikan harga yang menggila. Menurut Hendri, kebijakan saat ini menunjukkan pemerintah terlalu memercayakan harga pada mekanisme pasar.
“Pemerintah tetap pede (percaya diri) membiarkan rakyat dan pasar menyelesaikan sendiri masalahnya. Padahal, kelangkaan dan kenaikan harga bahan pokok bukan sekadar masalah teknis ekonomi, pada supply dan demand. Tetapi, ini terjadi karena banyaknya sumbatan di pasar barang dan jasa,” katanya.
Hendri menyebut masalah distribusi, struktur pasar yang oligopoli, dan sejumlah distorsi lain. “Semuanya jelas tidak akan diselesaikan hanya dengan mekanisme pasar. Dengan memilih tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk mengatasi masalah ini, berarti pemerintah membiarkan proses penghisapan rakyat oleh si pemilik modal, dan membiarkan kesenjangan semakin lebar,” jelasnya.
Menanggapi program stabilisasi harga pemerintah, Direktur Perum Bulog Mustafa Abu Bakar menyatakan, stok beras nasional aman. Mustafa berharap para ibu rumah tangga tidak khawatir. “Tidak usah memborong beras memasuki puasa dan Hari Raya Idul Fitri karena stok cukup,” tambahnya. Bahkan, stok tersebut bisa juga untuk Natal dan Tahun Baru 2008. Seberapa jauh kebijakan stabilisasi harga bahan pokok direspons pelaku pasar? Sampai kemarin harga bahan kebutuhan pokok di berbagai daerah terus merangkak naik. Dua pekan menjelang puasa ini, kenaikan harga justru terjadi pada hampir semua komoditas. Misalnya, sayur-mayur, daging, telur, dan tepung terigu. Bahkan, harga buah-buahan ikut naik.
Berdasarkan pantauan di beberapa pasar utama di Jabotabek, seperti Pasar Ciledug dan Pasar Kreo, Kota Tangerang, kenaikan tertinggi terjadi pada cabai rawit. Dari Rp10.000 per kg, kini harga cabai rawit menjadi Rp13.000-Rp14.000 atau naik 40 persen. Harga cabai merah juga naik 20 persen, dari Rp15.000 per kg menjadi Rp18.000 per kg. Sementara itu, harga bawang merah naik dari Rp6.000 per kg menjadi Rp8.000 per kg. Kenaikan harga juga terjadi pada daging sapi, yaitu dari Rp48.000 per kg menjadi Rp50.000 per kg. Daging ayam naik dari Rp18.000 per kg menjadi Rp19.000 per kg. Harga telur ayam ikut meningkat dari Rp10.000 per kg menjadi Rp11.000 per kg. Sementara itu, tepung terigu naik dari Rp4.500 per kg menjadi Rp5.000 per kg. Minyak goreng curah naik dari Rp10.000 per kg menjadi Rp10.500 per kg selama satu pekan terakhir.
Kenaikan harga sejumlah bahan makanan juga terjadi di pasar-pasar di luar Jawa. Di Pasar Angso Duo, Kota Jambi, harga ayam potong naik Rp2.000-3.000 per kilogram, yaitu dari Rp18.000 menjadi Rp20.000-Rp 21.000. Harga kacang tanah naik dari Rp11.500 menjadi Rp12.000 per kg. Tepung terigu mulai naik harganya, dari Rp4.500 menjadi Rp5.000. Demikian pula gula pasir naik dari Rp6.000 menjadi Rp6.500 per kg.
Di Pasar Bawah, Kota Bukittinggi, Sumatera Barat (Sumbar), harga juga terus naik signifikan. Daging sapi dijual pedagang antara Rp52.000 hingga Rp54.000 per kg. Harga itu naik Rp2.000 sampai Rp4.000 dari harga sebelumnya. Harga bahan pokok juga melambung di Pasar 26 Ilir, Palembang. Kenaikan harga terjadi pada komoditas beras, tepung terigu, telur ayam, susu, dan minyak goreng. Menurut Sri, seorang pedagang di Pasar 26 Ilir, kenaikan harga komoditas disebabkan stok di tingkat agen menipis. Harga beras kualitas sedang naik dari Rp93.000 menjadi Rp98.000 per 20 kilogram. Adapun harga beras kualitas rendah naik sedikit dari Rp4.400 menjadi Rp4.500 per kilogram. ***
source: Republika (sof/uli)
Tips to Become Successful with a Home Based Business
It seems that everyone wants to have a home based business. Here, you make your own hours and your hard work will determine your income. Read on to find out more about how you can become a successful home business owner.
I Want to Get Rich
Who hasn't said those very words or though the very same thing? Everyone wants to be comfortable if not rich. We all want to take vacations, drive nice cars and live in beautiful homes. Some people just seem to have the knack for making money. Many of those people are successful because they took the plunge and invested in a home based business.
Some people are not in it to become wealthy, some people see that having a home based business allows them to become more involved in the life of their family and friends. Think of all the hours you spend commuting to and from your job everyday. Not only is it rough on your pocketbook for the commute itself, whether you take public transportation or you drive each day, it takes a huge chunk out of your time that could be spent in happier pursuits. This is just one of the advantages to having a home based business.
Where to Look for a Home Based Business
There are countless opportunities for you to have a home based business. You can find as much information as you can handle right on the web. The internet can provide you with all the tools you need to start your own home based business and ensure that you are a success. Much of the information you will find is offered to you free of charge, and there are also programs that you will have to invest a small amount of money in order to get you started.
How to Make a Success Out of a Home Based Business
The one thing that all successful business people have in common is ambition and a desire to succeed. People who become successful are not afraid to take risks and are ready to work hard to achieve the goals they have set for themselves. Having a home based business can be a challenge for those without self discipline. It is not enough to have the desire; you must also be willing to put in the hours needed to make your business flourish.
The sure fire way to succeed is to do your research and know the amount of work that will be involved in order to get your business off the ground. Many times a business you start from home can run with very little input from you once you have established yourself. Be sure you arm yourself with the knowledge to make your venture work. The amount of money you can make will only be determined by the amount of time you put into your endeavor. You will have to set hours for yourself and ensure that you keep them. Just because you don't have a boss or a supervisor breathing down your neck every day doesn't mean you can sleep late and put off tasks until another time. This will ensure that you fail no matter how fail safe the scheme you choose seems to be. Those willing to sacrifice for what they want will be the ones on the path to financial freedom. ***
by Alan Lim
If you think you have what it takes to work from home, visit us at Home Based Business. There you will find a wide variety of opportunities that can give you the all the things in life you deserve.
Live Your Dream When You Find Out How to Make Money from Home
Though it sounds too good to be true, there are many ways you can learn how to make money from home. There are plenty of websites that are chock full of ideas and programs for just this purpose. Some are even free, so get online and find out how you can stay at home and have the money rolling in.
Decide Where Your Talents Lie
Everybody is good at something, and you are sure to have some talent or skill that can help you to make money from home. Sometimes you don't even need to have a skill, all you need is information. There are people who are willing to pay for what you know or what you can find out for them. This is one way that people are learning to make money from home.
If you are a creative person and think that you can make a success with writing, you can find so many ways to make money from home in this way. There are websites that are free to join for anyone who wants to make money from home in a freelance writing capacity. You can write content for websites, write for magazines, and create brochures and newsletters to name just a few of the writing jobs that require you only have proper grammar and a way with words.
Filling Out Surveys in Order to Make Money from Home
There are many people who swear by taking surveys online in order to make money from home. There are many companies that are more than willing to pay you in cash and rewards for helping them with their marketing campaigns. This is not the easiest nor fastest way to put money in your pocket, but there are those who are out there making a decent living by simply giving their opinions about upcoming or existing goods and services. Another plus to using surveys to make money from home is you will often be supplied with some of the company's products complimentary in order for you to give them an informed opinion.
Use E-Bay to Become an Internet Mogul
E-Bay has become a phenomenon that allows people with products to sell to make lots of money. This is not a way to make money without working, if that is what you are looking for. Those who use E-Bay to sell goods online need to find the products they want to put on the market, set up an account and be ready willing and able to package and send the goods to their customers. There is much information about how to make money from home using E-Bay to do it, and you will be presented with a wide variety of ideas in order to get you started.
Stay at Home Moms
There are many work from home programs that are geared specifically to the stay at home mom. There are many ideas that will allow moms to work from home, make some money to contribute to the household and still be able to spend quality time with their children. There are many websites that cater to moms and you will be surprised at all the great ideas that have proven track records for those looking to make money from the comfort of their homes. You can choose from such jobs as sales, marketing, and travel to name just a few of the opportunities you will find available. ***
by Alan Lim
Making money on the internet has never been easier. You will find so many programs and leads to make your dream of working from home a reality when you visit us at Make Money from Home.
Are You Ready to Make Money From Home?
You are probably one of the millions of people that have longed dreamed of how to make money from home. It probably has seemed like an unattainable goal in the past; but no more. You can find many ways to generate income from the comfort of your home by doing some research on the internet.
Can This Dream Become a Reality?
There are plenty of people who have become their own bosses since the advent of the information superhighway. There are so many people who saw the potential to make money from home simply by using their computer partnered with the internet. You can be one of those people who sit in a home office and make money doing something you love and taking more enjoyment out life.
The first steps in learning how to make money from home is to do your homework! There are many opportunities you may be offered, but you will need to be armed with the knowledge to weed out the con artists from the legitimate prospects. The only way you can do this is to read, read, and read some more. Visit many websites, read reviews and use your common sense. Anything that seems too good to be true is probably just that. You can save yourself a lot of time and money by researching how to make money from home extensively. This will only take your time and may save you hundreds of dollars down the road.
Where To Begin
You have decided you are going to give attempting to make money from home a try. Now you must decide where your talents and strengths lie. If you truly want to become successful and make money from home, your best bet is to use the skills and abilities you already possess. You can make money from home by writing a blog and generating revenue, you can set up an online store where you can sell specialty items or a wide range of goods. You can create a website that offers your services if you have an area of expertise; the possibilities are endless when you decide you want to try and begin a career from home.
Avoid the Pitfalls
Lots of people say they want to make money from home, but many are not willing to work for it. It is not enough to want to make money; you have to be willing to invest not only your hard earned cash, but your time as well. Those who think they can make money from home using some type of marketing scam or pyramid are in for a rude awakening. The only thing they will be making is space in their wallet where their money used to be.
Once you have settled on a plan for a home career, learn all you can and be ready to spend hours getting yourself set up and on the road to success. You can't expect to make the big bucks if you are only willing to devote a few hours a week at best. The people who are making the real money from their homes are the ones willing to work hard and learn from theirs and other's mistakes. They are not afraid to take a risk and devote their energies to a program has been proven to be a successful venture that can be run from the security of their home.***
If working from home has long been a dream you have been nurturing, now is the time to take action. Visit us at Make Money from Home where you will find a myriad of ideas and opportunities that can have you well on your way to financial success.***
by Alan Lim
If working from home has long been a dream you have been nurturing, now is the time to take action. Visit us at Make Money from Home where you will find a myriad of ideas and opportunities that can have you well on your way to financial success.