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Harga Minyak Goreng Malaysia Kembali Stabil

Harga Minyak Goreng Malaysia Kembali Stabil
KUALALUMPUR (RP) - Krisis pasokan minyak goreng yang sedang melanda negeri jiran Malaysia dimanfaatkan oleh kalangan industri agar pemerintah menaikkan harga bahan keperluan pokok tersebut. Namun demi melindungi daya beli masyarakat, permintaan ini ditolak mentah-mentah. “Minyak goreng tidak boleh dinaikkan harganya. Kerajaan (pemerintah, red) harus melindungi daya beli masyarakat dengan mempertahankan harga jual minyak goreng kemasan yang sudah ditetapkan, yakni tetap 2,5 ringgit perkilogram,’’ kata Menteri Perusahaan Perladangan dan Komoditi, Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui kepada wartawan kemarin.

Dikatakan Peter, pihaknya memaklumi keluhan kalangan industri minyak goreng menyusul naiknya harga minyak sawit mentah (CPO) di pasaran dunia sejak Januari lalu, serta beberapa biaya produksi lainnya. Untuk itu kementerian yang dipimpinnya siap mengucurkan subsidi agar industri minyak goreng tetap sehat dan tidak menderita kerugian akibatnya.

“Dengan kebijakan ini diharapkan tidak ada lagi kekhawatiran bagi pihak distributor dan pengecer. Produksi tetap berjalan seperti biasanya sehingga tak perlu menahan-nahan penjualan minyak goreng kemasan kepada masyarakat,’’ ujar Peter lagi. Sebagaimana diketahui, harga pasaran yang ditetapkan pemerintah Malaysia untuk setiap kilogram minyak goreng kemasan adalah 2,5 ringgit. Sementara menurut pihak produsen, dengan kondisi harga bahan baku yang berlaku sekarang setiap kilogram minyak kemasan memerlukan biaya 2,8 ringgit perkilogram.

Walaupun demikian, lanjut Peter, pihak pabrik harus menunjukkan bukti yang jelas kepada Kementerian tentang sebagai pendukung klaim pembayaran yang akan mereka terima. Kalau tidak disertakan dengan bukti, maka pemerintah bisa saja menolak pembayaran ganti rugi tersebut.

Dengan diambilnya keputusan ini maka diharapkan tidak akan ada lagi krisis pasokan minyak goreng di seluruh wilayah Malaysia. Mulai hari ini, pihak Kementerian Perusahaan Perladangan dan Komoditi bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna akan melakukan pemantauan ke seluruh agen-agen distribusi di seluruh Malaysia. Peter Chin berkata mulai minggu depan, pegawai kementeriannya dan Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna akan memantau pemasaran minyak goreng kemasan di seluruh Malaysia. ***

source: Republika (ekk)


The Ultimate Marketing System for Newbies

Get ready, you are about to see--well hear about the Ultimate, true turnkey Marketing System for Newbies. This is what so many have asked for and contuinue looking for. I know that this is exactly what I searched for and believe me, what I needed, when I first got into this fabulous business.

OK, so think about this for just a moment . . .now don't get a headache or anything . . .but here are the basics that anyone wanting to do Internet Marketing needs: a list a squeeze page an autoresponder a website one or more viral PDF reorts affiliate programs email promotions the "bribe" for the subscribers a hosting account a domain name oh, and maybe some TRAFFIC I mean if it weren't for that stuff, hell, it would be so easy to set up an online business, well everyone would be doing it!

Really looking back, the biggest hurdle and challenges one faces to building a list is figuring out how to set everything up! And before continuing you may be wondering what is all this talk about building a list? Well,the saying goes like this: the money is in the list! You actually make about $1 afor each subscriber on your list: 1,000 subscribers, you make $,1000, 10,000 subscribers, you make $10,000. If you doubt it, move on and start building your list, you will be so much happier and wealthier. Now you may be saying yea yea I know all that--the problem is in the pain of setting all of this up and getting traffic and starting to make money.

That is where the program really comes in handy. It creates a professional squeeze page that can be customized with your name and optin form, automatically; it brands the PDF reports with your affiliate links and delivers them to those on your list, automatically; it generates copy and pase emails with your affiliate links;it even tracks all of your promotions so you will know how you are doing and from where you are making your money. All in all, it is a great system for the newbie to make money online fast, with little pain and pretty much goes to work for the newbie the minute he "flips the switch"! Well you do need to add the traffic to really make it work. But there is even a report that provides several methods of adding traffic with out ever spending a dime.

The best part of the program is its cost, it is less than $1 per day, it is a monthly subscription, leave when you want at $29.95 per month. Biggest drawback, (although may not be huge to the newbie), you are limited to just 2 or 3 products, emails, etc. One sure way to imporve it would be to fix it so that one could add unlimited numbers of products, promotions, email, etc.

If you are struggling or just feel you need something to jump start your earning look at http://larryoliver.net/recommends/AffiliateCashSecrets Oliver has spent nearly 20 years in corporate marketing and sales for 3 NYSE companies. Visit him at: http://larryoliver.net email him larry@larryoliver.net ***

by Larry Oliver


Sit at home and get paid for online survey

There are views and opinions of the general public that are wanted on in-numerable topics ranging from, movies, educational institutions, shopping malls, to hospitals and restaurants. Join this survey group and you will be paid for online survey.

Wide and varied topics for surveys
No matter what the service being provided is, it requires a survey to prove that it is worth its while for the general public. The list for services that require an online survey is endless, ranging from hospitals to shopping malls, from restaurants to hotels and motels, Household furnishings to women's and men's apparels, children's wear, foot wear, educational institutes, electronic goods, and also political views and media products. All this helps those who want to sit at home and earn some money and they benefit by being paid for online survey.

This wide range of market survey will give you the opportunity to conduct various surveys at the same time. You could use the same contacts for getting their views on the various topics and give this information to the different sources that have asked for it. You would be making some extra earning as you will be paid for online survey that you have conducted.

You need not know about the subject to conduct a survey
It is not as though you have to know about the subject or product that you are conducting the survey on. This information is what you are sourcing from people and will provide the basis for the final outlook for the company or institution. So to get paid for online survey is actually a pretty simple and easy exercise as you only have to send the questionnaire out to people.

What ever your back ground you can be paid for online survey
This is something that a home maker, a student, a retired person or someone who wants to augment their income could do. The basic procedure is very simple and does not expect much of your time or expect you to have loads of knowledge on the subject. All you need is a computer at home with an internet connection and you can do all the surveys from home. There is no need to step out or to go and meet anyone personally. All your communication can be done via email and you will be paid for online survey that you are conducting.

Consumer's views through online surveys is a world wide movement

The companies who are conducting this market research may have paid you for this online survey, but they have saved millions of dollars for themselves by way of advertising costs. So for you to be paid for online survey is actually beneficial to the companies in the long run. They also learn how to achieve their objective of increasing and keeping up a beneficial merchandise or service.

This kind of product and service online survey has become a world wide feature and has caught up globally as it helps the manufacturers tremendously. The survey conductors will be paid for online survey, and the merchandiser also stands to benefit. So all those who are interested in doing work from a home base and earning some money, or those who have jobs but want to make that extra cash can all look to be paid for online survey, and earn a good amount without any problems as the market is flooded with these offers. ***

by Alan Lim
Help companies to improve the quality of their services and merchandise and do online surveys. To learn more about these surveys click on Paid for Online Survey

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