Kalla: Harga BBM Tak Akan Dinaikkan
JAKARTA (RP)- Meski harga minyak internasional naik drastis di kisaran 80 dolar AS per barel, pemerintah tak berencana menaikkan harga BBM di dalam negeri. Meski terjadi peningkatan beban subsidi BBM, namun pemerintah memperoleh tambahan pendapatan dari bagi hasil Migas.
‘’Kalau kita kurangi subsidi, berarti naikkan harga. Kita tidak akan naikkan harga, tapi naikkan subsidi dengan revenue hasil penjualan minyak kita yang meningkat bila harga minyak internasional naik,’’ ujar Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla dalam keterangan pers di kediaman dinasnya, Jumat (14/9). Kalla mengatakan, kenaikan harga minyak dunia menjadi berkah sekaligus beban bagi Indonesia. Pasalnya, Indonesia termasuk negara dengan produksi minyak yang pas-pasan, sementara konsumsi produk Migas masih sangat tinggi.
Namun, setelah pemerintah menaikkan harga BBM lebih dari 100 persen pada 2005, telah terjadi keseimbangan antara beban dan keuntungan bila ada kenaikan harga minyak dunia. Dia menyontohkan, pemerintah harus membayar subsidi minyak tanah Rp5 ribu per liter. Namun, pada saat yang sama, Indonesia mendapat kenaikan porsi bagi hasil minyak dari kontraktor production sharing yang beroperasi di Indonesia.
‘’Jadi equal. Artinya, kalau harga minyak dunia tinggi, kita harus membayar subsidi yang tinggi. Di sisi lain, kita mendapat revenue yang tinggi juga. Perbedaannya hampir nol sehingga hanya terjadi pergeseran saja,’’ papar Kalla.***
source: Republika (noe/jpnn)
Augmentation of water utility in Urban Areas
Water is a scarce resource and due to its limited supply, the population of urban areas remains always in the grip of water shortage. At present, the quality of water used for watering the garden, washing the clothes and flushing the toilets is the same quality as the water we take for drinking purpose. At least, we can flush toilets by recycling the waste water in a house. With the application of new technology i.e. recycling of waste water, about 33% of urban water can be saved / reutilized. The Government can solve this problem to great extent by making the recycling of waste water as compulsory by way of amending the Building Bye laws enforceable by Town and Country Planning Department, Civic Bodies and Urban Development Authorities.
Types of Waste Water Produced in the Houses
Every house in urban areas produces two types of waste water i.e.
• Grey Water
• Black Water
The waste water which is produced from baths, showers, clothes washers, and wash-hand basins is termed as grey water whereas the waste water generated from toilets is called black water. Waste water produced from the kitchen sinks and dish-washers is also called black water due to their higher organic contents. The grey water is considered of lesser quality than potable water, but at the same time it is considered of higher quality than black water.
The Nature of Water Recommended for Recycling
The present society, through traditional practice, flushes toilets through potable high quality water i.e. the water which is being used for drinking purpose. Whereas, toilets can be flushed with waste water i.e. grey water generated from baths, showers, cloth washers and wash hand basins by recycling the same through a system. In this way, Government can save 33 % of total water supply or it can be termed as augmentation of water supply by 33 % without spending any money on additional infrastructure as this proposition is by making provision of this system in the Building Bye Laws which are enforceable through Town and Country Planning Department, Civic Bodies and Urban Development Authorities.
Mechanism of Waste Water Recycling
For the recycling of waste water / grey water, the house owner has to construct a separate waste water (grey Water) Tank below the ground level. All waste water of the house would get collected in this tank through waste water pipes. From this tank, waste water is again uplifted to a separate waste water tank placed on the terrace of a house which would supply water regularly for flushing the toilets constructed underneath of the said tank placed on the terrace. This mechanism evolved very minor changes of plumbing works. As per traditional technology, the waste water pipes are connected with the sewerage pipes at various levels. In the present case, instead of connecting waste water with the sewerage line of the house, such lines are connected with the tank constructed below ground level.
This system will not create any problem and financial burden on those persons who want to construct new houses. In old houses, some changes are required in plumbing works only. Since, there is no problem for enforcing this technology in new houses to be constructed on vacant plots; therefore, Govt. should enforce this technology by making amendments in the Building Bye Laws so that coming generation could be benefited from this system. This system will also lower down the required capacity of water supply and sewerage net works of the Government.***
by Vinay Chaubey
Can I Earn Enough Money From Advertising?
Do you notice that there are many advertisements in the internet? You can find them very common at the top and side. You can also find some at the bottom of the web page. They come in different forms, text links and banners. They are also relevant to the content of the web site. Why do we need them? They are a source of income for the websites providers.
"How can I earn enough money from advertising?" you may ask. You sell a portion of your site to advertisers who place links and banners. When visitors click on the advertisement links or banners, you will earn commissions. Usually you will be paid on pay-per-click basis. Advertising rate could be anything from $0.05 to $10 per click! This depends on the popularity of keywords and bidding cost. Imagine you have 100 visitors surfing your site in a day. Only 5% clicked on the advertisement links and banners, you will get $5 based on $1 per click. In a month, you will be $150. Remember, this is just 5% of 100 visitors. If you have 1,000 visitors per day, you can earn $1,500.
So how can I earn enough money from advertising? Here are three simple steps.
1. Create Site Rich In Content I cannot stress this enough. You have to provide useful information or free download to attract visitors to your site. This is a good way to build your traffic. You can start writing an article or a product review or something related to your passion. If you do not know how to write, you can either hire freelance to write according to your keywords or use other people's articles. Remember no traffic, no business. Definitely you do not want your space cost $0.05 per click. So build rich content and drive traffic to your site.
2. Register Google Adsense Program Google Adsense is good start with since it has a huge database for all categories. It will help you to earn enough money from it. Search for www.google.com/adsense and register as web publisher. Google Adsense will generate script code for you. Copy and paste it on your site. You can get most clicks at the top of your article and side bar.
3. Keep Updating Your Content You already have visitors to your site and you want them to keep coming. People do not like to see the same thing over and over again. You will notice low traffic and number of clicks. Simply do not earn enough money. Provide them new and fresh content. Most people failed to do this.
One last thing, sit back and watch your visitors click advertisement links and banners. You can earn enough money from advertisement. Do not worry about what type of advertisement displayed in your site. They are highly relevant to the content of your site. ***
by Vincent
My name is Vincent. I work in manufacturing industry. I have been online for a while now and I am overwhelmed by all the options to make money online. Can I earn enough money from internet? Join me to find out more anwers. Can I earn enough money from Advertising to quit my regular job?
JAKARTA (RP)- Meski harga minyak internasional naik drastis di kisaran 80 dolar AS per barel, pemerintah tak berencana menaikkan harga BBM di dalam negeri. Meski terjadi peningkatan beban subsidi BBM, namun pemerintah memperoleh tambahan pendapatan dari bagi hasil Migas.
‘’Kalau kita kurangi subsidi, berarti naikkan harga. Kita tidak akan naikkan harga, tapi naikkan subsidi dengan revenue hasil penjualan minyak kita yang meningkat bila harga minyak internasional naik,’’ ujar Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla dalam keterangan pers di kediaman dinasnya, Jumat (14/9). Kalla mengatakan, kenaikan harga minyak dunia menjadi berkah sekaligus beban bagi Indonesia. Pasalnya, Indonesia termasuk negara dengan produksi minyak yang pas-pasan, sementara konsumsi produk Migas masih sangat tinggi.
Namun, setelah pemerintah menaikkan harga BBM lebih dari 100 persen pada 2005, telah terjadi keseimbangan antara beban dan keuntungan bila ada kenaikan harga minyak dunia. Dia menyontohkan, pemerintah harus membayar subsidi minyak tanah Rp5 ribu per liter. Namun, pada saat yang sama, Indonesia mendapat kenaikan porsi bagi hasil minyak dari kontraktor production sharing yang beroperasi di Indonesia.
‘’Jadi equal. Artinya, kalau harga minyak dunia tinggi, kita harus membayar subsidi yang tinggi. Di sisi lain, kita mendapat revenue yang tinggi juga. Perbedaannya hampir nol sehingga hanya terjadi pergeseran saja,’’ papar Kalla.***
source: Republika (noe/jpnn)
Augmentation of water utility in Urban Areas
Water is a scarce resource and due to its limited supply, the population of urban areas remains always in the grip of water shortage. At present, the quality of water used for watering the garden, washing the clothes and flushing the toilets is the same quality as the water we take for drinking purpose. At least, we can flush toilets by recycling the waste water in a house. With the application of new technology i.e. recycling of waste water, about 33% of urban water can be saved / reutilized. The Government can solve this problem to great extent by making the recycling of waste water as compulsory by way of amending the Building Bye laws enforceable by Town and Country Planning Department, Civic Bodies and Urban Development Authorities.
Types of Waste Water Produced in the Houses
Every house in urban areas produces two types of waste water i.e.
• Grey Water
• Black Water
The waste water which is produced from baths, showers, clothes washers, and wash-hand basins is termed as grey water whereas the waste water generated from toilets is called black water. Waste water produced from the kitchen sinks and dish-washers is also called black water due to their higher organic contents. The grey water is considered of lesser quality than potable water, but at the same time it is considered of higher quality than black water.
The Nature of Water Recommended for Recycling
The present society, through traditional practice, flushes toilets through potable high quality water i.e. the water which is being used for drinking purpose. Whereas, toilets can be flushed with waste water i.e. grey water generated from baths, showers, cloth washers and wash hand basins by recycling the same through a system. In this way, Government can save 33 % of total water supply or it can be termed as augmentation of water supply by 33 % without spending any money on additional infrastructure as this proposition is by making provision of this system in the Building Bye Laws which are enforceable through Town and Country Planning Department, Civic Bodies and Urban Development Authorities.
Mechanism of Waste Water Recycling
For the recycling of waste water / grey water, the house owner has to construct a separate waste water (grey Water) Tank below the ground level. All waste water of the house would get collected in this tank through waste water pipes. From this tank, waste water is again uplifted to a separate waste water tank placed on the terrace of a house which would supply water regularly for flushing the toilets constructed underneath of the said tank placed on the terrace. This mechanism evolved very minor changes of plumbing works. As per traditional technology, the waste water pipes are connected with the sewerage pipes at various levels. In the present case, instead of connecting waste water with the sewerage line of the house, such lines are connected with the tank constructed below ground level.
This system will not create any problem and financial burden on those persons who want to construct new houses. In old houses, some changes are required in plumbing works only. Since, there is no problem for enforcing this technology in new houses to be constructed on vacant plots; therefore, Govt. should enforce this technology by making amendments in the Building Bye Laws so that coming generation could be benefited from this system. This system will also lower down the required capacity of water supply and sewerage net works of the Government.***
by Vinay Chaubey
Can I Earn Enough Money From Advertising?
Do you notice that there are many advertisements in the internet? You can find them very common at the top and side. You can also find some at the bottom of the web page. They come in different forms, text links and banners. They are also relevant to the content of the web site. Why do we need them? They are a source of income for the websites providers.
"How can I earn enough money from advertising?" you may ask. You sell a portion of your site to advertisers who place links and banners. When visitors click on the advertisement links or banners, you will earn commissions. Usually you will be paid on pay-per-click basis. Advertising rate could be anything from $0.05 to $10 per click! This depends on the popularity of keywords and bidding cost. Imagine you have 100 visitors surfing your site in a day. Only 5% clicked on the advertisement links and banners, you will get $5 based on $1 per click. In a month, you will be $150. Remember, this is just 5% of 100 visitors. If you have 1,000 visitors per day, you can earn $1,500.
So how can I earn enough money from advertising? Here are three simple steps.
1. Create Site Rich In Content I cannot stress this enough. You have to provide useful information or free download to attract visitors to your site. This is a good way to build your traffic. You can start writing an article or a product review or something related to your passion. If you do not know how to write, you can either hire freelance to write according to your keywords or use other people's articles. Remember no traffic, no business. Definitely you do not want your space cost $0.05 per click. So build rich content and drive traffic to your site.
2. Register Google Adsense Program Google Adsense is good start with since it has a huge database for all categories. It will help you to earn enough money from it. Search for www.google.com/adsense and register as web publisher. Google Adsense will generate script code for you. Copy and paste it on your site. You can get most clicks at the top of your article and side bar.
3. Keep Updating Your Content You already have visitors to your site and you want them to keep coming. People do not like to see the same thing over and over again. You will notice low traffic and number of clicks. Simply do not earn enough money. Provide them new and fresh content. Most people failed to do this.
One last thing, sit back and watch your visitors click advertisement links and banners. You can earn enough money from advertisement. Do not worry about what type of advertisement displayed in your site. They are highly relevant to the content of your site. ***
by Vincent
My name is Vincent. I work in manufacturing industry. I have been online for a while now and I am overwhelmed by all the options to make money online. Can I earn enough money from internet? Join me to find out more anwers. Can I earn enough money from Advertising to quit my regular job?