Harga Pinang Kembali Naik
Setelah hampir satu bulan lamanya terpuruk pada kisaran Rp1.800 per kilogramnya, sejak Sabtu (4/8), harga pinang di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir (Inhil) mulai mengalami peningkatan sekitar Rp300 tiap kilogram. Sekarang buah tanaman sela ini berharga Rp2.100 per kilogram di tingkat petani.
Kondisi itu disambut gembira masyarakat Inhil karena peningkatan harga tersebut mendongkrak pendapatan mereka. Waktu selama satu bulan, ketika harga pinang ini mengalami penurunan, hanya dimanfaatkan warga untuk mengumpulkan hasil pohon tersebut dan menyimpannya terlebih dahulu. Pembeli yang biasanya sangat banyak langsung datang ke lingkungan masyarakat pada Ahad (5/8), sudah mulai terlihat beraktivitas. Sepeda motor butut lengkap dengan keranjang di kiri-kanan yang rutin masuk ke pemukiman warga sudah tampak lalu lalang di perumahan masyarakat desa.
Peningkatan harga itu, menurut keterangan beberapa orang pembeli kepada Riau Pos sudah berlangsung beberapa hari lalu. Adanya kenaikan harga itu pula yang mendorong pembeli-pembeli ini kembali bergairah jemput bola. Tetapi di sebagian masyarakat masih banyak yang belum mau memanen tanamannya, dan menunggu agar harga lebih tinggi lagi. Fenomena seperti ini sering terjadi, bahkan pernah harga pinang menyentuh Rp1.300 per kilogramnya. Di beberapa lokasi perkebunan milik masyarakat, buah pinang siap panen berwarna merah agak kekuningan masih saja banyak yang menggelayut di pohonnya pertanda belum dipanen warga. Bahkan cukup banyak yang hanya mengambil buah yang jatuh saja dan kemudian menyimpannya di rumah masing-masing. Kegiatan membelah dan menjemur pinang belum semarak seperti harga tanaman keras berbatang tinggi ini cukup tinggi.
Petani berharap harga itu terus mengalami peningkatan hingga Rp3.500 per kilogram seperti harga bulan silam. Dengan harga seperti itu, sebanding dengan pengorbanan yang dilakukan dalam mengolahnya. Pasalnya, mengerjakan pinang juga cukup rumit. Begitu dipanen, harus dibelah kemudian dijemur lantas dicongkel setelah itu barulah pinang kering siap dijual.
Meningkatnya harga pinang ini menurut Kepala Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir H Masdjuri Hasan SIP sesuai dengan hukum pasar. Karena cukup banyak warga yang memilih tidak mengerjakan tanaman itu membuat pasokan menipis jadinya harga kembali naik. Selain itu, karena memang harga pasar internasional sedang menaik.
‘’Seperti juga harga kelapa, harga pinang juga sangat bergantung pada pasaran internasional. Jadi suatu ketika mengalami peningkatan dan suatu waktu juga menurun. Sekarang ini tampaknya permintaan sedang tinggi dan komoditas yang diperlukan terbatas. Akibat itu tentu saja harga akan mengalami peningkatan, sebagaimana hukum pasar,’’ terang Masdjuri kepada Riau Pos, Ahad (5/8).
Untuk harga kopra, lanjutnya, telah memperlihatkan tren yang meningkat. Situasi ini juga akan membuat daya beli masyarakat menjadi lebih baik dan tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat pun mengalami peningkatan. Berkaitan dengan hal ini pula, mantan Kadiskes Inhil ini, sangat berharap pemilik perkebunan kelapa tidak melakukan alih fungsi lahan, karena harga kelapa yang terus membaik akan sangat menguntungkan petani. Apalagi ketika permintaan pasar internasional makin tinggi, sedangkan pasokan kelapa dari seluruh dunia sangat terbatas. ***
source: Laporan Yon Wahyudi, Tembilahan yon-wahyudi@riaupos.co.id
A Simple Stock System for Small Investors
FT. LAUDERDALE, FL - Newswire/ -- Author and decorated Vietnam War pilot Bob Miller (www.bobmillerwrites.com) today announced the launch of his FreeStockSystem helping independent investors to earn 100 shares of stock for FREE and even show a cash profit with every purchase, and all within just a few days.
Neither a stockbroker nor a financial guru, Bob Miller relies on his personal experience in the stock market, which began with a dare on the golf course. "A broker bet me that I couldn't make $500.00 in six months in the market without his help," Bob Miller explains. "While waiting on the 10 tee I wrote out my FreeStockSystem and opened an account in the amount of $28,000 the next day. In less than 5 months I had doubled that amount."
Best of all, the FreeStockSystem, which is explained in detail on his website, is completely free for anyone who wishes to use it. "Why did I decide to give my system away for free? Simple," explains Miller, "people who sell moneymaking systems are hoping to make money selling their system, not using it." ***
by Bob Miller
Bob Miller served as a pilot in Vietnam and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal. Books that Miller has authored include Kill Me If You Can (Wheatmark 2007), Conversations with God (Vanquish Publications, 1992), and You Have My Word on It (Vanquish Publications, 1994).
Fallacies Regarding Online Home Based Businesses
In the course of my home business coaching activities, I have often found that people head into the startup of their online home based businesses with a wildly unrealistic mindset. Many have been told that they can sign up for a few programs, build a website around them, add a bunch of banners and links onto their site, then sit back and watch the money roll in and never have to work again.
There is a misconception that you can come online and set up an Internet based business and be making big money within a few days. This is absolute hogwash and it has not been my experience nor the experience of anyone I have come in contact with through my online business activities. The harsh reality is that there are more people who fail at their home businesses than there are people who actually succeed. Newcomers to the world of online home based business are not usually aware that they may actually have to work harder at their home businesses than they did at their traditional jobs.
They are typically not aware of the many hours of marketing time that they will need to put in to be successful. Many people that are new to online marketing also make the mistake of thinking that a single marketing strategy will suffice. Naturally, some avenues will produce better results than others, but I have found the best course of action is to adopt a broad based approach to your online marketing by spreading your time and resources over several different methods. If you are new to Internet marketing, you might be well advised to take a course to find out what is required of you to be successful in an online business. It does not matter what type of business you are starting, if it is online, it must be marketed online, and possibly offline as well. It always amazes me how frequently people that start an online home based business actually believe that they can get rich by doing absolutely nothing, or at least with very little effort. These are otherwise intelligent people.
Why would they believe this? My conclusion is that they believe because they want to believe. They believe because they see claims to this effect everyday and everywhere on the Internet. They are told that it is possible. They not only want to believe it, for their own reasons, but they need to believe it. In my opinion, you need to give yourself at least a year to make an online business get some traction and start to generate some meaningful income. The proper mindset is to think long term, not instant gratification.
I am always surprised at the number of people who drop out of their online home based business after the first month or two. I ask myself, what do they expect, miracles? You probably wouldn't bail out of offline business after a month so why would you expect an online business to be any different? Aside from the fallacy of instant riches without any effort, the expectation of a free ride is a frequent misconception of many that think they want to start an online home based business. If you're afraid, or unwilling, to invest a little money to start your own business...you are not looking at a home based business...you are looking at a work at home job. If you want to make money online, you must also be willing to invest in yourself. It's as plain and simple as that. ***
by daljeet singh
Setelah hampir satu bulan lamanya terpuruk pada kisaran Rp1.800 per kilogramnya, sejak Sabtu (4/8), harga pinang di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir (Inhil) mulai mengalami peningkatan sekitar Rp300 tiap kilogram. Sekarang buah tanaman sela ini berharga Rp2.100 per kilogram di tingkat petani.
Kondisi itu disambut gembira masyarakat Inhil karena peningkatan harga tersebut mendongkrak pendapatan mereka. Waktu selama satu bulan, ketika harga pinang ini mengalami penurunan, hanya dimanfaatkan warga untuk mengumpulkan hasil pohon tersebut dan menyimpannya terlebih dahulu. Pembeli yang biasanya sangat banyak langsung datang ke lingkungan masyarakat pada Ahad (5/8), sudah mulai terlihat beraktivitas. Sepeda motor butut lengkap dengan keranjang di kiri-kanan yang rutin masuk ke pemukiman warga sudah tampak lalu lalang di perumahan masyarakat desa.
Peningkatan harga itu, menurut keterangan beberapa orang pembeli kepada Riau Pos sudah berlangsung beberapa hari lalu. Adanya kenaikan harga itu pula yang mendorong pembeli-pembeli ini kembali bergairah jemput bola. Tetapi di sebagian masyarakat masih banyak yang belum mau memanen tanamannya, dan menunggu agar harga lebih tinggi lagi. Fenomena seperti ini sering terjadi, bahkan pernah harga pinang menyentuh Rp1.300 per kilogramnya. Di beberapa lokasi perkebunan milik masyarakat, buah pinang siap panen berwarna merah agak kekuningan masih saja banyak yang menggelayut di pohonnya pertanda belum dipanen warga. Bahkan cukup banyak yang hanya mengambil buah yang jatuh saja dan kemudian menyimpannya di rumah masing-masing. Kegiatan membelah dan menjemur pinang belum semarak seperti harga tanaman keras berbatang tinggi ini cukup tinggi.
Petani berharap harga itu terus mengalami peningkatan hingga Rp3.500 per kilogram seperti harga bulan silam. Dengan harga seperti itu, sebanding dengan pengorbanan yang dilakukan dalam mengolahnya. Pasalnya, mengerjakan pinang juga cukup rumit. Begitu dipanen, harus dibelah kemudian dijemur lantas dicongkel setelah itu barulah pinang kering siap dijual.
Meningkatnya harga pinang ini menurut Kepala Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir H Masdjuri Hasan SIP sesuai dengan hukum pasar. Karena cukup banyak warga yang memilih tidak mengerjakan tanaman itu membuat pasokan menipis jadinya harga kembali naik. Selain itu, karena memang harga pasar internasional sedang menaik.
‘’Seperti juga harga kelapa, harga pinang juga sangat bergantung pada pasaran internasional. Jadi suatu ketika mengalami peningkatan dan suatu waktu juga menurun. Sekarang ini tampaknya permintaan sedang tinggi dan komoditas yang diperlukan terbatas. Akibat itu tentu saja harga akan mengalami peningkatan, sebagaimana hukum pasar,’’ terang Masdjuri kepada Riau Pos, Ahad (5/8).
Untuk harga kopra, lanjutnya, telah memperlihatkan tren yang meningkat. Situasi ini juga akan membuat daya beli masyarakat menjadi lebih baik dan tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat pun mengalami peningkatan. Berkaitan dengan hal ini pula, mantan Kadiskes Inhil ini, sangat berharap pemilik perkebunan kelapa tidak melakukan alih fungsi lahan, karena harga kelapa yang terus membaik akan sangat menguntungkan petani. Apalagi ketika permintaan pasar internasional makin tinggi, sedangkan pasokan kelapa dari seluruh dunia sangat terbatas. ***
source: Laporan Yon Wahyudi, Tembilahan yon-wahyudi@riaupos.co.id
A Simple Stock System for Small Investors
FT. LAUDERDALE, FL - Newswire/ -- Author and decorated Vietnam War pilot Bob Miller (www.bobmillerwrites.com) today announced the launch of his FreeStockSystem helping independent investors to earn 100 shares of stock for FREE and even show a cash profit with every purchase, and all within just a few days.
Neither a stockbroker nor a financial guru, Bob Miller relies on his personal experience in the stock market, which began with a dare on the golf course. "A broker bet me that I couldn't make $500.00 in six months in the market without his help," Bob Miller explains. "While waiting on the 10 tee I wrote out my FreeStockSystem and opened an account in the amount of $28,000 the next day. In less than 5 months I had doubled that amount."
Best of all, the FreeStockSystem, which is explained in detail on his website, is completely free for anyone who wishes to use it. "Why did I decide to give my system away for free? Simple," explains Miller, "people who sell moneymaking systems are hoping to make money selling their system, not using it." ***
by Bob Miller
Bob Miller served as a pilot in Vietnam and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal. Books that Miller has authored include Kill Me If You Can (Wheatmark 2007), Conversations with God (Vanquish Publications, 1992), and You Have My Word on It (Vanquish Publications, 1994).
Fallacies Regarding Online Home Based Businesses
In the course of my home business coaching activities, I have often found that people head into the startup of their online home based businesses with a wildly unrealistic mindset. Many have been told that they can sign up for a few programs, build a website around them, add a bunch of banners and links onto their site, then sit back and watch the money roll in and never have to work again.
There is a misconception that you can come online and set up an Internet based business and be making big money within a few days. This is absolute hogwash and it has not been my experience nor the experience of anyone I have come in contact with through my online business activities. The harsh reality is that there are more people who fail at their home businesses than there are people who actually succeed. Newcomers to the world of online home based business are not usually aware that they may actually have to work harder at their home businesses than they did at their traditional jobs.
They are typically not aware of the many hours of marketing time that they will need to put in to be successful. Many people that are new to online marketing also make the mistake of thinking that a single marketing strategy will suffice. Naturally, some avenues will produce better results than others, but I have found the best course of action is to adopt a broad based approach to your online marketing by spreading your time and resources over several different methods. If you are new to Internet marketing, you might be well advised to take a course to find out what is required of you to be successful in an online business. It does not matter what type of business you are starting, if it is online, it must be marketed online, and possibly offline as well. It always amazes me how frequently people that start an online home based business actually believe that they can get rich by doing absolutely nothing, or at least with very little effort. These are otherwise intelligent people.
Why would they believe this? My conclusion is that they believe because they want to believe. They believe because they see claims to this effect everyday and everywhere on the Internet. They are told that it is possible. They not only want to believe it, for their own reasons, but they need to believe it. In my opinion, you need to give yourself at least a year to make an online business get some traction and start to generate some meaningful income. The proper mindset is to think long term, not instant gratification.
I am always surprised at the number of people who drop out of their online home based business after the first month or two. I ask myself, what do they expect, miracles? You probably wouldn't bail out of offline business after a month so why would you expect an online business to be any different? Aside from the fallacy of instant riches without any effort, the expectation of a free ride is a frequent misconception of many that think they want to start an online home based business. If you're afraid, or unwilling, to invest a little money to start your own business...you are not looking at a home based business...you are looking at a work at home job. If you want to make money online, you must also be willing to invest in yourself. It's as plain and simple as that. ***
by daljeet singh