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Harga Sembako Terus Naik

Harga Sembako Terus Naik
KOTA (RP) — Ibu-ibu rumah tangga menjerit. Harga barang-barang keperluan pokok terus merangkak naik. Minyak goreng yang diharapkan kembali ke harga normal yaitu Rp6.800 per kilogram, malah terus melambung dan hampir mencapai Rp9.000 per kilogram.

Salah seorang pedagang di Pasar Cik Puan, Yus (48), mengeluhkan kepada Riau Pos, Rabu (8/7), bahwa saat ini berdagang lebih sulit bila dibandingkan masa sebelumnya. Alasannya, harga barang tidak jelas kapan naiknya. ‘’Minyak misalnya, sekarang sudah mencapai harga Rp.8500-Rp.8700/Kilogram dari harga sebelumnya Rp.8000-Rp.8300. Dari kenaikan tersebut, pengecer di rumah tentu menjual hingga Rp.9000/Kilogram. Kita jual sesuai dengan modal yang kita ambil. Jika modalnya naik, tentu kita jual naik. Tentang kenaikan itu sendiri, tambah Yus, secara pasti tidak diketahuinya. Tapi menurutnya, sejak adanya operasi pasar dua bulan yang lalu, harga minyak goreng memang tidak stabil. ‘’Dari agen mengatakan kenaikan karena harga sawit yang tinggi. Itu saja yang kita dengar,’’ jelasnya sambil terus melayani pembeli. Sementara menurut salah seorang pedagang di Pasar Pagi Arengka, Toko Rahmat, Ida (52) mengatakan bahwa selain minyak goreng dan gula pasir juga mengalami kenaikan tepung terigu dan kacang tanah.

Kacang tanah yang sebelumnya dijual dengan harga Rp.10.000 - Rp.11.000/Kilo sejak sebulan yang lalu sudah naik menjadi Rp12.000 - Rp12.500/Kg. ‘’Untuk terigu kemarin sempat menghilang beberapa saat dari pasaran, pas keluar lagi tiba-tiba saja sudah naik hingga Rp1.000/Kg,’’celoteh Ida.

Dodi (30), pedagang Pasar pagi Arengka lainnya mengatakan susukaleng yang sebelumnya naik kini makin melonjak, sehingga dari harga sebelumnya mencapai kenaikan sebesar 70 persen, jadi ada yang mencapai harga Rp.7000/Kilo. Pedagang yang sudah dua kali mengalami kebakaran di Pasar Cik Puan ini juga menjelaskan tentang kenaikan harga gula pasir sekarang sudah mencapai Rp.320.000/karung dari Rp305.000/karungnya. Jadi gula pasir sekarang ini dijual Rp. 6.800/kilogram.

Kadisperindag Pekanbaru, Suradji SH menyebutkan bahwa mereka tidak bisa menekan distributor dalam mengontrol kenaikan harga barang. Dikatakannya kepada Riau Pos, Rabu (8/7), bahwa Disperindag hanya bisa memantau harga di pasaran atau mengimbau kepada para distributor dan pedagang agar tidak menaikkan harga jika tidak ada alasan yang kuat.

Tim Disperindag secara berkala terus memantau kenaikan harga. Katanya, distributor atau para pedaganga diminta agar tidak berspekulasi dan didalam menaikkan harga harus jelas alasannya. ‘’Kita hanya bisa menghimbau dan berharap kepada para distributor dan pedagang, supaya setiap kenaikan barang yang dilakukan mereka, disertai dengan alasan yang jelas dan logis. Misalnya kenaikan disebabkan naiknya harga BBM, karena bencana alam, atau sulitnya mendapat bahan tersebut. Tapi kalau tidak alasan yang jelas, diminta supaya tidak menaikkannya,’’ tuturnya.

source: riaupos (hpz)


10 Things Every Home Based Business Owner Needs

When you make the decision to earn income from the internet you will need to go through a set up process to be ready for business. Following are the basic steps in setting up for home business success.

1. Attitude The key to your business success is your attitude. Treat your business like a business. This is critical whether you are working part-time or full-time. One of my colleagues is a mother who works from home around her family. She has always put her family first whilst at the same time developing her business. She says, "I work part-time, but I have a full-time attitude." Put another way, "If you have a hobby attitude you will have a hobby income, if you have a business attitude you will have a business income." You can be successful working part-time and you can be successful working full-time but it is highly unlikely that you will be successful working in your "spare time".

2. Working Environment A space that you can call your own, free from distractions for your scheduled time. A comfortable chair and organized desk. Stationery supplies as required. For example: - pens - highlighters - stapler - hole punch - sticky tape - note book(s) - a simple filing system - ring binders - manila folders Consider the value of a broadband connection. Your time is valuable and a broadband connection can allow you to get more done in a given time frame.

3. Schedule Develop a schedule that works for you, your family (or "significant others") and your business. When you allot a block of time for work then use that time for work. Equally important is to schedule time for your other commitments - family time, self education (reading, listening and viewing), "health time" (exercise, cooking and eating), and leisure time. During these other times don't work. After all if one of the reasons to work from home is to spend more time with your family then you don't want your working at home time to consume your family time.

You are working for yourself and your schedule (by your choice) is your "boss". When you have people calling you or dropping around unexpectedly or maybe out-of-town visitors may want to catch up with you then you need to make a choice. Are you committed to your own business success? What will be your choice in these situations? Only you can decide what is important to you. In a family environment you may need to negotiate with your partner and children to have your business time agreed upon, during which you will not be interrupted. Put this schedule prominently somewhere so all family members are aware of your work schedule.

4. Describe Your Business Be able to describe your business concisely; a powerful one or two sentence description that someone can repeat in describing your business to others. A unique and memorable tag line can also be invaluable for promoting your business.

5. Know you’re Product or Service Once you have selected your product or service to sell, it may or may not be something that you use yourself but you need to know your product intimately. If you are selling e-books then know the content and its value. If you are selling software then use it knows it "inside out". You will develop a reputation of providing quality information and because of your product knowledge you can become the preferred supplier. It is not practical to use certain products (for example a woman may choose to sell man's shoes or vice versa) in which case the seller won't be a product user, however the seller can still know the benefits and features of the product intimately.

6. Administration Use good record keeping practices. This may involve a consultation with a tax advisor who can let you know about the optimal way to set up your financial records and what records need to be kept. Your advisor will also recommend record keeping systems and you can find out what software may simplify this aspect of your business. Additionally your obtain advice on the best arrangement for your bank accounts. You will most likely be advised to have a separate bank account. You will also need to keep track of your various logins, usernames and passwords. A very handy little software tool for this is Treepad available as either the free Lite version (without password protection) or the commercial Plus or Biz versions. http://www.treepad.com There is other useful tools for this also from a simple paper notebook to free and commercial password keepers. One popular solution is Roboform that will remember your login details and can automatically fill out your login and other registration forms. http://www.roboform.com

7. Computer Protection Your computer is the lifeline to your business dealings and must be protected including the data that is stored. You need a virus scanner, personal firewall, anti-spyware and anti-adware and preferably an email scanner with the ability to delete suspect of spam email from the server before it is downloaded to your computer. Some suggestions are: AVG Anti-Virus: http://www.grisoft.com Spybot S&D: http://www.safer-networking.org Microsoft Anti-Spyware: www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/software/default.mspx Adaware: http://www.lavasoft.com/ Mailwasher Email Scanner: http://www.mailwasher.net

8. A Domain Name You wills most likely need a domain name for your business and one cost effective registrar is GoDaddy, http://www.godaddy.com.

9. Payment Processing You will need a way to process credit cards; that may be using services such as: - PayPal https://www.paypal.com - Storm Pay http://www.stormpay.com - 2 Checkout http://www.2checkout.com - Clickbank http://www.clickbank.com or others. This is the most economical way to get started. Once your business picks up you may need to look into your own merchant account for credit card transactions. Consideration may also be given to other forms of online currency such as eGold http://www.egold.com

10. Email accounts Once you have your own domain you can use an associated email account. This can further assist in the promotion of your business and promotes a more professional business image. As a final comment on continuing in your internet business, conduct your business ethically, provide extraordinary service and be proud to put your name to the products or services that you are selling and you will be on track to developing a sustainable long term internet business. ***

by For More Free Resources visit www.greatindustrialguide.com


Where Does Prospecting Fit In With My Internet Marketing Home Business?

Is it true that people are always looking for something free? I would say that this statement surely has a lot of truth to it. Everything is so expensive nowadays, so why not get something for free if you can! It is my belief that giving away something for free can help you in your internet marketing home based business as an attention grabber. Because there is so much competition on the internet, expecially in internet marketing, we all could use a free prospecting tool to get the attention of a potential customer.

I think the problem, however, with the work "free" is that it may have some negative connotations attached to it. We tend to believe that when something is "free" that it may have a lower value to it, or may potentially be worthless. We also may believe that if something is "free" that there is some kind of hook or catch to it.. and/or that it could be some type of scam. I have been in situations myself where I thought something was free and it truly was over $100! After having one or more experiences like this, we are sure to become jaded over time. How could we not feel that way, after our trust as a consumer was betrayed.

If we are going to offer free incentives in our online marketing business, we must really mean what we say. If something is "free" there should be no more than a nominal cost such as tax or shipping attached to the offer. Sometimes even these added charges can turn people off, even though a small tax or shipping charge is only fair, if a person is being offered a small vacation or an expensive fruit basket! An individual should also NEVER automatically be enrolled in a program after redeeming their offer.

This is big NO NO in the world of free business incentives, even though a lot of big Fortune 500 Companies succumb to this underhanded tactic. In summary, free prospecting tools are great for expanding your home based internet marketing business if used correctly, fairly, and with integrity. I use free prospecting tools myself which are reputable, decent, and enticing and this has helped me to successfully make money online in my home based internet marketing business. ***

by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky http://www.internetmarketingcoachmt.com http://www.workfromhomemt.com


The Excitement and Challenge of An Internet Marketing Home Business

Internet Marketing is an exciting and challenging profession which I absolutely love! Being a piano teacher as well as internet marketing coach for newbies,internet marketing has brought a new dimension to my life which I fully appreciate and embrace. I am involved with various programs (which I have researched) which bring in multiple streams of income. I love the world of internet marketing and love to work from home! One of the reasons I find internet marketing so exciting is the fact that every single day is open to new opportunities with a chance to meet new and interesting people.

I have met so many fabulous people all around the world and I get to talk to many of these people daily. I find it amazing how the internet connects people from all around the world. No other generation has ever had this capability and I feel so fortunate to have this opportunity. Another exciting aspect of internet marketing is that each day is totally one hundred percent different than the day before.

I never know who is going to opt in to my internet marketing business opportunity on any given day. When somebody does decide to join my home based business opportunity and I see the fruits of my efforts I feel a strong sense of success and accomplishment. Of course with internet marketing, some weeks will be better than others! Internet marketing does not go without challenges! This business requires tremendous effort on my part to succeed. I do spend a lot of time in this business writing, researching, and learning the work at home internet marketing tricks of the trade.

Any home based business, whether it be internet marketing or not will require a lot of your time, especially at the beginning. If you want your business to be successful you have got to make some sacrifices... at least at the beginning. Overall, internet marketing online is an exciting and challenging business that can provide you with tremendous success and huge profits if you are passionate about it like I am. You will take the ride of your life and you will have so much fun doing it that you will want to go on again and again!! ***

by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky http://www.internetmarketingcoachmt.com http://www.workfromhomemt.com

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