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Harga Obat Naik Hingga 30 Persen

Harga Obat Naik Hingga 30 Persen
Lagi-lagi kenaikan harga barang-barang yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan terjadi. Setelah harga susu yang meningkat, sekarang masyarakat dihadapi dengan kenaikan harga obat-obatan. Naiknya antara 10-30 persen. Berdasarkan informasi yang diterima Riau Pos, Ahad (15/7) dari beberapa toko obat dan apotek di Pekanbaru, kenaikan harga obat telah terjadi sejak sepekan yang lalu. Jenis obat yang mengalami kenaikan adalah obat paten dan generik.

Contohnya, salep analgesic sebelumnya dijual dengan harga Rp14 ribu menjadi Rp16 ribu. Amoxicilin sebelumnya hanya Rp6.250 menjadi Rp7.250. Begitu pula dengan amphicylin sebelumnya hanya Rp6.500 menjadi Rp7.500. Beberapa pengelola apotek menyebutkan, mulai 1 Agustus 2007 nanti, sejumlah harga obat akan mengalami kenaikan kembali. Yang besarannya belum dapat dipastikan.

‘’Harga obat mulai mengalami kenaikan sejak seminggu yang lalu. Kisarannya 10 persen-30 persen, hampir untuk seluruh obat. Informasinya lagi mulai 1 Agustus nanti pabrik obat akan menaikan kembali harga,’’ ucap pengelola Apotek Hidayah di Jalan Budi Utomo Pekanbaru, Fauziyah MS SFar Apt kepada Riau Pos.

Pengelola toko obat di Pasar Rumbai Marzuki menambahkan, dirinya sendiri bingung menentukan harga obat. Sebab, keseluruhan harga obat-obatan mengalami kenaikan sebesar 10 persen. Namun lanjutnya, sebagian besar harga obat sudah naik sejak April lalu secara bertahap.

‘’Sulit saya menentukan harga. Kenaikannya cukup membuat konsumen merasa kesulitan untuk membeli. Terutama bagi masyarakat kurang mampu. Karena harga keperluan sehari-hari saja sekarang mengalami peningkatan juga,’’ ucap dia. Marzuki berharap, pemerintah melalui Deperatemen Kesehatan bisa menyikapi permasalahan harga obat ini dengan baik. Sehingga masyarakat bisa mendapatkan obat dengan harga terjangkau dan bermutu tinggi. ***

Laporan MASHURI KURNIAWAN, Kota mashuri-kurniawan@riaupos.co.id



Decorating with colour is a design technique that helps bring your room to life. While colour schemes are subjective, it can work as a wonder drug. When you choose colour, make sure to choose the colour scheme too, i.e. the depth of colour. Monochromatic, several different colours or a single accent colour will be the foundation of how one feels in your rooms. How does colour make you feel? “I want my family room in a yellow colour scheme.

The colour is lively and that’s just the way I want the space I spend most of the time with my family to reflect,” says Kim Sharma, housewife. You may love that deep yellow tone but your neighbour may absolutely hate it. Colours have different meanings to different people. One colour can go emotionally more than one way. Following are examples of emotional reaction to some colours:

Blue: Feels distancing, reserved. Red: Feels stimulating, agitating. Yellow: Feels energizing. Sometimes to the point of anxiety. Orange: Feels stimulating and inviting. Green: Feels soothing and relaxing. White: Feels calming and uncluttered, clean. How to harmonize colours.

There are only four types of colour combinations or types of colour schemes you need to make a note of:

1. Complementary colours or complementary harmony This is two colours that are in total contrast. Red and green. Purple and yellow. Blue and orange. The effect is always stimulating and dramatic. If you want a room that has energy and is bold, a complementary color scheme is a good choice.

2. Triadic colours or triadic harmony Three different colours with the same depth of intensity make up this colour scheme. The effect is a balanced look.

3. Analogous colours or harmony Two or three different colours from the same colour family. Example, orange, red orange and pale orange. This color scheme gives a softened look with contrast.

4. Monochromatic colour or monochromatic harmony colour scheme One single colour or differing intensities of the same colour such as blue and light blue. The effect is very quieting. Many find this the easiest colour scheme to use and to live with. Always remember your home has to be a retreat, a place to unwind. A monochromatic colour scheme choice will help you accomplish just this. More Home Care Tips ***

by Tanya Munshi


No Home Business Can Be One Hundred Percent Self Automated

We hear so much nowadays about home based internet marketing businesses that are "self-automated"to run on their own. These businesses sound exciting because the first thing we think about is how our business will produce high profits for us as we are sitting on the beach in the Bahamas. How great this would be... if it were only true. Although there are some businesses that do have more automated features built in, these businesses cannot produce online income for you without some intervention on your part.

To be totally blunt, you will not make money online if you do not actively market yourself or your program on the internet. We hear so much about the failure rates in internet marketing. We also hear so much about internet scams or the latest scam designed to take your money and run with it. Although there are a lot of scams on the internet that we have to beware of, many of the programs advertised to make money are truly legitimate. The problem here, however, is that we are led to believe that we do not have to do very much to actually profit and make money from these programs.

Even if a program does have built in features which help the program sell itself,you as a home based business owner will have to market the program to get people to see it! If the program that you are currently involved in says that it will market your program for you, you may have to pay a pretty penny for this. This could mean that you would need to shell out hundreds, even thousands per month in an advertising cooperative. I would not do this at all... you are almost guaranteed to lose your money in these situations.

I do know some people who have lost their shirts in advertising cooperatives. In conclusion, we all must come to the realization that we will get out what we put in to our home based business, internet marketing business, or business franchise. I would say that this is especially true if you are an internet newbie and have just started or are looking to start a home based business. We must work hard on a daily basis to let people know about us and the products and services we have to offer. If we do not, success will not even be close to our fingertips. ***

by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky http://www.internetmarketingcoachmt.com http://www.homebasedbusiness-mt.com


Empathy As An Interpersonal Skill In Your Home Based Business

I am on my computer for about 6 hours a day. I am committed to my internet marketing business even though this is not my full time career. I love to write about different subjects and I love learning new ideas regarding internet marketing on a daily basis. Even though I work from home, however, I still need to work on my interpersonal skills (also known as people skills). When you own an internet marketing business you will be doing a lot of business via email, im, and through article and blog marketing.

However, we must not forget that we still have to connect with people via the telephone or perhaps in person. We must not forget these skills if we really want to succeed in our home based business and make money online. If we do not continually polish these skills, we will get rusty and may lose our ability to effectively communicate with others. As a piano teacher, prior therapist, and internet marketer and coach for newbies, I have to work with people a lot.

One of the ways that I keep my people skills polished is that I focus on what the other person needs. I try to listen to it, hear it, and empathize and understand their needs the best that I can. When you empathize with another person, you try to put yourself in his or her shoes. This is an effective technique at working with others because you will try to see the world the best that you can from his or her perspective. Without empathy for another person, it is very hard to connect in a truly effective way.

Empathy is one part of effective people skills and it does not hurt to be empathic in other areas of your life as well. Sometimes we can forget to be empathic and we focus solely on ourselves and what we need. When we focus on the needs of others we will be surprised that what comes back to us can be multiplied in many ways! ***

by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky http://www.internetmarketingcoachmt.com http://www.homebasedbusiness-mt.com

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