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Harga Kecap Tersandera Kedelai

Harga Kecap Tersandera Kedelai

Harga kecap manis, kini tak lagi terasa manis di lidah Anizar (56 tahun), warga Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan. Ibu rumah tangga berputera empat itu harus pandai-pandai mencampurkan bumbu penyedap dapur itu ke masakan racikannya. Anizar mulai irit mengonsumsi harga kecap.

Seolah dikomando, harga kecap mengikuti kenaikan harga kedelai. Kecap, yang salah satu bahan baku utamanya dari kedelai, harganya ikut naik bersama harga kedelai. Beberapa merek kecap memang mengalami kenaikan harga rata-rata Rp 1.000 per botol di wilayah Tangerang, Banten. Ketika harga kedelai masih normal, harga per botol besar kecap dijual hanya se harga Rp 7.000.

Kenaikan harga kecap juga terjadi di Kota Medan, Sumatra Utara. Harga kecap merek ABC yang semula dijual Rp 12 ribu per botol besar, kini dilego di harga Rp 13 ribu. ''Kenaikan harga kecap itu sudah terjadi sejak pekan lalu akibat harga bahan baku pembuat harga kecap yang mahal,'' ujar Nurdin, pedagang di Pasar Medan.

Pengusaha kecap memang sedang di ujung tanduk, menyusul bergugurannya pengusaha tempe dan tahu akibat melambungnya harga kedelai, bahan baku utama pembuatan tempe dan tahu. Wiwik Listiyani, pengusaha kecap tradisional di Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah, mengaku serba salah.

Dia harus tetap memproduksi kecap agar cashflow rumah tangganya mengalir. Tapi di pihak lain, saat ini bukan waktu yang tepat bagi industri kecap rumahannya menghasilkan bumbu dapur itu dalam jumlah normal. Masih tingginya harga kedelai, menjadikan komoditas jenis kacang-kacangan yang diolah menjadi kecap itu tak sebanyak di saat harga wajar. Wiwik pun memutar otak. Satu-satunya cara yang bisa ditempuh adalah mengurangi produksi kecap miliknya yang berlabel Riboet itu.

Bagi Wiwik, lebih baik mengurangi produksi daripada menaikkan harga jual kecap. ''Karena jika tidak, industri kecap rumahan yang ada di Purwokerto akan tutup,'' kata Wiwik, Jumat (25/1). Pengurangan produksi kecap sebenarnya sudah dilakukan sejak Desember 2007 lalu. Bila setiap pekan mampu memproduksi kecap dalam waktu tiga hari, kini hanya sehari sepekan. Praktis, jumlah botol kecap cap Riboet yang beredar di pasar pun berkurang. ''Kami membutuhkan kedelai sekitar empat kwintal setiap kali produksi,'' katanya.

Dengan harga kedelai mencapai Rp 8.000 per kilogram, kecap yang dilepas ke pasaran di harga Rp 5.700 per botol. Di awal tahun 2007, harga kedelai berada di kisaran Rp 3.500-Rp 4.000 per kilogram. ''Kalau harga kecap juga dinaikkan, saya khawatir tidak ada yang beli.''

Memang, menjadi pilihan sulit baginya ketika kecap tak juga ikut naik harganya. Ini karena kedelai mempunyai andil 80 persen dalam proses produksi kecap. ''Jika harga gula merah yang naik, kita tak terlalu ribut karena biasanya sesaat, seperti pada musim hujan, dan setelah itu normal lagi. Tapi, kalau kedelai naik, pengaruhnya luar biasa,'' ujar Wiwik.

Agus, pengusaha kecap di Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, juga mengikuti pilihan Wiwik. Agus memilih untuk mengurangi produksi. Tak mungkin baginya menaikkan harga jual kecap dalam kondisi warga serbakekurangan seperti saat ini karena melonjaknya harga bahan pangan lain. Dampak turunan kenaikan harga kedelai, juga masih dirasakan pengusaha tempe di Yogyakarta. Perusahaan tempe terbesar di Daerah Istimewa itu, Pedro, telah merumahkan 25 karyawan sejak beberapa hari lalu.

Produksi tempe perusahaan yang berlokasi di Kel Ketanggungan, Wirobrajan, itu bahkan telah dikurangi hingga 80 persen. Sebelum harga kedelai melonjak, Pedro mampu menghabiskan 2.000 kilogram kedelai dalam tempo sehari untuk membuat tempe. Tapi, kini hanya 400 kilogram kedelai saja yang diolah. Harga jual kedelai produksi Pedro pun sudah dinaikkan, dari Rp 1.200 per bungkus kecil menjadi Rp 1.500.

Di Yogyakarta, menurut Kabid Bimbingan Teknis Disperindagkop Kota Yogyakarta, Bambang Supriyatno, terdapat 92 unit usaha tahu dengan jumlah pekerja 224 orang, dan 61 unit usaha tempe yang menampung 141 tenaga kerja. Sebanyak lima unit usaha gulung lapak karena tak mampu menanggung mahalnya biaya bahan baku kedelai, yaitu tiga unit usaha tahu di Ngaglik, Tegalrejo; dan dua unit usaha tempe di Sidikan, Umbulharjo. ''Jika kenaikan harga kedelai tak segera diatasi, usaha tahu tempe yang skalanya kecil akan kian terancam,'' ujar Bambang. Padahal, 50 persen unit usaha tahu-tempe di Yogyakarta didominasi usaha kecil.

Harga kedelai jenis lokal pekan ini di daerah Yogyakarta bertahan di harga Rp 8.500 per kilogram, dari harga Rp 8.250 per kilogram pekan sebelumnya. Berbeda dengan kedelai lokal, harga kedelai impor justru sudah melorot dari harga Rp 7.450 per kilogram menjadi harga Rp 7.200 per kilogram. Kendati, penurunan harga itu masih terhitung tinggi dibandingkan sebulan lalu.

Ketua Induk Koperasi Tahu Tempe Indonesia (Inkoptti), Sulchan RM, mengaku baru 20 persen pengusaha tahu anggotanya yang berhenti berproduksi. ''Hanya 50 persen yang masih berproduksi, sisanya berproduksi jauh dari kapasitas. Biasanya 10 kuintal, hanya lima kwintal. Dua kwintal, menjadi hanya satu kwintal,'' jelas Sulchan. Harga kedelai yang melonjak tinggi membuat banyak pengusaha tahu menurunkan kapasitas produksi dan memangkas jumlah karyawan. Mereka menyiasati dengan kerja bergiliran agar tak terlalu banyak merumahkan karyawan. Pengusaha yang memilih gulung lapak, menurut Sulchan, rata-rata industri tahu skala rumah tangga yang dikerjakan anggota keluarga. ''Kalau keluarga sendiri atau ditambah pembantu, ya memilih istirahat,'' katanya.

Harga kedelai memang sempat turun dari harga Rp 6.000 per kilogram menjadi harga Rp 6.700-Rp 6.800 per kilogram. Namun, itu didapat dari petani lokal yang kualitasnya jelek. ''Kemungkinan akibat cuaca yang tak bersahabat dan kurang kering dijemur.'' Dia berharap pemerintah segera menurunkan harga kedelai di level yang wajar, sekitar harga Rp 5.500-Rp 6.000 per kilogram. ''Lebih bagus lagi bila kedelai dipasok petani lokal.'' ***

source: artikel Republika
( yli/wab/rto/ant )


5 Tips for Over-worked, Over-pressured Small Business Owners

1. Get your Top Business Goals in writing.
Have them in order of importance and jot down ideas on how to get them done more effectively.

Stop and have a think about why you are in business. Ask yourself the following questions?
What is the purpose of my business?
What service and/or products do I offer and what is my edge over my competitors?
What value will I give my clients?
Who are my Clients and How do I attract them to my business?
How will clients and prospects get a hold of me?

Once you have answered most of these questions, You'll be able to pinpoint what needs to get harga done. To get off to a good start you must get organized. Yes, this seems easier said than done but technology allows us to make this a simpler harga process. We suggest using a Customer Relationship Manager or a CRM to get you off and running. There are tons of CRM programs in the market you can chose from harga. SUGAR CRM seems to fit the bill and it's free.

This will allow you to track your leads, track your clients, as well as organize your calendar and harga schedules. It also includes an email marketing feature that would make sending out emails to prospects just a click away. Getting organized will help you get your business running harga smoothly and ready to be mobile.

2. Learn how to run your Small Business from virtually anywhere.
In the past, visiting a business meant walking into a building. Today, it's can be done without having to get out of your pajamas. People want information and answers as soon as they can think of it and sometimes faster. The Internet has become todays information source and is widely used all over the harga globe. Getting your business on the Internet would mean getting your business available to the world 24 hours a day, everyday. More importantly, your local clients will be able to get a hold of you from anywhere and anytime. Having web presence is like having a Customer Service Agent working for you around the clock.

Also, the flexibility of this virtual office means being able to change it or update it whenever you see fit. Just how others can access your business anytime and anywhere, you too can operate your virtual office from anywhere. Aside from your website, you may also start looking into Voice Over IP (VOIP) and Internet Chat to communicate with your contacts. With the growth of SPAM emails, speaking to people have been getting more relevant in building relationships in harga business today.

3. Build relationships with everyone you deal with in your business.
This includes vendors, clients, staff and yes even your friends. They might be able to lend you a hand in something.
With a reliable and well organized CRM System, an integrated web presence, VOIP and Internet Chat avenue, building relationships will be a breeze. Studies have shown that most business deals are offspring of word of mouth. Building a solid business relationship with everyone in your harga address book will greatly increase your chances of being referred by them to their contacts. Networking with your contacts and some new people with common interests is a great start in getting your harga business some exposure. Try getting a profile in business networking sites such as Ecademy, LinkedIN and Xing.

4. How you can save some money and use your available funds properly.
Business is about keeping your cost low and profit higher. How do we put your business on a financial diet? Try to make a list of all the expenses you currently have and ask yourself if it is actually helping your business grow and moving forward. How many items in that list are "empty" harga calories? If it's making your expenses fat and your business weaker, then it's probably wise to cut it out. Another way to do it is to find alternatives to services or products you are currently using for your business.
To cut from operational costs, you might want to use "Open Source" software, which are free, instead of costly commercialized harga programs that get more expensive throughout the years. Another way is to get a VOIP telephone service such as Vonage, to reduce your long distance phone bills. Are you paying full time staff for part time work? Try to assess if your labor harga dollars are being spent wisely. Outsourcing some administrative tasks might better fit your financial objectives better.
5. Get some HELP.
A single person cannot handle everything in an 8-hour period, sometimes not even in a few days. Many of us feel that getting everything done ourselves means getting it done right; But doing everything alone can mean not getting anything done at all. You might be an expert in your harga business, but there are some elements of business which does not require an expert but requires continuous monitoring.
What you need for this is time. More time for work usually means less time with family, friends or activities you love to do. Are you willing to give it up? You need to get outside help for these time consuming harga processes. Outsourcing or Offshoring might sound expensive and unmanageable but it is actually a lot cheaper and way easier to manage since you don't have to deal with employees. Here are ways you can outsource :
1.Virtual Personal Assistant - it's the person that handles your calendar, your emails, your phone calls and everything else while you're out with a client. Since they work in your virtual harga office, they get you organized and sorted out on time without the hassle of personal issues.

2.Back Office/Administrative Officers - a team of staff that are assigned to fulfill tasks that require constant monitoring or repetitive type of work. These include but not limited to: data entry, generating and compilation of marketing harga reports, research and bookkeeping.
3.Telesales/ Customer Service Agents - you can have a team of experienced agents to do your telemarketing or sales calls for you. They can also answer questions regarding your products and or services. Setting up a system to do this in-house can be very costly. Why get bothered with starting from scratch harga when there are available packages for this type of service available and ready to go for only a fraction of the cost of one full time staff?

Once you get through these steps, you will immediately see the difference in your business. You will:

Have more free time with family, friends and things you love. Spend your working hours with clients and important business processes. Increased profits and reduced costs Enjoy life and remember why you went to business for yourself. ***

by Ultro Consulting Ltd
Ultro Sourcing is a leading outsourcing company with offices in the UK and Philippines providing back office outsourcing solutions, Telemarketing packages and Virtual Personal Assistants that can fit in most of the major industry sectors. To contact Ultro Consulting: Please contact: James Pitt, Director at 0845 0945 954 skype: jamespitt, or email: networking@ultro.co.uk

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