Seni Menawar Harga
Menawar barang adalah seni yang bisa dengan mudah dipelajari dan dipraktikkan. Anda bisa mencoba kemampuan bernegosiasi dengan trik di bawah ini:
1. Carilah kelemahan sang penjual, atau produk yang ditawarkan. Dengan cacat sedikit saja, Anda bisa jauh menekan harga yang ditawarkan. Semakin Anda paham produk tersebut -- berikut kelemahannya, posisi Anda untuk menawar akan semakin kuat.
2. Mulailah bernegosiasi dengan sikap positif. Biarkan penjual merasa bangga dengan apa yang ia tawarkan. Apresiasi Anda terhadap penjual akan mendatangkan keuntungan setimpal.
3. Hindari tawaran harga yang melompat-lompat. Sesekali biarkan penjual berpikir dan menghitung tawaran Anda. Bila telah mendapat harga yang cocok, jangan buat penjual merasa bersalah dengan harga yang hendak ia lepas.
4. Ketika membuat tawaran, bertindaklah rasional. Jangan asal menawar dengan harga yang miring. Kredibilitas Anda akan tampak buruk bila menawar 500.000 ribu untuk barang yang setelah didiskon seharga RP 1 juta.
5. Bila Anda tak cocok dengan harga yang ditawarkan jangan sekali-kali menjawab ''tidak.'' Kata ''tidak'' bukanlah keputusan. Cobalah terus bertanya untuk mendapatkan harga yang cocok.
6. Jaga hubungan baik. Bila Anda telah mendapatkan harga yang baik, berilah ucapan selamat kepada penjualnya. Hubungan baik Anda dengan penjual akan menguntungkan Anda di kemudian hari. Bila kebetulan Anda pada suatu ketika lewat di depan konter atau kantornya cobalah mampir, atau lemparkan senyuman. ***
source: artikel Republika
Great News About Polyurethane Roof Insulation Products
Chances are that even though your home may be insulated, it is not up to todays standards. Ten or twenty years ago, electricity and gas was substantially cheaper and so people didn't give the same thought to their homes insulation that they do now. Also, the only products that were available to insulate a home then were fiberglass and cellulose and both of these products have a tendency to settle.
It was only after the development of polyurethane foam roof insulation that the option of actually insulating the roof was available. Stopping energy loss at the roof only makes perfect sense, because once heat enters the attic it will be stored in the attic until it drifts back out of the attic, or is absorbed by the home as unwanted heat. Also, polyurethane roof insulation pulls double duty, by functioning to keep out the cold in the winter time.
For modular homes and trailers it works great, because they tend to have a small space between the roof and the living area, so they tend to be under insulated. Applying a three inch layer of polyurethane foam to the roof will add an additional R19 which is the equivalent to 6 inches of fiberglass insulation.
The roof of a home that has been insulated with polyurethane foam will look no different than a home without it and it will in fact increase the value of your home instantly. Why suffer through another hot summer while you shell out your hard earned money to energy companies that have you over a financial barrel. Having your roof insulated with polyurethane foam is a great way to keep your money in your own pocket, while you make your home a far more comfortable and affordable place to live in. ***
by Judith Wesson
Written by Judith Wesson. Find the latest information on {a href=””}Roof Insulation as well as {a href=””}Nail Fatigue.
Menawar barang adalah seni yang bisa dengan mudah dipelajari dan dipraktikkan. Anda bisa mencoba kemampuan bernegosiasi dengan trik di bawah ini:
1. Carilah kelemahan sang penjual, atau produk yang ditawarkan. Dengan cacat sedikit saja, Anda bisa jauh menekan harga yang ditawarkan. Semakin Anda paham produk tersebut -- berikut kelemahannya, posisi Anda untuk menawar akan semakin kuat.
2. Mulailah bernegosiasi dengan sikap positif. Biarkan penjual merasa bangga dengan apa yang ia tawarkan. Apresiasi Anda terhadap penjual akan mendatangkan keuntungan setimpal.
3. Hindari tawaran harga yang melompat-lompat. Sesekali biarkan penjual berpikir dan menghitung tawaran Anda. Bila telah mendapat harga yang cocok, jangan buat penjual merasa bersalah dengan harga yang hendak ia lepas.
4. Ketika membuat tawaran, bertindaklah rasional. Jangan asal menawar dengan harga yang miring. Kredibilitas Anda akan tampak buruk bila menawar 500.000 ribu untuk barang yang setelah didiskon seharga RP 1 juta.
5. Bila Anda tak cocok dengan harga yang ditawarkan jangan sekali-kali menjawab ''tidak.'' Kata ''tidak'' bukanlah keputusan. Cobalah terus bertanya untuk mendapatkan harga yang cocok.
6. Jaga hubungan baik. Bila Anda telah mendapatkan harga yang baik, berilah ucapan selamat kepada penjualnya. Hubungan baik Anda dengan penjual akan menguntungkan Anda di kemudian hari. Bila kebetulan Anda pada suatu ketika lewat di depan konter atau kantornya cobalah mampir, atau lemparkan senyuman. ***
source: artikel Republika
Great News About Polyurethane Roof Insulation Products
Chances are that even though your home may be insulated, it is not up to todays standards. Ten or twenty years ago, electricity and gas was substantially cheaper and so people didn't give the same thought to their homes insulation that they do now. Also, the only products that were available to insulate a home then were fiberglass and cellulose and both of these products have a tendency to settle.
It was only after the development of polyurethane foam roof insulation that the option of actually insulating the roof was available. Stopping energy loss at the roof only makes perfect sense, because once heat enters the attic it will be stored in the attic until it drifts back out of the attic, or is absorbed by the home as unwanted heat. Also, polyurethane roof insulation pulls double duty, by functioning to keep out the cold in the winter time.
For modular homes and trailers it works great, because they tend to have a small space between the roof and the living area, so they tend to be under insulated. Applying a three inch layer of polyurethane foam to the roof will add an additional R19 which is the equivalent to 6 inches of fiberglass insulation.
The roof of a home that has been insulated with polyurethane foam will look no different than a home without it and it will in fact increase the value of your home instantly. Why suffer through another hot summer while you shell out your hard earned money to energy companies that have you over a financial barrel. Having your roof insulated with polyurethane foam is a great way to keep your money in your own pocket, while you make your home a far more comfortable and affordable place to live in. ***
by Judith Wesson
Written by Judith Wesson. Find the latest information on {a href=””}Roof Insulation as well as {a href=””}Nail Fatigue.