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Kiat Memilih Mobil dan Harganya

Kiat Memilih Mobil dan Harganya

Pilihan produk yang kian beragam pasti membuat semakin menyenangkan bagi kebanyakan konsumen otomotif nasional. Selekas deregulasi (ijin impor mobil) dilakukan pemerintah dua tahun silam, maka sekarang Indonesia bagai negeri makmur dengan terus bertambahnya pilihan, baik merek, tipe, bahkan jenis mobil yang ditawarkan.

Konsumen pun kian tak setia terhadap merek. Tak salah. Karena memang persaingan antar merek pun terus berjalan kian ketat. Soal harga, layanan purna jual, hingga model, untuk beberapa mobil, malah digelar nyaris mirip satu sama lainnya. Dan ujungnya, konsumen memang yang menang. Tingginya tingkat persaingan itu jelas membuat harga mobil kian 'murah'. Layanan penjualan, servis, hingga ketersediaan lembaga kredit menjadi unggulan yang selalu dikedepankan pebisnis untuk menarik minat konsumen.

Namun tak semua 'hingar-binggar' itu membawa keuntungan bagi konsumen. Kian beragamnya merek mobil, menjadikan pula harus semakin kritisnya pembeli atas produk yang hendak dipilihnya. Berikut saran yang perlu dipertimbangkan kala Anda hendak membeli mobil baru.

Pilih Karena Kualitas Produk
Selekas memutuskan membeli mobil baru, harap memilih merek yang memang telah memiliki reputasi hebat. Sejumlah informasi di koran, tabloid hingga majalah dan internet banyak menuliskan profil produk beragam merek yang sekarang beredar di Tanah Air.

Jenis mobil non sedan, ambil contoh mobil serbaguna (Multi Purpose Vehicle --MPV) dan jip, memang sekarang kian banyak ditawarkan. Bila jenis itu yang menjadi pilihan, pertimbangkan soal keserbagunaan dan kualitas detail produk yang ditawarkan.

Jangan sekali-kali memilih MPV, misalnya, hanya karena dimodifikasi dengan tempat duduk lebih dari tujuh orang. Sebab kapasitas penumpang berlebihan tentu akan membawa konsekwensi buruk terhadap produk bersangkutan.

Beberapa produk ditawarkan dengan banyak aksesori dan opsi tambahan. Jangan mudah tergiur dengan tawaran itu. Sebab secara ekonomis memang sejumlah produk tambahan itu bernilai, namun tidak menjamin hebatnya merek mobil bersangkutan.

Pilih Karena Layanan Purna Jual dan Servis yang Luas
Bila ingin nyaman dan aman menggunakan mobil dalam hitungan waktu lama, pilih produk yang mempunyai jaringan purna jual dan servis yang baik. Beberapa produk hanya memiliki jaringan kota besar di Jawa. Pilih produk dengan merek yang melayani purna jula dan servis lebih luas di Tanah Air.

Bila Anda memang sebatas mengunakan mobil di Jakarta dan sekitarnya, serta sesekali menempuh perjalanan ke kota besar, pemilihan merek tanpa jaringan purna jual masih bisa dibenarkan. Namun luasnya purna jual akan berpengaruh terhadap nilai jual kembeli mobil bersangkutan.

Pilih Produk Berharga Jual Tinggi
Memilih produk yang memiliki harga jual tinggi dapat dengan mudah diketahui melalui ketenaran merek mobil bersangkutan. Bila merek yang terpilih bukan masuk golongan itu, perhitungkan produk mobil yang Anda gunakan dengan prakiraan anjoknya harga jual satu dua tahun mendatang.

Sejumlah merek, umumnya memiliki varian mobil yang harga jualnya bisa bertahan cukup tingggi. Ambil contoh saat ini, Honda Stream, Toyota Kijang, Suzuki Baleno, merupakan beberapa varian dari merek tersebut yang memiliki harga jual paling tinggi.

Pilih Karena Komunitas Banyak
Memilih mobil bermerek tertentu yang terbukti memiliki jumlah komunitas besar akan sangat menguntungkan bagi murahnya harga suku cadang kendaraan bersangkutan. Ini sesuai hukum dagang saja. Dengan komunitas besar maka skala ekonomis perdagangan suku cadang mobil bersangkutan bakal tercapai. Ujungnya suku cadang akan tersedia dengan jumlah besar dan harga relatif murah.

Memilih mobil dengan komunitas besar, juga akan berkait dengan relatif tingginya harga jual kendaraan bersangkutan. Bisa jadi bukan merek yang terkenal memiliki nilai jual kembali tinggi, tapi memilih produk berkomunitas banyak pasti akan lebih menguntungkan dibanding produk yang tak banyak dibeli orang.***

source: artikel Republika
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Multi-Level-Marketing: 'How to' Success Tips You Can Use Right Away

Every newcomer to multi-level-marketing has a laundry list of questions:

1) What is the best MLM opportunity?
2) How do I know if an MLM is legitimate?
3) What is the fastest, most effective way to build a large downline?

The answers to these questions and more can be found by looking at traditional Internet-marketing models, such as 'affiliate marketing.'.

In fact, multi-level-marketing and affiliate marketing are nearly twins. Both business models rely on the concept of paying independent referrers a commission for each sale they generate. The only real difference between the two is that an MLM program's commission structure usually extends far beyond first and second-tier referrals. The truth is you can evaluate any MLM program by asking the same questions you ask when evaluating an affiliate program.

The following list of questions are actually your secret 'key' to unlock the door. The information you need is in your answers.

'How to' Success Tips for Multi-Level-Marketing:

1. Does this MLM target a profitable niche?
If not, beware! The first step to success is always in finding products that people want and need to buy. Find a company that is filling the demands of a truly rabid marketplace with lots of disposable income.

2. Is the pay out good enough?
Affiliate marketers look for generous commissions, and you should do the same. Make sure the program you want to join pays out enough on each level to make building a downline worth your time.

3. Does the company provide support to its representatives?
You want a program that makes your job easy. Look for programs that give you plenty of tools to help you promote the products, as well as the business opportunity.

4. Can I set up a lead generation system on the Internet?
There is no better way to generate leads to your program. Make sure you can market the program from your own web site, where you collect and follow up with leads yourself.

5. Can I automate the program?
Time is money. The more of both you're able to leverage the better. One of the surest ways to do so is by automating your business. Your customers should be able to order products through you with relative ease; and, the process of signing up new downline members should be seamless and hands-free.

Last, but not least, keep an eye out for ways to multiply and grow your profits over the long term. You can do this easily if you have your own targeted list of leads because you'll be able to promote new programs to existing customers. You'll also be able to "re-recruit" members of your existing program into your downline in the new program! ***

by Daniel Ngai
Daniel Ngai has been involved in internet marketing for 2 years and understands what it takes to profit in any MLM on complete auto-pilot. He invites you to download a FREE report at http://www.ProfitFromAnyMLM.com to learn the real secrets and success to profit from any MLM program you joined. He is also a domain investor which owns a few domain names and you can find it here.


Email Marketing: Your Secret Weapon for MLM Success!

Did you know that e-mail marketing is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal when it comes to profiting from any MLM program? Its easier to get started than you think, and will allow you to place the majority of your sales and network-building efforts on autopilot.

E-mail marketing allows you to:

ü Educate potential customers about your products
ü Educate potential downline members about the MLM opportunity, commission structure and profit potential
ü Build trust and credibility, with improved conversions over time. You aren't limited to a 15 minute sales pitch.
ü Expand your business. New products and opportunities can be introduced to your existing list.
ü Put almost everything on autopilot. Today's mailing list management software lets you schedule pre-written messages to go out when you want, in whatever order you want.

Are you beginning to see some of the power here? E-mail marketing is still the most trusted and effective means of communication available to on-line businesses. And it still trumps the latest tactics like audio and video...why? Remember that not everyone has the computing capacity or the bandwidth to watch elaborate multi-media presentations, but virtually all of the people you want to reach have basic e-mail. If you aren't yet using e-mail for your multi-level marketing program, here's how you can get started right away:

First, get an autoresponder for managing your e-mail list.. There are plenty of good ones out there. Some of them come as software with a 'one-time' license fee. You install the software onto your own web server. If you want someone else to do the dirty work, you can sign up with a third-party autoresponder service. These companies host autoresponder software on their own servers. Some companies offer free services, but most will charge you a monthly subscription fee for an account.

Second step: Create an "autoresponder series" for promoting your MLM. This is just a series of brief e-mails describing the products and the opportunity, with a focus on 'soft-selling' the prospect. Create messages that are educational, informational and of high-quality. Each message should build on the other and move the prospect a little closer to taking the desired action. There's no limit on how many messages can go in a series.

You'll load these messages into your autoresponder., and schedule them to go out as you see fit. You can send one message per day, or put several days wait between each message. Its all up to you.

Finally, go into your autoresponder and have it generate the code for your opt-in form. You'll cut and paste this code into your web page, and it will create a 'subscription box' where visitors can submit their names and e-mail addresses to sign up for your list. Make sure you give them plenty of incentive to opt-in. You'll usually want to create a dedicated web page, called a "landing page", designed to do just one thing: get your visitors to join your list!

Once you have everything automated in this way, you can spend more of your time focused on driving traffic to your lead capture system and building your list.

After that? Just sit back, relax and watch as e-mail marketing works its magic. You'll never promote any other multi-level program without it! ***

by Daniel Ngai
Daniel Ngai has been involved in internet marketing for 2 years and understands what it takes to profit in any MLM on complete auto-pilot. He invites you to download a FREE report at http://www.ProfitFromAnyMLM.com to learn the real secrets and success to profit from any MLM program you joined. He is also a domain investor which owns a few domain names and you can find it here.

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