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Kiat Menaksir Harga Saat Membeli Mobil Bekas

Kiat Menaksir Harga Saat Membeli Mobil Bekas
Memang amat menggiurkan munculnya produk mobil baru dengan harga di bawah Rp 100 juta. Apalagi bagi kebanyakan calon konsumen pembeli mobil bekas yang berpotensi memiliki kendaraan dengan rentang Rp 70 juta hingga Rp 100 juta. Mereka bakal serta merta berpaling dari mobil bekas karena datangnya alternatif menarik itu.

Namum tak banyak pembeli mobil bawah Rp 100 juta yang memperhitungkan harga jual kendaraannya setelah digunakan. Apalagi, karena larisnya mobil baru yang ditawarkan dengan harga lebih realistis itu membawa dampak melambungnya harga riil di pasaran. Terdapat sejumlah transaksi mobil jenis itu yang lebih mahal Rp 5 juta hingga Rp 8 juta dari tarif Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merek (ATPM). Karena kenyataan itu, Leovan Widjaja, branch manager Mobil 88 TB Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan memberikan sejumlah pendapat hingga dapat dipakai sebagai acuan.

Pahami nilai jual kembali mobil Anda
Bagi konsumen di Indonesia, memilih mobil tampaknya harus dikaitkan pula dengan layanan purnajual merek tersebut. Sebab, hanya mobil dengan jaringan penjualan luas yang mampu mempertahankan harga jual kembali pada angka yang relatif tinggi.

Jadi, ketika memutusan membeli mobil baru, harus telah pula diperhitungkan harga jualnya kemudian hingga bila hendak berganti kendaraan konsumen tidak mengalami kerugian besar. Mobil buatan Eropa dan Amerika Serikat, sampai kini selalu memiliki harga jual kembali yang jauh lebih rendah dari sejumlah merek Jepang. Kemudian, kalau memilih mobil buatan Jepang, putuskan untuk menggunakan merek yang paling populer dan terbukti memiliki resale value yang bagus. Selain dapat membandingkan harga di sejumlah bisnis mobil bekas, daftar harga mobil yang banyak dimuat media cetak dapat menjadi acuan konsumen.

Pilih mobil bekas bila sering berganti kendaraan
Di Indonesia, cukup banyak konsumen pemakai mobil (bekas) seharga bawah Rp 100 juta yang kerap berganti mobil. Satu hingga dua tahun adalah waktu terlama mereka memiliki mobil tersebut.

Bagi kalangan ini, rasanya pilihan mobil bekas adalah yang paling ekonomis. Dengan asumsi tidak terjadi gejolak ekonomi nasional, harga jual kembali pada umum mobil yang dibeli baru akan turun sekitar Rp 5 juta hingga Rp 10 juta setahun. Sementara, mobil bekas (berusia satu hingga dua tahun), lagi-lagi dalam kondisi normal dalam setahun umumnya hanya akan turun harga kurang dari Rp 5 juta.

Gunakan waktu angsuran terpendek
Kini, pembelian mobil bekas berusia lima tahun dapat dilakukan secara kredit. Bila mobil berusia sekitar lima tahun yang Anda beli disarankan jangka kreditnya setahun. Sementara, untuk mobil berusia satu hingga tiga tahun, pembelian kredit masih disarankan dengan jangka angsuran dua hingga tiga tahun. Namun, paling disarankan adalah masa pinjaman dua tahun. Saran tersebut berkait dengan akan lebih menjamin kian kecilnya kerugian harga kala kemudian mobil dijual kembali.***

source: artikel Republika
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How To Choose The Right Sponsor For Your MLM or Network Marketing Business

As of now, the failure rate in the home based business industry in extremely high. So according to experts, the odds are already against you when you start a home based business. When considering a business opportunity, be sure to pick your sponsor wisely. The way most network marketers and home based business enthusiasts choose a sponsor is by going with friends and family members. This would be just fine, except that most friends and family members don’t know how to market and guide you to the success you need.

The reason is because most sponsors teach their teams to build their business by making a list of friends and family members, buying and cold calling opportunity seeker leads, passing out flyers, talking to strangers at the malls and on the streets, and so on. Most people have failed miserably using these old school techniques and are simply tired of them.

I once heard someone say that if you want to be wealthy, go in the opposite direction of the masses. Do what they’re not willing to do so you’ll have the success they won’t have. It baffles me that even top network marketers and leaders moving their teams over from one company to another, tend to do the same thing without considering a success marketing system for their team. They make a deal with the company founders or join a team of their friends without looking to choose the right sponsor that will benefit the entire team.

Before you choose the right sponsor for your business, prepare yourself. Your success will not depend on your sponsor alone, so be ready. Make sure that you’ve fully committed yourself to your desire to succeed and that you’ve created the time to learn and apply.

Also your preparation includes having the right mindset and knowing that it will take work to succeed. You’re not getting involved in a get rich quick scheme, so make sure you give yourself the opportunity to go through a learning curve. Once you’re ready, begin looking for a sponsor by making a phone call to the person you’re considering. Be sure to check for excitement and enthusiasm about the opportunity in your sponsor’s voice. The right sponsor is upbeat and positive about their business opportunity.

Be ready to answer some questions about what you bring to the table. The right network marketing sponsor wants to make sure that you’re worth their time, so they’d check for preparedness, financial commitment, and mind set. You should definitely ask about the kind of marketing methods the sponsor uses. What they use is likely what you’ll be taught, so make sure it’s what you want to do. The right home based business leader will make sure you have online and offline marketing solutions that you can use. Solutions that attract people to you and have them chasing you to join your business are best.

So there you have it. The responsibility to find the right leader or sponsor for your home based business is up to you. Take this seriously because your sponsor can be the difference between your success or failure in your home based business opportunity. Here's a sponsor with cutting edge marketing solutions that are sure to sky rocket your business to the top. ***

by Yvonne Chihak
Yvonne Chihak is the Author of the Powerful CD" Explode Your Downline, Online! Ready, Set, go! at http://www.ExplodeYourDownlineOnline.com
She is also an active network marketer with 5linx. Contact Yvonne Chihak at http://www.SuccessYes.com and get your FREE copy of her eBook.


Is The 5linx Business Opportunity Right For You?

5linx is a home based business company located in Rochester NY. The company has seen a significant growth in its almost 7 years in business. There is a lot of hype about the company’s compensation plan as well as its products and services. As a result 5linx is attracting a lot of home based business enthusiasts and network marketers.

However, many people are jumping on board without taking the time to make sure that 5linx is the right opportunity for them. And because the home based business industry has a very high failure rate, it is important to make sure that the company is right for you before you hop on board.

The first part of the equation is you. Do you have a strong desire to work from home? Are you sure you want to have a home based business? The 5linx business opportunity requires that you put in your own time. You can set your own hours, but if you really want to know if it is right for you, go ahead and look at your schedule. Set aside your own hours now. When you set your own hours to fit 5linx into your schedule, you may have to give up some of your other activities. If you’re someone who watches TV, you may have to give up some of your TV time. For stay at home moms or dads, consider working around your kids schedules.

There is a financial commitment to get started as a 5linx representative. There are two starting positions. However to take full advantage of the compensation plan, the upfront cost is $499. There is also an ongoing monthly cost of $29.99 for your replicated website and virtual office provided by the company. Compared to the cost of starting a traditional business, this cost is fairly low. But you need to determine if you can afford this investment. Bear in mind that you’ll need some capital for marketing. There are extremely effective free marketing methods, but in case you choose to use some paid ones, be sure to have a cushion.

Do you have a success system for 5linx? What’s your marketing plan? See, success depends on the amount of quality exposure you’re willing to give yourself and your business. Instead of jumping in without knowing how you’re going to grow your business, take the time to find out how you’re going to market your business. Many home based business sponsors teach you to make a list of friends and family, buy and cold call leads, pass out flyers, and all that. If you’re comfortable with these methods, then those sponsors are a dime a dozen.

However, if you’d like to incorporate cutting edge marketing solutions that will enable you to have prospects contacting you to join your business, then you need to look for the right sponsor. Mixing up your marketing is important and having someone who can show you how to market via the internet will benefit you.

Ultimately it all comes down to you. Once you’ve considered the above points, then decide if the 5linx business opportunity is right for you.***

by Yvonne Chihak
If 5linx is right for you, then choose a top sponsor now.
Yvonne Chihak is the author of the Powerful CD "Explode Your Downline, Online! Ready, Set, Go! at http://www.ExplodeYourDownlineOnline.com
She is also an active network marketer with 5linx telecommunications. Contact Yvonne at http://www.SuccessYes.com and get your FREE copy of her eBook.

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