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Kontraktor Mengeluh, Harga Bahan Bangunan Naik

Kontraktor Mengeluh, Harga Bahan Bangunan Naik
KOTA (RP) — Harga bahan dasar bangunan mengalami kenaikan dalam beberapa hari ini. Kenaikan tidaklah terlalu tinggi, namun tetap dirasakan, terutama bagi para kontraktor yang telah menandatangani kontrak sebelum harga naik.

Hengki, Pemilik toko bangunan Iron di Jalan Garuda, Kecamatan Tampan kepada Riau Pos, Rabu (11/7) menyebutkan kenaikan terutama terjadi pada bahan bangunan dasar seperti semen atau besi. ‘’Misalnya harga semen. Naik beberapa hari ini berkisar Rp1.000-2.000. Begitu pula dengan harga besi. Harga cat juga naik, tapi tidak terlalu banyak. Kenaikan ini memang terjadi dari pabriknya itu sendiri dan kita mau tidak mau juga mesti naik. Kenaikan ini jelas dirasakan para pemborong cukup terasa, karena yang naik bahan bangunan pokok,’’ kata Hengki yang banyak menerima pesanan dari pemborong ini. Sedangkan bagi kontraktor, kenaikan harga bahan bangunan ini disebut cukup mempengaruhi dari kontruksi itu sendiri. Dikatakan Yudi Safrudin, Ketua Asosiasi Pengusaha Kontruksi Nasional Indonesia Pekanbaru (Aspeknas), dengan kenaikan ini, pemerintah tidak mau tahu atas hal ini.

‘’Kenaikannya ada yang sampai 30 persen. Akibatnya tentu pada kontruksi bangunan, bisa saja kurang baik, mudah patah. Tapi mau bagaimana lagi karena dalam kausul kontrak sudah ditanggung kontraktor. Sebaiknya, pada saat pemerintah menyusun anggaran, adalah prediksi kenaikan harga atau dikonversi sampai 2 persen,’’ katanya.

Kepala Dinas Pemukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah (Kimpraswil) Kota Pekanbaru, Firdaus CES menyebutkan, kenaikan harga barang bangunan tersebut tidak ada pengaruh bagi pengerjaan proyek. Katanya, bagi pemerintah, pengerjaan sebuah bangunan sesuai dengan kontrak. ‘’Di dalam kontrak kan ada tenggat waktunya disesuaikan dengan besar kecil atau volume proyek yang dikerjakan, mulai dari 3 bulan ke atas. Dalam waktu ini, kalau tidak mampu menyelesaikan, sesuai peraturan tentu diberi sanksi denda,’’ tuturnya. ***

Laporan Ekka PN, Kuala Lumpur ekkan-pn@riaupos.co.id



Usually I write an article when I have a strong need to express my thoughts and feelings. Today is actually one of those days. I am feeling a little bit burnt out today in this very competitive, challenging, but exciting business. This is actually a day that I feel like "throwing in the towel" and walking away from this business forever. I am tired of posting so many ads, answering emails, and deleting junk mail.

I am tired of talking to tire kickers who really never had any intention of getting involved in a home based business. I am just plain tired. I have been in my online internet marketing business for approximately 6 weeks now. I call myself an experienced newbie... since this is wnat I am. My learning curve is very high and very strong because of the time I spent researching, reading, posting, and writing in my online business. I have learned so much... and yet so little in a short time. I say this because there is SO much to learn in online internet marketing.

This may actually be part of the reason why I feel discouraged right now. There is so much information that we have to take in, process, and explore and there is just not enough time in the day to do all of these things. Now when I say I feel like "giving up" I do not mean that I "will give up". I have to acknowledge these feelings strongly and take the feelings very seriously as well. My mind and body are telling me that I need to TAKE A BREAK! If I do not take a break I will become severely burnt out.. and may actually give this up for good. I do not want to do that because I have invested so much time, money, and creativity.

I also actually enjoy this profession when I am not doing it ALL THE TIME. When I mention "ALL THE TIME" I actually mean that when I am not teaching piano (that is my day job) I am actually on the computer working in my online business. I had written a previous article about my life getting out of balance since I began to work from home in this internet business. It is still out of balance and it does have to change. My eating habits have improved, however, my exercise program is just awful.

If I could give any advice to any internet marketer (experienced or newbie) it would be to walk away and take a very long break. I am going away for two days tomorrow and I will not bring my computer. I will practice what I preach and I know that I will come back to my online business refreshed and ready to make some awesome money online! ***

by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky http://www.mtmarketing.biz
http://www.moneyvideo.net http://www.greatsalesjob.info


The Effort Required To Succeed In Your Online Home Based Business

The Effort Required To Succeed In Your Online Home Based Business The statistics are actually very ugly. It has been reported that up to 98 percent of online home-based businesses actually fail. I personally think that this statistic is over-inflated because I do not think that these statistics actually suggest failure. I think that people in home-based online and "work at home business" "fail" because these people give up before giving the business a chance. Some of these reasons have to do with the fact that running a home based online business is extremely difficult.
There is also a lot of competition in cyberspace and many people in this business have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW TO MARKET their business. Running a home based business is extremely difficult. It requires tremendous work and dedication. It is my belief that when you begin an online home-based business you must spend several hours a day working online. You must find the proper places to advertise, must write articles and blogs, and do whatever it takes to get other people to find out about their business. If you do not do this, there is no way that you will be able to make any substantial money online. The competition in cyberspace is also very fierce.

Although this can be intimidating, please do not get discouraged. If you are selling a good, valuable, decent, legitimate product or service (not a scam), you will find people who want to do business with you. Several thousands of people join home based businesses daily and these people would LOVE to earn money online. Please do not despair in regards to this issue. You will make money if you DO NOT GIVE UP.

Lastly, you may be totally oblivious to the fact that you must LEARN how to market you product or service properly. Read and research the effective ways to market since this changes almost weekly. Also, remember that it takes several weeks to get indexed in the search engines, so PLEASE be patient. Do not give up in your online business endeavor. You will not be a statistic if you stay patient, stay the course, and PUT YOUR TIME AND EFFORTs INTO LEARNING YOUR BUSINESS! GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR SUCCESS! ***

by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky http://www.mtmarketing.biz
http://www.moneyvideo.net http://www.greatsalesjob.info

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