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Harga Obat Dijual 200 Persen dari Harga Pabrik

Harga Obat Dijual 200 Persen dari Harga Pabrik
KOTA (RP) — Hampir semua toko obat atau apotek yang ada di Pekanbaru menyalahi rambu-rambu yang ditetapkan Depkes dengan menaikkan harga obat di luar ketentuan. Rambu-rambunya, dari harga modal atau harga pabrik, dibolehkan menjual sampai 30-40 persen. Sementara yang terjadi, obat dijual dari harga pabrik mencapai 200 persen lebih. Dan juga, obat daftar G (obat keras), juga banyak dijual di toko obat yang seharusnya tidak diperbolehkan.

Hal ini dikemukakan Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kota Pekanbaru, dr Saiful Bahri Rab kepada wartawan di ruang kerjanya, Senin (16/7). ‘’Rambu-rambunya penjualan obat hanya menaikkan 30-40 persen dari harga pabrik. Tapi ternyata ada sampai 200 persen. Ini terjadi baik di banyak apotek maupun toko obat,’’katanya.

Obat daftar G, seperti Amoxilin, Ampicilin, antibiotik, kata Saiful dalam aturannya juga tidak diperbolehkan menjual di toko obat karena bisa mempengaruhi kesehatan manusia. ‘’Salah kalau toko obat menjual obat daftar G. Dan hampir semua toko obat menjualnya. Ada sekitar 250 an toko obat yang terdaftar. Misalnya antibiotik. Kalau dibeli dan diminum tiga biji saja itu salah. Ia harus diminum satu pack karena kuman harus benar-benar dibunuh. Kalau hanya tiga saja, bisa kebal kumannya nanti,’’ ucapnya. ***

source: riaupos


When You Have To Defend Your Online Business

I try to write an article at least 3-4 times per week on how I feel about running my own home based business. As a very experienced new internet marketing professional, I feel a range of emotions each day that I work from home. Today was a day that I felt very bad. I actually was called about a sales position that I was offering and I was not called by the person applying for the job. I was called by her husband, stating that his wife was suspicious about my business and that she wanted him to call on her behalf.

The range of emotions that I felt at the time were anger, shock, confusion, and sadness. Has the reputation of online home based buisness become so bad that it has come to this? I really do not believe so, even though there are many problems and concerns that we all are facing as we run an online business.

I do think that this was an isolated incident. Although people are somewhat skeptical about home based business, work from home, and make-money online programs, I do not think that it has turned to extreme panic and distrust. However, we do have to be aware that there are a lot of scams and schemes in cyberspace that do give the good ones a bad name.

This is actually a shame, because many good businesses are now having to defend their good name because of the unethical practices that many online businesses have. I am hoping that in time, there will be more policing of these scams, schemes, and internet robbery. I do hope that it does not have to get worse before it gets better. ***

by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky http://www.mtmarketing.biz http://www.jaguarmt.com


The idea of outsourcing sounds really great at first. What comes to mind is people working for us at a much lower wage than we would pay here in the U.S It sound good at first. After all, do we all not want to save some money in our home based business? I know that I would love to save money as I am trying to run a successful online business.

However, there are a lot of problems with outsourcing that can put more of a hole in our pockets than we would like to believe. One of the problems with outsourcing is that we are dealing 100 percent with people outside of our own country. The ability to contact these people is minimized except of course if it is through the computer. Otherwise, unless you have a special calling plan, this could run into a lot of money. A second problem with outsourcing is the fact that there is a language barrier.

When I communicate with someone from a foreign country is struggle tremendously to understand them! At that point I began to speak very very LOUD. I wonder what these people are thinking when I speak so loud! They must believe that I think that they are deaf!! Another problem with outsourcing in your home-based online business is the fact that people from other countries abide by different business laws. Some of these laws are not what we would consider ethical or fair.

To make a long story short, they are playing baseball and we are playing football. Not only are we not on the same playing field, but we are also playing different games altogether. In summary, think twice before outsourcing your work to a foreign country. If you do, make sure that you thoroughly check their references from others. Look for several references, and not just one or two! You will be glad that you did this extra homework, and you could have a very positive experience. ***

by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky http://www.mtmarketing.biz
http://www.moneyvideo.net http://www.jaguarmt.com

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