Kiat IRT di Tengah Kenaikan Harga Minyak Goreng
Terpaksa Mengirit, Lebih Sering Merebus
Kenaikan harga sejumlah bahan keperluan pokok salah satunya minyak goreng, membuat para Ibu Rumah Tangga (IRT) harus pandai-pandai mengelola belanja dapur. Sebagian di antaranya memilih mengirit dengan menggunakan minyak goreng yang sama sampai menghitam, dan ada pula yang memilih memasak makanan tanpa menggunakan minyak goreng.
AKSI pengiritan terpaksa diterapkan Dina (27 tahun), IRT yang menetap di Jalan Mekarsari, Bukitraya. Kepada Riau Pos, Rabu (8/8), Dina mengaku mengatasi kenaikan harga sembako, semisal minyak goreng, dirinya jarang masak dengan di goreng.
‘’Saya lebih banyak memasak makanan yang direbus atau menggunakan santan. Kadang untuk minyak goreng yang sudah dipakai, masih dipakai lagi secara berulang-ulang. Kalau sudah menghitam baru dibuang,’’ aku Dina. Diungkapkan pula, tiga hari lalu dirinya membeli minyak goreng di pasar seharga Rp8.500 per kg. Harga ini sudah mengalami kenaikan dari sebelumnya.
Dina berharap, pemerintah segera menyikapi kenaikan harga sembako berupa minyak goreng, telor dan terigu ini, supaya masyarakat jangan terlalu berat dalam memenuhi keperluan hidup. Dikhawatirkan pula, pada bulan puasa nanti, harga Sembako kian naik. Padahal saat puasa sangat banyak keperluan Sembako yang harus dibeli. Perhatian pemerintah ini harap Dina, semisal dengan menggelar operasi pasar Sembako murah di tingkat RW, seperti yang digelar saat Ulang Tahun Kota Pekanbaru beberapa waktu lalu.
‘’Ketika Ulang Tahun Kota Pekanbaru lalu, ada penjualan sembako murah, tapi untuk Ulang Tahun Riau belum ada terdengar. Kita berharap momen ini juga digunakan pemerintah untuk membantu rakyat,’’ ungkap Dina. Kenaikan sejumlah sembako ini juga membuat pemilik warung terpaksa menaikkan harga jual barang-barang tersebut. ‘’Menjelang bulan puasa ini, harga sembako memang banyak yang naik, itu sudah biasa, apalagi nanti setelah puasa akan bertambah naik harganya. Karena harga di pasar naik, maka kami pemilik warung juga harus menaikkan harga jual ke warga,’’ ungkap Mama Rino pemilik warung di Jalan Beringin Perumahan Beringin Indah.
Mama Rino menambahkan, dirinya menjual minyak goreng seharga Rp9.500 per kilogram. Sementara gula pasir dijual seharga Rp6.000 per kilogram, telur ayam pun naik dari Rp600-Rp650 sekarang dijual dengan harga Rp700 per butir. Kenaikan sembako juga membuat pemilik usaha kecil kian terhimpit. Adalah Iin (32), pemilik usaha kecil kerupuk ini juga mengeluhkan adanya kenaikan minyak goreng dan tepung. Usaha kerupuk yang dijalani Iin yang terletak di jalan Inpres membuatnya bingung untuk menaikkan harga pasaran kerupuk yang biasa dijual seharga Rp200. Mengatasi ini Iin terpaksa mengakali dengan membuat ukuran lebih kecil dari biasanya, dengan harga tetap sama.
‘’Susah untuk menaikkan harga kerupuk, nanti takutnya tidak laku. Tepung tapioka naiknya sudah tiga persen, ditambah lagi kenaikan minyak goreng. Jadilah sekarang penghasilan hanya cukup untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari dan membeli bahan kerupuk,’’ keluh Iin. ***
source: riaupos
Wanna Be A Successful Internet Marketer? Reality Check!
The fruits of a successful Internet marketer are very tempting to a newbie in Internet marketing. The dream of making money while sleeping or relaxing by the pool and beach sure conjure up a tempting picture! And the image of cash pouring in at the push of a few buttons cooked up by some Internet marketers just increases the excitement felt by Internet marketing newbies.
The statistics on sales made online sure makes that a definite possibility. According to figures given by PC Magazine, in UK alone, web sales in 2007 rose 29% to a staggering £130 billion! Now, who wouldn't want a slice of that online pie? Even if its a teeny weeny slice! At Internet marketing seminars like World Internet Summit, you can commonly hear the Internet marketing experts say, "As long as you know how to send email, you can be Internet marketer!" But is it really possible to make your fortune from the Internet? Sure, its certainly possible to make piles of cash from the Internet. It's been proven before. But then again, is it really that simple? Certainly...for some people.
People with the right aptitude and mindset do make fortunes online. But for the majority, a huge, overwhelming majority I suspect, making enough money online to quit their day-time job remains a pipe dream. Many new Internet marketers want to make it big but don't have a clear idea how to go about it. So they buy coaching programs from "gurus", hopefully to short cut the learning curve. But many "gurus'" coaching programs are not of the quality they claimed to be. Even if they are, newbies are not guaranteed success.
Even as the coaching programs' quality is important in contributing to a newbie's success, just as important if not more so, is each individual's mindset and aptitude. Even with the best Internet marketing coaching program, if the newbie is not prepared mentally and physically to take action to implement it, he or she will not succeed. If he or she is not prepared to put in the hours to go through the program, he or she is better off saving the expensive fees, steering clear of such coaching programs.
Some people buy such programs after being shown how good they are, hoping that the programs will somehow transform their lives. The successful Internet marketers are some of the most hardworking people despite what some claimed. If the newbie is not mentally prepared to dig in the trenches and do the required work or wants success bad enough to do whatever it takes, its best to stick to their day jobs.
Sure, they can outsource the tedious work but not everything can be outsourced. So what does it take to be a successful Internet marketer?
7 traits of a successful Internet marketer, in no particular order:
1. An entrepreneurial spirit
2. A can-do, never-quit attitude and does whatever it takes to make things happen
3. A marketing expert and be innovative in marketing techniques
4. Internet & technically savvy (not an absolute must but it sure cuts your learning curve)
5. Ability to focus on what's important, one at a time in terms of priority
6. Integrity as a good business person. Building trust relationships successfully is huge, huge factor in Internet marketing
7. Be well-informed about the current and effective marketing techniques and ability to apply them quickly. This also means willingness and ability to learn and apply new stuff (techniques and technology) If you have all 7 traits, GREAT! If not, you can still succeed if you have some of them. If you are unwilling or unable to find time to take action to learn the ropes of internet marketing AND implement the knowledge you've acquired, don't sign up for the "guru's" coaching program! Don't fool yourself into thinking that just by purchasing the program, you will somehow succeed in creating a passive income stream.***
by Alex Ang
Why it’s a BAD Idea to Promote Hot Selling Products on eBay
Do a quick search on Google, Yahoo, or your favorite auction resource site, and you'll quickly discover there are several software programs targeted to vendors who want to promote hot selling products on eBay. The infatuation with hot selling products exists because sellers believe if you target items that have a robust sales pattern, you'll have a better chance at profiting on eBay.
This is both true and false. Yes... hot selling products can improve your bottom line. But unfortunately by the time the average eBay seller
(a) realizes what the hot selling products are,
(b) purchases stock to sell on eBay, and
(c) actually puts the items up for sale, the demand is already being met by other eBay sellers who probably started the hot selling product trend some time ago.
Not only that, with thousands of people also having access to the same hot selling product lists, you'll have to contend with other eBay vendors who have the exact same ideas that you do. So you'll be up against the original sellers who are currently feeding the demand, AND doing the tango with newer sellers who have jumped on the same hot selling product bandwagon that you did. Okay maybe this won't happen to you. But suppose it does.
What if competition becomes so great that prices start dipping below the wholesale cost that you paid for the item? (It happens all the time on eBay.) And what if you lose $100, $200, or even $1,000 on inventory that you thought would be flying off the shelf? Suddenly that hot selling item is looking rather cold sitting in your garage collecting dust. So if not hot selling products on eBay, then what? Do what the majority of PowerSellers do. Sell what you want, instead of what's hot. Repeat after me, "Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay... Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay... Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay."
Allow this to become your mantra, because it is very much true. I know this from first-hand experience as I analyze top sellers instead of hot products. And my research has continuously shown me that mediocre products don't necessarily translate into mediocre sales. For instance, there's a seller right now who clears about $1,000-$2,000 a week selling magnets. And that's AFTER eBay and PayPal fee's. Another seller promotes homemade CD's to a specific audience and clears $900-$2,000 a week. A few sellers make $500-$700+ a week - after expenses - promoting public domain information. And the cool thing about public domain information is that anybody can sell it because it's free. So that's pure profit by selling something they never paid for. Talk about the ultimate arbitrage opportunity!
The ultimate key in succeeding no matter what product you end up selling, is to build a successful strategy. To figure out 'how' to profitably market what you have, instead of chasing after the next great thing. Because once you have the strategy part down, you can sell anything on eBay and make it a hot seller to your bank account. ***
by bhbhb
Terpaksa Mengirit, Lebih Sering Merebus
Kenaikan harga sejumlah bahan keperluan pokok salah satunya minyak goreng, membuat para Ibu Rumah Tangga (IRT) harus pandai-pandai mengelola belanja dapur. Sebagian di antaranya memilih mengirit dengan menggunakan minyak goreng yang sama sampai menghitam, dan ada pula yang memilih memasak makanan tanpa menggunakan minyak goreng.
AKSI pengiritan terpaksa diterapkan Dina (27 tahun), IRT yang menetap di Jalan Mekarsari, Bukitraya. Kepada Riau Pos, Rabu (8/8), Dina mengaku mengatasi kenaikan harga sembako, semisal minyak goreng, dirinya jarang masak dengan di goreng.
‘’Saya lebih banyak memasak makanan yang direbus atau menggunakan santan. Kadang untuk minyak goreng yang sudah dipakai, masih dipakai lagi secara berulang-ulang. Kalau sudah menghitam baru dibuang,’’ aku Dina. Diungkapkan pula, tiga hari lalu dirinya membeli minyak goreng di pasar seharga Rp8.500 per kg. Harga ini sudah mengalami kenaikan dari sebelumnya.
Dina berharap, pemerintah segera menyikapi kenaikan harga sembako berupa minyak goreng, telor dan terigu ini, supaya masyarakat jangan terlalu berat dalam memenuhi keperluan hidup. Dikhawatirkan pula, pada bulan puasa nanti, harga Sembako kian naik. Padahal saat puasa sangat banyak keperluan Sembako yang harus dibeli. Perhatian pemerintah ini harap Dina, semisal dengan menggelar operasi pasar Sembako murah di tingkat RW, seperti yang digelar saat Ulang Tahun Kota Pekanbaru beberapa waktu lalu.
‘’Ketika Ulang Tahun Kota Pekanbaru lalu, ada penjualan sembako murah, tapi untuk Ulang Tahun Riau belum ada terdengar. Kita berharap momen ini juga digunakan pemerintah untuk membantu rakyat,’’ ungkap Dina. Kenaikan sejumlah sembako ini juga membuat pemilik warung terpaksa menaikkan harga jual barang-barang tersebut. ‘’Menjelang bulan puasa ini, harga sembako memang banyak yang naik, itu sudah biasa, apalagi nanti setelah puasa akan bertambah naik harganya. Karena harga di pasar naik, maka kami pemilik warung juga harus menaikkan harga jual ke warga,’’ ungkap Mama Rino pemilik warung di Jalan Beringin Perumahan Beringin Indah.
Mama Rino menambahkan, dirinya menjual minyak goreng seharga Rp9.500 per kilogram. Sementara gula pasir dijual seharga Rp6.000 per kilogram, telur ayam pun naik dari Rp600-Rp650 sekarang dijual dengan harga Rp700 per butir. Kenaikan sembako juga membuat pemilik usaha kecil kian terhimpit. Adalah Iin (32), pemilik usaha kecil kerupuk ini juga mengeluhkan adanya kenaikan minyak goreng dan tepung. Usaha kerupuk yang dijalani Iin yang terletak di jalan Inpres membuatnya bingung untuk menaikkan harga pasaran kerupuk yang biasa dijual seharga Rp200. Mengatasi ini Iin terpaksa mengakali dengan membuat ukuran lebih kecil dari biasanya, dengan harga tetap sama.
‘’Susah untuk menaikkan harga kerupuk, nanti takutnya tidak laku. Tepung tapioka naiknya sudah tiga persen, ditambah lagi kenaikan minyak goreng. Jadilah sekarang penghasilan hanya cukup untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari dan membeli bahan kerupuk,’’ keluh Iin. ***
source: riaupos
Wanna Be A Successful Internet Marketer? Reality Check!
The fruits of a successful Internet marketer are very tempting to a newbie in Internet marketing. The dream of making money while sleeping or relaxing by the pool and beach sure conjure up a tempting picture! And the image of cash pouring in at the push of a few buttons cooked up by some Internet marketers just increases the excitement felt by Internet marketing newbies.
The statistics on sales made online sure makes that a definite possibility. According to figures given by PC Magazine, in UK alone, web sales in 2007 rose 29% to a staggering £130 billion! Now, who wouldn't want a slice of that online pie? Even if its a teeny weeny slice! At Internet marketing seminars like World Internet Summit, you can commonly hear the Internet marketing experts say, "As long as you know how to send email, you can be Internet marketer!" But is it really possible to make your fortune from the Internet? Sure, its certainly possible to make piles of cash from the Internet. It's been proven before. But then again, is it really that simple? Certainly...for some people.
People with the right aptitude and mindset do make fortunes online. But for the majority, a huge, overwhelming majority I suspect, making enough money online to quit their day-time job remains a pipe dream. Many new Internet marketers want to make it big but don't have a clear idea how to go about it. So they buy coaching programs from "gurus", hopefully to short cut the learning curve. But many "gurus'" coaching programs are not of the quality they claimed to be. Even if they are, newbies are not guaranteed success.
Even as the coaching programs' quality is important in contributing to a newbie's success, just as important if not more so, is each individual's mindset and aptitude. Even with the best Internet marketing coaching program, if the newbie is not prepared mentally and physically to take action to implement it, he or she will not succeed. If he or she is not prepared to put in the hours to go through the program, he or she is better off saving the expensive fees, steering clear of such coaching programs.
Some people buy such programs after being shown how good they are, hoping that the programs will somehow transform their lives. The successful Internet marketers are some of the most hardworking people despite what some claimed. If the newbie is not mentally prepared to dig in the trenches and do the required work or wants success bad enough to do whatever it takes, its best to stick to their day jobs.
Sure, they can outsource the tedious work but not everything can be outsourced. So what does it take to be a successful Internet marketer?
7 traits of a successful Internet marketer, in no particular order:
1. An entrepreneurial spirit
2. A can-do, never-quit attitude and does whatever it takes to make things happen
3. A marketing expert and be innovative in marketing techniques
4. Internet & technically savvy (not an absolute must but it sure cuts your learning curve)
5. Ability to focus on what's important, one at a time in terms of priority
6. Integrity as a good business person. Building trust relationships successfully is huge, huge factor in Internet marketing
7. Be well-informed about the current and effective marketing techniques and ability to apply them quickly. This also means willingness and ability to learn and apply new stuff (techniques and technology) If you have all 7 traits, GREAT! If not, you can still succeed if you have some of them. If you are unwilling or unable to find time to take action to learn the ropes of internet marketing AND implement the knowledge you've acquired, don't sign up for the "guru's" coaching program! Don't fool yourself into thinking that just by purchasing the program, you will somehow succeed in creating a passive income stream.***
by Alex Ang
Why it’s a BAD Idea to Promote Hot Selling Products on eBay
Do a quick search on Google, Yahoo, or your favorite auction resource site, and you'll quickly discover there are several software programs targeted to vendors who want to promote hot selling products on eBay. The infatuation with hot selling products exists because sellers believe if you target items that have a robust sales pattern, you'll have a better chance at profiting on eBay.
This is both true and false. Yes... hot selling products can improve your bottom line. But unfortunately by the time the average eBay seller
(a) realizes what the hot selling products are,
(b) purchases stock to sell on eBay, and
(c) actually puts the items up for sale, the demand is already being met by other eBay sellers who probably started the hot selling product trend some time ago.
Not only that, with thousands of people also having access to the same hot selling product lists, you'll have to contend with other eBay vendors who have the exact same ideas that you do. So you'll be up against the original sellers who are currently feeding the demand, AND doing the tango with newer sellers who have jumped on the same hot selling product bandwagon that you did. Okay maybe this won't happen to you. But suppose it does.
What if competition becomes so great that prices start dipping below the wholesale cost that you paid for the item? (It happens all the time on eBay.) And what if you lose $100, $200, or even $1,000 on inventory that you thought would be flying off the shelf? Suddenly that hot selling item is looking rather cold sitting in your garage collecting dust. So if not hot selling products on eBay, then what? Do what the majority of PowerSellers do. Sell what you want, instead of what's hot. Repeat after me, "Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay... Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay... Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay."
Allow this to become your mantra, because it is very much true. I know this from first-hand experience as I analyze top sellers instead of hot products. And my research has continuously shown me that mediocre products don't necessarily translate into mediocre sales. For instance, there's a seller right now who clears about $1,000-$2,000 a week selling magnets. And that's AFTER eBay and PayPal fee's. Another seller promotes homemade CD's to a specific audience and clears $900-$2,000 a week. A few sellers make $500-$700+ a week - after expenses - promoting public domain information. And the cool thing about public domain information is that anybody can sell it because it's free. So that's pure profit by selling something they never paid for. Talk about the ultimate arbitrage opportunity!
The ultimate key in succeeding no matter what product you end up selling, is to build a successful strategy. To figure out 'how' to profitably market what you have, instead of chasing after the next great thing. Because once you have the strategy part down, you can sell anything on eBay and make it a hot seller to your bank account. ***
by bhbhb