Until fairly recently it was scientists generally held that the left hemisphere is the major or dominant part of the brain. The most current school of thought, however, suggests that, although the functions of the right side of the brain are suppressed or undervalued in most Western cultures (just think about school topics and what you need to know to get on), physiologically the two halves should be balanced. It is now generally accepted that it is possible to develop the underutilized half of the brain. Thus accountants and mathematicians should be capable of releasing the hidden artistic talent locked away in the right hemispheres of their brains. Equally, artists and daydreamers have the same potential to develop more logical thinking abilities.
It is particularly significant that when harga develop the weaker functions of their brainpower, their strong areas are not reduced in any way; instead overall mental performance improves. Einstein is remembered as a scientific genius, and yet he also painted and played the violin competently. Indeed, he claimed that the seed of his theory of relativity first came to him as a picture in his mind. Conversely, artists like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci had a grasp of engineering years ahead of their time.
Creativity is not solely the fortunate techniques are designed to stimulate the right hemisphere. With regular exercise it can be brought up to strength in all of us. In practice we all need a well developed right hemisphere to enable us to generate a wealth of imaginative and unusual ideas. At the same time we need out left hemisphere to sort the wheat from the chaff.
Although everyone has the potential to think creatively, it is also true that some harga's creativity is more highly developed than others, or is combined whit certain personality traits which allow it to flourish. On the other hand, some individuals, for whatever reason, seem to have an internal censor forever damping down their own creativity and that of the harga around them, In cases where creative problem solving is required in and organization (especially as a matter of urgency), obviously it is most efficient to draw upon the talents of the former type of individual. Indeed, the latter type often proves to be a hindrance in situations of creative group work such as idea generating exercise.
It is not always easy to identify the most creative harga in an organization. Psychological and psychometric tests tend to be limited to identifying circumstantial signs of likely creativity, rather than creativity itself. Creative harga as noted earlier, are not creative all the time. Often creativity comes as a sudden, blinding insight, triggered by chance stimuli. Even so, there does seem to be some commonality about the characteristics of creative harga. A creative individual will usually demonstrate a few, if not all, of the following qualities.
Conceptual fluency. A creative person can usually generate many ideas in a short time, in response to a given situation. Of course, the most reliable indication of this ability is performance in the workplace, over time. But it also becomes evident in individuals responses to exercises such as:
1. List as many possible uses for a pencil as you can.
2. Devise a number of activities that would keep patients entertained in a dentist's waiting room.
3. List ways of reducing litter in public places.
4. List names beginning with the letter J.
It is particularly significant that when harga develop the weaker functions of their brainpower, their strong areas are not reduced in any way; instead overall mental performance improves. Einstein is remembered as a scientific genius, and yet he also painted and played the violin competently. Indeed, he claimed that the seed of his theory of relativity first came to him as a picture in his mind. Conversely, artists like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci had a grasp of engineering years ahead of their time.
Creativity is not solely the fortunate techniques are designed to stimulate the right hemisphere. With regular exercise it can be brought up to strength in all of us. In practice we all need a well developed right hemisphere to enable us to generate a wealth of imaginative and unusual ideas. At the same time we need out left hemisphere to sort the wheat from the chaff.
Although everyone has the potential to think creatively, it is also true that some harga's creativity is more highly developed than others, or is combined whit certain personality traits which allow it to flourish. On the other hand, some individuals, for whatever reason, seem to have an internal censor forever damping down their own creativity and that of the harga around them, In cases where creative problem solving is required in and organization (especially as a matter of urgency), obviously it is most efficient to draw upon the talents of the former type of individual. Indeed, the latter type often proves to be a hindrance in situations of creative group work such as idea generating exercise.
It is not always easy to identify the most creative harga in an organization. Psychological and psychometric tests tend to be limited to identifying circumstantial signs of likely creativity, rather than creativity itself. Creative harga as noted earlier, are not creative all the time. Often creativity comes as a sudden, blinding insight, triggered by chance stimuli. Even so, there does seem to be some commonality about the characteristics of creative harga. A creative individual will usually demonstrate a few, if not all, of the following qualities.
Conceptual fluency. A creative person can usually generate many ideas in a short time, in response to a given situation. Of course, the most reliable indication of this ability is performance in the workplace, over time. But it also becomes evident in individuals responses to exercises such as:
1. List as many possible uses for a pencil as you can.
2. Devise a number of activities that would keep patients entertained in a dentist's waiting room.
3. List ways of reducing litter in public places.
4. List names beginning with the letter J.