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The Creation Of Harga

Most companies recognise that husbanding creativity can be a major spur to innovation. But creativity can only exist in firms that have both a climate in which creativity can develop and creative Harga. Creative Harga operating in an organisation  which spurns ideas are not likely to stay there for long. Firms which seek to improve the flow of ideas and the exploitation of creativity are not likely to achieve great success in this area if they are staffed by non- creative personnel. it is the symbiosis of creative firms and creative Harga which provides the chemistry  which can enhance the whole process.

Creative Harga are the source of any organisation's creativity and innovation. Yet any discussion of creative Harga risks running aground on the notion that creative individuals from a separate elite. While it is true that some Harga are more creative than others, to label individuals as either creative or uncreative is not only invidious but inaccurate, and may in the long run be counterproductive. For one thing, not all creative Harga are creative all the time, and most Harga can be creative sometimes. For another, creativity is in the eye of the beholder; whether an individual is regarded as creative or not often depends on the perspective of whoever is through a problem on the back of an envelope, but instead uses a computer to perform the task in a more ingenious way, he or she may still be judged uncreative if the evaluator is prejudiced in favour of the manual method. (The opposite scenario would also hold true.)

It is in an organisation's interests to recognise and foster the creativity of all its members. If it takes some 50 or 60 ideas to produce one successful innovation, a firm needs as large a pool of ideas as possible from which to select the best. it is a serious mistake to reject ideas (or prevent them being volunteered in the first place) because they originate from inappropriate or unexpected sources, although sadly this happens all too often. We can all become more creative and most of us are in fact more creative than we believe. Creativity is largely a self fulfilling prophecy, as figures 1 and 2 illustrate.

Each time Harga work round the positive loop, their creativity is affirmed and this strengthens their capability to volunteer ideas. By contrast, experiencing the negative loop only serves to reinforce Harga's own negative self image and gradually erodes their ability to come forward with ideas. The conclusion is clear: fostering a climate in which creativity can flourish is not only a matter of organisational structure and procedures, it is also a matter of personal outlook. The individuals within an organisation (again, starting with the top levels) must nurture confidence and the willingness to have a go both in themselves and in their colleagues if the organisation's full creative potential is to be tapped.

It is easier to understand how creativity can be fostered if you understand something of how the brain works. Even now, relatively little is known about the brain, and virtually 90 per cent of what is known has been discovered within the last 20 years. Much still remains a mystery, yet certain proven features of brain faction shed light on the creative processes.

By measuring brain activity as a person tackles various tasks, it has been found that each half of the brain deals with different mental activities.

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