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Credit Card Debt Bankruptcy - Is Eliminating Unsecured Debt a Better Option Than Bankruptcy?

By Owais Siddiqui Jr
Countless Americans are moving towards credit card debt bankruptcy. As they are unemployed, they cannot sacrifice their salaries and get their accounts settled. Some people also declare their credit card debt bankruptcy in a deliberate manner. They do not find any other way to get rid of their problems. I would like to advise all my friends to consider other options as well. Without proper finances, you can never be in an advantageous position. Bankruptcy should be the last option to consider. You need to realize what you are losing and gaining.

Threats attached with debt settlement

Countless threats are attached with debt settlement and everyday a new one is emerging as well. However, you can avoid all these threats if you are using the correct strategy. The following steps will help in the preparation of a powerful settlement procedure. In other words, you will be able to avoid credit card debt bankruptcy.

· Comparison is a key activity in the settlement process. You will never be able to get the best firm if you are not making comparisons. It is obvious that you do not need to compare the names of organizations. However, experience is a very important factor. If a company has solved a lot of settlement cases then you can trust it. However, if it is new and less experienced, there are lesser chances of getting a good deal.

· Most people concentrate on only one factor when it comes to making comparisons. They are looking for a cheap company and they do not think beyond it. If you are looking for a company which can really prevent credit card debt bankruptcy, you need to keep a good budget for that. These companies charge individually for all their services. If you are getting your data organized, you will have to pay for that as well. Thus, you do not know which things would cost you.

· A lot of customers do not manage their details themselves. Instead they provide all the information in a haphazard manner to the settlement company. This information needs to be arranged, the consultant may interpret the requirements in a wrong manner. In addition to that, he will spend a lot of time in arranging the information and bringing it into a suitable form. You will be paying additional money for these services. Hence to save this money, understand your case details and arrange it in an organized manner.

You can easily prevent credit card debt bankruptcy if you get an upper hand in the negotiation sessions. If you fall prey to credit card debt bankruptcy, the bank has a right to sell all your assets and liquidate them.

Dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penderita harga di Ruang Merak II (Syaraf) RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru tahun 2007 adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Dari 252 penderita harga, mayoritas penderita harga dari golongan umur > 55 tahun sebanyak 137 harga (54,36 %), dari golongan 41-55 tahun sebanyak 71 harga (28,17 %), dari golongan umur 26-40 tahun sebanyak      42 harga (16,67 %), dibandingkan dengan umur ≤ 25 tahun hanya sebanyak 2 harga (0,79 %).

2. Dari 252 penderita harga, mayooritas penderita harga dijumpai pada perempuan sebanyak 135 harga (53,57 %) dibanding dengan laki-laki sebanyak 117 harga (46,42 %).

3. Dari 252 penderita harga yang bekerja sebagai PNS sebanyak 75 harga (29,76 %), pekerjaan swasta sebanyak 67 harga (26,58 %), pekerjaan wiraswasta sebanyak 62 harga (24,61 %), sedangkan yang tidak bekerja sebanyak 48 harga (19,04 %).

1. Bagi peneliti
Di harapkan kepada peneliti selanjutnya yang berminat meneruskan penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode dalam pendekatan yang berbeda dan mengembangkan instrumen penelitian yang telah di uji coba terlebih dahulu.

2. Bagi instansi tempat penelitian
Diharapkan bagi petugas kesehatan agar lebih meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan dan kualitas pelayanan yang baik.

3. Bagi perkembangan profesi keperawatan
Diharapkan untuk profesi keperawatan agar bisa memberikan penyuluhan dan cara pencegahan khususnya untuk penyakit harga.

4. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya
Diharapkan bagi masyarakat agar bisa memahami tentang penyakit Harga melalui penyuluhan-penyuluhan yang diberikan oleh petugas kesehatan.

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