Tips Membuat Konsep Bisnis Unggul
Untuk memulai bisnis harus dibuat dulu konsepnya secara komperehensif dan detail. Mulai dari sisi harga dan bentuk fisiknya seperti apa, ukurannya berapa besar, lokasinya ada dimana, desainnya seperti apa, bahan bakunya yang dipakai apa sampai dengan cara menjual dan promosi, marginnya, harga BEP-nya dan masih banyak lagi.
Membuat konsep bisnis memerlukan kejelian. Tak perlu ide-ide yang rumit tapi buatlah konsep dengan pendekatan-pendekatan yang sederhana, namun detail dan bisa memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang bisnis yang bersangkutan dan profit harga yang akan diperoleh.
Membuat konsep bisnis yang detail sangat bermanfaat karena akan diketahui apa-apa saja yang dibutuhkan dalam bisnis tersebut secara pasti, seperti harga nilai investasi, berapa target penjualan dan berapa tingkat harga BEP-nya.
Keharusan calon pebisnis membuat konsep bisnis akan membuat pebisnis menjadi ahli di bisnisnya. Sehigga dia akan bisa memberikan advice bagaimana ia menjalankan bisnis dengan baik dan lancar.
Burang Riyadi, Konsultan Franchise dari IFBM Consultant dalam bukunya “Franchise Manual” memaparkan 7 (tujuh) langkah membuat bisnis konsep yang unggul.:
Pertama, munculkan ide atau gagasan bisnis.
Kedua, menggali filosofi bisnis, berikutnya pernyataan visi dan misi dan objektif atau target.
Filosofi bisnis akan bertindak sebagai rujukan bisnis sepanjang masa. Filosofi bisnis mencakup semua aspek bisnis seperti : positioning, cara menjual, cara berpromosi, harga investasi dan lain-lain.
Visi bisnis merupakan apa yang Anda inginkan yang bersifat ideal dan misi bisnis merupakan operasionalisasi dari visi bisnis. Visi dan misi bisnis ini akan mengarah pada pernyataan harga nilai, kehendak strategi, tujuan dan sasaran yang besar, banyak dan berani serta semua sasaran yang besar, banyak dan berani serta semua sasaran kinerja.
Ketiga, menentukan target harga market yang dibidik. Mulai dari usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, SES, pekerjaanya, gaya hidupnya, pendapatannya, pengeluarannya, dan lain-lain.
Keempat, merumuskan bentuk unit usaha termasuk masalah desain eksterior dan interior. Apakah nanti akan berbentuk outlet di mall, ruko, cafe, rumah dan sebagainya.
Kelima, merumuskan kegiatan usaha. Apakah mau menjual makanan dan minuman, menyediakan tempat kumpul, menyediakan fasilitas internet dll.
Keenam, merumuskan organisasi usaha. Berapa divisi atau bagian, berapa jumlah SDM-nya, jam kerja, upah dll.
Ketujuh, memikirkan cara pemasaran dan harga penjualannya. Mulai dari penjualan harga produk baru, ketika harga produk kurang laku, ketika kondisi-kondisi harga khusus dll.
Jika anda telah yakin bahwa konsep bisnis anda pasti, bisnis anda akan berjalan long term dan anda akan lebih optimis dalam menjalakan mimpi-mimpi selanjutnya.***
kiriman: Usman Cahyadi SH., Bekasi
source: Bundel Business Opportunity
How To Design A Web Site That Sells
The entire purpose of your website is to attract quality leads who want and have the money to purchase your products and services.
So, the first thing you have to do is ask yourself, WHO?
Who is my ideal customer? Where does she live? Where does she hang out? What problem does she have that she's looking for a solution to and willing to pay to fix?
Once you know this, you have the foundation to begin the design process.
First matter of business, your HEADLINE.
Your headline is the most important part of your site. You have only seconds to grab your prospect by the eyeballs and keep her attention so you need to have a headline that clearly states the solution or benefit you provide.
Make sure your headline is in the center, in the top fold of the page so your visitor doesn't have to scroll down to find it. Also make sure it's in a large font that stands out and instantly commands attention. Next, include compelling salescopy that clearly communicates the benefits of your product and service. If you use your site to share the story of your life, you'll lose your visitor in the blink of an eye. Instead, focus on her needs because that's what she's there for. What's in it for her? If what you offer can make her look younger, be more popular, save her time, bring her money, eliminate backache, give her more time with family, get a promotion or give her a better night's sleep -- make it known in your copy.
Keep it clean and simple. If you bury your site with third party advertisements and non-related graphics, it looks more like a three-ring circus than a focused, professional business. Steer clear of contrasting color schemes and designs, font colors and sizes. Also, keep your font in an easy-to-read color. White lettering on a dark background is hard on the eyes.
Video and audio are great added features as long as they're relevant to your business and professionally done.
Create social proof. Include testimonials and make them verifiable. "John Q., Denver" means little, but "John Quigley, Vice-President, Tando Enterprises, Denver, Colorado" and a photo of him, gives the reader the ability to check your credibility and proof that you're a reputable business person.
List qualifications that are relevant to your business as well as accomplishments and experience. Offer a gift in exchange for a name and e-mail address. Very few web visitors buy on first blush, but are willing to give you their contact information in exchange for something of value. Just make sure this sign-up form is easy to find and not buried within your copy or at the bottom of your page. Make it stand out by placing it in the top left or right corner of your site.
Once you have a name, you can begin a courtship through a newsletter or e-course. Send value-packed information that provides benefit and extend invitations to return to your site and take advantage of your more comprehensive packages and special offerings. Give your visitor clear instructions on what you want her to do. Do you want her to sign-up for your newsletter? Download your special report? Request information on your daily special? Enroll in your club?
Tell the reader exactly what you want her to do. Give her a strong call to action and tell her specifically what steps to take. If the visitor decides to make an immediate purchase, make sure the process is easy and seamless. Integrate a shopping cart and merchant account to handle the transaction. If there are too many hoops to jump through, your visitor will click away. Also make it very clear what to expect. How the product will be delivered and by when.
Create an exit pop.
Sometimes people just won't have the time to read everything and might click away before giving you their contact info. You can increase your chances of getting this information simply by adding an exit pop to your page. When visitors click away, they'll receive a reminder that they can receive your newsletter or report as a gift. Thirty percent will sign-up.
And finally -- take a look at other web sites. Find ones that grab your attention and make you want to pull out your wallet and buy. Pay attention to what they do that works and apply those elements to your site.***
by Laurie Hayes
Laurie Hayes, founder of The HBB Source, and creator of The Complete 12-Step Guide To Starting A Home-Based Business, helps entrepreneurs build loyal client relationships and attract more quality referrals. Get her free ezine packed with helpful resources at and learn how to build your business through relationships at
Untuk memulai bisnis harus dibuat dulu konsepnya secara komperehensif dan detail. Mulai dari sisi harga dan bentuk fisiknya seperti apa, ukurannya berapa besar, lokasinya ada dimana, desainnya seperti apa, bahan bakunya yang dipakai apa sampai dengan cara menjual dan promosi, marginnya, harga BEP-nya dan masih banyak lagi.
Membuat konsep bisnis memerlukan kejelian. Tak perlu ide-ide yang rumit tapi buatlah konsep dengan pendekatan-pendekatan yang sederhana, namun detail dan bisa memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang bisnis yang bersangkutan dan profit harga yang akan diperoleh.
Membuat konsep bisnis yang detail sangat bermanfaat karena akan diketahui apa-apa saja yang dibutuhkan dalam bisnis tersebut secara pasti, seperti harga nilai investasi, berapa target penjualan dan berapa tingkat harga BEP-nya.
Keharusan calon pebisnis membuat konsep bisnis akan membuat pebisnis menjadi ahli di bisnisnya. Sehigga dia akan bisa memberikan advice bagaimana ia menjalankan bisnis dengan baik dan lancar.
Burang Riyadi, Konsultan Franchise dari IFBM Consultant dalam bukunya “Franchise Manual” memaparkan 7 (tujuh) langkah membuat bisnis konsep yang unggul.:
Pertama, munculkan ide atau gagasan bisnis.
Kedua, menggali filosofi bisnis, berikutnya pernyataan visi dan misi dan objektif atau target.
Filosofi bisnis akan bertindak sebagai rujukan bisnis sepanjang masa. Filosofi bisnis mencakup semua aspek bisnis seperti : positioning, cara menjual, cara berpromosi, harga investasi dan lain-lain.
Visi bisnis merupakan apa yang Anda inginkan yang bersifat ideal dan misi bisnis merupakan operasionalisasi dari visi bisnis. Visi dan misi bisnis ini akan mengarah pada pernyataan harga nilai, kehendak strategi, tujuan dan sasaran yang besar, banyak dan berani serta semua sasaran yang besar, banyak dan berani serta semua sasaran kinerja.
Ketiga, menentukan target harga market yang dibidik. Mulai dari usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, SES, pekerjaanya, gaya hidupnya, pendapatannya, pengeluarannya, dan lain-lain.
Keempat, merumuskan bentuk unit usaha termasuk masalah desain eksterior dan interior. Apakah nanti akan berbentuk outlet di mall, ruko, cafe, rumah dan sebagainya.
Kelima, merumuskan kegiatan usaha. Apakah mau menjual makanan dan minuman, menyediakan tempat kumpul, menyediakan fasilitas internet dll.
Keenam, merumuskan organisasi usaha. Berapa divisi atau bagian, berapa jumlah SDM-nya, jam kerja, upah dll.
Ketujuh, memikirkan cara pemasaran dan harga penjualannya. Mulai dari penjualan harga produk baru, ketika harga produk kurang laku, ketika kondisi-kondisi harga khusus dll.
Jika anda telah yakin bahwa konsep bisnis anda pasti, bisnis anda akan berjalan long term dan anda akan lebih optimis dalam menjalakan mimpi-mimpi selanjutnya.***
kiriman: Usman Cahyadi SH., Bekasi
source: Bundel Business Opportunity
How To Design A Web Site That Sells
The entire purpose of your website is to attract quality leads who want and have the money to purchase your products and services.
So, the first thing you have to do is ask yourself, WHO?
Who is my ideal customer? Where does she live? Where does she hang out? What problem does she have that she's looking for a solution to and willing to pay to fix?
Once you know this, you have the foundation to begin the design process.
First matter of business, your HEADLINE.
Your headline is the most important part of your site. You have only seconds to grab your prospect by the eyeballs and keep her attention so you need to have a headline that clearly states the solution or benefit you provide.
Make sure your headline is in the center, in the top fold of the page so your visitor doesn't have to scroll down to find it. Also make sure it's in a large font that stands out and instantly commands attention. Next, include compelling salescopy that clearly communicates the benefits of your product and service. If you use your site to share the story of your life, you'll lose your visitor in the blink of an eye. Instead, focus on her needs because that's what she's there for. What's in it for her? If what you offer can make her look younger, be more popular, save her time, bring her money, eliminate backache, give her more time with family, get a promotion or give her a better night's sleep -- make it known in your copy.
Keep it clean and simple. If you bury your site with third party advertisements and non-related graphics, it looks more like a three-ring circus than a focused, professional business. Steer clear of contrasting color schemes and designs, font colors and sizes. Also, keep your font in an easy-to-read color. White lettering on a dark background is hard on the eyes.
Video and audio are great added features as long as they're relevant to your business and professionally done.
Create social proof. Include testimonials and make them verifiable. "John Q., Denver" means little, but "John Quigley, Vice-President, Tando Enterprises, Denver, Colorado" and a photo of him, gives the reader the ability to check your credibility and proof that you're a reputable business person.
List qualifications that are relevant to your business as well as accomplishments and experience. Offer a gift in exchange for a name and e-mail address. Very few web visitors buy on first blush, but are willing to give you their contact information in exchange for something of value. Just make sure this sign-up form is easy to find and not buried within your copy or at the bottom of your page. Make it stand out by placing it in the top left or right corner of your site.
Once you have a name, you can begin a courtship through a newsletter or e-course. Send value-packed information that provides benefit and extend invitations to return to your site and take advantage of your more comprehensive packages and special offerings. Give your visitor clear instructions on what you want her to do. Do you want her to sign-up for your newsletter? Download your special report? Request information on your daily special? Enroll in your club?
Tell the reader exactly what you want her to do. Give her a strong call to action and tell her specifically what steps to take. If the visitor decides to make an immediate purchase, make sure the process is easy and seamless. Integrate a shopping cart and merchant account to handle the transaction. If there are too many hoops to jump through, your visitor will click away. Also make it very clear what to expect. How the product will be delivered and by when.
Create an exit pop.
Sometimes people just won't have the time to read everything and might click away before giving you their contact info. You can increase your chances of getting this information simply by adding an exit pop to your page. When visitors click away, they'll receive a reminder that they can receive your newsletter or report as a gift. Thirty percent will sign-up.
And finally -- take a look at other web sites. Find ones that grab your attention and make you want to pull out your wallet and buy. Pay attention to what they do that works and apply those elements to your site.***
by Laurie Hayes
Laurie Hayes, founder of The HBB Source, and creator of The Complete 12-Step Guide To Starting A Home-Based Business, helps entrepreneurs build loyal client relationships and attract more quality referrals. Get her free ezine packed with helpful resources at and learn how to build your business through relationships at