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Tips Membuat Perjanjian Waralaba

Tips Membuat Perjanjian Waralaba
Perjanjian warabala merupakan kumpulan persyaratan, ketentuan dan komitmen tertulis yang dibuat antara pemberi warabala dengan penerima warabala. Merujuk PP warabala No.42 tahun 2007 pasal 4 ayat 1 dan 2, dalam membuat perjanjian warabala harus memperhatikan aspek hukum di Indonesia dan berbahasa Indonesia.

Dalam PP No.42 tahun 2007, ketika membuat perjanjian Warabala harus memuat klausula paing sedikit :
- Nama dan alamat para pihak.
- Jenis hak kekayaan intelektual.
- Kegiatan usaha.
- Hak dan kewajiban para pihak.
- Bantuan, fasilitas, bimbingan operasional, pelatihan dan pemasaran yang diberikan pemberi warabala kepada penerima warabala.
- Wilayah usaha.
- Jangka waktu perjanjian.
- Tata cara pembayaran imbalan.
- Kepemilikan, perubahan kepemilikan dan hak ahli waris.
- Penyelesaian sengketa.
- Tata cara perpanjangan, pengakhiran dan pemutusan perjanjian.

Di berbagai negara, perjanjian warabala bisa berbeda karena adanya perbedaan hukum. Namun begitu, perjanjian warabala harus dibuat secara komperehensif dan memuat ketentuan yang berkaitan dengan hak dan kewajiban pemberi dan penerima warabala (franchisor dan franchisee). Acuan membuat perjanjian warabala yang komperehensif sebagai berikut :

Clausa/pasal esensial dalam perjanjian warabala
- Apakah merek produk yang bersangkutan? Perincian pendaftaran merek produk.
- Pengertian/defenisi know how yang ditransfer kepada franchiese.
- Perincian dalam pendelegasian know how, pelatihan dan manual yang diterapkan.
- Perincian ekslusivitas wilayah/teritorian kerja.

Aplikasi Perjanjian
- Perjanjian dari masing-masing pihak, sebelum, saat dan sesudah kontrak.
- Perincian aturan yang harus ditaati.
- Perincian ekslusivitas penyediaan barang atau supplier referensial.
- Persyaratan dalam politik harga.
- Intuitu personae clause dan penerimaan pengganti (kontrak perjanjian berakhir bila bisnis unit franchisee tidak bisa diberikan kepada pengelola perusahaan berikutnya tanpa persetujuan franchisor).
- Konfirmasi pihak independen.
- Pasal / Klausa kerahasiaan perusahaan, politik non competition, non afilasi, larangan melakukan aktivitas lain, dsb.

Struktur Finansial
- Biaya harga awal/entry fee.
- Harga royalti.
- Biaya harga lainnya.
- Konstribusi dan biaya minimum untuk advertising.

Advertising dan image produk
- Iklan yang bagaimana saat launching/pembukaan, kemudian selama operasi berlangsung.
- Tingkat nasional dan/atau lokal.

Akhir perjanjian
- Jangka waktu kontrak perjanjian.
- Persyaratan pemutusan kontrak perjanjian.
- Persyaratan pembaharuan kontrak.
- Pasal/klausa non-competition setelah kontrak.
- Hak preemption.
- Persyaratan transfer bisnis.***

kiriman: R. Soemarno ST, Batam
source: Bundel Business Opportunity


Product Condition Selection (Part 1)

Now you need to decide what condition the products you are selling is going to be inand where are you going to get those products.What I mean by condition is: are the products you sell going to be new, used orrefurbished?I will start with new products first: NEW products advantages:

* They are new, in shiny boxes and have factory backed warranties! Thosethings are all very important to the person buying the products off of you.
* If the product turns out to be flawed you will be able to send it back towhere you got it from and get a replacement or repairs.
* New products will attract more attention and usually get more bids.Everyone wants new stuff! So when you sell new stuff make sure you letpeople know that it's new! New products are something to brag about.NEW products disadvantages;
* It is harder to get your hands on new products and you will almost alwaysneed a tax ID. Stuff like kitchen knives and toasters is usually easy to findand available to anyone who can afford the minimum order quantity.
* Stuff like plasma TVs, laptop computers and DVD players are a littleharder to find and unless you order a truck load can sometimes leave littleroom for profit (on eBay).

Stuff like expensive watches can be nearlyimpossible to get new unless you have a friend or partner who already hasaccess to what you want. * Most suppliers sell new products to retail stores, you are not a retail store!Retail stores sell everything for full price, most of your sales will be at least25% lower than retail, this leaves you with less room for profit!Now even though the disadvantages seem discouraging, you can make a ton ofmoney selling new stuff! When you sell new you usually have the latest productsthat are being advertised while you sell them, if the competition is selling used orrefurbished stuff the probably have last years models.

So your products areprobably superior.Used products can be great sellers, depending on what you sell. Not everyused product is a good seller and most used products are hard to sell. Becauseevery one wants NEW stuff and used products usually don't come with aguarantee.You need to sell stuff that keeps its value over time. Watches, jewelry, antiquesand collectibles are examples of things that keep their value very well. Usedelectronics and even clothing can also be good sellers, as long as their relativelynew. A camcorder that is only one year old and is in good condition will alwayssell. A 20 year old stereo with scratches and cracks won't.If you are going to sell used products that don't keep their value very well(electronics, shoes, food?) you should sell relatively young products that are goodsellers.

Camcorders, DVD players, MP3 players, designer clothing etc. etc.In other words if you are selling stuff like electronics, clothing, accessories andother stuff that doesn't keep its value very well. You should sell stuff that isrelatively new and is somewhat "hot".If you are going to sell stuff that keeps its value well than sell stuff like watches,jewelry, collectibles, antiques and unique items. Unique items sell good becausethey are interesting and rare, the age sometimes ads to the value just like incollectibles.***

by Stephen Jake
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