Harga Pasar Mobil Bekas Anjlok
Bisnis mobil bekas kini lagi lesu. Penjualan, khususnya di bulan November, menurun jauh dibandingkan bulan-bulan sebelumnya. H Rudianto, marketing PT Dian Mobil, Cimanggis, Depok, Jawa Barat mengatakan, pada bulan November lalu, mobil bekas yang berada di showroomnya hanya terjual sebanyak lima unit. Angka ini sangat anjlok dibandingkan penjualan mobkas bulan-bulan sebelumnya yang mencapai 20 unit. ''Bulan November, penjualan mobkas merupakan yang terburuk di PT Dian Mobil,'' ujar Rudi.
Hal yang sama juga dialami M Iqbal dari Asia Motorindo. Jika bulan-bulan sebelumnya pihaknya bisa menjual hingga 10-15 unit per bulan, pada bulan November ia hanya bisa menjual lima unit. ''Itu pun sudah susah payah kita menjualnya,'' kata Iqbal.
Kelompok usaha penjualan used car (mobkas) milik Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) Mobil 88, Jakarta Selatan, mengakui minat terhadap mobkas cenderung menurun, walaupun target penjualan masih tercapai. ''Penjualan kita sebenarnya cukup stabil. Rata-rata penjualan mencapai 100 unit per bulan. Namun, beberapa bulan terakhir paska kenaikan BBM dan kenaikan suku bunga perbankan, peminat mobkas agak menurun,'' kata Puguh, karyawan mobil 88. Puguh menyebutkan, dalam setiap bulan Mobil 88 menargetkan penjualan sebanyak 100 unit.
Faktor penyebab melemahnya daya beli masyarakat terhadap mobkas, menurut para pelaku usaha mobkas adalah kenaikan harga BBM pada awal Oktober lalu dan tingginya suku bunga perbankan. ''Faktor utamanya, jelas kedua hal tersebut. Sebab, hal itu sangat mempengaruhi daya beli masyarakat,'' kata Iqbal.
Ditambahkan Rudianto, faktor lainnya yang juga turut mempengaruhi penjualan mobkas adalah hadirnya kendaraan produk-produk baru dari ATPM yang mengambil segmen dengan cc lebih kecil -- yaitu 1.000 hingga 1.500 -- dengan harga relatif murah, sekitar Rp 100 jutaan. ''Dengan cc kecil, tentu pemakaian bahan bakar juga makin enteng. Apalagi, harga kendaraan seperti itu juga cukup murah,'' kata Rudianto yang telah 23 tahun lebih berkiprah dalam jual beli kendaraan mobkas ini.
Menurut Rudianto, kehadiran mobil-mobil baru ber-cc kecil dan harganya murah itu menjadi pesaing utama pebisnis mobil bekas. ''Mobil-mobil bekas yang harganya sekitar Rp 100 jutaan, sulit bersaing. Yang masih cukup menjanjikan adalah mobil bekas yang harganya sekitar Rp 60 jutaan ke bawah,'' tuturnya. Mengenai kendaraan cc kecil yang kini banyak digemari konsumen Indonesia ini juga diakui Jonfis Fandy, General Manager Sales and Promotion PT Honda prospect Motor (HPM). Ia mengatakan, pilihan masyarakat untuk memiliki kendaraan (mobil) saat ini, lebih mengutamakan kendaraan dengan cc yang lebih kecil dan hemat energi. ''Karena itu, mobil yang paling hemat akan menjadi pilihan masyarakat,'' jelas Jonfis.
Faktor lainnya yang juga kadang mempengaruhi penjualan mobkas, jelas Rudianto adalah saat low season, yaitu saat-saat liburan sekolah (Mei-Juli) yang merupakan masa-masa sepi penjualan mobkas. ''Bahkan, ketika Lebaran lalu, penjualan mobkas yang biasanya melonjak, justru menurun,'' ujar mantan wartawan ini.
Rudi menyebutkan, pada saat low season, angka penjualan mobil bekas turun antara 20 dan 30 persen dibandingkan bulan-bulan lainnya. ''Pada bulan lain kami bisa menjual hingga 20-25 unit per bulan. Namun, pada masa liburan, paling banyak terjual sekitar 15-17 unit per bulan,'' jelasnya. Hal yang sama juga disampaikan Indah, staf marketing PT Dharma Karya Mandiri (DKM) Kelapa Dua, Depok. Indah mengatakan, pada saat liburan penjualan mobil bekas mencapai 12-14 unit. ''Padahal pada bulan-bulan lainnya, jika tidak ada kendala seperti kenaikan BBM, dan suku bunga perbankan, penjualan bisa mencapai 18-25 unit,'' ujarnya.
Faktor lainnya yang mempengaruhi penjualan mobkas, kata Suharyadi, staf di Dian Mobil, masyarakat menginginkan perawatan yang ringan. ''Jika biaya perawatan mobkas tinggi, tentu mereka akan wait and see,'' jelasnya beberapa waktu lalu. Ditambahkan, Ardin, bagian teknisi PT Asia Motorindo, besarnya biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan perawatan mobil bekas, merupakan salah satu faktor mengapa pasar mobkas lesu.
Ditahan atau Banting Harga?
Penjualan otomotif nasional yang cenderung melemah, membuat bingung dan kalang kabut pelaku usaha. Berbagai cara telah ditempuh untuk mendongkrak angka penjualan mobil, termasuk mobkas. ''Sekarang, kita jualan mobil bekas ini serba salah. Kalau dijual, harganya turun dan sulit mencari pembeli. Tapi kalau ditahan, kita harus mengeluarkan biaya perawatan tambahan,'' kata Marketing Dian Mobil, Rudianto. Akibatnya, lanjut dia, dengan kondisi tersebut, pihaknya serba salah dalam menjalankan aktivitas.
Ia menambahkan, masyarakat sekarang benar-benar berhitung dan menunggu untuk membeli kendaraan bermotor termasuk mobil bekas. Sikap wait and see konsumen, tak ayal membuat pelaku usaha mobil bekas kelimpungan. Bahkan, kata dia, masyarakat yang memiliki mobil pun kini banyak yang beralih menggunakan sepeda motor, karena harga BBM tinggi. ''Perhitungannya sangat realistis. Daripada keluar rumah menggunakan mobil menghabiskan sekitar Rp 50 ribu hingga Rp 100 ribu per hari, lebih baik pakai motor yang biayanya jauh lebih murah,'' paparnya.
Saat ini, lanjutnya, muncul pernyataan di masyarakat, ''Pegang kunci kontak, habis cepek (Rp 100 ribu)''. Menghadapi kondisi demikian, jelas Rudi, langkah yang dilakukan agar penjualan tetap berjalan, adalah melepas mobil yang ada di showroom walaupun marginnya sangat tipis bahkan jual rugi. ''Pokoknya, bisa untung Rp 500 ribu hingga satu juta saja kita lepas. Lha, daripada ditahan tidak menghasilkan apa-apa, lebih baik dilepas saja,'' ujarnya.
Namun, kata dia, tidak semua jenis mobil yang dilepas tersebut benar-benar menguntungkan. Terkadang, ia harus melepaskan mobkas dengan bantingan harga yang cukup tinggi, yakni penurunannya mencapai Rp 10 juta per unit dari harga beli.
Ia menyebutkan, mobil Kijang SGX produksi tahun 2000 yang dibelinya dengan harga Rp 113 juta, akan dilepas dengan harga Rp 103 juta. Demikian juga dengan Toyota Crown buatan tahun 1997 yang dibeli dengan harga Rp 86 juta, dilepas seharga Rp 75 juta. Dan Suzuki Aerio produksi 2002 dan 2003 yang dibeli dengan harga Rp 107 juta, akan dijual seharga Rp 96 juta.
Bantingan harga yang turun sekitar Rp 10 juta per unit, kata Rudi, diberlakukan juga pada Nissan Terrano SGX tahun 1997 yang dibeli dengan harga Rp 99 juta, akan dilego Rp 90 juta. OPEL Blazer tipe standar dan LT produksi tahun 1997 dilego seharga Rp 66 juta. Padahal harga beli OPEL Blazer tersebut Rp 73 juta sampai Rp 75 juta.
Langkah lainnya yang juga dilakukan agar peminat mobil bekas meningkat adalah melalui lelang. Pekan lalu, bertempat di pelataran parkir Makro Meruya, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat, panitia Jakarta Automotive Auction (JAA) 2005, untuk ketiga kalinya menggelar acara tersebut. Pimpinan Astria Balai Lelang, Antonius Taksoko mengatakan, melalui lelang tersebut, antara penjual dan pembeli bisa langsung bertemu dan mengecek sendiri kesehatan, fit atau tidaknya kendaraan yang ditawarkan. ''Harga yang ditawarkan pada acara JAA berkisar antara Rp 20 juta hingga Rp 225 juta per unit,'' jelasnya. Mobil yang ikut lelang antara lain Daihatsu Pick Up Zebra 1.3 (2002) dilelang mulai harga Rp 20 juta. Sedangkan tertinggi, mobil Mercedes Benz E 230 A/T (1997) dengan harga Rp 220 juta. ***
source: artikel Republika
Finding Balance In My Life After Starting Home-Based Business
I am really trying hard to keep balance in my life with my new home-based internet marketing business. It has been hard, because I am also teaching piano full-time from my home! Having over 60 students(half-hoursessions), it becomes hard to fit in everything that I need to do in a 24 hour period.I am finding myself driven to work in my online business for several hours a day when I am not teaching. It seems as though posting on Craigs List is MUCH more important than doing the wash, vacuuming, or taking my dog Bella out for a long walk. Having a successful online business takes work,drive,desire,motivation, and most of all, it takes time. I do think, however, that if our lives go out of balance because of the all-consuming home-based business, that we will run into problems. It has been a month now since starting my online business and my life is still out of balance. I have not been excercising, my eating is poor, and things that are normally a priority for me have been put on the back burner. I decided this evening that I will find a return to balance in my life starting tomorrow. I will do it slowly, because trying to return to balance too fast will put me out of balance again! ***
by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky author http://www.keys-to-prosperity.com
http://www.thelittleguynetwork-mt.com http://www.giblinkusa.org
The Secrets Of Becoming A Millionaire
This product provides trade secrets to increase your income level quickly. How many people aren’t looking for this? After all that is what each businesses ultimate goal is to make money. However is this product a phony or is it a full proof way of increasing your income. Stop for a minute and analyze the facts. This program was created by Vince Jones Even at the mere age of 28 he knew not to share his big secrets. After a few years he wrote a book that explained everything, all the juice and only sold it for a limited time (now out of print).
Alas the Program “12 Month Internet Millionaire” was born! This program gives you a sure fire way to get instant cash to become rich beyond you wildest dreams. This program teaches you to sell almost anything online and off! Russell Brunson has taken his call sessions and turned them in to sure fire program to assist anyone to sell what ever their heart desires. In a way they can make a huge profit.
Now you do not have to believe this is life changing nor do you have to purchase it. However think about this “if a millionaire was sitting next to you and offered to tell you how he made his money would you listen to him?” ***
by M James
12 Month Millionaire Review
From Marketing Strategies Reviewed
My One Month Aniversary In My Home-Based Internet Marketing Business
I am writing this article today because I am at my one month anniversary for my home-based business!! I am excited about this day because I know that I have learned and have accomplished so much!! I have also become a really excellent typer! Having a home-based business is a really fun because you really never know what the day is going to bring!! After my one month I have met soo many nice people and I am a member of a lot of different forums.
I have been learning soo much about advertising as well as what types of affiliate programs are worth joining or not. I think one of the things that I do regret, is that I did join a few too many programs at one time. In a sense, I am picking berries from a lot of different baskets. I never decided to have a home-based business to get rich quick. I was told that this would not happen, and that most home-based businesses fail.
I do not want to believe that statistic at all because I believe that many people give up.. do not fail when they do not see immediate results! I will not give up and I will not fail. I love this business and will support anyone who wants to join me in one of the most exciting professions in the world! ***
by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky http://www.homebasedbusiness-mt.com
http://www.mtmarketing.biz http://www.home-basedmoney.com
Home Business Extreme Challenges
I am feeling very challenged today! I am really trying so hard to market my businesses online that it is getting a bit tiring. I find myself on the computer a lot and I am really seeking the best ways to market my business without spending a fortune. No matter how hard I tell myself that I am not going to spend money, I wind up spending money anyway!
Today I bought a pay per click campaign in Great Britain. I figured that somebody over there would really want what I have to sell.! I have some great products that I offer and I know that I would be a really great sponsor to anyone who would be interested in joining me in my adventures! One thing about online work-from-home business is that it is a lot or work! All said and done, however, I absolutely positively love the challenge!!
There is a lot of competition out there, however, I have high hopes that I am going to truly succeed at this! Anyone care to join me? :) ***
by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky http://www.edcdiamond-mt.com
http://www.thelittleguynetwork-mt.com http://www.home-basedmoney.info
Day Job Killer
This program as unique as they say claim to be able to show you a step by step guide to wealth with little to show you before you devote your hard earned dollars. They as others claim to know the 3 main reasons why 99% of affiliates fail and tricks that the mere 1 % of affiliates use to be successful. If all of these people truly knew these things there would be many more millionaires in this world. The truth is they use these schemes to sell you their product and in turn get rich off your wanting to know.
They give you a free course called “X its about to get ugly” to lure you into purchasing their product. The question is does anyone truly get rich off the product other then the one selling it? They also give you tips on generating multiple streams of income as well as giving you Advanced Adwords Techniques.
Does this product actually work “yes” to some degree? Does this product work for everyone? Probably not but they will pedal it to you as if it does to get you to purchase it. The more people believe it the more money rings up on their accounts. So will it help you that my folk’s is up to you? The information is there and often time it is good but you must make the dire effort to make it work. We all enjoy a good get rich quick scheme because quite honestly who really wants to work for a living. Though if you purchase it make sure that your eyes are open to what is going on and exactly what you are getting yourself into. That could mean the difference between being broke and making the Real Bucks! ***
Day Job Killer Review
From Marketing Strategies Reviewed
Make Money from eBay Misspellings
It's amazing how many eBay Misspellings you'll find on eBay that have been incorrectly spelt, for example 'playstation is often 'plastation', 'playstatoin'. You can profit from these mistakes as when someone tries to search for an item using the correct spelling the misspellings do not show in the search results. You'll find that the misspelling auctions usually have fewer bids on, as potential buyers cannot find them.
If you can find these misspellings then you can purchase them at a low price, and relist for a profit by using the correct spelling so that they will show in the search results.
You have two options in finding these misspellings, the first is to physically search eBay which is time consuming and a total nightmare or the second is to use a website that can find these gems. You will find one such misspellings finder at Auction Typos just enter the correct spelling at this address like 'playstation' (without the quotes) and then select the eBay site you would like to search and the site will return auctions for playstation that have been misspelt. It's as easy as that.***
by Mark James
eBay Misspellings
Bisnis mobil bekas kini lagi lesu. Penjualan, khususnya di bulan November, menurun jauh dibandingkan bulan-bulan sebelumnya. H Rudianto, marketing PT Dian Mobil, Cimanggis, Depok, Jawa Barat mengatakan, pada bulan November lalu, mobil bekas yang berada di showroomnya hanya terjual sebanyak lima unit. Angka ini sangat anjlok dibandingkan penjualan mobkas bulan-bulan sebelumnya yang mencapai 20 unit. ''Bulan November, penjualan mobkas merupakan yang terburuk di PT Dian Mobil,'' ujar Rudi.
Hal yang sama juga dialami M Iqbal dari Asia Motorindo. Jika bulan-bulan sebelumnya pihaknya bisa menjual hingga 10-15 unit per bulan, pada bulan November ia hanya bisa menjual lima unit. ''Itu pun sudah susah payah kita menjualnya,'' kata Iqbal.
Kelompok usaha penjualan used car (mobkas) milik Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) Mobil 88, Jakarta Selatan, mengakui minat terhadap mobkas cenderung menurun, walaupun target penjualan masih tercapai. ''Penjualan kita sebenarnya cukup stabil. Rata-rata penjualan mencapai 100 unit per bulan. Namun, beberapa bulan terakhir paska kenaikan BBM dan kenaikan suku bunga perbankan, peminat mobkas agak menurun,'' kata Puguh, karyawan mobil 88. Puguh menyebutkan, dalam setiap bulan Mobil 88 menargetkan penjualan sebanyak 100 unit.
Faktor penyebab melemahnya daya beli masyarakat terhadap mobkas, menurut para pelaku usaha mobkas adalah kenaikan harga BBM pada awal Oktober lalu dan tingginya suku bunga perbankan. ''Faktor utamanya, jelas kedua hal tersebut. Sebab, hal itu sangat mempengaruhi daya beli masyarakat,'' kata Iqbal.
Ditambahkan Rudianto, faktor lainnya yang juga turut mempengaruhi penjualan mobkas adalah hadirnya kendaraan produk-produk baru dari ATPM yang mengambil segmen dengan cc lebih kecil -- yaitu 1.000 hingga 1.500 -- dengan harga relatif murah, sekitar Rp 100 jutaan. ''Dengan cc kecil, tentu pemakaian bahan bakar juga makin enteng. Apalagi, harga kendaraan seperti itu juga cukup murah,'' kata Rudianto yang telah 23 tahun lebih berkiprah dalam jual beli kendaraan mobkas ini.
Menurut Rudianto, kehadiran mobil-mobil baru ber-cc kecil dan harganya murah itu menjadi pesaing utama pebisnis mobil bekas. ''Mobil-mobil bekas yang harganya sekitar Rp 100 jutaan, sulit bersaing. Yang masih cukup menjanjikan adalah mobil bekas yang harganya sekitar Rp 60 jutaan ke bawah,'' tuturnya. Mengenai kendaraan cc kecil yang kini banyak digemari konsumen Indonesia ini juga diakui Jonfis Fandy, General Manager Sales and Promotion PT Honda prospect Motor (HPM). Ia mengatakan, pilihan masyarakat untuk memiliki kendaraan (mobil) saat ini, lebih mengutamakan kendaraan dengan cc yang lebih kecil dan hemat energi. ''Karena itu, mobil yang paling hemat akan menjadi pilihan masyarakat,'' jelas Jonfis.
Faktor lainnya yang juga kadang mempengaruhi penjualan mobkas, jelas Rudianto adalah saat low season, yaitu saat-saat liburan sekolah (Mei-Juli) yang merupakan masa-masa sepi penjualan mobkas. ''Bahkan, ketika Lebaran lalu, penjualan mobkas yang biasanya melonjak, justru menurun,'' ujar mantan wartawan ini.
Rudi menyebutkan, pada saat low season, angka penjualan mobil bekas turun antara 20 dan 30 persen dibandingkan bulan-bulan lainnya. ''Pada bulan lain kami bisa menjual hingga 20-25 unit per bulan. Namun, pada masa liburan, paling banyak terjual sekitar 15-17 unit per bulan,'' jelasnya. Hal yang sama juga disampaikan Indah, staf marketing PT Dharma Karya Mandiri (DKM) Kelapa Dua, Depok. Indah mengatakan, pada saat liburan penjualan mobil bekas mencapai 12-14 unit. ''Padahal pada bulan-bulan lainnya, jika tidak ada kendala seperti kenaikan BBM, dan suku bunga perbankan, penjualan bisa mencapai 18-25 unit,'' ujarnya.
Faktor lainnya yang mempengaruhi penjualan mobkas, kata Suharyadi, staf di Dian Mobil, masyarakat menginginkan perawatan yang ringan. ''Jika biaya perawatan mobkas tinggi, tentu mereka akan wait and see,'' jelasnya beberapa waktu lalu. Ditambahkan, Ardin, bagian teknisi PT Asia Motorindo, besarnya biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan perawatan mobil bekas, merupakan salah satu faktor mengapa pasar mobkas lesu.
Ditahan atau Banting Harga?
Penjualan otomotif nasional yang cenderung melemah, membuat bingung dan kalang kabut pelaku usaha. Berbagai cara telah ditempuh untuk mendongkrak angka penjualan mobil, termasuk mobkas. ''Sekarang, kita jualan mobil bekas ini serba salah. Kalau dijual, harganya turun dan sulit mencari pembeli. Tapi kalau ditahan, kita harus mengeluarkan biaya perawatan tambahan,'' kata Marketing Dian Mobil, Rudianto. Akibatnya, lanjut dia, dengan kondisi tersebut, pihaknya serba salah dalam menjalankan aktivitas.
Ia menambahkan, masyarakat sekarang benar-benar berhitung dan menunggu untuk membeli kendaraan bermotor termasuk mobil bekas. Sikap wait and see konsumen, tak ayal membuat pelaku usaha mobil bekas kelimpungan. Bahkan, kata dia, masyarakat yang memiliki mobil pun kini banyak yang beralih menggunakan sepeda motor, karena harga BBM tinggi. ''Perhitungannya sangat realistis. Daripada keluar rumah menggunakan mobil menghabiskan sekitar Rp 50 ribu hingga Rp 100 ribu per hari, lebih baik pakai motor yang biayanya jauh lebih murah,'' paparnya.
Saat ini, lanjutnya, muncul pernyataan di masyarakat, ''Pegang kunci kontak, habis cepek (Rp 100 ribu)''. Menghadapi kondisi demikian, jelas Rudi, langkah yang dilakukan agar penjualan tetap berjalan, adalah melepas mobil yang ada di showroom walaupun marginnya sangat tipis bahkan jual rugi. ''Pokoknya, bisa untung Rp 500 ribu hingga satu juta saja kita lepas. Lha, daripada ditahan tidak menghasilkan apa-apa, lebih baik dilepas saja,'' ujarnya.
Namun, kata dia, tidak semua jenis mobil yang dilepas tersebut benar-benar menguntungkan. Terkadang, ia harus melepaskan mobkas dengan bantingan harga yang cukup tinggi, yakni penurunannya mencapai Rp 10 juta per unit dari harga beli.
Ia menyebutkan, mobil Kijang SGX produksi tahun 2000 yang dibelinya dengan harga Rp 113 juta, akan dilepas dengan harga Rp 103 juta. Demikian juga dengan Toyota Crown buatan tahun 1997 yang dibeli dengan harga Rp 86 juta, dilepas seharga Rp 75 juta. Dan Suzuki Aerio produksi 2002 dan 2003 yang dibeli dengan harga Rp 107 juta, akan dijual seharga Rp 96 juta.
Bantingan harga yang turun sekitar Rp 10 juta per unit, kata Rudi, diberlakukan juga pada Nissan Terrano SGX tahun 1997 yang dibeli dengan harga Rp 99 juta, akan dilego Rp 90 juta. OPEL Blazer tipe standar dan LT produksi tahun 1997 dilego seharga Rp 66 juta. Padahal harga beli OPEL Blazer tersebut Rp 73 juta sampai Rp 75 juta.
Langkah lainnya yang juga dilakukan agar peminat mobil bekas meningkat adalah melalui lelang. Pekan lalu, bertempat di pelataran parkir Makro Meruya, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat, panitia Jakarta Automotive Auction (JAA) 2005, untuk ketiga kalinya menggelar acara tersebut. Pimpinan Astria Balai Lelang, Antonius Taksoko mengatakan, melalui lelang tersebut, antara penjual dan pembeli bisa langsung bertemu dan mengecek sendiri kesehatan, fit atau tidaknya kendaraan yang ditawarkan. ''Harga yang ditawarkan pada acara JAA berkisar antara Rp 20 juta hingga Rp 225 juta per unit,'' jelasnya. Mobil yang ikut lelang antara lain Daihatsu Pick Up Zebra 1.3 (2002) dilelang mulai harga Rp 20 juta. Sedangkan tertinggi, mobil Mercedes Benz E 230 A/T (1997) dengan harga Rp 220 juta. ***
source: artikel Republika
Finding Balance In My Life After Starting Home-Based Business
I am really trying hard to keep balance in my life with my new home-based internet marketing business. It has been hard, because I am also teaching piano full-time from my home! Having over 60 students(half-hoursessions), it becomes hard to fit in everything that I need to do in a 24 hour period.I am finding myself driven to work in my online business for several hours a day when I am not teaching. It seems as though posting on Craigs List is MUCH more important than doing the wash, vacuuming, or taking my dog Bella out for a long walk. Having a successful online business takes work,drive,desire,motivation, and most of all, it takes time. I do think, however, that if our lives go out of balance because of the all-consuming home-based business, that we will run into problems. It has been a month now since starting my online business and my life is still out of balance. I have not been excercising, my eating is poor, and things that are normally a priority for me have been put on the back burner. I decided this evening that I will find a return to balance in my life starting tomorrow. I will do it slowly, because trying to return to balance too fast will put me out of balance again! ***
by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky author http://www.keys-to-prosperity.com
http://www.thelittleguynetwork-mt.com http://www.giblinkusa.org
The Secrets Of Becoming A Millionaire
This product provides trade secrets to increase your income level quickly. How many people aren’t looking for this? After all that is what each businesses ultimate goal is to make money. However is this product a phony or is it a full proof way of increasing your income. Stop for a minute and analyze the facts. This program was created by Vince Jones Even at the mere age of 28 he knew not to share his big secrets. After a few years he wrote a book that explained everything, all the juice and only sold it for a limited time (now out of print).
Alas the Program “12 Month Internet Millionaire” was born! This program gives you a sure fire way to get instant cash to become rich beyond you wildest dreams. This program teaches you to sell almost anything online and off! Russell Brunson has taken his call sessions and turned them in to sure fire program to assist anyone to sell what ever their heart desires. In a way they can make a huge profit.
Now you do not have to believe this is life changing nor do you have to purchase it. However think about this “if a millionaire was sitting next to you and offered to tell you how he made his money would you listen to him?” ***
by M James
12 Month Millionaire Review
From Marketing Strategies Reviewed
My One Month Aniversary In My Home-Based Internet Marketing Business
I am writing this article today because I am at my one month anniversary for my home-based business!! I am excited about this day because I know that I have learned and have accomplished so much!! I have also become a really excellent typer! Having a home-based business is a really fun because you really never know what the day is going to bring!! After my one month I have met soo many nice people and I am a member of a lot of different forums.
I have been learning soo much about advertising as well as what types of affiliate programs are worth joining or not. I think one of the things that I do regret, is that I did join a few too many programs at one time. In a sense, I am picking berries from a lot of different baskets. I never decided to have a home-based business to get rich quick. I was told that this would not happen, and that most home-based businesses fail.
I do not want to believe that statistic at all because I believe that many people give up.. do not fail when they do not see immediate results! I will not give up and I will not fail. I love this business and will support anyone who wants to join me in one of the most exciting professions in the world! ***
by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky http://www.homebasedbusiness-mt.com
http://www.mtmarketing.biz http://www.home-basedmoney.com
Home Business Extreme Challenges
I am feeling very challenged today! I am really trying so hard to market my businesses online that it is getting a bit tiring. I find myself on the computer a lot and I am really seeking the best ways to market my business without spending a fortune. No matter how hard I tell myself that I am not going to spend money, I wind up spending money anyway!
Today I bought a pay per click campaign in Great Britain. I figured that somebody over there would really want what I have to sell.! I have some great products that I offer and I know that I would be a really great sponsor to anyone who would be interested in joining me in my adventures! One thing about online work-from-home business is that it is a lot or work! All said and done, however, I absolutely positively love the challenge!!
There is a lot of competition out there, however, I have high hopes that I am going to truly succeed at this! Anyone care to join me? :) ***
by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky http://www.edcdiamond-mt.com
http://www.thelittleguynetwork-mt.com http://www.home-basedmoney.info
Day Job Killer
This program as unique as they say claim to be able to show you a step by step guide to wealth with little to show you before you devote your hard earned dollars. They as others claim to know the 3 main reasons why 99% of affiliates fail and tricks that the mere 1 % of affiliates use to be successful. If all of these people truly knew these things there would be many more millionaires in this world. The truth is they use these schemes to sell you their product and in turn get rich off your wanting to know.
They give you a free course called “X its about to get ugly” to lure you into purchasing their product. The question is does anyone truly get rich off the product other then the one selling it? They also give you tips on generating multiple streams of income as well as giving you Advanced Adwords Techniques.
Does this product actually work “yes” to some degree? Does this product work for everyone? Probably not but they will pedal it to you as if it does to get you to purchase it. The more people believe it the more money rings up on their accounts. So will it help you that my folk’s is up to you? The information is there and often time it is good but you must make the dire effort to make it work. We all enjoy a good get rich quick scheme because quite honestly who really wants to work for a living. Though if you purchase it make sure that your eyes are open to what is going on and exactly what you are getting yourself into. That could mean the difference between being broke and making the Real Bucks! ***
Day Job Killer Review
From Marketing Strategies Reviewed
Make Money from eBay Misspellings
It's amazing how many eBay Misspellings you'll find on eBay that have been incorrectly spelt, for example 'playstation is often 'plastation', 'playstatoin'. You can profit from these mistakes as when someone tries to search for an item using the correct spelling the misspellings do not show in the search results. You'll find that the misspelling auctions usually have fewer bids on, as potential buyers cannot find them.
If you can find these misspellings then you can purchase them at a low price, and relist for a profit by using the correct spelling so that they will show in the search results.
You have two options in finding these misspellings, the first is to physically search eBay which is time consuming and a total nightmare or the second is to use a website that can find these gems. You will find one such misspellings finder at Auction Typos just enter the correct spelling at this address like 'playstation' (without the quotes) and then select the eBay site you would like to search and the site will return auctions for playstation that have been misspelt. It's as easy as that.***
by Mark James
eBay Misspellings