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Menjaga Harga Beras

Menjaga Harga Beras
Masyarakat saat ini dihebohkan dengan kenaikan harga beras yang begitu dramatis. Di mana-mana terjadi kenaikan harga yang melonjak tinggi. Di Pasar Induk Cipinang, Jakarta, kenaikan harga beras Rp1.000 hingga Rp1.500 untuk kualitas 1.

Yang lebih memprihatinkan, kenaikan itu terjadi di daerah-daerah penghasil beras. Ketika operasi pasar dilakukan Bulog, rakyat berjubel untuk membeli beras, bahkan sempat terjadi beberapa keributan. Terkait dengan lonjakan harga salah satu kebutuhan pokok itu, para pejabat elite justru saling memberikan pernyataan kontroversi dan tidak konsisten. Misalnya, menteri pertanian mengatakan bahwa periode 2007 tidak ada kebijakan impor beras. Sebab, akan terjadi kenaikan produksi dan dibandingkan dengan kebutuhan konsumsi nasional, akan surplus.

Untuk periode 2007, ditargetkan terjadi kenaikan produksi sekitar 2 juta ton ekuivalen beras. Tetapi, beberapa hari setelah itu, rapat koordinasi yang dipimpin Wakil Presiden M. Jusuf Kalla yang diikuti beberapa menteri perekonomian beserta Dirut Bulog memutuskan untuk segera mengimpor beras sekitar 1 juta ton secara bertahap. Saat itu menteri pertanian tidak hadir dalam rapat.

Mekanisme Pasar
Pada dasarnya, perdagangan beras di Indonesia adalah bebas, diserahkan kepada mekanisme pasar. Jadi, jika suatu daerah yang menjadi lumbung beras panen raya, beras akan mengalir ke wilayah, bukan produsen. Apalagi sistem penjualan oleh petani/buruh tani menggunakan sistem tebasan. Pada saat panen, dalam waktu singkat gabah/beras itu sudah dikuasai tengkulak pedesaan sampai penggilingan-penggilingan besar.

Karena itu, saat kondisi produksi beras mengalami perubahan yang drastis, terutama akibat iklim yang tidak dapat dikuasai manusia misalnya banjir atau kemarau panjang walau memungkinkan surplus, stok padi dikuasai para pengusaha/pedagang.

Jika itu yang terjadi, hal tersebut akan digunakan sebagai spekulasi untuk mendikte harga di pasar dan mendapatkan keuntungan besar. Dalam hal ini, yang sangat dirugikan adalah masyarakat berpendapatan tetap, terutama PNS dan buruh tani yang jumlahnya mayoritas, serta petani yang tidak menguasai stok, buruh pabrik, dan masyarakat kecil perkotaan. Menurut UU No 7/1996 tentang Pangan, pengadaan pangan dan menyediakan stok menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah, meskipun ditambah kata-kata “bersama masyarakat”.

Oleh pemerintah, instrumen untuk mengendalikan tersedianya beras secara nasional diberikan kepada Bulog. Karena itu, jika harga beras tidak terkendali, itu mengindikasikan bahwa stok beras di masyarakat memang sangat tipis. Hanya, sering terjadi perbedaan data tentang stok beras masyarakat yang dimiliki Departemen Pertanian dengan data BPS maupun Bulog. Padahal, seharusnya perbedaan data itu tidak boleh terjadi karena mengindikasikan hubungan yang kurang harmonis dan perbedaan metodologi perhitungan.

Tidak Ada Alternatif
Stok beras pada akhir Maret diperkirakan tinggal 300 ribu ton. Maka, tidak ada alternatif lain kecuali mengimpor. Dengan kenyataan itu, kebijakan impor beras seharusnya tidak menjadi alergi bagi siapa pun.

Tafsiran banyak pihak, baik DPR maupun lembaga organisasi sosial kemasyarakatan dan para ahli ekonomi pertanian bahwa impor beras akan menjadikan pelestarian kemiskinan di tingkat petani, sungguh tidak logis. Tanpa melihat konteks serta asumsi dasar yang digunakan, memang seyogianya impor beras merupakan kebijakan insidental dan harus dipertimbangkan, bukan dari aspek politis tapi merupakan kebutuhan sosial ekonomi.

Karena itu, ke depan Bulog perlu dikembalikan menjadi lembaga yang bertanggung jawab terhadap pengamanan harga dasar gabah. Tidak sebagaimana sekarang yang diatur Inpres No 9/2005, istilah harga dasar dikaburkan dengan istilah harga dasar pembelian pemerintah (HDPP) sehingga terkesan kurang ada kebijakan pemerintah (Bulog) untuk mengamankan harga dasar tersebut.

Juga, perlu ada subsidi terhadap jumlah minimal stok cadangan nasional beras yang dimiliki pemerintah setiap tahun. Tujuannya, menjamin tersedianya beras di pasar sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya lonjakan harga. Tentu dengan cara operasi pasar yang dapat melindungi konsumen. Seyogianya pula, semua pihak, termasuk pakar, lembaga-lembaga terkait, dan organisasi kemasyarakatan yang memperjuangkan aspirasi petani mampu menetapkan harga dasar gabah yang harus dijamin pemerintah.

Dengan begitu, harga gabah dapat menguntungkan dan merangsang produksi para petani. Selain itu, hal tersebut dapat melindungi konsumen pada saat-saat stok beras di masyarakat menipis.

Selain itu, perlu ada ketetapan harga atas (selling price) beras yang tidak boleh terlampaui. Pada saat yang sama, perlu lebih diwaspadai kemungkinan masuknya beras ilegal yang mendompleng impor resmi. Selama ini, pendomplengan beras impor terjadi karena adanya izin kepada swasta untuk mengimpor beras kualitas khusus, biasanya kualitas super. Dalam melakukan OP, agar efektif, Bulog harus melalui lembaga RT/RW. Mengingat pengawasan stok yang dimiliki Bulog sangat terbatas dan beras tersebut jangan sampai jatuh ke tangan pedagang. ***

source: riaupos (jpnn)
M Ma’ruf Muchtar, staf ahli Bulog.


The Hole In THe Reverse Funnel System Found!

It was quite by accident I found the hole. Creators Ty Coughlin and Don Granville are aware, but what are they doing about it remains to be seen. If you are reading this article it’s because you have been researching Global Resorts Network's newest marketing system founded by Ty Coughlin. And that’s how I found the Hole! I have been a Platinum Member for a few months now as well as using the GRN BizBuilder system. About 6 weeks ago, I noticed in BizBuilder a subscription form for the Reverse Funnel System, but there was no information about what it was.

So, I sent a support request asking the question. I received no response. Then, I “Googled” it. The first link I came across went directly to the Ty’s Splash Page. I signed in, went through to the order page and decided “I didn’t need another business opportunity”. I currently market 6 online businesses. I believe Global Resorts Network is the best valued product for your money on the internet today. Then last week I was in my back office of GRN and was going through some of the recent post from members. One post led me to the WAHM.com message board.

There I found a thread about the Reverse Funnel System. I read with a skeptics’ eye and was just amazed at the claims that were being made. Conversions at 35%? Prospects just going straight thru the system and joining without so much as a single phone call or email? At The Platinum Level??? Unbelievable! The philosophy between LMG and RFS is the same. We believe this is a paradigm shift in the industry. You can understand why I would be so attracted to the RFS.

However, I haven't able to get people to join at ANY level, let alone the Platinum Level of GRN without having to talk to them. I worked hard for my downline. I had a little trouble swallowing that this New Marketing System was really able to accomplish that. But I went back to Google and did my due diligence. Everybody said the same thing about this system. People were joining left and right. No calls, no emails. It truly appeared to be the first automated system. I still wasn’t ready to jump. I needed to think. I needed to know more. It just sounded to good to be true.

The next day, on a different mission, I was on the phone with my lead company for GRN because the link to order the leads had mysteriously disappeared. I asked the question, “What happened to the link?” The response was: “Julie, you haven’t heard?! Ever since this Reverse Funnel System hit we have been flooded! This thing is unbelievable. I never have seen anything like it! I had to take down the link for a couple of weeks to catch up. I don’t want my customers having to wait more than 10 days for their order to begin.” Well, needles to say, I was amazed. I asked him if he could take the time to explain this system to me as he understood it. He went on for the next 20 minutes or so and the excitement and passion that came from him was infectious about this system.

He even went so far as to state that Guru’s like Dani Johnson were going to be dinosaurs because of this system. Mind you, I had just returned from Dani Johnson’s 1st Steps To Success seminar in August in Atlanta, Georgia and am booked for her Creating A Dynasty seminar in early December in LA. To me, that was a pretty powerful statement. When someone truly believes in something they can’t hide it when talking about it. His closing sentence to me was: “just get in and drive traffic to that site any way you can”. About now, you are probably wondering about “I thought this article was about a hole In the system.” She sounds like she promoting it." Bear with me. I am getting there.

So now I was ready to jump. But how? I already belonged to GRN. I remembered the link in my GRN Biz Builder system. I went back, clicked: activate my subscription, and paid my $299.00 (actually it was only $265.00 as your biz builder subscription is included in the $299.00 and I had already paid that for the month.) Bingo! My system added the RFS website pages and flipped to the RFS system. Cool, I was in! This all happened late night Thursday September 6, 2007. But herein lies the hole. I checked my email. I was expecting a welcome letter…a Here’s the next step letter… Here’s the information to our Co-op advertising. Something????? Nothing. Hmm... Strange. Ok, I thought; let me start driving some traffic at least. I’ll probably hear something soon. And they have training calls I am sure to find out more then.

I have been in this business long enough to know, it is all about driving traffic to your site. Friday and Saturday, I sent my new RFS url to my current opt-in list, to as many free sites as I could think of such as Classifieds and FFAnet sites, Traffic Swarm & Traffic Surge. I also set up some banner ads and a solo ad that won’t start until later this week. Sunday, I started a Google PPC campaign. I am not a big fan of PPC as it can make you go broke really quick, but since my lead source wouldn’t be available until next week, I wanted to do something right away. I personally do a lot a free classified advertising. I typically get 1 opt-in a day. I got 8 in less than 8 hours! Within 48 hours and less than $12.00 spent in PPC, my conversion rate from unique hits to leads was 38%. This is unheard of in the industry. By now it was late Saturday and I realized that no welcome email was forthcoming. There was a glitch. I did some research, made some phone calls and came to the conclusion I have no upline for RFS.

Therefore, I have no access to the Co-Op Advertising or Ad Packs or any advice from a mentor on what has worked for them with this system. It appears Ty Coughlin and Don the creator are aware of this "hole” for those of us that already belong to GRN and GRN BizBuilder prior to RFS. I don’t know if there is a resolution. At the time of writing of this article, in a message from Ty, he has turned this over to Don the creator, to deal with. I am currently waiting for my contact to hear back from Don.

He was sent an email message last night. Monday night was also the first night I was able to attend a live training call for new members that Ty and Don host. I was hoping to pick up some more information; unfortunately the conference call went down within moments of Ty coming onto the line to begin the call. Next call is tonight. In the meantime, the leads keeping coming in and my conversion rate is still at 38% and above! Stay tuned and I will write a follow up to this in a few days. ***

by Julie Booz
If you wish to contact me, I can be reached at 215-393-9378
About the Author Julie Booz's extensive background primarily includes sales & marketing. Honored by Strathmore's Who's Who, Acceptance Is Limited To Individuals Who Have Demonstrated Leadership & Achievement In Their Occupation, Industry Or Profession. Booz is a Microsoft Certified Professional and sells franchises of home-based businesses and offers strong leadership & marketing skills to her team. http://www.growrichlifestyles.com http://www.JHBLifestyles.com.com


I Absolutely Love To Work For Myself!!

I absolutely love working for myself ! It is lonely at times, and it takes discipline, however what could be better! I drink coffee when I want, eat when I want, throw in a load of laundry when I want, take the dog out, make a call, surf the net.. all when I want! The greatest part of working for yourself is not having anyone looking over your shoulder. I have had the craziest, zaniest, unstable bosses in my work history. It had been so bad at one time that I actually thought that I was going totally one hundred percent crazy! It was not a great time in my life to say the least! Right now I work from home one hundred percent of the time.

I technically have two home-based businesses. I work as a piano teacher for about 30 hours a week. This is hard labor because I work harder than the children at times! The great part of this, however is that I get paid tuition by the month, regardless of whether the children show up or not! I have the benefit of a salaried pay structure, even though it is my own business. I also get about 5 weeks of vacation and 4 day per week summers.

Overall, this is a pretty good deal and I am certainly not complaining! I also work in internet marketing. I call myself an experienced newbie because I spend several hours a day learning about this very exciting field! I sell two different wealth generating programs as well as various affiliate programs. I am having so much fun learning, and I feel like my learning curve is huge at this time! I am excited, challenged, and highly motivated in what I am doing. I will not say that I do not get frustrated at times, because I do.

This is a tough business! Overall, I do love to work at home and I make a pretty nice living doing so! I try to get to the gym and go outside of the house to meet people so I do not get too lonely. I do not believe that I could ever work for anyone else again! ***

by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky MT Marketing http://www.homebasedbusiness-mt.com
http://www.mtmarketing.biz http://www.home-basedmoney.com

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