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Sales Success In 1 Step

Sales Success In 1 Step
People like to use the term, "Practice makes perfect". When coaching clients who need the support in sales I like to tell them that, "Perfect practice makes perfect". But not every sales presentation or one on one meeting can be perfect. So how do you practice perfect? Well, one of the things I implement in my coaching is the power of visualization.

Before your success can be a reality, you have to be able to see it in your head. When you have you're mind, you can practice perfect as much as you want with as many different type of people you want. The imagination is a powerful thing. The power of visualization can help you not only in sales but also in other areas of your life like your confidence.

You can literally put yourself in any situation and always come out on top. This is one technique I have to help with my sales clients. Not every techniques works but that's the beauty of coaching, there's always more than one answer it's just a matter of matching the right answer with the right person.

I have my clients rehearse in their head a sales opportunity. I have them visualize the perfect and easiest sale and the hardest most difficult sale. The only catch is that the outcome must remain the same in either, a successful outcome. This type of visualization will help you be prepared for any sales type of situation, why? Because you've been there; you've experienced it just not in physical reality but you have in your mind. Let's for example say that there is a customer who has a whole bunch of reasons not to purchase. Visualize you giving the right answer to persuade them that their reason is wrong.

Now in a real situation, you may get the same resistance you practiced in your head and that's great, because you've practiced in your head what you're going to say and how you're going to say it. Now if by chance, they come up with a resistance that you didn't think of, then it's still okay because in your head you've practiced "Immediate Response". You'll be able to get through the argument confidently. You've practiced immediate response so many times that it's second nature to you whether you've heard the resistance or not.

Now obviously, this is not quick fix, as a matter fact, this is a long-term solution. However, that's what a coach is for. With the support of coach keeping you on track, reminding you of why you're doing the things you're doing, soon enough, this technique will play a major role in your success and or confidence.

I'm a big supporter in long term planning. It doesn't mean that quick fixes don't have their place and I do use them, quite regularly, but the goal is long-term. As a salesperson, if you want to get the most money, the most prestige the most accomplishment in your industry, you have to run the marathon not the sprint. ***

by Joe "The Coach" Torres
Joe The Coach is a professionally trained life coach. He coaches many individuals in the sales realm such as network marketing, direct sales and more. He also does many seminars on the subject of sales among other things. Visit http://www.joethecoach.com to learn more about how coaching and sales work together. He offers 1 month free coaching for new clients.

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