Peluang Usaha Kursus Setir Mobil
Saat liburan sekolah banyak orang mengambil kursus mengendarai mobil. Memiliki kendaraan pribadi tentu memberikan kebanggaan dan kenyamanan tersendiri. Tidak mengherankan jika pada akhirnya permintaan pada berbagai jenis mobil, baik baru maupun bekas, meningkat. Bisnis ini ternyata tidak hanya menguntungkan para pengusaha otomotif. Bagi para pemilik kursus setir mobil, peluang usaha yang menggiurkan pun menganga.
Ipung Ahmadi adalah salah satu yang melirik bidang usaha ini. Kursus setir mobil Eka Jaya, milik keluarganya, berdiri pada 1998. Saat ini tempat kursusnya berada di dua lokasi, yaitu Pamulang dan Cirendeu, Tangerang. Eka Jaya dilengkapi dengan dua mobil untuk latihan. Kursus yang diberikan berupa 80 persen praktik, dan sisanya berupa teori. Jam kursus berlangsung pada pukul 08.00 hingga pukul 17.00 setiap hari, masing-masing selama sekitar 30 menit.
Kursus ditawarkan dalam dua paket, A dan B. Untuk paket A dikenai uang pendaftaran sekitar Rp 10 ribu dan biaya kursus untuk 14 kali pertemuan sebesar Rp 190 ribu. Praktik berupa 12 kali praktik di jalan raya dan dua kali praktik di lahan parkir atau tanjakan. Paket B yang menawarkan 10 kali praktik berupa delapan kali praktik di jalan raya dan dua kali di lahan parkir atau tanjakan. Untuk paket ini para siswa diminta membayar biaya kursus sebesar Rp 160 ribu.
Biaya belajar tersebut dapat dicicil sesuai dengan ketentuan, yaitu pembayaran pertama sebesar Rp 120 ribu. Setelah pembayaran tersebut, siswa boleh langsung belajar dan sisanya dibayar setelah lima kali praktik. Eka Jaya juga menyediakan pelajaran tanpa paket. Para siswa dapat belajar setir mobil selama 30 menit saja dengan biaya sekitar Rp 20 ribu dan biaya belajar selama satu jam praktik sebesar Rp 40 ribu.
Usai mengikuti kursus, siswa segera memperoleh Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM). Biaya pembuatan SIM A dan C sebesar Rp 335 ribu. Bila KTP pemohon di luar DKI Jaya ada biaya tambahan sebesar Rp 15 ribu. Setiap bulan Eka Jaya rata-rata menerima sekitar 20-25 orang. Tapi, bila tengah ramai, jumlah siswa pun melonjak hingga mencapai setidaknya 25-30 orang.
Seluruh siswa yang umumnya berasal dari kawasan Pamulang, Depok, Bintaro, hingga Fatmawati, Jakarta, ditangani oleh dua orang instruktur. Para siswa itu belajar secara bersama-sama. Untuk satu shift, seorang instruktur akan mengajar sekitar 4-5 orang.
Pada akhir tahun ini, Ipung mengaku tempat kursusnya agak sepi peminat. ''Kesulitannya terutama saat harus mencari konsumen. Apalagi, kursus setir mobil bukan merupakan kebutuhan pokok dan biasanya berasal dari kalangan menengah ke atas,'' kata Ipung. Untuk menyiasati hal tersebut, pihaknya rajin menyebar brosur ke rumah-rumah. Bahkan, bagi yang tidak sempat mampir sejenak ke kantor, tersedia pula fasilitas antar jemput.
Ia sendiri tak tahu secara pasti modal yang dikeluarkan karena mengaku hanya meneruskan usaha milik keluarga. Namun, Ipung memperkirakan omzet yang diraih kurang dari Rp 5 juta. Untuk mengembangkan usaha, ia mengaku akan melihat dulu situasi yang ada.
Sesuai shift
Sri Hayati, karyawan kursus setir mobil Persemija di Jl Cirendeu Raya, Tangerang, menyebutkan, siswa di tempatnya tercatat sekitar 29 orang. Mereka mengikuti kursus yang diselenggarakan setiap Senin atau Kamis.
Biaya kursus diberikan sesuai dengan shift yang diinginkan. Untuk kursus selama delapan hari dipungut biaya sekitar Rp 260 ribu, 12 hari sekitar Rp 320 ribu, dan 16 hari mencapai Rp 400 ribu. Biaya tersebut dapat dicicil sebanyak dua kali dan ada keringanan lewat potongan harga. Namun, Sri tidak merinci besarnya diskon tersebut. Di tempat kursus ini ada sebuah mobil dan seorang instruktur. Rata-rata siswa mencapai 20 orang tiap bulan yang berasal dari kawasan sekitar tempat kursus. Sekitar Oktober hingga Desember, Sri mengaku jumlah siswa agak menyusut. ''Biasanya siswa akan ramai lagi saat liburan sekolah,'' tandasnya.
Mey Wulandari, pemilik kursus setir mobil Pesona Jaya, menilai, dari segi bisnis usaha ini cukup lumayan. Usaha kursus mengendarai mobil yang didirikan pada 1997 itu kini berkembang di sejumlah lokasi. Seperti di Jl Margonda Raya dan Jl Nusantara, Depok, dan cabang yang berdiri di kawasan Cinere, Jakarta. Yang terbesar, kata Mey, adalah cabang yang bertempat di Margonda Raya, Depok. Setidaknya dalam satu bulan ada sekitar 100 siswa yang berniat belajar mengendarai mobil. ''Kalau liburan jumlahnya bisa meningkat hingga tiga kali lipat,'' tandasnya.
Metode pelajaran kursus tidak jauh berbeda dengan tempat lain. Para siswa hanya diberikan sekitar 10 menit segala macam teori mengemudi. Setelah itu, mereka akan dibiarkan untuk langsung mempraktikkan. ''Rugi memang kalau hanya teori,'' papar Mey.
Waktu kursus dimulai sejak pukul 06.00 hingga pukul 20.00. Setiap siswa diberikan satu mobil. Mereka pun dipersilakan memilih sendiri jam dan hari yang diinginkan. Bahkan, bila ada yang berminat menambah jam belajar, pihak Pesona Jaya membuka kelas privat.
Paket yang ditawarkan tergantung dari banyaknya pertemuan. Ada paket lima kali pertemuan yang dipungut biaya sekitar Rp 175 ribu, paket delapan kali sekitar Rp 250 ribu, 10 kali dipungut biaya Rp 300 ribu, 12 kali dikenakan Rp 350 ribu, dan 14 kali sebesar Rp 400 ribu. ''Biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp 10 ribu dan biaya kursus boleh dicicil dua kali,'' kata Mey. Para siswa Pesona Jaya lebih banyak perorangan yang berasal dari berbagai kawasan seperti Depok, Bogor, Parung, dan Jakarta. Sedangkan armada kendaraan yang mereka miliki setidaknya ada tiga unit mobil yang dapat dimobilisasi untuk menangani dua cabang.
Untuk mengelola kursus, Pesona Jaya memiliki sekitar 10-12 orang tenaga pengajar dan karyawan. ''Tetapi, sebagian besar mereka tidak bekerja secara penuh di sini. Khusus untuk instruktur, kami tentunya memilih yang sudah berpengalaman,'' kata Mey. Saat memulai usaha, Mey mengaku harus mengeluarkan sejumlah dana untuk menyewa tempat, memiliki izin, dan membeli mobil. ''Di luar mobil, biaya yang harus kami keluarkan sekitar Rp 10 juta,'' paparnya.
Saat ini mereka telah menikmati hasil kerja kerasnya. Omzet yang mereka peroleh berkisar Rp 15 juta hingga Rp 40 juta. Sedangkan laba bersih setidaknya mencapai Rp 25 juta jika peserta kursus tengah membludak. Bahkan titik break even point (BEP) telah dicapai dalam waktu tiga tahun. ***
source: Artikel Republika
The Hole In THe Reverse Funnel System Found!
It was quite by accident I found the hole. Creators Ty Coughlin and Don Granville are aware, but what are they doing about it remains to be seen. If you are reading this article it’s because you have been researching Global Resorts Network's newest marketing system founded by Ty Coughlin. And that’s how I found the Hole! I have been a Platinum Member for a few months now as well as using the GRN BizBuilder system. About 6 weeks ago, I noticed in BizBuilder a subscription form for the Reverse Funnel System, but there was no information about what it was. So, I sent a support request asking the question.
I received no response. Then, I “Googled” it. The first link I came across went directly to the Ty’s Splash Page. I signed in, went through to the order page and decided “I didn’t need another business opportunity”. I currently market 6 online businesses. I believe Global Resorts Network is the best valued product for your money on the internet today. Then last week I was in my back office of GRN and was going through some of the recent post from members. One post led me to the message board.
There I found a thread about the Reverse Funnel System. I read with a skeptics’ eye and was just amazed at the claims that were being made. Conversions at 35%? Prospects just going straight thru the system and joining without so much as a single phone call or email? At The Platinum Level??? Unbelievable! The philosophy between LMG and RFS is the same. We believe this is a paradigm shift in the industry. You can understand why I would be so attracted to the RFS. However, I haven't able to get people to join at ANY level, let alone the Platinum Level of GRN without having to talk to them. I worked hard for my downline. I had a little trouble swallowing that this New Marketing System was really able to accomplish that.
But I went back to Google and did my due diligence. Everybody said the same thing about this system. People were joining left and right. No calls, no emails. It truly appeared to be the first automated system. I still wasn’t ready to jump. I needed to think. I needed to know more. It just sounded to good to be true. The next day, on a different mission, I was on the phone with my lead company for GRN because the link to order the leads had mysteriously disappeared. I asked the question, “What happened to the link?” The response was: “Julie, you haven’t heard?! Ever since this Reverse Funnel System hit we have been flooded! This thing is unbelievable.
I never have seen anything like it! I had to take down the link for a couple of weeks to catch up. I don’t want my customers having to wait more than 10 days for their order to begin.” Well, needles to say, I was amazed. I asked him if he could take the time to explain this system to me as he understood it. He went on for the next 20 minutes or so and the excitement and passion that came from him was infectious about this system. He even went so far as to state that Guru’s like Dani Johnson were going to be dinosaurs because of this system.
Mind you, I had just returned from Dani Johnson’s 1st Steps To Success seminar in August in Atlanta, Georgia and am booked for her Creating A Dynasty seminar in early December in LA. To me, that was a pretty powerful statement. When someone truly believes in something they can’t hide it when talking about it. His closing sentence to me was: “just get in and drive traffic to that site any way you can”. About now, you are probably wondering about “I thought this article was about a hole In the system.” She sounds like she promoting it." Bear with me. I am getting there. So now I was ready to jump. But how? I already belonged to GRN.
I remembered the link in my GRN Biz Builder system. I went back, clicked: activate my subscription, and paid my $299.00 (actually it was only $265.00 as your biz builder subscription is included in the $299.00 and I had already paid that for the month.) Bingo! My system added the RFS website pages and flipped to the RFS system. Cool, I was in! This all happened late night Thursday September 6, 2007. But herein lies the hole. I checked my email. I was expecting a welcome letter…a Here’s the next step letter… Here’s the information to our Co-op advertising. Something????? Nothing. Hmm... Strange. Ok, I thought; let me start driving some traffic at least. I’ll probably hear something soon. And they have training calls I am sure to find out more then. I have been in this business long enough to know, it is all about driving traffic to your site.
Friday and Saturday, I sent my new RFS url to my current opt-in list, to as many free sites as I could think of such as Classifieds and FFAnet sites, Traffic Swarm & Traffic Surge. I also set up some banner ads and a solo ad that won’t start until later this week. Sunday, I started a Google PPC campaign. I am not a big fan of PPC as it can make you go broke really quick, but since my lead source wouldn’t be available until next week, I wanted to do something right away. I personally do a lot a free classified advertising. I typically get 1 opt-in a day. I got 8 in less than 8 hours! Within 48 hours and less than $12.00 spent in PPC, my conversion rate from unique hits to leads was 38%. This is unheard of in the industry.
By now it was late Saturday and I realized that no welcome email was forthcoming. There was a glitch. I did some research, made some phone calls and came to the conclusion I have no upline for RFS. Therefore, I have no access to the Co-Op Advertising or Ad Packs or any advice from a mentor on what has worked for them with this system. It appears Ty Coughlin and Don the creator are aware of this "hole” for those of us that already belong to GRN and GRN BizBuilder prior to RFS. I don’t know if there is a resolution. At the time of writing of this article, in a message from Ty, he has turned this over to Don the creator, to deal with. I am currently waiting for my contact to hear back from Don. He was sent an email message last night.
Monday night was also the first night I was able to attend a live training call for new members that Ty and Don host. I was hoping to pick up some more information; unfortunately the conference call went down within moments of Ty coming onto the line to begin the call. Next call is tonight. In the meantime, the leads keeping coming in and my conversion rate is still at 38% and above! Stay tuned and I will write a follow up to this in a few days. If you wish to contact me, I can be reached at 215-393-9378 ***
by Julie Booz
About the Author Julie Booz's extensive background primarily includes sales & marketing. Honored by Strathmore's Who's Who, Acceptance Is Limited To Individuals Who Have Demonstrated Leadership & Achievement In Their Occupation, Industry Or Profession. Booz is a Microsoft Certified Professional and sells franchises of home-based businesses and offers strong leadership & marketing skills to her team.
Saat liburan sekolah banyak orang mengambil kursus mengendarai mobil. Memiliki kendaraan pribadi tentu memberikan kebanggaan dan kenyamanan tersendiri. Tidak mengherankan jika pada akhirnya permintaan pada berbagai jenis mobil, baik baru maupun bekas, meningkat. Bisnis ini ternyata tidak hanya menguntungkan para pengusaha otomotif. Bagi para pemilik kursus setir mobil, peluang usaha yang menggiurkan pun menganga.
Ipung Ahmadi adalah salah satu yang melirik bidang usaha ini. Kursus setir mobil Eka Jaya, milik keluarganya, berdiri pada 1998. Saat ini tempat kursusnya berada di dua lokasi, yaitu Pamulang dan Cirendeu, Tangerang. Eka Jaya dilengkapi dengan dua mobil untuk latihan. Kursus yang diberikan berupa 80 persen praktik, dan sisanya berupa teori. Jam kursus berlangsung pada pukul 08.00 hingga pukul 17.00 setiap hari, masing-masing selama sekitar 30 menit.
Kursus ditawarkan dalam dua paket, A dan B. Untuk paket A dikenai uang pendaftaran sekitar Rp 10 ribu dan biaya kursus untuk 14 kali pertemuan sebesar Rp 190 ribu. Praktik berupa 12 kali praktik di jalan raya dan dua kali praktik di lahan parkir atau tanjakan. Paket B yang menawarkan 10 kali praktik berupa delapan kali praktik di jalan raya dan dua kali di lahan parkir atau tanjakan. Untuk paket ini para siswa diminta membayar biaya kursus sebesar Rp 160 ribu.
Biaya belajar tersebut dapat dicicil sesuai dengan ketentuan, yaitu pembayaran pertama sebesar Rp 120 ribu. Setelah pembayaran tersebut, siswa boleh langsung belajar dan sisanya dibayar setelah lima kali praktik. Eka Jaya juga menyediakan pelajaran tanpa paket. Para siswa dapat belajar setir mobil selama 30 menit saja dengan biaya sekitar Rp 20 ribu dan biaya belajar selama satu jam praktik sebesar Rp 40 ribu.
Usai mengikuti kursus, siswa segera memperoleh Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM). Biaya pembuatan SIM A dan C sebesar Rp 335 ribu. Bila KTP pemohon di luar DKI Jaya ada biaya tambahan sebesar Rp 15 ribu. Setiap bulan Eka Jaya rata-rata menerima sekitar 20-25 orang. Tapi, bila tengah ramai, jumlah siswa pun melonjak hingga mencapai setidaknya 25-30 orang.
Seluruh siswa yang umumnya berasal dari kawasan Pamulang, Depok, Bintaro, hingga Fatmawati, Jakarta, ditangani oleh dua orang instruktur. Para siswa itu belajar secara bersama-sama. Untuk satu shift, seorang instruktur akan mengajar sekitar 4-5 orang.
Pada akhir tahun ini, Ipung mengaku tempat kursusnya agak sepi peminat. ''Kesulitannya terutama saat harus mencari konsumen. Apalagi, kursus setir mobil bukan merupakan kebutuhan pokok dan biasanya berasal dari kalangan menengah ke atas,'' kata Ipung. Untuk menyiasati hal tersebut, pihaknya rajin menyebar brosur ke rumah-rumah. Bahkan, bagi yang tidak sempat mampir sejenak ke kantor, tersedia pula fasilitas antar jemput.
Ia sendiri tak tahu secara pasti modal yang dikeluarkan karena mengaku hanya meneruskan usaha milik keluarga. Namun, Ipung memperkirakan omzet yang diraih kurang dari Rp 5 juta. Untuk mengembangkan usaha, ia mengaku akan melihat dulu situasi yang ada.
Sesuai shift
Sri Hayati, karyawan kursus setir mobil Persemija di Jl Cirendeu Raya, Tangerang, menyebutkan, siswa di tempatnya tercatat sekitar 29 orang. Mereka mengikuti kursus yang diselenggarakan setiap Senin atau Kamis.
Biaya kursus diberikan sesuai dengan shift yang diinginkan. Untuk kursus selama delapan hari dipungut biaya sekitar Rp 260 ribu, 12 hari sekitar Rp 320 ribu, dan 16 hari mencapai Rp 400 ribu. Biaya tersebut dapat dicicil sebanyak dua kali dan ada keringanan lewat potongan harga. Namun, Sri tidak merinci besarnya diskon tersebut. Di tempat kursus ini ada sebuah mobil dan seorang instruktur. Rata-rata siswa mencapai 20 orang tiap bulan yang berasal dari kawasan sekitar tempat kursus. Sekitar Oktober hingga Desember, Sri mengaku jumlah siswa agak menyusut. ''Biasanya siswa akan ramai lagi saat liburan sekolah,'' tandasnya.
Mey Wulandari, pemilik kursus setir mobil Pesona Jaya, menilai, dari segi bisnis usaha ini cukup lumayan. Usaha kursus mengendarai mobil yang didirikan pada 1997 itu kini berkembang di sejumlah lokasi. Seperti di Jl Margonda Raya dan Jl Nusantara, Depok, dan cabang yang berdiri di kawasan Cinere, Jakarta. Yang terbesar, kata Mey, adalah cabang yang bertempat di Margonda Raya, Depok. Setidaknya dalam satu bulan ada sekitar 100 siswa yang berniat belajar mengendarai mobil. ''Kalau liburan jumlahnya bisa meningkat hingga tiga kali lipat,'' tandasnya.
Metode pelajaran kursus tidak jauh berbeda dengan tempat lain. Para siswa hanya diberikan sekitar 10 menit segala macam teori mengemudi. Setelah itu, mereka akan dibiarkan untuk langsung mempraktikkan. ''Rugi memang kalau hanya teori,'' papar Mey.
Waktu kursus dimulai sejak pukul 06.00 hingga pukul 20.00. Setiap siswa diberikan satu mobil. Mereka pun dipersilakan memilih sendiri jam dan hari yang diinginkan. Bahkan, bila ada yang berminat menambah jam belajar, pihak Pesona Jaya membuka kelas privat.
Paket yang ditawarkan tergantung dari banyaknya pertemuan. Ada paket lima kali pertemuan yang dipungut biaya sekitar Rp 175 ribu, paket delapan kali sekitar Rp 250 ribu, 10 kali dipungut biaya Rp 300 ribu, 12 kali dikenakan Rp 350 ribu, dan 14 kali sebesar Rp 400 ribu. ''Biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp 10 ribu dan biaya kursus boleh dicicil dua kali,'' kata Mey. Para siswa Pesona Jaya lebih banyak perorangan yang berasal dari berbagai kawasan seperti Depok, Bogor, Parung, dan Jakarta. Sedangkan armada kendaraan yang mereka miliki setidaknya ada tiga unit mobil yang dapat dimobilisasi untuk menangani dua cabang.
Untuk mengelola kursus, Pesona Jaya memiliki sekitar 10-12 orang tenaga pengajar dan karyawan. ''Tetapi, sebagian besar mereka tidak bekerja secara penuh di sini. Khusus untuk instruktur, kami tentunya memilih yang sudah berpengalaman,'' kata Mey. Saat memulai usaha, Mey mengaku harus mengeluarkan sejumlah dana untuk menyewa tempat, memiliki izin, dan membeli mobil. ''Di luar mobil, biaya yang harus kami keluarkan sekitar Rp 10 juta,'' paparnya.
Saat ini mereka telah menikmati hasil kerja kerasnya. Omzet yang mereka peroleh berkisar Rp 15 juta hingga Rp 40 juta. Sedangkan laba bersih setidaknya mencapai Rp 25 juta jika peserta kursus tengah membludak. Bahkan titik break even point (BEP) telah dicapai dalam waktu tiga tahun. ***
source: Artikel Republika
The Hole In THe Reverse Funnel System Found!
It was quite by accident I found the hole. Creators Ty Coughlin and Don Granville are aware, but what are they doing about it remains to be seen. If you are reading this article it’s because you have been researching Global Resorts Network's newest marketing system founded by Ty Coughlin. And that’s how I found the Hole! I have been a Platinum Member for a few months now as well as using the GRN BizBuilder system. About 6 weeks ago, I noticed in BizBuilder a subscription form for the Reverse Funnel System, but there was no information about what it was. So, I sent a support request asking the question.
I received no response. Then, I “Googled” it. The first link I came across went directly to the Ty’s Splash Page. I signed in, went through to the order page and decided “I didn’t need another business opportunity”. I currently market 6 online businesses. I believe Global Resorts Network is the best valued product for your money on the internet today. Then last week I was in my back office of GRN and was going through some of the recent post from members. One post led me to the message board.
There I found a thread about the Reverse Funnel System. I read with a skeptics’ eye and was just amazed at the claims that were being made. Conversions at 35%? Prospects just going straight thru the system and joining without so much as a single phone call or email? At The Platinum Level??? Unbelievable! The philosophy between LMG and RFS is the same. We believe this is a paradigm shift in the industry. You can understand why I would be so attracted to the RFS. However, I haven't able to get people to join at ANY level, let alone the Platinum Level of GRN without having to talk to them. I worked hard for my downline. I had a little trouble swallowing that this New Marketing System was really able to accomplish that.
But I went back to Google and did my due diligence. Everybody said the same thing about this system. People were joining left and right. No calls, no emails. It truly appeared to be the first automated system. I still wasn’t ready to jump. I needed to think. I needed to know more. It just sounded to good to be true. The next day, on a different mission, I was on the phone with my lead company for GRN because the link to order the leads had mysteriously disappeared. I asked the question, “What happened to the link?” The response was: “Julie, you haven’t heard?! Ever since this Reverse Funnel System hit we have been flooded! This thing is unbelievable.
I never have seen anything like it! I had to take down the link for a couple of weeks to catch up. I don’t want my customers having to wait more than 10 days for their order to begin.” Well, needles to say, I was amazed. I asked him if he could take the time to explain this system to me as he understood it. He went on for the next 20 minutes or so and the excitement and passion that came from him was infectious about this system. He even went so far as to state that Guru’s like Dani Johnson were going to be dinosaurs because of this system.
Mind you, I had just returned from Dani Johnson’s 1st Steps To Success seminar in August in Atlanta, Georgia and am booked for her Creating A Dynasty seminar in early December in LA. To me, that was a pretty powerful statement. When someone truly believes in something they can’t hide it when talking about it. His closing sentence to me was: “just get in and drive traffic to that site any way you can”. About now, you are probably wondering about “I thought this article was about a hole In the system.” She sounds like she promoting it." Bear with me. I am getting there. So now I was ready to jump. But how? I already belonged to GRN.
I remembered the link in my GRN Biz Builder system. I went back, clicked: activate my subscription, and paid my $299.00 (actually it was only $265.00 as your biz builder subscription is included in the $299.00 and I had already paid that for the month.) Bingo! My system added the RFS website pages and flipped to the RFS system. Cool, I was in! This all happened late night Thursday September 6, 2007. But herein lies the hole. I checked my email. I was expecting a welcome letter…a Here’s the next step letter… Here’s the information to our Co-op advertising. Something????? Nothing. Hmm... Strange. Ok, I thought; let me start driving some traffic at least. I’ll probably hear something soon. And they have training calls I am sure to find out more then. I have been in this business long enough to know, it is all about driving traffic to your site.
Friday and Saturday, I sent my new RFS url to my current opt-in list, to as many free sites as I could think of such as Classifieds and FFAnet sites, Traffic Swarm & Traffic Surge. I also set up some banner ads and a solo ad that won’t start until later this week. Sunday, I started a Google PPC campaign. I am not a big fan of PPC as it can make you go broke really quick, but since my lead source wouldn’t be available until next week, I wanted to do something right away. I personally do a lot a free classified advertising. I typically get 1 opt-in a day. I got 8 in less than 8 hours! Within 48 hours and less than $12.00 spent in PPC, my conversion rate from unique hits to leads was 38%. This is unheard of in the industry.
By now it was late Saturday and I realized that no welcome email was forthcoming. There was a glitch. I did some research, made some phone calls and came to the conclusion I have no upline for RFS. Therefore, I have no access to the Co-Op Advertising or Ad Packs or any advice from a mentor on what has worked for them with this system. It appears Ty Coughlin and Don the creator are aware of this "hole” for those of us that already belong to GRN and GRN BizBuilder prior to RFS. I don’t know if there is a resolution. At the time of writing of this article, in a message from Ty, he has turned this over to Don the creator, to deal with. I am currently waiting for my contact to hear back from Don. He was sent an email message last night.
Monday night was also the first night I was able to attend a live training call for new members that Ty and Don host. I was hoping to pick up some more information; unfortunately the conference call went down within moments of Ty coming onto the line to begin the call. Next call is tonight. In the meantime, the leads keeping coming in and my conversion rate is still at 38% and above! Stay tuned and I will write a follow up to this in a few days. If you wish to contact me, I can be reached at 215-393-9378 ***
by Julie Booz
About the Author Julie Booz's extensive background primarily includes sales & marketing. Honored by Strathmore's Who's Who, Acceptance Is Limited To Individuals Who Have Demonstrated Leadership & Achievement In Their Occupation, Industry Or Profession. Booz is a Microsoft Certified Professional and sells franchises of home-based businesses and offers strong leadership & marketing skills to her team.