"Giving Up" vs. "Failure" In Your Internet Marketing Home Based Business
I never really liked the word "failure". The word "failure".. plain and simple denotes failure. There is nothing that sounds nice about the word "failure". It is not an attractive word and when we hear it, there is not much we can say to refute its' implications. It is said that 95 percent of online internet businesses will fail. Ironically, I had heard this statistic after I purchased both of my home based businesses. It did not give me a very hopeful feeling to say the least, and I actually questioned what I had actually gotten myself into.
I always wondered if these statistics were cited to sell programs and products. Negative advertising does work, because people are actually driven by fear. These statistics can also be a catalyst for the online internet newbie to give up prematurely before actually giving his or her program a chance to be successful. Does "giving up" imply failure or does "giving up" have its' own meaning unto itself.
"Giving up" is definitely related to failure in every sense of the word. I myself, however, would like to change the statistic above to this. " A large percentage of the 95 percent online internet marketing failure rate is a result of "giving up" prematurely, before giving their program a chance to work".
I truly believe that many of us would not give up so fast if we had program sponsors that actually tried to help us get started after they took are money with their "sincere" sales pitch. I have not had the greatest experience myself in this area myself, and I did struggle quite a bit at first. I truly believe in the idea of online business coaching to help the newbie internet marketer get started as it will stop these "failures" before it is too late. ***
by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky http://www.mtmarketing.biz http://www.moneyvideo.net http://www.keys-to-prosperity.com http://www.onlinebusinesscoach.org
Why it’s a BAD Idea to Promote Hot Selling Products on eBay
Do a quick search on Google, Yahoo, or your favorite auction resource site, and you'll quickly discover there are several software programs targeted to vendors who want to promote hot selling products on eBay. The infatuation with hot selling products exists because sellers believe if you target items that have a robust sales pattern, you'll have a better chance at profiting on eBay.
This is both true and false. Yes... hot selling products can improve your bottom line. But unfortunately by the time the average eBay seller
(a) realizes what the hot selling products are,
(b) purchases stock to sell on eBay, and
(c) actually puts the items up for sale, the demand is already being met by other eBay sellers who probably started the hot selling product trend some time ago.
Not only that, with thousands of people also having access to the same hot selling product lists, you'll have to contend with other eBay vendors who have the exact same ideas that you do. So you'll be up against the original sellers who are currently feeding the demand, AND doing the tango with newer sellers who have jumped on the same hot selling product bandwagon that you did. Okay maybe this won't happen to you. But suppose it does. What if competition becomes so great that prices start dipping below the wholesale cost that you paid for the item? (It happens all the time on eBay.) And what if you lose $100, $200, or even $1,000 on inventory that you thought would be flying off the shelf?
Suddenly that hot selling item is looking rather cold sitting in your garage collecting dust. So if not hot selling products on eBay, then what? Do what the majority of PowerSellers do. Sell what you want, instead of what's hot. Repeat after me, "Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay... Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay... Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay." Allow this to become your mantra, because it is very much true.
I know this from first-hand experience as I analyze top sellers instead of hot products. And my research has continuously shown me that mediocre products don't necessarily translate into mediocre sales. For instance, there's a seller right now who clears about $1,000-$2,000 a week selling magnets. And that's AFTER eBay and PayPal fee's. Another seller promotes homemade CD's to a specific audience and clears $900-$2,000 a week. A few sellers make $500-$700+ a week - after expenses - promoting public domain information. And the cool thing about public domain information is that anybody can sell it because it's free.
So that's pure profit by selling something they never paid for. Talk about the ultimate arbitrage opportunity! The ultimate key in succeeding no matter what product you end up selling, is to build a successful strategy. To figure out 'how' to profitably market what you have, instead of chasing after the next great thing. Because once you have the strategy part down, you can sell anything on eBay and make it a hot seller to your bank account. ***
by bhbhb
I never really liked the word "failure". The word "failure".. plain and simple denotes failure. There is nothing that sounds nice about the word "failure". It is not an attractive word and when we hear it, there is not much we can say to refute its' implications. It is said that 95 percent of online internet businesses will fail. Ironically, I had heard this statistic after I purchased both of my home based businesses. It did not give me a very hopeful feeling to say the least, and I actually questioned what I had actually gotten myself into.
I always wondered if these statistics were cited to sell programs and products. Negative advertising does work, because people are actually driven by fear. These statistics can also be a catalyst for the online internet newbie to give up prematurely before actually giving his or her program a chance to be successful. Does "giving up" imply failure or does "giving up" have its' own meaning unto itself.
"Giving up" is definitely related to failure in every sense of the word. I myself, however, would like to change the statistic above to this. " A large percentage of the 95 percent online internet marketing failure rate is a result of "giving up" prematurely, before giving their program a chance to work".
I truly believe that many of us would not give up so fast if we had program sponsors that actually tried to help us get started after they took are money with their "sincere" sales pitch. I have not had the greatest experience myself in this area myself, and I did struggle quite a bit at first. I truly believe in the idea of online business coaching to help the newbie internet marketer get started as it will stop these "failures" before it is too late. ***
by Michelle Tukachinsky
Michelle Tukachinsky http://www.mtmarketing.biz http://www.moneyvideo.net http://www.keys-to-prosperity.com http://www.onlinebusinesscoach.org
Why it’s a BAD Idea to Promote Hot Selling Products on eBay
Do a quick search on Google, Yahoo, or your favorite auction resource site, and you'll quickly discover there are several software programs targeted to vendors who want to promote hot selling products on eBay. The infatuation with hot selling products exists because sellers believe if you target items that have a robust sales pattern, you'll have a better chance at profiting on eBay.
This is both true and false. Yes... hot selling products can improve your bottom line. But unfortunately by the time the average eBay seller
(a) realizes what the hot selling products are,
(b) purchases stock to sell on eBay, and
(c) actually puts the items up for sale, the demand is already being met by other eBay sellers who probably started the hot selling product trend some time ago.
Not only that, with thousands of people also having access to the same hot selling product lists, you'll have to contend with other eBay vendors who have the exact same ideas that you do. So you'll be up against the original sellers who are currently feeding the demand, AND doing the tango with newer sellers who have jumped on the same hot selling product bandwagon that you did. Okay maybe this won't happen to you. But suppose it does. What if competition becomes so great that prices start dipping below the wholesale cost that you paid for the item? (It happens all the time on eBay.) And what if you lose $100, $200, or even $1,000 on inventory that you thought would be flying off the shelf?
Suddenly that hot selling item is looking rather cold sitting in your garage collecting dust. So if not hot selling products on eBay, then what? Do what the majority of PowerSellers do. Sell what you want, instead of what's hot. Repeat after me, "Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay... Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay... Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay." Allow this to become your mantra, because it is very much true.
I know this from first-hand experience as I analyze top sellers instead of hot products. And my research has continuously shown me that mediocre products don't necessarily translate into mediocre sales. For instance, there's a seller right now who clears about $1,000-$2,000 a week selling magnets. And that's AFTER eBay and PayPal fee's. Another seller promotes homemade CD's to a specific audience and clears $900-$2,000 a week. A few sellers make $500-$700+ a week - after expenses - promoting public domain information. And the cool thing about public domain information is that anybody can sell it because it's free.
So that's pure profit by selling something they never paid for. Talk about the ultimate arbitrage opportunity! The ultimate key in succeeding no matter what product you end up selling, is to build a successful strategy. To figure out 'how' to profitably market what you have, instead of chasing after the next great thing. Because once you have the strategy part down, you can sell anything on eBay and make it a hot seller to your bank account. ***
by bhbhb