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Debt Settlement Versus Bankruptcy

By Herbert Wood
Are you in serious credit card debt? Not sure what your options are? Well here are a few things you should consider.
Bankruptcy can destroy your financial image - the trust and integrity that takes years to establish will be destroyed in a matter of days. However, there are alternatives you would be well advised to try to pay off credit card debts without opting for bankruptcy.

One alternative is debt settlement. This would be the quickest way to become debt free without the embarrassment of bankruptcy. The process is relatively easy, you as the consumer informs the creditor about your financial crisis and negotiates to ease the loan amount and the process of payment. The fastest way towards debt relief is negotiation with the creditor by talking to them

The creditors would rather negotiate with you, than lose everything in a bankruptcy. It is kind of like the old saying goes, (something is better than nothing is). Therefore, in the hope of getting something rather than nothing at all, the creditors are quite acceptable to this form of debt settlement.

Once the creditor comes to know about the financial hardships of the debtors, they simplify the terms and conditions of payment and agree upon reducing certain percentage on the total outstanding amount. The better the negotiation done by the consumer, the more is the percentage of deduction.

Debt settlement can help you become debt free in a matter of a couple of years or so and relieves you from paying the large amounts of interest. Instead, you will end up saving about 50% of the amount.

Debt negotiation is an option of debt settlement that benefits both the consumer and the creditor because if the consumer files for bankruptcy, the creditor will be at total loss and you as the consumer loses financial trust for years and years.

Therefore, you see debt settlement is a tried and tested method of debt reconciliation, without the effects of bankruptcy.

There are several good eBooks and program guides that you can purchase that will explain the debt settlement process in more detail for more information refer to the link I have provided in the author resources section.
Author Herbert Wood
Internet entrepreneur; If you are still not sure about debt settlement and would like to learn more about this subject.
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