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Are Credit Repair Companies Legit and Do They Really Help You Fix Your Credit?

Are Credit Repair Companies Legit and Do They Really Help You Fix Your Credit?
By Darin Sewell
Pretty much anyone with bad credit has thought about using the paid services of a credit fixing company at one time or another. The main reason most of these people hesitate actually doing it is they have heard rumors about these types of companies and are worried about getting scammed.

Are Credit Repair Companies Legit and Do They Really Help

In most cases the answer is yes they do want to help and will in most cases. But you also must be on the look out for scams that want nothing but your money for doing little or no work on your behalf. Spotting scams can be tough so you common sense and if they use wild claims or high pressure sale tactics skip them and move on.

What Do You get When You Pay For This Service

In short all you are getting is the ease of the process and not having to do any work yourself.These companies have no special secrets or contact or software that can give them an advantage.In reality you are getting nothing special that you could not do on your own in just a few hours a week. And since most of these services charge monthly fees you can save a ton of money doing it on your own.

What Do I Need To Do It Myself

To do self credit repair all you really need is a reputable guide or kit that will show you how to evaluate your credit report in order to spot negative information and errors. It should also show you who to contact, and how and when to do it. The rest is up to you to follow through and complete the process. These kits are often available to download and should cost no more then $50.

If you want a Higher Credit Score and a proven plan that will help you boost your FICO scores and clean up your credit report fast log onto http://www.diycredithelper.com


Credit Card Problems? Should You Still Use Them?
By Marie Jones
The question has come up about credit cards and their use: if you are having problems making your payments on your cards, should you continue to use them while you are trying to lower your balance or abandon them all together? In other words, is there any benefit to making a small purchase and then paying it off along with a minimum payment before it is due? Will it help your credit score or history?

The answer is that anytime you make more than your minimum payment on your card, it is seen as a positive move by your credit card company. And it will help your score.

But, this takes away the focus on the real issue which is to get your balances down as low as you can or close some accounts to help you in the long run. Do not be duped by those who want to keep you in debt by telling you that small purchases and payments will solve your credit card problems. You need to take radical action.

You must face the fact that you got yourself into the mess and you can get yourself out of it. Making a plan and executing it is the only way to make it work. But, you need to do some things along the way that will help.

Stop using your cards. Cease the card usage all together. Your focus now should be on looking at your balances to see how you can eliminate them, not adding to them.

Pay down your balances. Work hard to pay down the balances. This means making more than the monthly minimums. If you cannot do this to all of them, then make the minimums on the rest while you hammer away at one card.

Communicate with your card issuers. Call your credit card company to see if they have any programs that can help you. They are in a better mood about helping these days because if they do not, then they stand to lose more money if you eventually file for bankruptcy.

Find solace in little victories. Once you begin to see your balances go down, take pride in the fact that you are making small gains that will save you money in the long run. Look for ways to begin to live a lifestyle where credit takes a back seat to cash.

Build your credit again. After you reach your goal of paying down your credit cards to or at zero, examine which ones you should keep and which you should close. Then, begin to build up your credit score and history again by charging only small amounts and paying it off each month. If you do not have the will-power to live this way, then shut them off completely.

It is in using the small steps and putting those together that will help you solve your credit card problems. The days of reveling in that new balance transfer card that you just got are over. Take your finances firmly in hand and make it happen starting today.

Marie Jones, Writer for CreditCardFlyers.com

CreditCardFlyers.com is known for it's leading resources of credit card offers and balance transfer credit cards. We provide valuable information in one convenient place so consumers can easily search and compare balance transfers and apply instantly online.


Fixing Credit - Are Credit Repair Companies Legit and Do They Really Help?
By Darin Sewell
Most people who have bad credit have considered paying for the services of a credit repair company. The only thing that usually holds them back is they wonder are credit repair companies legit and do they really help? The answer is yes many of these companies are legitimate businesses that want to help their clients.

Although there is also a great number of them that are not and are nothing more then a front for a scam and when they get your money the are gone. The main drawback with most credit fixing companies is that they not only charge an upfront fee but most also charge a monthly fee for as long as they are working on cleaning up your credit.

This basically means it is in their best interest to make it last as long as they can to make the most money from you. You must also realize that the only thing you are actually paying for in the convenience of having some one else do some pretty easy work for you. Its the same as having a lawn care company cut your grass, you could do it but choose not to.

And when it comes down to it fixing credit is a pretty simple and straight forward process that involves just a little effort on your part. Plus when you are doing it yourself you know it is getting done correctly and with the attention it needs. If you are not sure how to do this process you can buy many good books and kits online to help guide you,most are under $40.

If you want a Higher Credit Score with a proven plan that will boost your FICO scores and clean up your credit report fast log onto http://www.diycredithelper.com

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