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Why American Management Failed and Resulted Into Great Economic Recession?

Why American Management Failed and Resulted Into Great Economic Recession?
By Bhattathiri Mp
The modern (Western) management concepts of vision, leadership, motivation, excellence in work, achieving goals, giving work meaning, decision making and planning, are all well discussed and implemented but failed miserably.

The greed is a more fundamental and better explanation than the principles of economics and the impact of government policy on economic decisions. Misses the point that most people and businesses are motivated to improve their condition and that this force is always at work. Why did greed suddenly cause this meltdown? What allowed it to get out of control. There is one major difference. While Western management thought too often deals with problems at material, external and peripheral levels, the Bhagavad-Gita tackles the issues from the grass roots level of human thinking. Once the basic thinking of man is improved, it will automatically enhance the quality of his actions and their results. If businessmen wanted to rape and pillage, I mean maximize profit, you wouldn't have to force them to loan money.

Their profit motive gives them an incentive to "serve" the community. If certain communities aren't being served that signals the presence of other forces dissuading businessmen from selling their product or service. Implicit in this argument is the belief that customers have a right to demand the services and goods provided by businesses. Of course, this idea underlies arguments for universal health care and whatever other service or good deemed to be too valuable to trust to the market.

The management philosophy emanating from the West is based on the lure of materialism and on a perennial thirst for profit, irrespective of the quality of the means adopted to achieve that goal. This phenomenon has its source in the abundant wealth of the West and so 'management by materialism' has caught the fancy of all the countries the world over, India being no exception to this trend. My country, India, has been in the forefront in importing these ideas mainly because of its centuries old indoctrination by colonial rulers, which has inculcated in us a feeling that anything Western is good and anything Indian, is inferior. Gita does not prohibit seeking money, power, comforts, health. It advocates active pursuit of one's goals without getting attached to the process and the results.

The result is that, while huge funds have been invested in building temples of modem management education, no perceptible changes are visible in the improvement of the general quality of life - although the standards of living of a few has gone up. The same old struggles in almost all sectors of the economy, criminalization of institutions, social violence, exploitation and other vices are seen deep in the body politic.

The source of the problem

The reasons for this sorry state of affairs are not far to seek. The Western idea of management centers on making the worker (and the manager) more efficient and more productive. Companies offer workers more to work more, produce more, sell more and to stick to the organization without looking for alternatives. The sole aim of extracting better and more work from the worker is to improve the bottom-line of the enterprise. The worker has become a hirable commodity, which can be used, replaced and discarded at will.

Thus, workers have been reduced to the state of a mercantile product. In such a state, it should come as no surprise to us that workers start using strikes ( gheraos) sit-ins, (dharnas) go-slows, work-to-rule etc. to get maximum benefit for themselves from the organizations. Society-at-large is damaged. Thus we reach a situation in which management and workers become separate and contradictory entities with conflicting interests. There is no common goal or understanding. This, predictably, leads to suspicion, friction, disillusion and mistrust, with managers and workers at cross purposes. The absence of human values and erosion of human touch in the organizational structure has resulted in a crisis of confidence.

Western management philosophy may have created prosperity - for some people some of the time at least - but it has failed in the aim of ensuring betterment of individual life and social welfare. It has remained by and large a soulless edifice and an oasis of plenty for a few in the midst of poor quality of life for many.

Hence, there is an urgent need to re-examine prevailing management disciplines - their objectives, scope and content. Management should be redefined to underline the development of the worker as a person, as a human being, and not as a mere wage-earner. With this changed perspective, management can become an instrument in the process of social, and indeed national, development.




Finding Government Grants
By Charles Nash
I wanted to talk to you about finding gov grants. There are a lot of people that are struggling out there and have no idea that if they just applied for a simple grant that they'd probably get it. There are a number of areas that you can get a grant in and you probably had no idea. With the increased stimulus spending, there is more money in the grant funds than ever before. They're handing them out like hot cakes for you to use, to help stimulate the economy and keep you off the street. I'm going to talk to you about finding gov grants.

There is a vast amount of different grants that you can get to help pay things like your bills. If you have a mortgage payment you can get funds to help pay it down. If you're someone that is going to college, you can get help for your student loans and textbooks. If you're a parent, you can get money to help raise your children. If you're a single parent, you can get even more money to help raise them. Grants are being handed out in record amounts, so you should be able to get your share of the pie.

When it comes to finding government grants you have a vast resource known as the internet to help do your searching. You may need to speak with a professional though. Sometimes there is just so much bureaucratic red tape to jump through that you'll never be able to find everything you want.

Learn how to get Federal Gov Grants


Grants From the Federal Government
By Charles Nash
I want to talk to you about the grants from the federal government. I'm sure you're aware of all the government spending that is going on. The stimulus spending is coming out now to help people stimulate the economy. What you probably don't realize is that you can get a piece of that money and start spending it on yourself. There are so many different kinds of grants that you can get that I couldn't possibly list them all. But I'm going to take the time and share with you the most common kinds of grants from the federal government.

Since it is the housing market that is collapsing and pulling the economy down with it, the government is trying to help out home owners. They don't want to see you get kicked out of your house and make this problem inevitably worse. You've probably heard of mortgage modifications and interest reductions, but that's not what I'm referring to. You can actually get money to help pay your mortgage bills. They just give you cash and you can use it on your mortgage. This type of thing has existed for years. It just got more money recently.

Another one of the grants from the federal government is for education. When it starts getting harder to properly send your children to school and keep them educated, it hurts everyone. It doesn't matter if it is grade school or university. You can get grants to help pay for expenses like textbooks. It's just a matter of applying to get them.

Learn how to get Federal Gov Grants


California - Marijuana is Not Going to Save Your Economy!
By Ben C Hoss
Fellow Californians...yes, I am from California. I've been hearing more and more people talking about the whole "Marijuana will save our economy", and frankly, I could not DISAGREE MORE! Call it opinion, but I call it fact. Marijuana is not going to save our economy. We are in a recession, face it. It seems like some people out there are trying to use this economy to make something that is outright ridiculous seem reasonable.If you watch the news, or have any sort of social life, you are aware of all the negatives that are carried along with drugs, especially marijuana.

Furthermore, most of the problems are going on in California. Making the drug legal cause all hell to break loose. Recently, I was watching a video of violence at the border of California and Mexico. Would you guess what the violence was over? Marijuana. I do not mean to sound prejudice, but if marijuana is made legal, the level of crime at the border is going to sky rocket. Is it really worth it? Making this drug legal so our economy can improve a bit? Heck, we are not even sure if the plan would work! Our economy is bad enough, and the last thing we need is a drug war going on in our country, or state for that matter. The reason I say country is that if California does it, other states are sure to follow.

Marijuana activists claim that there have been ZERO deaths from marijuana, and they then compare it to the many deaths caused from alcohol. Sure, this may be true. Marijuana has not caused any direct deaths, meaning no one has actually died due to a health problem from marijuana. Nonetheless, marijuana leads people to do things that they would never do when they were in their right state of mind. Marijuana DOES cause deaths.

So for all of you all Californians who think this idea is a great one, please sit down and deeply reconsider what you're saying. The economy is horrible, and let's not make it worse. Obama is in now, and we can count on him to fix things. I am sure that he too would think that the marijuana proposal is a horrible one, and will bring nothing but negatives to the state of California. Just my two cents though! Feel free to say what you think, as I'm sure there are many people who are on the opposite side of the spectrum as me.

Ben "Gooroo" Hoss

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