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Melihat Bisnis Kecantikan Amethyst Slimming Center

Melihat Bisnis Kecantikan Amethyst Slimming Center
kiriman: Rohman Supratman, Rojolali, Jatim

Bentuk tubuh yang ideal, langsing dan sehat adalah dambaan setiap orang, terutama wanita, dari dahulu sampai saat ini. Dengan bentuk tubuh yang langsing dan sehat, harga dan rasa percaya diri akan meningkat. Sayangnya harga mahal untuk mendapatkan bentuk tubuh yang ideal seringkali mendapatkan hambatan gara-gara pola makan yang tidak sehat dan kurang berolahraga. Alhasil, bentuk tubuh ideal dan langsing seringkali menjadi sesuatu yang mustahil. Ujung-ujungnya putus asa dan tidak percaya diri.

Amethyst Slimming Center memberi harapan kepada mereka yang sudah putus asa dan merasa tidak ber-harga dan tidak mungkin memiliki tubuh yang ideal dan sehat. Menurut Alex Iskandar, Director Amethyst Slimming Center, metode pelangsingan yang digunakan adalah slimming massage, suatu metode pelangsingan tubuh yang aman, nyaman, affordable dan tentunya result oriented. ”Dijamin bisa susut 2-8 cm dalam sekali treatment,” tandas Alex.

Hebatnya lagi, Amethyst Slimming Center bukan hanya memberikan hasil yang sangat nyata, aman, nyaman dan manusiawi, tetapi juga ingin memastikan agar semua orang dapat mendapatkan pemahaman cara mendapatkan tubuh yang proporsional dengan benar, aman dan sehat. ”jadi layanan yang ditawarkan bukan sekedar pelangsingan dan kecantikan saja tapi juga mencakup unsur kesehatannya,” kata Alex. Dengan demikian Amethyst berbeda dengan Spa atau relaksasi lain. ”kita sangat fokus di bidang usaha Slimming center dan tidak “berpetualang” ke bidang-bidang yang lain seperti spa, perawatan rambut, refleksi dll,” imbuhnya lagi.

Tak heran, dengan keunggulan itu Amethyst dari yang awalnya hanya masih home service yang kurang ber-harga, dengan mengirim terapis ke rumah-rumah kini telah banyak memiliki pelanggan loyal. ”Center kami banyak dikunjungi oleh pelanggan dari Jakarta Timur dan Selatan. Oleh karena itu kami membuka cabang lagi di Senayan, Pondok Indah dan terakhir di Gading Serpong,” beber Alex.

Alex menambahkan, Amethyst Slimming Center menawarkan system kemitraan kepada masyarakat yang tertarik di bisnis kecantikan dan kesehatan. Kemitraan yang ditawarkannya secara umum sama dengan yang lain. Mitra akan dibantu start up awal mulai dari pelatihan terapis, pelatihan customer service, pemilihan kontraktor/supplier equipment, pembelian produk sampai dengan marketing dan pre opening consultation. Mitra kemudian juga akan diberikan marketing tools dan SOP untuk pembukaan outlet dan operasional serta standard pelatihan untuk terapis.

Tidak ketinggalan mitra akan di training oleh terapis yang berpengalaman dan mengerti anatomi tubuh selama 1-2 bulan agar dapat memberikan pelayanan yang sesuai dengan standard Amethyst Slimming Center.

Untuk kemitraan Amethyst Slimming Center dibutuhkan harga investasi sebesar Rp 200 juta all in. Sudah termasuk harga inventory, harga equipment, harga renovasi dan harga perizinan. Investasi ini diluar harga franchise fee Rp 50 juta dan sewa tempat usaha.

Investasi Amethyst terbilang tidak mahal. Dengan pelayanan treatment beragam mulai dari pelangsingan perut, pelangsingan lengan, pelangsingan paha dan perawatan payudara. Jika sehari ada 8 treatment, harga sekali treatment Rp 250 ribu maka dalam sebulan menghasilkan omset Rp 60 juta. Omset sebesar itu, dalam kurun waktu tidak lebih dari 1,5 tahun sudah ROI.***

source: Majalah Franchise


How Can I Work From Home with Data Entry?

With the outsourcing on the rise, companies are discovering that it is cheaper for them to pay someone to work from home than at an office. Through the use of outsourcing companies have found ways to trade overhead costs for employing those who work from home. Thus creating more opportunities and for the work from home data entry operators. One seeking work from home data entry opportunities can find a variety of available positions on the internet. This option is a great opportunity for stay-at-home moms and dads with little ones to watch out for. It is great for college students, retirees, and practically anyone who desires to work from home.

Although untraditional, a typical data entry job is becoming your own boss and entering data into the computer in the form of an online advertisement. These advertisements are usually pay-per-click ads which run on Google and other similar search engines which show pay-per-click ads, such as Yahoo!, and MSN. As your experience grows so will the income you receive for your work. Although the compensation for your work varies, your efforts will earn you from a couple hundred a day to several thousand a month and it isn't a one time payment, one ad could possibly make you thousands a month for several months.

If you would like to have an extra income, than this would be perfect for you. No experience is necessary. To ensure you are completing the tasks to the fullest potential work from home data entry companies proved step by step training tutorials, some even include online video training. Work Full Time or Part Time. The only time clock you will have to answer to is the one you set yourself. If you desire a certain income then you must decide how much work you need to do to attain that goal. In most cases you only need to work a couple hours a day.

Having a computer with internet access is a requirement since you will be filling out simple data entry forms online. A valid email account, basic typing skills, basic computer skills, and the ability to follow directions or troubleshoot problems are also a must. This is a great opportunity to earn an extra income. Once you settle in and develope a great work system you will be able to increase your results and create a full time income.

Data entry jobs are not your standard full-time job, you are in charge of how long or how little you work. Work from home data entry jobs have no set hours, no customer service, no products, or the worry of a websites performance. By being a work at home data entry operator, you can set your own timetable and you are you're own boss which allows you to control your own destiny. Take time off to spend with your family when you want too. Decide your own deadlines, set your own goals, and finish when you want to finish. No more missing your Childs school function, or sports activity. Commuting will be a thing of the past, gas prices won't make you fringe, and what was that thing that used to wake you up in the morning.

Depending on how much work you complete, and the variety of work available will determine the amount of money you can make doing online data entry jobs, an average work from home data entry operator earns $60,000 a year. As stated before, this figure can vary based on a number of variables, but with proper accounting you will have full visibility over these variables and can even influence the outcome. Most importantly you eliminate the middle man and get paid for the work you do.

Work from home data entry will always be a huge opportunity. As long as outsourcing is routine for companies the need for the work from home data entry operator will continue to escalate opening up even more opportunities for those who can take advantage of the market. ***

by Michael Conant
For more information on this amazing opportunity go to:Work From Home Data Entry


Online Survey for Money

So many people are looking to start a home business. An online survey for money business has become quite popular be cause it is so easy to get into and inexpensive to start. With the demand from market research companies to produce products quicker, their need to find people to give opinions on there research projects has grown exponentially. With the ever increasing need, means that the online survey takers are getting paid better. This is good news for those that take this serious as a business.

When there is not enough serious survey takers, the research companies can not get their products and services to the public. This can cripple a research company. That is why the demand for people is so great. When the demand is higher than the people to work, it always means higher wages. Many people that are taken online surveys for money are making really good money right now. According to Google online surveys have been on the rise and are still climbing. Every where you look there are ads for online surveys. These research companies are desperate for serious people to fill their surveys with honest opinions.

Online survey taking has become a full time business for many people. With the money that is being made for an opinion, it is no wonder people are taking it up. Plus the only cost to having this business is a computer and the monthly internet connection bill. If you join a paid survey program, than you have a one time fee to gain access to a huge database of legitimate survey companies.

Working at home taking surveys means you work when you want and how much you want. The more paid online surveys you take, the more money you will make. The longer you take surveys, the higher the survey companies offers are. You have to build your credibility with these survey companies. Once they know you are serious about your business than a lucrative relationship forms.

Maybe you have been looking for an online business. You may want to start considering an online survey for money business. This is the right time to get into this type of business before the market starts to get saturated with online survey takers. You will never make more money than you can right now. Making a full time business out of taking online surveys may be the right business for you. ***

by Denise Nuttall
Denise Nuttall owns Paid Online Survey Reviews to find credible paid survey programs. Find how you can get started with a work fom home business here: Paid Surveys

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