Harga properti dari hari ke hari semakin melambung saja, seiring dengan terus naiknya harga bahan material bangunan. Tabungan untuk membangun rumah yang kita kumpulkan, terasa jalan ditempat mengikuti tren kenaikan harga properti ini. Banyak orang yang beralih untuk tidak jadi membangun rumah baru. Satu-satunya cara bila budget terbatas adalah dengan membeli "rumah bekas" alias rumah jadi yang dijual pemiliknya dengan berbagai pertimbangan.
Memang membeli rumah jadi terbilang gampang-gampang susah. Disini dibutuhkan kejelian tersendiri. Terlebih lagi dalam menentukan harga. Kalau tidak selektif, dana yang seharusnya bisa untuk membangun rumah baru, jadi terbeli rumah yang harganya tidak pantas. Harapannya untung malah berujung buntung.
Adakah kiat khusus dalam menentukan harga rumah ini? Ada. Mudah-mudahan uraian ringkas tentang kiat jitu menentukan harga rumah ini bisa bermanfaat.
1. Tentukan Lokasi
Sebelum Anda membeli rumah, pastikan dulu lokasinya, menguntungkan atau tidak. Pertimbangan disini bukan sekedar dari segi strategisnya, namun manfaat yang Anda peroleh dari lokasi rumah tersebut. Misalnya dekat dengan kantor atau tidak jauh dari rumah saudara atau adik, atau dekat dengan sekolah anak-anak dan lain sebagainya. Bila hal ini bisa kita perhitungkan, baru kita masuk ke pertimbangan lainnya.
2. Survey lokasi.
Bila Anda ingin membeli rumah pada lokasi tertentu dimana dari segi tempat cukup dekat dengan kebutuhan aktifitas Anda, luangkan lah sedikit waktu Anda untuk melakukan survey di daerah sekitar rumah yang akan dijual tersebut. Tanyakan pada penduduk di sekitar rumah tentang harga pasaran di daerah tersebut. Atau juga tidak ada salahnya Anda mendatangi RT daerah tersebut untuk memastikan harga pasarannya. Bila sudah dapat, sekarang kita sudah mengatongi kisaran harga yang layak.
3. Hitung budget Anda.
Anda harus dengan cermat mengkalkulasikan ketersediaan dana Anda. Harga pasaran yang sudah kita kantongi bisa dijadikan patokan, apakah masuk harganya atau tidak.
4. Pastikan Keabsahan Surat dan Fasilitasnya.
Bila Anda sudah mendatangi si pemilik rumah, tanyakanlah surat-suratnya. Apakah sudah hak milik atau baru setingkat apa. Juga jangan lupa menanyakan fasilitas yang tersedia seperti listriknya berapa watt, sumber airnya dari PDAM atau air tanah dan juga ukuran pasti tanah tersebut.
5. Kalkulasikan Dengan Cermat.
Sebelum Anda melakukan proses tawar menawar, sebaiknya Anda kalkulasikan dulu informasi yang sudah kita peroleh. Dan ingat, jangan mengkalkulasinya di depan si pemilik rumah. Selain terkesan kurang sopan, juga akan membuat si pemilik rumah sudah"gerah" duluan.
Minta waktu kepada si pemilik rumah untuk mempertimbangkan penawaran harga yang telah disebutkan. Dan sebelum pulang, alihkan pembicaraan ke masalah yang sifatnya bersahabat seperti hobi atau dari daerah mana berasal atau apa kegiatan si pemilik rumah di hari libur.
6. Tawar Menawar
Setelah Anda mengkalkulasikan harga yang pantas menurut kantong Anda, jangan menunggu terlalu lama untuk melakukan tawar menawar harga dengan si pemilik rumah yang sedang Anda incar tersebut. Mulailah dengan harga yang sedikit di bawah harga yang menurut Anda pantas. Lakukan tawar menawar dengan membuat suasana tidak terkesan kaku seperti sambil menyelipkan lelucon-lelucon ringan atau diselingi dengan gurauan. Yang penting Anda harus bisa membuat suasana lebih santai namun tetap serius dan formal.
Dari uraian di atas, bila Anda menjalankan point demi point di atas, saya yakin, insyaAllah hasil yang Anda harapkan akan terwujud. Dan harga yang pantas dan sesuai dengan budget yang telah Anda anggarkan akan didapat. Selamat memperjuangkan rumah baru.... *** [harga-online.blogspot.com]
How to Drive More Traffic to Your Site Simply by Commenting on Others' Blogs
Blogging has became one of the most popular trend in the internet world, you can hardly find someone who is successful online without their own blog. I know it is hard to create a high traffic blog overnight but do you know that you can drive traffic to your site with other people high traffic blog.
This is what most people are talking about "Piggyback Traffic". Commenting on blogs that have huge traffic allows you to piggyback on the traffic of that blog and this can at least drive you quite a number of visitors every month and increase the number of back links to your site. However there are some technique you should bear in mind when you are commenting on other people blog
1) Add comment with value: When I am talking about giving comment on other people blog, I am referring to valuable comment. I have seen such low value comment such as great job! yo dude, how's it hanging that may get your comment deleted by the owner. Moreover, the better your comment, the more highly other readers of the blog think of you.
2) Always make respectful comment: Do not attempt to counter what the blog owner is trying to portrait. If you are unhappy with that post, you simply don't comment on it and you should not try to counter the owner and this will simply get you deleted and blocked on that blog in future.
With these two factors in mind when you are posting comments on other people's blog, you will get higher chance of getting approval from the blog owner and they will also see you as a valuable contributor to their blog. Now try this method out and wait to see the result it brings to you.***
By Kelvin Lee
Want to learn how you can Quit Your Day Job and become a Full Time Affiliate Marketer running your own Affiliate Marketing business like me, grab your FREE Internet Marketing Strategy Report and FREE Traffic Generation Audio Mini Courses here.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelvin_Lee
Guilty Until Proven Innocent, Getting Emails Blocked
These spam words are often the same words and phrases often used when talking to prospective clients. However, your prospect's email pre-set spam filter blocked it. You were not sending spam. Instead, you were using a word or words, that many email spammers use.
A DANGER FOR SALES PEOPLE You tend to send a quantity of the same email message out to a group of clients. This may end you up on a blacklist; even through it is no intentional fault of your own. You are merely attempting to follow the procedures for responsible opt-in email marketing. Sometimes it is smart to send yourself a copy of your sales email, before to send a quantity out. Nevertheless, do not assume that because it makes it through your internet service provider's spam filter, it will get by other ISP spam filters.
Email Spam is Unsolicited Bulk Email, also call UBE. If you find someone's email address on an internet site, a web page, or a mailing list, you DO NO have consent to use it. If in turn you purchased it, traded for it, or received the emails as a gift, you DO NOT have consent. Bulk refers to sending out a similar message in over 200 emails a day. If you do this you are a spammer. The only way sure way to prevent this is to either not use the word below or substitute it with another word or phrase so your sales email will make its way through. NEVER use any of these words in your subject line of your sales message. Some spam filters may let a few of them slip by in the body of the email.
1. 4U
2. Act Now.
3. Additional income
4. All new
5. Amazing
6. Apply Online
7 . Be your own boss
8. Big bucks
9. Call free
10. Call now
11. Cash
12. Cash bonus
13. Collect
14. Compare rates
15. Congratulations
16. Dear email
17. Dear friend
18. Direct marketing
19. Do it today
20. Don't delete
21. Double your sales
22. Easy Sales
23. Email marketing
24. Expect to earn
25. Fantastic deal
26. Financial freedom
27. For free
28. For instant access
29. Free!
30. Free access
31. Free consultation
32. Free investment
33. Free money
34. Free offer
35. Free preview
36. Free quote
37. Free sample
38. Get paid
39. Get started now
40. Get it now
41. Gift certificate
42. Great offer
43. Guarantee
44. Guaranteed offer
45. Hidden assets
46. Increase sales
47. Increase traffic
48. Information you requested
49. Insurance
50. Investment decision
51. Limited time only
52. Mail in order form
53. Marketing solutions
54. Million dollars
55. Money making
56. More Internet traffic
57. Name brand
58. No catch
59. No cost
60. No credit check
61. No gimmick
62. No investment
63. No medical exams
64. No obligation
65. No selling
66. No strings attached
67. Not intended
68. Offer!
69. Offer expires
70. Once in lifetime
71. One time
72. Opportunity
73. Opt in
74. Outstanding values
75. Please read
76. Potential earnings
77. Print out and fax
78. Profits
79. Promise You
80. Pure profit
81. Real thing
82. Satisfaction guaranteed
83. See for yourself
84. Serious cash
85. Stop
86. Stops
87. Subscribe
88. Supplies are limited
89. Take action now
90. The best rates
91. This is not spam
92. Time Limited
93. Unlimited
94. You have been selected
95. Visit our web site
96. We hate spam
97. What are you waiting for?
98. Winner
99. Winning
100. Your income
With the increase in spam, protection has come increasingly sophisticated to guard against emails. Almost all Internet Service Providers (ISP's) use these email blockers. This is a problem though when trying to send your email sales message. There is no doubt that this software blocks out spam. Not in the sales person's favor, it can block legitimate emails as well. Knowing the key list of spam words can help prevent non-delivery problems. It can also keep you from unfairly tagged as being a spammer.
Small businesses are often the hardest hit by increasingly strict messages intended stop spam. Some industry insiders feel the bigger problems can be caused by trying to control the collateral damage caused by trying to get rid of it. Try to tell your ISP that you are unjustly being singled you and are innocent is difficult to get a response. Often it can be a periods of days or weeks, and even then all your emails are going to be watched like a hawk. The ISP's can fix or reverse the problem in their own due time. Meanwhile if you are blocked,. your emails are almost completely shut down.
CAUTION ON BUYING EMAIL NAMES Nor do not consider using Commercial Emailers to bypass your Internet Service Provider. These professional bulk email blasters, try to find every loophole possible to get pass the spam blocking guards. They are the bad boys, rated at producing 99% of today's spam. As soon as when way is shut down, another is opened up. Be careful when purchasing an email blasting list for spamming. Much of the list was never what the recipient requested to begin with. Lists of responders are collected and added to a list you ordered that they should not be on. The email blaster is only hoping that you get enough response so that you will be happy with the quantity of response. Therefore do not be surprising if the email blasting company adds phony responders (paid to act interested and respond to your request). Buyer beware. ***
By Donald Yerke
For more articles to read on spam, marketing, recruiting, or increasing sales, there are plenty. Visit http://www.agentsinsurancemarketing.com Author, Don Yerke has over 200 articles published through out the internet.
For more articles on email, marketing, recruiting, or increasing sales to read, there are plenty. Visit http://www.agentsinsurancemarketing.com
Author, Don Yerke has over 200 articles published through out the internet.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donald_Yerke
Memang membeli rumah jadi terbilang gampang-gampang susah. Disini dibutuhkan kejelian tersendiri. Terlebih lagi dalam menentukan harga. Kalau tidak selektif, dana yang seharusnya bisa untuk membangun rumah baru, jadi terbeli rumah yang harganya tidak pantas. Harapannya untung malah berujung buntung.
Adakah kiat khusus dalam menentukan harga rumah ini? Ada. Mudah-mudahan uraian ringkas tentang kiat jitu menentukan harga rumah ini bisa bermanfaat.
1. Tentukan Lokasi
Sebelum Anda membeli rumah, pastikan dulu lokasinya, menguntungkan atau tidak. Pertimbangan disini bukan sekedar dari segi strategisnya, namun manfaat yang Anda peroleh dari lokasi rumah tersebut. Misalnya dekat dengan kantor atau tidak jauh dari rumah saudara atau adik, atau dekat dengan sekolah anak-anak dan lain sebagainya. Bila hal ini bisa kita perhitungkan, baru kita masuk ke pertimbangan lainnya.
2. Survey lokasi.
Bila Anda ingin membeli rumah pada lokasi tertentu dimana dari segi tempat cukup dekat dengan kebutuhan aktifitas Anda, luangkan lah sedikit waktu Anda untuk melakukan survey di daerah sekitar rumah yang akan dijual tersebut. Tanyakan pada penduduk di sekitar rumah tentang harga pasaran di daerah tersebut. Atau juga tidak ada salahnya Anda mendatangi RT daerah tersebut untuk memastikan harga pasarannya. Bila sudah dapat, sekarang kita sudah mengatongi kisaran harga yang layak.
3. Hitung budget Anda.
Anda harus dengan cermat mengkalkulasikan ketersediaan dana Anda. Harga pasaran yang sudah kita kantongi bisa dijadikan patokan, apakah masuk harganya atau tidak.
4. Pastikan Keabsahan Surat dan Fasilitasnya.
Bila Anda sudah mendatangi si pemilik rumah, tanyakanlah surat-suratnya. Apakah sudah hak milik atau baru setingkat apa. Juga jangan lupa menanyakan fasilitas yang tersedia seperti listriknya berapa watt, sumber airnya dari PDAM atau air tanah dan juga ukuran pasti tanah tersebut.
5. Kalkulasikan Dengan Cermat.
Sebelum Anda melakukan proses tawar menawar, sebaiknya Anda kalkulasikan dulu informasi yang sudah kita peroleh. Dan ingat, jangan mengkalkulasinya di depan si pemilik rumah. Selain terkesan kurang sopan, juga akan membuat si pemilik rumah sudah"gerah" duluan.
Minta waktu kepada si pemilik rumah untuk mempertimbangkan penawaran harga yang telah disebutkan. Dan sebelum pulang, alihkan pembicaraan ke masalah yang sifatnya bersahabat seperti hobi atau dari daerah mana berasal atau apa kegiatan si pemilik rumah di hari libur.
6. Tawar Menawar
Setelah Anda mengkalkulasikan harga yang pantas menurut kantong Anda, jangan menunggu terlalu lama untuk melakukan tawar menawar harga dengan si pemilik rumah yang sedang Anda incar tersebut. Mulailah dengan harga yang sedikit di bawah harga yang menurut Anda pantas. Lakukan tawar menawar dengan membuat suasana tidak terkesan kaku seperti sambil menyelipkan lelucon-lelucon ringan atau diselingi dengan gurauan. Yang penting Anda harus bisa membuat suasana lebih santai namun tetap serius dan formal.
Dari uraian di atas, bila Anda menjalankan point demi point di atas, saya yakin, insyaAllah hasil yang Anda harapkan akan terwujud. Dan harga yang pantas dan sesuai dengan budget yang telah Anda anggarkan akan didapat. Selamat memperjuangkan rumah baru.... *** [harga-online.blogspot.com]
How to Drive More Traffic to Your Site Simply by Commenting on Others' Blogs
Blogging has became one of the most popular trend in the internet world, you can hardly find someone who is successful online without their own blog. I know it is hard to create a high traffic blog overnight but do you know that you can drive traffic to your site with other people high traffic blog.
This is what most people are talking about "Piggyback Traffic". Commenting on blogs that have huge traffic allows you to piggyback on the traffic of that blog and this can at least drive you quite a number of visitors every month and increase the number of back links to your site. However there are some technique you should bear in mind when you are commenting on other people blog
1) Add comment with value: When I am talking about giving comment on other people blog, I am referring to valuable comment. I have seen such low value comment such as great job! yo dude, how's it hanging that may get your comment deleted by the owner. Moreover, the better your comment, the more highly other readers of the blog think of you.
2) Always make respectful comment: Do not attempt to counter what the blog owner is trying to portrait. If you are unhappy with that post, you simply don't comment on it and you should not try to counter the owner and this will simply get you deleted and blocked on that blog in future.
With these two factors in mind when you are posting comments on other people's blog, you will get higher chance of getting approval from the blog owner and they will also see you as a valuable contributor to their blog. Now try this method out and wait to see the result it brings to you.***
By Kelvin Lee
Want to learn how you can Quit Your Day Job and become a Full Time Affiliate Marketer running your own Affiliate Marketing business like me, grab your FREE Internet Marketing Strategy Report and FREE Traffic Generation Audio Mini Courses here.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelvin_Lee
Guilty Until Proven Innocent, Getting Emails Blocked
These spam words are often the same words and phrases often used when talking to prospective clients. However, your prospect's email pre-set spam filter blocked it. You were not sending spam. Instead, you were using a word or words, that many email spammers use.
A DANGER FOR SALES PEOPLE You tend to send a quantity of the same email message out to a group of clients. This may end you up on a blacklist; even through it is no intentional fault of your own. You are merely attempting to follow the procedures for responsible opt-in email marketing. Sometimes it is smart to send yourself a copy of your sales email, before to send a quantity out. Nevertheless, do not assume that because it makes it through your internet service provider's spam filter, it will get by other ISP spam filters.
Email Spam is Unsolicited Bulk Email, also call UBE. If you find someone's email address on an internet site, a web page, or a mailing list, you DO NO have consent to use it. If in turn you purchased it, traded for it, or received the emails as a gift, you DO NOT have consent. Bulk refers to sending out a similar message in over 200 emails a day. If you do this you are a spammer. The only way sure way to prevent this is to either not use the word below or substitute it with another word or phrase so your sales email will make its way through. NEVER use any of these words in your subject line of your sales message. Some spam filters may let a few of them slip by in the body of the email.
1. 4U
2. Act Now.
3. Additional income
4. All new
5. Amazing
6. Apply Online
7 . Be your own boss
8. Big bucks
9. Call free
10. Call now
11. Cash
12. Cash bonus
13. Collect
14. Compare rates
15. Congratulations
16. Dear email
17. Dear friend
18. Direct marketing
19. Do it today
20. Don't delete
21. Double your sales
22. Easy Sales
23. Email marketing
24. Expect to earn
25. Fantastic deal
26. Financial freedom
27. For free
28. For instant access
29. Free!
30. Free access
31. Free consultation
32. Free investment
33. Free money
34. Free offer
35. Free preview
36. Free quote
37. Free sample
38. Get paid
39. Get started now
40. Get it now
41. Gift certificate
42. Great offer
43. Guarantee
44. Guaranteed offer
45. Hidden assets
46. Increase sales
47. Increase traffic
48. Information you requested
49. Insurance
50. Investment decision
51. Limited time only
52. Mail in order form
53. Marketing solutions
54. Million dollars
55. Money making
56. More Internet traffic
57. Name brand
58. No catch
59. No cost
60. No credit check
61. No gimmick
62. No investment
63. No medical exams
64. No obligation
65. No selling
66. No strings attached
67. Not intended
68. Offer!
69. Offer expires
70. Once in lifetime
71. One time
72. Opportunity
73. Opt in
74. Outstanding values
75. Please read
76. Potential earnings
77. Print out and fax
78. Profits
79. Promise You
80. Pure profit
81. Real thing
82. Satisfaction guaranteed
83. See for yourself
84. Serious cash
85. Stop
86. Stops
87. Subscribe
88. Supplies are limited
89. Take action now
90. The best rates
91. This is not spam
92. Time Limited
93. Unlimited
94. You have been selected
95. Visit our web site
96. We hate spam
97. What are you waiting for?
98. Winner
99. Winning
100. Your income
With the increase in spam, protection has come increasingly sophisticated to guard against emails. Almost all Internet Service Providers (ISP's) use these email blockers. This is a problem though when trying to send your email sales message. There is no doubt that this software blocks out spam. Not in the sales person's favor, it can block legitimate emails as well. Knowing the key list of spam words can help prevent non-delivery problems. It can also keep you from unfairly tagged as being a spammer.
Small businesses are often the hardest hit by increasingly strict messages intended stop spam. Some industry insiders feel the bigger problems can be caused by trying to control the collateral damage caused by trying to get rid of it. Try to tell your ISP that you are unjustly being singled you and are innocent is difficult to get a response. Often it can be a periods of days or weeks, and even then all your emails are going to be watched like a hawk. The ISP's can fix or reverse the problem in their own due time. Meanwhile if you are blocked,. your emails are almost completely shut down.
CAUTION ON BUYING EMAIL NAMES Nor do not consider using Commercial Emailers to bypass your Internet Service Provider. These professional bulk email blasters, try to find every loophole possible to get pass the spam blocking guards. They are the bad boys, rated at producing 99% of today's spam. As soon as when way is shut down, another is opened up. Be careful when purchasing an email blasting list for spamming. Much of the list was never what the recipient requested to begin with. Lists of responders are collected and added to a list you ordered that they should not be on. The email blaster is only hoping that you get enough response so that you will be happy with the quantity of response. Therefore do not be surprising if the email blasting company adds phony responders (paid to act interested and respond to your request). Buyer beware. ***
By Donald Yerke
For more articles to read on spam, marketing, recruiting, or increasing sales, there are plenty. Visit http://www.agentsinsurancemarketing.com Author, Don Yerke has over 200 articles published through out the internet.
For more articles on email, marketing, recruiting, or increasing sales to read, there are plenty. Visit http://www.agentsinsurancemarketing.com
Author, Don Yerke has over 200 articles published through out the internet.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donald_Yerke