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Belajar dari Pengalaman Pahit, Bagaimana Menyiasatinya?

Belajar dari Pengalaman Pahit, Bagaimana menyiasatinya?
Cukup terhenyak juga saya ketika membaca tulisan “Pengalaman Franchisee yang tidak Happy” Info Franchisee edisi 15 Juli – 14 Agustus 2008 lalu. “Dari sisi profit pun Bimada mengakui masih kecil. Tetapi yang membuatnya kecewa adalah support SDM yang diberikan oleh Franchisor tidak memenuhi standar bisnis resto yang membutuhkan layanan baik. Bimada harus menelan kegagalannya di bisnis itu dengan harga mahal. Bagi Bimada, kegagalan bukan datang dari dirinya, tetapi dari Franschisor yang tidak prima menyediakan support, termasuk system. Training yang diberikan hanya dalam waktu singkat, yang tidak cukup baginya untuk mengadopsi keahlian untuk menjalankan bisnis tersebut.” Padahal Bimada menjadi Franchisee bisnis mie yang membludak dan menjadi buah bibir di kalangan konsumennya.

Dalam hukum per”bisnis”an, hal pertama yang sebenarnya harus diperhatikan adalah keberhasilan dalam menjual, bukan harga dan dana sebagaimana yang ada di benak sebagian besar orang. Setelah penjualan jalan, perhatian selanjutnya adalah kepada manusianya. Sumber Daya Manusia-SDM! Kualitas SDM akan menentukan apakah bisnisnya berharga dan bisa langgeng ataukah tidak. Kita bisa menilai apakah pebisnis tersebut benar-benar serius atau tidak (baca opportunis) manakala kita melihat seberapa jauh ia menyiapkan SDM baik bagi dirinya, Franchisor, maupun bagi Franchiseenya.

Apabila dicermati dalam tulisan lainnya, penyebab kekecewaan pada Franchisee, hanya dua hal yakni ketamakan Franchisor serta perijinan yang merupakan masalah non-SDM. 10 sisanya berakar pada kualitas SDM. Pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun Internasional Franchise Business Management (IFBM) Consultant pun menceritakan hal yang serupa. Ada beberapa kasus dimana dalam masa awal bimbingan clientnya ditemukan adanya ketidaksiapan SDM dalam mengembangkan sistem Franchisenya. Secara otomatis, pembenahan SDM ini biasanya menjadi satu kesatuan dalam proses pembimbingannya.

Bagaimana selanjutnya ....? Ada tiga hal yang harus disiapkan pemilik usaha dalam pengembangan SDM-nya, yakni mengembangkan mind set, kesabaran menekuninya, dan mengoptimalkan strategi yang diambil. Hal pertama yang berharga yang harus dilakukan adalah menanamkan pola berfikir SDM, SDM, dan SDM pada top level pengambil kebijakan. Menanamkan ini berarti mengembangkan mind set yang tadinya keberhasilan adalah hanya sebatas menjual sesuatu yang bisa menjadi mislead-menjadi munculnya pertumbuhan bisnis yang dilakukan oleh tim SDM.

Setelah itu, perlunya memahami bahwa mengembangkan SDM membutuhkan kesabaran. Para entrepreneur tumbuh biasanya dari perjuangan secara pribadi. Akumulasi pengalaman, jatuh bangun mengatasi persoalan pengembangan bisnisnya hanya dimiliki oleh dirinya, tidak juga keluarganya, apalagi orang lain. Secara tidak sadar, dalam mendiskusikan masalah usahanya ia berasumsi bahwa para staf maupun timnya memiliki pengalaman yang sama sehingga diharapkan langsung nyambung, sesuatu yang tidak realistis mengingat adanya kesenjangan pengalaman tersebut. Ketidaksadaran ini mendorong bertindak tergesa-gesa untuk tidak mempercayai tim-nya bahkan segera meninggalkannya.

Catatan lainnya juga adalah kita perlu menyadari bahwa disini kita tidak hanya berbicara dan membentuk regular aset seperti mesin, tetapi “aset” manusia yang dapat merespon enak maupun tidak enak, memiliki perasaan dan mood-nya bisa baik dan buruk yang akan mempengaruhi hasil kerjanya. Bagus di suatu masa atau keadaan, belum tentu sama pada masa atau keadaan lain waktu. Dalam menilai maupun memberikan pengarahan tugas, pemahaman atas kondisi manusianya menjadi hal penting juga. Bad timing akan bisa menghasilkan bad result.

Bagaimana mengoptimalkan strategi yang diambil? Disini ada dua strategi dalam pengembangan SDM. Membangun “lembaga pengembangan SDM internal” atau meng”out source” kan. Masing-masing tentunya memiliki plus and minus, dari segi harga cost, segi security, dan dari segi kepusingan. Pengembangan SDM internally perlu disikapi bahwa tidak hanya sebatas pembentukan divisi Human Resources Development (HRD) yang lemah visinya. Kebanyakan yang terjadi adalah diadakannya HRD atau pendidikan dan Pelatihan (Diklat) yang hanya sebatas merekrut, “melatih” dan mengadministrasikan tanpa memahami bagaimana cara mewujudkan SDM yang diharapkan.

Ada tiga hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam membangun SDM, pertama adalah pembangunan knowledge, kedua skill, dan ketiga adalah motivation. Seminar, Training atau pelatihan biasanya memberikan knowledge atau paling jauh adalah skill. Jangan berharap bahwa selepasnya seseorang dari mengikuti training apalagi seminar akan langsung dapat terbentuk kualitas kerja SDM sebagaimana yang diharapkan. Baik outsource ataupun dikembangkan internal, ketiga hal tersebut sangat berharga sekali dan perlu ada.

Selain kepusingan maka kelemahan lain dari pendidikan internal adalah knowledgenya yang biasanya tidak berkembang. Knowledge para training manajer seringkali hanya berdasar pengalaman organisasinya sendiri yang bahkan seringkali terjebak pada pengalaman pribadinya saja. Pada lembaga outsiurce, biasanya mereka memiliki pengetahuan up to date mengenal pendidikan dan pelatihan. Semakin besar jaringan atau network yang dimilikinya, maka semakin luas dan dalam knowledge yang dimiliki lembaga outsource tersebut.

Kebiasaan lain yang sering terjadi adalah memanfaatkan lembaga outsource hanya sebatas dalam memberikan pendidikan atau pelatihan saja. Sebenarnya perusahaan dapat memanfaatkan lembaga outsource lebih maksimal dengan melakukan kerjasama pengembangan SDM yang lebih luas. Hanya saja disini perusahaan akan dituntut untuk membuka dirinya terhadap lembaga outsource lebih jauh dalam upaya pengembangan SDMnya. Pada akhirnya, strategi mana yang akan diambil, terpulang kepada visi-misi serta kondisi perusahaan. Selamat mencoba. ***

kiriman: Budhi Pramusdintoro, Surabaya
source: Bundel Business Opportunity


Niche Marketing Is The Answer

Advertising is expensive and it is very unlikely that you as a beginner, will be able to pump the type of money into your business as you would like to in the beginning.
But if you have the the money to advertise your products and services, go right ahead and start to market youe business. You can start to use pay-per-click for the best results.
But if you don't have an advertising budget at the beginning, what are you going to do? how are you to market your business?
"Niche Marketing" is the answer! You see, we are unable to advertise our products and services to the whole world, simply because we don't have the money to do that.

But we don't have to do that either, to make money online... thanks to the power of the Internet. We can start our business and make money from it, without investing any great sum of money.
All the money you really need, is to pay for a Domain name and hosting for your site. This is less than $50.00 to set up your business... and if done correctly, you can rake-in a few thousand dollars a month. Niche marketing affords you to market your products and services to a limited audience. With a computer, Internet connection, and a good idea, you can be in your own business in no time...

The basic idea here, is to target the people (market) who would be interested in purchasing the products or services you have to offer. You can then advertise on a shoe-string budget or use free advertising. Finding a niche market for your product or service, should not be difficult at all. All you have to do, is to think about the people that your product or service will have appeal to, and target them.

This will be your market, these are the people that will be willing to purchase your products or services.
Niche marketing is simply selling a product or service to those who want or need it most... Deciding what niche market to get into should be based on one simple principal. "There must be a demand for your product or services". If there is no demand, there is no market, and no money to be made.

Research your product and research your market, to find out if you are offering them what they want. As long as you are offering something that will improve their standard of living, something that will make them feel better or help them to solved a problem, you have it made... you will be on your way to financial freedom...

Taking your family on that vacation is no longer out of reach, it is only months down the road now... ***

by Fitzgerald Elliott
About the Author: Fitzgerald Elliott, searches the net for the best home business ideas, opportunities and products to help you get started with your online business quickly! http://www.homebusiness-software-ebooks.com/instantempirebuilder/


Ways To Make Quick Money-How To Start Profiting From The Internet Fast

What are some of the best ways to make quick money and the Internet? Today, many people are looking for the quick and easy ways to make money on the Internet, without having to do a lot of work and which they can simply set up on autopilot when they're finished. While everybody would like such a way that exist, unfortunately you will have to work to make money on the Internet, or anywhere else.

Keep in mind, internet marketing is not a job; it's a business. By this, I mean that you're not going to start working generate money immediately. It does take some time and effort to start generate some cash. However, the Internet offers something that no job can offer you: the ability to build up equity and eventually sell the business, or least offer you a long-term income stream. This is what a business can offer you that a job can never do. With a job, the only way you can keep making money is if you keep working. As soon as you stop working, the money stops coming in.

However, keep in mind that there are certainly some ways to make quick money on the Internet; it just won't be overnight. One of the fastest ways is Google adsense.

Adsense is a way that Google devised where you simply put up a site about a certain topic, and they will post ads in your site automatically for you related to the content of your site. Let's say you have a site about golf: therefore, when you put the code in your site, Google automatically puts related ads about golf on your site, and you will get paid a certain amount of money every time somebody comes to your site and clicks on one of those ads.

This is definitely one of the fastest ways to start making quick money and the Internet. You can put them on a lot of different kinds of sites, but one of the best sites for ad sense is blogging. Quite simply, the search engines love blogs, because they are always updating their content, and therefore you can often times find them at the top of the search engines. This is one of the best ways to make quick money from the Internet. Of course, this isn't the only way to start to make money, but it is certainly one of the best. Follow these tips and you'll start making money on the Internet and building a business with long term equity. ***

by Dan Mason
For information on finding a good search engine marketing service, visit 1searchenginemarketing18.com. Here you can find info on profiting with a credit card affiliate program and much more.


Home Business Data Entry Clerk Job

Can you really make good money with a home business data entry clerk job? Is it really possible to make a lot of money simply filling out forms? While some people might make a full-time income doing this, the reality is that the vast majority do not. Most home business data entry jobs claim that all you have to do is sit at your computer and fill as many forms as you possibly can, and get paid about a buck per form. It sounds as if all you have to do is sit there and fill out forms all day long, and that your income is literally unlimited.

Think about it: if you could sit at your computer filling out forms with data entry and getting paid a dollar per day for each form, you'd probably spend as much time doing as possible. You could literally fill out several thousand forms each day. Unfortunately, it's not this easy. If it was, then everybody you know would be making huge money with this.

In order to do make a significant income (or any at all), you will need to advertise for whatever company you are working in classified ads, and every time a prospect emails you asking for more information about the opportunity, you fill out that information in the data entry form. Therefore, you can only fill as many forms as you receive e-mails. The most amount of emails you receive a day will probably be 5-10. Therefore, while you can make a couple bucks a day with this method, you probably can't plan on earning much more than that.

Therefore, a home business data entry clerk job is probably out of the question for you. So what is the best way to start making money in the Internet without a lot of money to start with? Affiliate products. Simply, promoting affiliate products is by far the cheapest and quickest way to start making money online. The reason for this is that somebody else has already taken the time and developed a product or service for you to promote, and your job is to simply drive traffic to their sales page and get paid a certain percentage for every sale.

In fact, you don't even need your own website; all you have to do is take out a pay per click campaign and start advertising today. Also, if you already happen to have an e-mail list of people you've gotten in the past for another product or service, you can promote to them. While you will certainly have to pay some money for your pay per click campaign, there is virtually no business on the Internet you can start without at least some sort of capital. You can't plan to a make a lot of money without it. However, affiliate products are by far the cheapest ways to start making money in the Internet.

Once you've started making some good cash flow, you'll probably look into start starting to develop your own products or services for your home business. Hopefully these tips will help you to get on the right track to starting your home business, and help you to avoid getting ripped off by a home business data entry clerk job. ***

by Dan Mason
To find a bulk email marketing service, visit easyinternethomebusiness.com. Also get tips on achieving higher search engine placement.

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