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Harga Cabai Mahal, Bagaimana Menyiasatinya?

Tidak dipungkiri bahwa cabai merupakan bahan pangan yang sangat dibutuhkan hampir disetiap dapur rumah tangga. Di kalangan kaum ibu, cabai merupakan suatu hal yang penting yang harus ada hampir setiap waktu. Untuk daerah-daerah tertentu seperti Sumatra Barat dan Riau dimana cabai merupakan "makanan wajibnya", keberadaannya sudah bisa dibilang selalu harus ada di setiap menu masakannya. Tidak perduli apakah harganya murah maupun harganya mahal. Tetap dibeli dan jadi incaran.

Namun bagaimana bila biaya dapur yang sudah disediakan terbatas? Apalagi menyaksikan harga cabai dari hari ke hari semakin mahal. Apakah ada menyiasati mahalnya harga cabai ini? Berikut kami suguhkan tips menyiasati harga cabai yang mahal.

Kunci penting dalam menyiasati mahalnya harga cabai adalah melihat musim panen dari cabai itu sendiri. Berdasarkan kebiasaan, bila sudah mulai masuk musim kemarau, persediaan cabai melimpah dan otomatis membuat harganya jadi lebih murah. Nah, murahnya harga cabai di musim kemarau ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk membelinya dan menyimpannya sebagai persediaan. Nah lho? apakah bisa menyimpan cabai dalam waktu yang lama? Bagaimana kalau busuk? bukannya untung bisa jadi malah buntung....

Tunggu dulu... semuanya kan ada jalan keluarnya. Namanya juga tips, tentu ada kiatnya bagaimana agar cabai tidak cepat membusuk.

Berikut langkah-langkahnya:

1. Sebelum membeli cabai dalam jumlah banyak, siapkan tempatnya terlebih dahulu. Bisa berupa baskom, anyaman rotan maupun ember.
2. Pilihlah cabai yang hendak dibeli agar kualitasnya terjaga.
3. Cuci bersih cabai tersebut lalu tiriskan.
4. Setelah tidak basah lagi, untuk cabai keriting, haluskan atau blender lalu tumis hingga matang. Beri tambahkan garam secukupnya, selain nanti saat memasak tidak direpotkan lagi dengan memberinya garam, hal ini juga bisa mengawetkan cabai tersebut.

5. Untuk cabai merah besar yang mengandung banyak air, jemur sebentar di tengah matahari agar rasanya tak berubah. Setelah itu haluskan dengan blender lalu tumis dengan sedikit minyak hingga matang. Sama dengan cabai keriting, jangan lupa tambahkan garam secukupnya.

6. Siapkan beberapa botol bekas, cuci dan keringkan. Masukkan cabai halus matang tadi ke dalam botol bekas tersebut. jangan lupa untuk menuliskan tanggal pembuatannya dengan spidol water proofing (tahan air) agar tidak luntur. Simpan seluruh botol tadi di dalam kulkas. Bila ruang freezer kosong, sebaiknya di simpan disana. Stok cabai matang ini bisa tahan hingga 1 bulan di dalam freezer.

Tips ini sangat membantu sekali bila tiba saatnya cabai langka dan harganya mahal. Bila kiat menyiasati harga cabai yang mahal ini dilakukan semua ibu-ibu, niscaya kelangkaan cabai dan mahalnya harga cabai disaat bulan ramadhan datang tidak akan terjadi lagi.

Bila persediaan cabai ini masih bersisa disaat harga cabai masih tinggi, agar umurnya bisa lebih panjang lagi, tinggal Anda jemur kembali cabai-cabai tersebut atau digongseng beberapa menit agar bibit jamurnya mati dan tidak sempat hidup.***


2008 Trends in SPAM
FTC had made little if any dent in the amount of SPAM, instead SPAM blocking systems have paved the way to remove much of the spam out there. When the Federal Trade Commission took on the SPAM case their public relations campaign stated; "We Plan to Take a Bite Out of SPAM!" and although this was met with anger from the company that makes the product Spam, the FTC was off and running chasing that bone.

Unfortunately, before they could bring any solid cases to court they had to decide what Spam was and they held meetings around the country to come up with a good definition. Once they did it was 6 months later and Spam had increased by nearly 1500% and it was not stopping there. Meanwhile spammers seeing the writing on the wall increased their volumes in the hopes to make tons of money and then retire early. By the time the FTC brought any cases to court in this country foreign spammers had joined in and SPAM was then over 3000% higher than when the FTC started and although they did bring about high-profile cases, which put a speed break on US based Spammers, their cases only accounted for 1-2% of all the SPAM on the Internet. Some would say this was a dismal failure and I am one of those people after having done 100s of hours of research on this topic, nevertheless they did try.

Today, the SPAM is still being sent out, but it is not being received thanks to SPAM blocker technology that is either catching it in your inbox or at the server. So, for now SPAM is not as bad as it was, but it is still a problem and will be for the remainder of this year. ***

By Lance Winslow
"Lance Winslow" - Online Blog Content Service. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/.


How to Find the Message Header For a Yahoo Email Address
There are many reasons that you might want research an email message. Two of the most common reasons are to find out more the sender and try to stop spammers. Others might need to check up on their children's online activities. Still others might just be curious about the path that emails take to reach them. Whatever the reason, one of the easiest ways to find out more information about email addresses and their senders is to find and use the email headers. Email headers are, essentially, digital envelopes; they tell computers where messages came from and where they're going. By accessing this information, you can learn more information about mysterious messages.

If you're using Yahoo!, finding email headers is quick and simple. First, login to your account and open the message you'd like to learn more about. At the top right of the pane, you will see the word reply. Right next to reply, there's a downward pointing arrow. Clicking on this pops up a menu. Select "Show Original," and the headers will pop up in a separate window. Now that you know how to use Yahoo! to find email headers, all that's left is deciphering the header.

Deciphering email headers is easier said than done. Headers are meant to be read by computer, not humans, which means they're not in plain English. However, the information you need shouldn't be hard to find. Scan down the document and find the last (lowest) repeat of the phrase "Received: from"; this line should refer to the computer that originally sent the message. Just to the right of "Received: from", you should see an IP address (the ten or so digit number with periods). This is the Internet print of the computer that sent the message. With this traceable number, you might be able to find out more information about the sender of the message. Of course, using email headers isn't the only way to do research about strange email messages. If you want to find the owner of a Yahoo! email address, you can also use a reverse email lookup. Reverse email lookups search for strange email addresses and provide the name of the owner, and sometimes even more information. So if you need to learn more about a strange email, you can use the Internet to assist in your search. ***

By Lindsay Bonn
Lindsay has been writing about web applications for 4 years and is tracking the latest trends in web development. You can check out her latest project at http://www.reverseemaildetective.com

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