Ingin Buka Usaha Setelah Kena PHK
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb Pak Gozali, Perkenalkan nama saya Drajat, usia 27 tahun. Saya baru saja kena pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) dari sebuah perusahaan swasta ekspedisi di Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara. Sekarang saya ingin mencoba membuka usaha sendiri dengan modal yang ada (Rp 50 juta) tetapi saya masih bingung jenis usaha apa yang cocok. Sebagai gambaran, saya sangat menyukai jenis perdagangan walaupun dalam skala kecil. Ada banyak rencana untuk berdagang seperti membuka toko pakaian dalam wanita, peralatan bayi dan ibunya. Semua itu karena saya kenal dengan distributornya. Tetapi masalahnya, di mana saya harus membuka toko? Sempat juga ada ide ingin buka rental playstation. Terus terang, sekarang ini saya bingung langkah pertama apa yang harus saya lakukan untuk memulai. Saya harap Pak Gozali dapat memberi solusi. Mungkin Pak Gozali punya kenalan distributor yang bisa diajak kerjasama. Demikian email saya sebelumnya saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih. Jakarta Utara
Waalaikumussalam wr wb
Mas Drajat,
Saya turut prihatin akan musibah PHK yang menimpa Anda. Saran saya, jadikan PHK sebagai langkah memulai awal karier yang baru yaitu memiliki usaha sendiri. Banyak orang yang lebih berhasil setelah di-PHK karena ulet dalam menjalankan usaha, waktu tidak terikat sehingga kesempatan mengembangkan diri lebih optimal, dan tentu saja lebih cepat meraih kebebasan finansial.
Bagi yang baru memulai usaha memang ada kendala yaitu kebingungan memilih jenis usaha yang cocok. Untuk itu ada beberapa faktor kunci yang perlu diperhatikan dalam memilih usaha :
Pertama, kenalilah pribadi Anda dalam kaitannya dengan usaha. Anda bisa memulai dari hobi atau hal yang disukai. Misalnya, bila Anda hobi berkebun, Anda dapat berusaha di bidang pertanian. Bila Anda suka main musik, bisa usaha bidang karaoke atau menyewakan peralatan musik, dan lain-lain.
Kecintaan pada bidang usaha akan membuat kita nyaman menjalankannya, meskipun belum menghasilkan keuntungan. Kemudian Anda juga bisa menjalankan usaha yang dikuasai artinya usaha tersebut dikenali seluk-beluknya dan Anda punya pengalaman di bidangnya.
Mungkin dari pengalaman kerja selama ini bisa dijadikan peluang usaha. Biasanya, usaha yang berangkat dari pengalaman, memiliki risiko kegagalan kecil karena sudah paham dan menguasai. Setelah itu, barulah perkirakan kemampuan Anda saat ini untuk menjalankan usaha tersebut. Kemampuan ini meliputi aspek modal usaha, aspek teknis dan keahlian, pengelolaan keuangan, bagaimana strategi pasarnya, dan lain-lain.
Kalau Anda menyukai jenis usaha perdagangan, maka Anda bisa memulai dari situ. Usaha dagang dan memproduksi barang memerlukan modal lebih tinggi dibandingkan usaha jasa. Dengan modal Rp 50 juta, banyak barang dagangan yang bisa dibeli.
Saran saya, carilah peluang pasar dulu baru kemudian mencari produk yang dijual. Untuk mencari peluang pasar, Anda bisa cari di tabloid atau majalah bisnis, internet, komunitas bisnis atau instansi pemerintah (Deperindag). Kalau memang dana mencukupi, Anda bisa menyewa toko tetapi Anda bisa juga menyimpan produk di rumah Anda dan mempromosikannya dengan brosur, iklan di media massa atau internet. Saat ini juga banyak usaha yang dijalankan secara online.
Kemudian untuk mendapatkan distributor, Anda bisa mencari di internet, tabloid atau majalah bisnis, yang banyak menawarkan keagenan produk tertentu. Demikian, semoga bermanfaat. Jangan segan untuk menghubungi kami kembali bila masih ada permasalahan yang perlu dipecahkan.***
source: artikel Republika
Day Job Killer
This program as unique as they say claim to be able to show you a step by step guide to wealth with little to show you before you devote your hard earned dollars. They as others claim to know the 3 main reasons why 99% of affiliates fail and tricks that the mere 1 % of affiliates use to be successful. If all of these people truly knew these things there would be many more millionaires in this world.
The truth is they use these schemes to sell you their product and in turn get rich off your wanting to know. They give you a free course called “X its about to get ugly” to lure you into purchasing their product. The question is does anyone truly get rich off the product other then the one selling it? They also give you tips on generating multiple streams of income as well as giving you Advanced Adwords Techniques.
Does this product actually work “yes” to some degree? Does this product work for everyone? Probably not but they will pedal it to you as if it does to get you to purchase it. The more people believe it the more money rings up on their accounts. So will it help you that my folk’s is up to you?
The information is there and often time it is good but you must make the dire effort to make it work. We all enjoy a good get rich quick scheme because quite honestly who really wants to work for a living. Though if you purchase it make sure that your eyes are open to what is going on and exactly what you are getting yourself into. That could mean the difference between being broke and making the Real Bucks!
by Jai
Make Money from eBay Misspellings
It's amazing how many eBay Misspellings you'll find on eBay that have been incorrectly spelt, for example 'playstation is often 'plastation', 'playstatoin'. You can profit from these mistakes as when someone tries to search for an item using the correct spelling the misspellings do not show in the search results. You'll find that the misspelling auctions usually have fewer bids on, as potential buyers cannot find them. If you can find these misspellings then you can purchase them at a low price, and relist for a profit by using the correct spelling so that they will show in the search results.
You have two options in finding these misspellings, the first is to physically search eBay which is time consuming and a total nightmare or the second is to use a website that can find these gems.
You will find one such misspellings finder at Auction Typos just enter the correct spelling at this address like 'playstation' (without the quotes) and then select the eBay site you would like to search and the site will return auctions for playstation that have been misspelt. It's as easy as that.
by Mark James
The Super Affiliate Handbook
This handbook is the beginners guide to making money. This handbook gives detailed information on how to work from home without the hassles that most people go through. It gives the basic step by step training on how to set up your affiliate page and promote. Promote…promote! This guide is a life saver to those of you that don’t want to suffer through trial and error for month’s even years on your own. Affiliate marketing can give you many perks that promoting your own product does not. For instance overhead: no employees no customer service, and no shipping for starters!
This guide just helps you yield profit! It teaches you how to pick the best affiliate markets. Gives info on promoting well known products like Sony and Dell! Talks about what is different with Super Affiliate Handbook then the other guys! Those of you who want money but don’t want all the headaches this book is worth your read. Finding profitable products are difficult in today’s markets.
Finding new products are like looking for a needle in a haystack. However finding affiliate programs are plentiful. Though you must know which ones will give a good return! That is the key to success. This Software will show you which products can yield the highest amount of profit. Teach you setting up your pages to draw in the wonderfully large crowd and find all of the shoppers that need Christmas gifts!
This guide will share with you things others are afraid too! Giving you only positive advice and helpful hints but you don’t have to take my word for it, they will show you the proof. Yes they will show you a glimpse at a check that could be you’re too. Proof that there really are oodles of money out there just waiting for you to grab it! So what are you waiting for? ***
by Rosalind Gardner
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb Pak Gozali, Perkenalkan nama saya Drajat, usia 27 tahun. Saya baru saja kena pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) dari sebuah perusahaan swasta ekspedisi di Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara. Sekarang saya ingin mencoba membuka usaha sendiri dengan modal yang ada (Rp 50 juta) tetapi saya masih bingung jenis usaha apa yang cocok. Sebagai gambaran, saya sangat menyukai jenis perdagangan walaupun dalam skala kecil. Ada banyak rencana untuk berdagang seperti membuka toko pakaian dalam wanita, peralatan bayi dan ibunya. Semua itu karena saya kenal dengan distributornya. Tetapi masalahnya, di mana saya harus membuka toko? Sempat juga ada ide ingin buka rental playstation. Terus terang, sekarang ini saya bingung langkah pertama apa yang harus saya lakukan untuk memulai. Saya harap Pak Gozali dapat memberi solusi. Mungkin Pak Gozali punya kenalan distributor yang bisa diajak kerjasama. Demikian email saya sebelumnya saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih. Jakarta Utara
Waalaikumussalam wr wb
Mas Drajat,
Saya turut prihatin akan musibah PHK yang menimpa Anda. Saran saya, jadikan PHK sebagai langkah memulai awal karier yang baru yaitu memiliki usaha sendiri. Banyak orang yang lebih berhasil setelah di-PHK karena ulet dalam menjalankan usaha, waktu tidak terikat sehingga kesempatan mengembangkan diri lebih optimal, dan tentu saja lebih cepat meraih kebebasan finansial.
Bagi yang baru memulai usaha memang ada kendala yaitu kebingungan memilih jenis usaha yang cocok. Untuk itu ada beberapa faktor kunci yang perlu diperhatikan dalam memilih usaha :
Pertama, kenalilah pribadi Anda dalam kaitannya dengan usaha. Anda bisa memulai dari hobi atau hal yang disukai. Misalnya, bila Anda hobi berkebun, Anda dapat berusaha di bidang pertanian. Bila Anda suka main musik, bisa usaha bidang karaoke atau menyewakan peralatan musik, dan lain-lain.
Kecintaan pada bidang usaha akan membuat kita nyaman menjalankannya, meskipun belum menghasilkan keuntungan. Kemudian Anda juga bisa menjalankan usaha yang dikuasai artinya usaha tersebut dikenali seluk-beluknya dan Anda punya pengalaman di bidangnya.
Mungkin dari pengalaman kerja selama ini bisa dijadikan peluang usaha. Biasanya, usaha yang berangkat dari pengalaman, memiliki risiko kegagalan kecil karena sudah paham dan menguasai. Setelah itu, barulah perkirakan kemampuan Anda saat ini untuk menjalankan usaha tersebut. Kemampuan ini meliputi aspek modal usaha, aspek teknis dan keahlian, pengelolaan keuangan, bagaimana strategi pasarnya, dan lain-lain.
Kalau Anda menyukai jenis usaha perdagangan, maka Anda bisa memulai dari situ. Usaha dagang dan memproduksi barang memerlukan modal lebih tinggi dibandingkan usaha jasa. Dengan modal Rp 50 juta, banyak barang dagangan yang bisa dibeli.
Saran saya, carilah peluang pasar dulu baru kemudian mencari produk yang dijual. Untuk mencari peluang pasar, Anda bisa cari di tabloid atau majalah bisnis, internet, komunitas bisnis atau instansi pemerintah (Deperindag). Kalau memang dana mencukupi, Anda bisa menyewa toko tetapi Anda bisa juga menyimpan produk di rumah Anda dan mempromosikannya dengan brosur, iklan di media massa atau internet. Saat ini juga banyak usaha yang dijalankan secara online.
Kemudian untuk mendapatkan distributor, Anda bisa mencari di internet, tabloid atau majalah bisnis, yang banyak menawarkan keagenan produk tertentu. Demikian, semoga bermanfaat. Jangan segan untuk menghubungi kami kembali bila masih ada permasalahan yang perlu dipecahkan.***
source: artikel Republika
Day Job Killer
This program as unique as they say claim to be able to show you a step by step guide to wealth with little to show you before you devote your hard earned dollars. They as others claim to know the 3 main reasons why 99% of affiliates fail and tricks that the mere 1 % of affiliates use to be successful. If all of these people truly knew these things there would be many more millionaires in this world.
The truth is they use these schemes to sell you their product and in turn get rich off your wanting to know. They give you a free course called “X its about to get ugly” to lure you into purchasing their product. The question is does anyone truly get rich off the product other then the one selling it? They also give you tips on generating multiple streams of income as well as giving you Advanced Adwords Techniques.
Does this product actually work “yes” to some degree? Does this product work for everyone? Probably not but they will pedal it to you as if it does to get you to purchase it. The more people believe it the more money rings up on their accounts. So will it help you that my folk’s is up to you?
The information is there and often time it is good but you must make the dire effort to make it work. We all enjoy a good get rich quick scheme because quite honestly who really wants to work for a living. Though if you purchase it make sure that your eyes are open to what is going on and exactly what you are getting yourself into. That could mean the difference between being broke and making the Real Bucks!
by Jai
Make Money from eBay Misspellings
It's amazing how many eBay Misspellings you'll find on eBay that have been incorrectly spelt, for example 'playstation is often 'plastation', 'playstatoin'. You can profit from these mistakes as when someone tries to search for an item using the correct spelling the misspellings do not show in the search results. You'll find that the misspelling auctions usually have fewer bids on, as potential buyers cannot find them. If you can find these misspellings then you can purchase them at a low price, and relist for a profit by using the correct spelling so that they will show in the search results.
You have two options in finding these misspellings, the first is to physically search eBay which is time consuming and a total nightmare or the second is to use a website that can find these gems.
You will find one such misspellings finder at Auction Typos just enter the correct spelling at this address like 'playstation' (without the quotes) and then select the eBay site you would like to search and the site will return auctions for playstation that have been misspelt. It's as easy as that.
by Mark James
The Super Affiliate Handbook
This handbook is the beginners guide to making money. This handbook gives detailed information on how to work from home without the hassles that most people go through. It gives the basic step by step training on how to set up your affiliate page and promote. Promote…promote! This guide is a life saver to those of you that don’t want to suffer through trial and error for month’s even years on your own. Affiliate marketing can give you many perks that promoting your own product does not. For instance overhead: no employees no customer service, and no shipping for starters!
This guide just helps you yield profit! It teaches you how to pick the best affiliate markets. Gives info on promoting well known products like Sony and Dell! Talks about what is different with Super Affiliate Handbook then the other guys! Those of you who want money but don’t want all the headaches this book is worth your read. Finding profitable products are difficult in today’s markets.
Finding new products are like looking for a needle in a haystack. However finding affiliate programs are plentiful. Though you must know which ones will give a good return! That is the key to success. This Software will show you which products can yield the highest amount of profit. Teach you setting up your pages to draw in the wonderfully large crowd and find all of the shoppers that need Christmas gifts!
This guide will share with you things others are afraid too! Giving you only positive advice and helpful hints but you don’t have to take my word for it, they will show you the proof. Yes they will show you a glimpse at a check that could be you’re too. Proof that there really are oodles of money out there just waiting for you to grab it! So what are you waiting for? ***
by Rosalind Gardner