Ingin Berwirausaha Dengan Modal Terbatas
Bapak Pengasuh Yth
Saya mempunya uang sebesar Rp 2.000.000. Uang itu saya bagi menjadi dua, untuk usaha dan sekolah. Saat ini saya bingung. Jika berwirausaha dulu, saya khawatir uang untuk sekolah digunakan lagi untuk menutupi biaya usaha karena saya tidak punya pengalaman jadi pengusaha atau pedagang. Tetapi jika saya sekolah dulu, saya khawatir tidak pernah jadi berwirausaha. Usia saya saat ini 21 tahun dan tamatan SLTP. Mohon penjelasan Pak?
Roni, Tegal
Bapak Pengasuh Yth.,
Saya seorang karyawan dan ingin sekali mempunyai usaha sendiri. Hambatan terbesar bila saya membuka usaha adalah saya tidak tahu usaha apa yang harus saya jalankan. Saya ingin usaha dan mencari tempat yang strategis, modalnya pun masih terbilang kurang bila sekalian untuk sewa tempat. Jadi yang ingin saya tanyakan adalah usaha apa yang modalnya tidak terlalu besar?
Sari Murtini Jatipadang, Jakarta
Saya sengaja menjawab dua surat yang datang secara bersamaan dari Mas Roni dan Ibu Sari, karena memiliki persamaan persoalan yang dihadapi. Yakni, bagaimana berwirausaha dengan dana yang terbatas. Kadang memang kita menjadi ragu untuk memulai bisnis, karena sedikitnya modal yang kita punyai. Tetapi hendaknya hal ini bukan jadi hambatan untuk terus maju. Banyak sekali contoh hidup yang ada di sekeliling kita, yang berhasil dalam bisnisnya karena mereka berani memulai bisnis dari yang kecil.
Kebimbangan Mas Roni memang sangat beralasan. Kedua-duanya, menurut saya, adalah pilihan yang bagus. Apakah keduanya dapat dilakukan secara bersamaan? Bisa saja, asal Anda pandai mengatur waktunya. Bila ini memang pilihannya, menurut saya melanjutkan sekolah adalah aktivitas yang utama. Tinggal kini menentukan jenis usahanya yang tidak sampai terlalu mengganggu sekolah tersebut. Ini juga berlaku untuk Ibu Sari yang juga masih bekerja.
Jadi, sekarang tentukan waktu yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk melakukan aktivitas bisnis. Pagi atau siang sepulang sekolah boleh jadi waktu yang tepat untuk Mas Roni. Sedangkan untuk Ibu Sari tentu jam setelah pekerjaan kantor selesai. Jenis bisnis apa yang dapat dilakukan pada rentang waktu itu? Bisnis yang bersifat memroduksi suatu barang tentu agak sulit dilakukan, karena membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga lebih dahulu sebelum dijual. Untuk Anda berdua yang bekerja dan bersekolah akan kesulitan nantinya.
Untuk itu pilihan bisnis yang bersifat jasa -- tidak membuat produk -- adalah pilihan yang menurut saya relatif lebih baik. Anda tidak perlu membuatnya, Anda tinggal menjual atau mendistribusikannya. Faktor penentu lain adalah apakah bisnis ini bisa berjalan dari rumah?
Faktor ini juga penting, karena Anda berdua tidak perlu menyewa tempat agar biaya dapat ditekan serendah mungkin. Apa saja bisnis itu? Ambillah contoh untuk menyebut beberapa bisnis, misalnya agen surat kabar dan majalah, menjual minuman ringan berikut menyewakan lemari pendinginnya. Atau menjadi pedagang perantara, seperti Anda mengambil roti dari pabriknya dan Anda titipkan ke kios-kios, Anda dapat mengambil keuntungan dari harganya. Anda bisa dapatkan dengan cara mengamati lingkungan Anda, peluang usaha bisa Anda tangkap dari sini.
Hal pertama yang mesti Anda lakukan dalam memilih usaha ini adalah siapa konsumen yang memakai jasa Anda, ada dimana, dan berapa banyak. Nah, jika Anda sudah memiliki beberapa pilihan usaha, buatlah daftarnya. Lalu bandingkan pilihan tersebut dengan faktor-faktor seperti konsumennya, waktu yang digunakan (karena Anda berdua bersekolah dan bekerja), jumlah modal yang diperlukan, jumlah keuntungan yang diperkirakan akan didapat, apakah bisa dimulai dari rumah. Anda bisa menentukan faktor-faktor lainnya sendiri.
Selanjutnya, jangan pernah menyerah dengan kondisi yang ada sekarang. Buka mata dan telinga agar kita dapat menangkap peluang bisnis sekecil apapun dan bahkan dengan modal terbatas. Untuk itu kita harus kreatif, karena ini menjadi salah satu karakter dari seorang entrepreneur.
Mas Roni dan Ibu Sari, semoga penjelasan ini bermanfaat. Saya tunggu kabar bisnis Anda! ***
source: artikel Republika
TITIAN consulting + learning
e-mail:, faksimile: 021-7983623
( Ir Bramantoro Abdinagoro, MM)
Is The 5linx Business Opportunity Right For You?
5linx is a home based business company located in Rochester NY. The company has seen a significant growth in its almost 7 years in business. There is a lot of hype about the company’s compensation plan as well as its products and services. As a result 5linx is attracting a lot of home based business enthusiasts and network marketers.
However, many people are jumping on board without taking the time to make sure that 5linx is the right opportunity for them. And because the home based business industry has a very high failure rate, it is important to make sure that the company is right for you before you hop on board. The first part of the equation is you. Do you have a strong desire to work from home? Are you sure you want to have a home based business? The 5linx business opportunity requires that you put in your own time. You can set your own hours, but if you really want to know if it is right for you, go ahead and look at your schedule. Set aside your own hours now.
When you set your own hours to fit 5linx into your schedule, you may have to give up some of your other activities. If you’re someone who watches TV, you may have to give up some of your TV time. For stay at home moms or dads, consider working around your kids schedules. There is a financial commitment to get started as a 5linx representative. There are two starting positions. However to take full advantage of the compensation plan, the upfront cost is $499. There is also an ongoing monthly cost of $29.99 for your replicated website and virtual office provided by the company.
Compared to the cost of starting a traditional business, this cost is fairly low. But you need to determine if you can afford this investment. Bear in mind that you’ll need some capital for marketing. There are extremely effective free marketing methods, but in case you choose to use some paid ones, be sure to have a cushion.
Do you have a success system for 5linx? What’s your marketing plan? See, success depends on the amount of quality exposure you’re willing to give yourself and your business. Instead of jumping in without knowing how you’re going to grow your business, take the time to find out how you’re going to market your business. Many home based business sponsors teach you to make a list of friends and family, buy and cold call leads, pass out flyers, and all that. If you’re comfortable with these methods, then those sponsors are a dime a dozen.
However, if you’d like to incorporate cutting edge marketing solutions that will enable you to have prospects contacting you to join your business, then you need to look for the right sponsor. Mixing up your marketing is important and having someone who can show you how to market via the internet will benefit you.
Ultimately it all comes down to you. Once you’ve considered the above points, then decide if the 5linx business opportunity is right for you.
If 5linx is right for you, then choose a top sponsor now. ***
by Yvonne Chihak
Yvonne Chihak is the author of the Powerful CD "Explode Your Downline, Online! Ready, Set, Go! at
She is also an active network marketer with 5linx telecommunications. Contact Yvonne at and get your FREE copy of her eBook.
Businesses Watch For Network Marketing Opportunities
Just as businesses used to be on the look for creating a network among local businesses to improve relationships, the global market has changed the landscape, requiring businesses to look around the world for network marketing opportunities. While marketing to a global audience may not be in the best industries of every business, those that sell products online have found it vastly increases their customer base. They have also found it can help them achieve their sales goals and by creating an online network, it can also improve their opportunities.
Even the professional marketing companies of 10 or 15 years ago have had to learn a new aspect of internet marketing. It used to be fairly easy to design a marketing product representative of a business's expertise and send it out to companies that may have a use for their services or products.
If the marketing piece was interesting enough, even if it did not spark immediate sales, it stayed in the minds of the recipients and when they needed the service, the company would get the call. Back in the mid-20th century one of the most often used marketing techniques were small, desk top calendars with a company's name and logo. They were used by insurance companies, pharmacies and many other industries as a means of giving the public something they could use all year while keeping their name visible. One of the challenges companies face with internet marketing is the opportunity to provide something potential customers can use for an extended period and keep their name in the spotlight.
This is where web logs, electronic magazines and electronic newsletters began to make their appearance as well as free web content for new businesses. While sending marketing pieces to companies remains a popular option, reaching more customers is the goal.
Offering timely, usable information to industry-specific companies can be one method of getting the company's name in the light on a regular basis. While monthly newsletters are common, weekly newsletters that contain less information are becoming more popular with the recipients. Web logs, better known as blogs have begun to take on a marketing life of their own with companies paying people to visit certain blogs and write information beneficial to the company. There have also been individuals that began a blog about a specific subject and generate a large following with visits registering several thousands every day. When companies see this, if their product is related to the blog they may be induced to advertise on the site to let interested persons know about their services.
For example, a person who writes about sports in general or about a specific team and generates a lot of interest, companies selling sports equipment may benefit by advertising on the individual blog as its readers are obviously interested in sports. By focusing their marketing efforts to a target audience, they can realize a better return on their investment in their internet marketing budget. Some companies have even started their own blogs to offer information about their products to an interested internet public. ***
by Todd Ash
I am the owner of and I write about many different Online Business Opportunities.To Start Your own Home Based Business please Visit
Bapak Pengasuh Yth
Saya mempunya uang sebesar Rp 2.000.000. Uang itu saya bagi menjadi dua, untuk usaha dan sekolah. Saat ini saya bingung. Jika berwirausaha dulu, saya khawatir uang untuk sekolah digunakan lagi untuk menutupi biaya usaha karena saya tidak punya pengalaman jadi pengusaha atau pedagang. Tetapi jika saya sekolah dulu, saya khawatir tidak pernah jadi berwirausaha. Usia saya saat ini 21 tahun dan tamatan SLTP. Mohon penjelasan Pak?
Roni, Tegal
Bapak Pengasuh Yth.,
Saya seorang karyawan dan ingin sekali mempunyai usaha sendiri. Hambatan terbesar bila saya membuka usaha adalah saya tidak tahu usaha apa yang harus saya jalankan. Saya ingin usaha dan mencari tempat yang strategis, modalnya pun masih terbilang kurang bila sekalian untuk sewa tempat. Jadi yang ingin saya tanyakan adalah usaha apa yang modalnya tidak terlalu besar?
Sari Murtini Jatipadang, Jakarta
Saya sengaja menjawab dua surat yang datang secara bersamaan dari Mas Roni dan Ibu Sari, karena memiliki persamaan persoalan yang dihadapi. Yakni, bagaimana berwirausaha dengan dana yang terbatas. Kadang memang kita menjadi ragu untuk memulai bisnis, karena sedikitnya modal yang kita punyai. Tetapi hendaknya hal ini bukan jadi hambatan untuk terus maju. Banyak sekali contoh hidup yang ada di sekeliling kita, yang berhasil dalam bisnisnya karena mereka berani memulai bisnis dari yang kecil.
Kebimbangan Mas Roni memang sangat beralasan. Kedua-duanya, menurut saya, adalah pilihan yang bagus. Apakah keduanya dapat dilakukan secara bersamaan? Bisa saja, asal Anda pandai mengatur waktunya. Bila ini memang pilihannya, menurut saya melanjutkan sekolah adalah aktivitas yang utama. Tinggal kini menentukan jenis usahanya yang tidak sampai terlalu mengganggu sekolah tersebut. Ini juga berlaku untuk Ibu Sari yang juga masih bekerja.
Jadi, sekarang tentukan waktu yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk melakukan aktivitas bisnis. Pagi atau siang sepulang sekolah boleh jadi waktu yang tepat untuk Mas Roni. Sedangkan untuk Ibu Sari tentu jam setelah pekerjaan kantor selesai. Jenis bisnis apa yang dapat dilakukan pada rentang waktu itu? Bisnis yang bersifat memroduksi suatu barang tentu agak sulit dilakukan, karena membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga lebih dahulu sebelum dijual. Untuk Anda berdua yang bekerja dan bersekolah akan kesulitan nantinya.
Untuk itu pilihan bisnis yang bersifat jasa -- tidak membuat produk -- adalah pilihan yang menurut saya relatif lebih baik. Anda tidak perlu membuatnya, Anda tinggal menjual atau mendistribusikannya. Faktor penentu lain adalah apakah bisnis ini bisa berjalan dari rumah?
Faktor ini juga penting, karena Anda berdua tidak perlu menyewa tempat agar biaya dapat ditekan serendah mungkin. Apa saja bisnis itu? Ambillah contoh untuk menyebut beberapa bisnis, misalnya agen surat kabar dan majalah, menjual minuman ringan berikut menyewakan lemari pendinginnya. Atau menjadi pedagang perantara, seperti Anda mengambil roti dari pabriknya dan Anda titipkan ke kios-kios, Anda dapat mengambil keuntungan dari harganya. Anda bisa dapatkan dengan cara mengamati lingkungan Anda, peluang usaha bisa Anda tangkap dari sini.
Hal pertama yang mesti Anda lakukan dalam memilih usaha ini adalah siapa konsumen yang memakai jasa Anda, ada dimana, dan berapa banyak. Nah, jika Anda sudah memiliki beberapa pilihan usaha, buatlah daftarnya. Lalu bandingkan pilihan tersebut dengan faktor-faktor seperti konsumennya, waktu yang digunakan (karena Anda berdua bersekolah dan bekerja), jumlah modal yang diperlukan, jumlah keuntungan yang diperkirakan akan didapat, apakah bisa dimulai dari rumah. Anda bisa menentukan faktor-faktor lainnya sendiri.
Selanjutnya, jangan pernah menyerah dengan kondisi yang ada sekarang. Buka mata dan telinga agar kita dapat menangkap peluang bisnis sekecil apapun dan bahkan dengan modal terbatas. Untuk itu kita harus kreatif, karena ini menjadi salah satu karakter dari seorang entrepreneur.
Mas Roni dan Ibu Sari, semoga penjelasan ini bermanfaat. Saya tunggu kabar bisnis Anda! ***
source: artikel Republika
TITIAN consulting + learning
e-mail:, faksimile: 021-7983623
( Ir Bramantoro Abdinagoro, MM)
Is The 5linx Business Opportunity Right For You?
5linx is a home based business company located in Rochester NY. The company has seen a significant growth in its almost 7 years in business. There is a lot of hype about the company’s compensation plan as well as its products and services. As a result 5linx is attracting a lot of home based business enthusiasts and network marketers.
However, many people are jumping on board without taking the time to make sure that 5linx is the right opportunity for them. And because the home based business industry has a very high failure rate, it is important to make sure that the company is right for you before you hop on board. The first part of the equation is you. Do you have a strong desire to work from home? Are you sure you want to have a home based business? The 5linx business opportunity requires that you put in your own time. You can set your own hours, but if you really want to know if it is right for you, go ahead and look at your schedule. Set aside your own hours now.
When you set your own hours to fit 5linx into your schedule, you may have to give up some of your other activities. If you’re someone who watches TV, you may have to give up some of your TV time. For stay at home moms or dads, consider working around your kids schedules. There is a financial commitment to get started as a 5linx representative. There are two starting positions. However to take full advantage of the compensation plan, the upfront cost is $499. There is also an ongoing monthly cost of $29.99 for your replicated website and virtual office provided by the company.
Compared to the cost of starting a traditional business, this cost is fairly low. But you need to determine if you can afford this investment. Bear in mind that you’ll need some capital for marketing. There are extremely effective free marketing methods, but in case you choose to use some paid ones, be sure to have a cushion.
Do you have a success system for 5linx? What’s your marketing plan? See, success depends on the amount of quality exposure you’re willing to give yourself and your business. Instead of jumping in without knowing how you’re going to grow your business, take the time to find out how you’re going to market your business. Many home based business sponsors teach you to make a list of friends and family, buy and cold call leads, pass out flyers, and all that. If you’re comfortable with these methods, then those sponsors are a dime a dozen.
However, if you’d like to incorporate cutting edge marketing solutions that will enable you to have prospects contacting you to join your business, then you need to look for the right sponsor. Mixing up your marketing is important and having someone who can show you how to market via the internet will benefit you.
Ultimately it all comes down to you. Once you’ve considered the above points, then decide if the 5linx business opportunity is right for you.
If 5linx is right for you, then choose a top sponsor now. ***
by Yvonne Chihak
Yvonne Chihak is the author of the Powerful CD "Explode Your Downline, Online! Ready, Set, Go! at
She is also an active network marketer with 5linx telecommunications. Contact Yvonne at and get your FREE copy of her eBook.
Businesses Watch For Network Marketing Opportunities
Just as businesses used to be on the look for creating a network among local businesses to improve relationships, the global market has changed the landscape, requiring businesses to look around the world for network marketing opportunities. While marketing to a global audience may not be in the best industries of every business, those that sell products online have found it vastly increases their customer base. They have also found it can help them achieve their sales goals and by creating an online network, it can also improve their opportunities.
Even the professional marketing companies of 10 or 15 years ago have had to learn a new aspect of internet marketing. It used to be fairly easy to design a marketing product representative of a business's expertise and send it out to companies that may have a use for their services or products.
If the marketing piece was interesting enough, even if it did not spark immediate sales, it stayed in the minds of the recipients and when they needed the service, the company would get the call. Back in the mid-20th century one of the most often used marketing techniques were small, desk top calendars with a company's name and logo. They were used by insurance companies, pharmacies and many other industries as a means of giving the public something they could use all year while keeping their name visible. One of the challenges companies face with internet marketing is the opportunity to provide something potential customers can use for an extended period and keep their name in the spotlight.
This is where web logs, electronic magazines and electronic newsletters began to make their appearance as well as free web content for new businesses. While sending marketing pieces to companies remains a popular option, reaching more customers is the goal.
Offering timely, usable information to industry-specific companies can be one method of getting the company's name in the light on a regular basis. While monthly newsletters are common, weekly newsletters that contain less information are becoming more popular with the recipients. Web logs, better known as blogs have begun to take on a marketing life of their own with companies paying people to visit certain blogs and write information beneficial to the company. There have also been individuals that began a blog about a specific subject and generate a large following with visits registering several thousands every day. When companies see this, if their product is related to the blog they may be induced to advertise on the site to let interested persons know about their services.
For example, a person who writes about sports in general or about a specific team and generates a lot of interest, companies selling sports equipment may benefit by advertising on the individual blog as its readers are obviously interested in sports. By focusing their marketing efforts to a target audience, they can realize a better return on their investment in their internet marketing budget. Some companies have even started their own blogs to offer information about their products to an interested internet public. ***
by Todd Ash
I am the owner of and I write about many different Online Business Opportunities.To Start Your own Home Based Business please Visit