Kenali Investasi dengan Akal Sehat, Bukan Nafsu
(Harga Online) - Tak sedikit tokoh masyarakat dan pebisnis terpandang masuk dalam daftar panjang nasabah "korban" kasus reksa dana PT Wahana Bersama Globalindo, agen penjualan produk investasi Dressel Investment Limited di Indonesia. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, jumlah korban mencapai 10.000 orang di sejumlah kota di Indonesia, dengan dana terserap sebesar Rp 3,5 triliun.
Kasus WBG itu adalah kasus teranyar yang merebak beberapa bulan terakhir. Namun, bukan baru kali ini kasus penipuan serupa terjadi di Tanah Air. Menyikapi makin maraknya penipuan berkedok investasi itu, PT Danareksa (Persero) bersama Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK) menggelar program edukasi untuk mencegah terus berulangnya penipuan berkedok investasi tersebut.
Sejumlah tips untuk mendeteksi keabsahan investasi ditekankan dalam program edukasi ini. Pertama, produk investasi harus dikenali dengan akal sehat, bukan dengan gelap mata karena tergiur iming-iming keuntungan besar atau imbal hasil. Direktur Utama Danareksa Lin Che Wei menegaskan, calon investor perlu memastikan perusahaan yang menawarkan produk investasi itu mengantongi izin lembaga pengawas, yakni Bank Indonesia untuk perbankan serta Bapepam-LK untuk lembaga keuangan bukan bank.
Kejelasan manajemen dan kinerja perusahaan investasi pun tak boleh luput dari perhatian. Bukan semata tergiur profil perusahaan yang kelihatannya profesional dan terkesan mewah. Kejelasan kinerja perusahaan antara lain ditandai dengan adanya laporan keuangan yang sudah diaudit secara kredibel. Selain mencermati kinerja perusahaan, calon investor juga perlu memahami produk investasinya.
Biasanya penipu lebih suka membuat perhatian calon investor terfokus pada imbal hasil yang dijanjikan, bukan pada detail produk investasi itu sendiri," ujar Lin Che Wei. Produk investasi yang ditawarkan pun umumnya termasuk jenis produk yang tidak mudah diverifikasi keberadaannya. Dana investor misalnya, dijanjikan ditanamkan pada usaha perkebunan anggur di suatu negara Eropa atau jenis usaha lain yang tidak mudah dilacak nasabah.
Rayuan meyakinkan
Perusahaan investasi "tipuan" juga kerap meyakinkan calon korban dengan pembuktian bahwa penanam modal sebelumnya benar-benar mendapat imbal hasil seperti yang dijanjikan. Investor awal yang sudah mencicipi imbal hasil biasanya akan menanamkan modal lebih banyak lagi. Di sini dorongan psikologis berperan kuat.
Pada waktu lalu, besarnya imbal hasil yang dijanjikan kerap lebih bombastis, misalnya 60 persen dalam waktu satu tahun. Kini, tren penipuan itu berubah. Imbal hasil yang dijanjikan kadang lebih rasional. PT WBG misalnya, menjanjikan imbal hasil 2 persen per bulan atau 24 persen setahun. Makin rendah imbal hasil yang dijanjikan, makin panjang perusahaan investasi bodong, "menahan nafas" sebelum membawa kabur dana yang dihimpun.
Rekening kosong
Rekening PT WBG antara lain di CityBank, BII, BCA, dan Bank Mandiri, nyaris kosong. Polisi mengetahui itu saat membekukan rekening PT WBG. Selama ini PT WBG hanya menyetorkan uang nasabah yang ada di Surabaya ke Hongkong, sedangkan uang nasabah PT WBG lain di delapan kota, menguap.
Kepada wartawan, Kepala Satuan Keamanan Negara Polda Metro Jaya Ajun Komisaris Besar Tornagogo Sihombing, Rabu (9/5), menjelaskan, polisi dibantu petugas Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK) menelusuri seluruh rekening PT WBG. Hasilnya, nyaris kosong. "Isinya tinggal Rp 250.000. Paling banyak di bawah Rp 2 juta," katanya.
by: Nur Hidayati
Source: Artikel Kompas(win)
Up Your Sales in 45 Minutes: A Simple Strategy for More Sales
Do you have a sales strategy plan for growing your business and bringing in more sales? The dictionary's definition of a "strategy" is a plan of action intended to accomplish a specific goal; a method of making, doing, or accomplishing something. Your sales strategy plan is a very clear statement of what your business has to do for you to achieve your sales goals. The wonderful thing about having a plan is it gives you a sense of control over the direction of change in your life.
Now, the type of plan I'm talking about is a plan for growing your sales and clients. If you're serious about doubling your sales and bringing in tons more clients, you have to know how you're going to do it. The key is to plan, envision, and articulate what you want, and write it down. If you don't put it into existence, you don't own it.
Sadly, most people spend little or no time working on their sales strategy plan. Without a clear plan of what it is you want to accomplish and how you're going to accomplish it, chances are you won't reach all your goals. I recently spoke to a business owner who was struggling closing sales. When I asked her how she sold her services, she said by calling people she knew. She thought if she just reached more people, she'd get more appointments, and make more money.
I asked her what else she's doing to market her business? She said, "I'm planning to network; however, things keep getting in the way. And, I hope to create my website shortly." Yes, it's easy to be distracted by other things when there is no plan to follow. Let me share with you the process I followed to create a sales strategy plan for my client, Judy, and the results that followed:
The Situation Judy is the owner of a tile and stone company. Judy dreamt of producing a website and creating a brochure; however, without clear steps to follow, she easily became distracted by the daily details of her business. Her dream looked like it was going to remain a dream. Judy came to me because she lacked focus and direction. Without clarity and a clear sense of how to increase her sales, she was confused and overwhelmed with the responsibility of owning a business. She clearly was not running her business; her business was running her.
The Process Early on, I had Judy create 3 specific and vivid goals she wanted to achieve in the first 3 months. With each goal she listed the action steps to take and a due date for each step. We divided the goals into business, sales, and marketing categories.
Before Judy got into action, I had her make a list of all the barriers she had that were keeping her from reaching her goals. She saw that she had some fears that were in the way of her moving forward. These same fears were also stopping her in other areas of her life as well. I worked closely with Judy to get to the source of her fears so she was freed up and confident to go forward. Judy was getting more and more excited!
The Results Judy now had a clear vision of what she wanted her business to look like. With her renewed energy, she was more productive and in action, and the results happened almost immediately. Her dreams had become real. She produced a beautiful brochure to give to her customers, created a website that professionally showcased her company, and designed a new logo. With the new company image, sales increased by 60%! Judy is now running her business; her business is no longer running her.
A clear and concise sales strategy plan provided Judy with a step-by-step process that gave her clarity and direction. She quickly started closing more sales, signing on more clients, and making more money. With her own sales strategy plan, she mapped a clear pathway to reaching all her dreams and goals.
Now that you know the steps to creating a Sales Strategy Plan, you may want some help putting it all together. If you're interested in creating a Plan that will change the way you've been selling and dramatically increase your sales, your first step is to sign up for a 45-Minute Sales Breakthrough Strategy Session with me. I've created a simple step-by-step plan that will have you producing amazing results in your business quickly and easily. Click here to learn more and get the details.***
by Rochelle Togo-Figa
(Harga Online) - Tak sedikit tokoh masyarakat dan pebisnis terpandang masuk dalam daftar panjang nasabah "korban" kasus reksa dana PT Wahana Bersama Globalindo, agen penjualan produk investasi Dressel Investment Limited di Indonesia. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, jumlah korban mencapai 10.000 orang di sejumlah kota di Indonesia, dengan dana terserap sebesar Rp 3,5 triliun.
Kasus WBG itu adalah kasus teranyar yang merebak beberapa bulan terakhir. Namun, bukan baru kali ini kasus penipuan serupa terjadi di Tanah Air. Menyikapi makin maraknya penipuan berkedok investasi itu, PT Danareksa (Persero) bersama Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK) menggelar program edukasi untuk mencegah terus berulangnya penipuan berkedok investasi tersebut.
Sejumlah tips untuk mendeteksi keabsahan investasi ditekankan dalam program edukasi ini. Pertama, produk investasi harus dikenali dengan akal sehat, bukan dengan gelap mata karena tergiur iming-iming keuntungan besar atau imbal hasil. Direktur Utama Danareksa Lin Che Wei menegaskan, calon investor perlu memastikan perusahaan yang menawarkan produk investasi itu mengantongi izin lembaga pengawas, yakni Bank Indonesia untuk perbankan serta Bapepam-LK untuk lembaga keuangan bukan bank.
Kejelasan manajemen dan kinerja perusahaan investasi pun tak boleh luput dari perhatian. Bukan semata tergiur profil perusahaan yang kelihatannya profesional dan terkesan mewah. Kejelasan kinerja perusahaan antara lain ditandai dengan adanya laporan keuangan yang sudah diaudit secara kredibel. Selain mencermati kinerja perusahaan, calon investor juga perlu memahami produk investasinya.
Biasanya penipu lebih suka membuat perhatian calon investor terfokus pada imbal hasil yang dijanjikan, bukan pada detail produk investasi itu sendiri," ujar Lin Che Wei. Produk investasi yang ditawarkan pun umumnya termasuk jenis produk yang tidak mudah diverifikasi keberadaannya. Dana investor misalnya, dijanjikan ditanamkan pada usaha perkebunan anggur di suatu negara Eropa atau jenis usaha lain yang tidak mudah dilacak nasabah.
Rayuan meyakinkan
Perusahaan investasi "tipuan" juga kerap meyakinkan calon korban dengan pembuktian bahwa penanam modal sebelumnya benar-benar mendapat imbal hasil seperti yang dijanjikan. Investor awal yang sudah mencicipi imbal hasil biasanya akan menanamkan modal lebih banyak lagi. Di sini dorongan psikologis berperan kuat.
Pada waktu lalu, besarnya imbal hasil yang dijanjikan kerap lebih bombastis, misalnya 60 persen dalam waktu satu tahun. Kini, tren penipuan itu berubah. Imbal hasil yang dijanjikan kadang lebih rasional. PT WBG misalnya, menjanjikan imbal hasil 2 persen per bulan atau 24 persen setahun. Makin rendah imbal hasil yang dijanjikan, makin panjang perusahaan investasi bodong, "menahan nafas" sebelum membawa kabur dana yang dihimpun.
Rekening kosong
Rekening PT WBG antara lain di CityBank, BII, BCA, dan Bank Mandiri, nyaris kosong. Polisi mengetahui itu saat membekukan rekening PT WBG. Selama ini PT WBG hanya menyetorkan uang nasabah yang ada di Surabaya ke Hongkong, sedangkan uang nasabah PT WBG lain di delapan kota, menguap.
Kepada wartawan, Kepala Satuan Keamanan Negara Polda Metro Jaya Ajun Komisaris Besar Tornagogo Sihombing, Rabu (9/5), menjelaskan, polisi dibantu petugas Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK) menelusuri seluruh rekening PT WBG. Hasilnya, nyaris kosong. "Isinya tinggal Rp 250.000. Paling banyak di bawah Rp 2 juta," katanya.
by: Nur Hidayati
Source: Artikel Kompas(win)
Up Your Sales in 45 Minutes: A Simple Strategy for More Sales
Do you have a sales strategy plan for growing your business and bringing in more sales? The dictionary's definition of a "strategy" is a plan of action intended to accomplish a specific goal; a method of making, doing, or accomplishing something. Your sales strategy plan is a very clear statement of what your business has to do for you to achieve your sales goals. The wonderful thing about having a plan is it gives you a sense of control over the direction of change in your life.
Now, the type of plan I'm talking about is a plan for growing your sales and clients. If you're serious about doubling your sales and bringing in tons more clients, you have to know how you're going to do it. The key is to plan, envision, and articulate what you want, and write it down. If you don't put it into existence, you don't own it.
Sadly, most people spend little or no time working on their sales strategy plan. Without a clear plan of what it is you want to accomplish and how you're going to accomplish it, chances are you won't reach all your goals. I recently spoke to a business owner who was struggling closing sales. When I asked her how she sold her services, she said by calling people she knew. She thought if she just reached more people, she'd get more appointments, and make more money.
I asked her what else she's doing to market her business? She said, "I'm planning to network; however, things keep getting in the way. And, I hope to create my website shortly." Yes, it's easy to be distracted by other things when there is no plan to follow. Let me share with you the process I followed to create a sales strategy plan for my client, Judy, and the results that followed:
The Situation Judy is the owner of a tile and stone company. Judy dreamt of producing a website and creating a brochure; however, without clear steps to follow, she easily became distracted by the daily details of her business. Her dream looked like it was going to remain a dream. Judy came to me because she lacked focus and direction. Without clarity and a clear sense of how to increase her sales, she was confused and overwhelmed with the responsibility of owning a business. She clearly was not running her business; her business was running her.
The Process Early on, I had Judy create 3 specific and vivid goals she wanted to achieve in the first 3 months. With each goal she listed the action steps to take and a due date for each step. We divided the goals into business, sales, and marketing categories.
Before Judy got into action, I had her make a list of all the barriers she had that were keeping her from reaching her goals. She saw that she had some fears that were in the way of her moving forward. These same fears were also stopping her in other areas of her life as well. I worked closely with Judy to get to the source of her fears so she was freed up and confident to go forward. Judy was getting more and more excited!
The Results Judy now had a clear vision of what she wanted her business to look like. With her renewed energy, she was more productive and in action, and the results happened almost immediately. Her dreams had become real. She produced a beautiful brochure to give to her customers, created a website that professionally showcased her company, and designed a new logo. With the new company image, sales increased by 60%! Judy is now running her business; her business is no longer running her.
A clear and concise sales strategy plan provided Judy with a step-by-step process that gave her clarity and direction. She quickly started closing more sales, signing on more clients, and making more money. With her own sales strategy plan, she mapped a clear pathway to reaching all her dreams and goals.
Now that you know the steps to creating a Sales Strategy Plan, you may want some help putting it all together. If you're interested in creating a Plan that will change the way you've been selling and dramatically increase your sales, your first step is to sign up for a 45-Minute Sales Breakthrough Strategy Session with me. I've created a simple step-by-step plan that will have you producing amazing results in your business quickly and easily. Click here to learn more and get the details.***
by Rochelle Togo-Figa